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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Tape Problems

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Alright, I wear Depend Protection with Tabs. Yes, I know they suck (way too thin), but I can't have diapers shipped and I don't know of and good store brands.

Anyway, I have an issue with the tape popping. Particularly the top tape. I'm not taping it too tight or moving in a way that would strain the tapes. If anything I'm having issues getting a good fit.

Is this a problem with the "diapers" or am I doing something wrong?

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most diaper do have crappy taps and dont want to stick well. i would suggest checking out a CVS or Rite Aide for cloth brands that aren't the plastic.. if that doesn't work, try clear packing duct tape.. it fixes everything :)

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Ah, the wonders of duct tape. Is there anything it can't do?

The thing is, I like the plastic. The sound reinforces mentally that I'm wearing a diaper.

Thanks though Jonny, nice to know it isn't me being stupid.

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I've mentioned this before but white medical tape works wonders on diaper tabs. I've found that it is pretty well the same width as most diaper tabs out there and you can still get it off and the diaper open when you need to. I get mine at a local pharmacy....

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Another tip is to make sure the plastic where you're applying the tape is flat with no wrinkles. Those will stretch from the inside out under the tape and release the bond far more easily than stress applied to the edges does. And make sure that everything is clean; ie no powder, oils, or creams- that included skin oils. If that's not enough, overtape with packing or duct tape before the original bond is lost. For me, Depends Max tapes holds so well that removal usually tears the plastic so either you've got a bad batch of tapes or you are doing something wrong. And yes, all of our diaper bags needs at have a bit of tape for unexpected emergencies like this.


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