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Mr. Cursor Has Gone Awol

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Beginning today there's no cursor in the reply box. Only the backspace key works for editing text. It hasn't been too big a problem because I can just compose in notepad and paste to the reply box. Has there been a change in the scripting or maybe it's gotten corrupted? Nothing's changed on my end and this just started tonight.

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No cursor problem here. The problem I have with editing in the reply box is verical movement via the scrollbar. That does not happen in the edit input box but here, If I tryto use the vertical scrollbar to navigate behond where the scrller is the image just moves i a strange way back to the start column in the text area. So If I have writtnen a good deal of material, I just post and then use the edit function and work there

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Still boogered. The browser is Firefox. Today it's caused fairly consistent crashes when I've tried messing around with the reply box--and it almost never crashes otherwise. I did do a restart but no dice. I do my internet on a borrowed computer at an acquaintance's and have FF set to permanent-private (everybody else here uses Internet Exploder) so a forced-reload doesn't apply.

It's no real biggie so far--I can still post.

But now it functions again, for now at least. . . .

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Not much help here as I'm very computer illeterate.

If I'm reading you right, you only 'rebooted.'

Try, as I have done to solve some problems, "Shut Down" completly, even if it means pulling the plug, then start. At first chance hit "reboot." Silly as it seems, the shutdown, start, then reboot procedure has cleaned a bunch of problems for me.

On Firefox too.

Keep us updated.

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I found a fix, in case this is happening to anyone else. It looks like the scripting for the reply box is initialized incorrectly and left in an ambiguous state. Clicking the "toggle editing mode" button a couple times (the lightswitch-looking one at upper left) solves the problem.

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