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Debating Whether Or Not To Commit To 24/7...

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So I've been wearing consistently on and off for about the last 3 weeks since I've moved out. I've found myself in a position of more privacy, and have some what exploited it to fulfill my desire of wearing diapers.

Anyways, I've landed on a new favourite diaper in terms of both absorbency and discreetness - Abena M2's. I've tried M4's, but they were too thick, and wanted to try M3's but my local supplier doesn't carry those, so I decided to try the M2's. I can wear them under my jeans, and I wear skinny jeans primarily, with total confidence, so I've finally found a diaper I can feel comfortable wearing in public.

Before I can commit to 24/7 though, which I really want to, I just want to ask those who have done so a few questions.

First, is it possible to commit to 24/7 without having to mess them? I mean I want to lose bladder continence in going 24/7, but I don't really want to lose bowel continence, I just hate the clean-up! Has any one tried going 24/7 and not messing their diapers?

Second, has anyone who's committed to going 24/7 done so without having anyone find out that they wear? I mean I'm a pretty private guy, but i'm not a total social recluse, I'm somewhat of a social introvert. I go to school, I socialize, I have friends and a loving family, but still wearing diapers is not something I necessarily want anyone to find out. I'm not totally adverse to having anyone find out, but I'm not sure how I would tell them why I'm wearing them. Has anyone who's gone 24/7 had a person find out that they're wearing? And if so, what was your response as to why you wear?

I'm gonna try going 24/7 without messing or having someone find out, I'm just curious if anyone else has tried this too and what actually ended up happening.


Frankly, despite the hype, you're not likely to lose continence just because you use diapers. You can certainly work on "untraining" yourself, but you can maintain control in a diaper just as well as using a toilet.

But that being said, there are no rules about wearing 24/7. The DL police aren't going to come after you if you decide you're going to sneak off to a toilet now and again or choose never to poop in them. You don't also have to make any life long decisions about what you want to do and what brands you want to wear. If you want to switch brands, switch brands. If you want to try pooping and it doesn't work out the way you want, go back to pooping in the toilet.

Frankly, I've gone for extended 24/7 periods NOT using the toilet at all, but I've also spent even more time wearing diapers but using the toilet when it's more convenient.


I wear 24/7 and have untrained myself to wet whenever, wherever and sometimes i don't even realize that i started to wet untill i feel the wetness or warmth in my diaper but with that said i have total control over my bowels. I did not try to become fecal incontinent and am not i use the toilet for that. As for getting caught i was on a hunting trip with a friend and he came into the hunting shack unexpected and caught me in the middle of changing. Nothing was mentioned at first but when he did ask me about the diapers i told him that i was losing control of my ability to hold my pee ( not the reason of untraining didn't discuss that) and rather than have accidents where i might wet my pants this was the solution to prevent that. He understood and nothing more was really said about it. We still hunt together and i still wear no big deal.


Mostly agreed with Willnotwill, I went an extended period 24/7, as well as several periods of night-only diapers. I didn't experience any long-term bladder control loss, despite working to achieve just that, but that's not to say it isn't possible. I personally like messing when it's convenient, but a messy clean up isn't always a viable option, so I chose to only experience functional bladder incontinence, while letting myself mess my pants only when I decided to.

Good luck! If you're the right kind of person, it can be really uplifting, but for others 24/7 becomes an unwanted burden sooner rather than later. You'll find out which, probably long before you've lost any bladder function.


Like Creepymouse I mostly agree with Willnotwill. I have been wearing diapers 24/7 for over 10 years, and was diapered most of the time before taking the last step. I haven't experienced loss of bladder control, just can't hold it as long comfortably is all. But,then again I've always had that issue so don't think much of it. As for bowels, I prefer to use the toilet for the most part so no issues there. I wear M2's to work and M3's most of the time otherwise depending on what clothes I am wearing. I do use M4's and Secure X-Plus a lot under baggy shorts or looser jeans and such. Most people I interact with have not noticed,or at least commented on, that I am diapered. That is at work which is an office environment and I am an Excecutive, traveling with family and friends, going to my parent's or sister's house, etc. Since going diapered full time I've taken cruises, traveled to foreign countries, gone to resorts, and just sort of carried on. Though diapers do take up a bit of luggage space so you will probably get teased about over packing when traveling with those who don't know. My partner doesn't mind and likes that there is room for whatever his buys while we travel as the diapers get used. Anyway, you will figure out if this is what you want long before there are any "effects" from it.


Making the decision to wear 24/7 doesn't necessarily mean you always have to wear them, nor does it mean that you have to do both wet and poop in them. I have been a 24/7 user since my twenties and I only pee in them. I still consider myself wearing 24/7 because I do wear everyday. Like others have said here, 24/7 is what works for you. You aren't breaking any rules here. It's not like you decide to wear diapers everyday and now that means you are stuck doing everything in them. I doubt you will achieve incontinence even over time. You will however develop an "untrained" or weakened bladder over time as I and Thong5 have.

Today's disposable diapers are thinner and hold so much more than even cloth diapers. I wear Abena m4's or Dry 24/7 diapers and most people will not notice you wearing a diaper and if they do, I doubt they will make any comments about it. No one knows your family better than you do. So only you know if they are snoopy people. In the event that someone in your family finds your diapers you should be prepared ahead of time in what you will tell them. Most will use a medical reason for wearing. Such as, "I have been having bladder problems for several months and it continues to get worse, I've been to the doctor and they can't seem to find a cause as of yet." something on that line. Maybe you can confide in a a brother or sister to share your secret with. It all boils down to how well you know them and what their reactions might be if they find out. Overall during your daily life, at school, work, shopping or hanging out, no one will notice you wearing a diaper, even an M3, unless off course you want them to.

  • 2 weeks later...

If you commit to 24x7 some people will find out - doctors, lovers, people at the gym locker room, etc. Clothing might make make it a bit obvious to some. The rare wardrobe malfunction. Bending over to pick up something you dropped. Someone seeing you buying diapers at a store. The rare leak. But that just comes with the 24x7 territory.

Have a decent explanation handy for the person who feels it necessary to point out that they saw something.

And just be glad that there isn't a country name that rhymes with "diapers" the way that "France" rhymes with "underpants".


Willnotwill is right- there are no DL police waiting to bust you for only peeing in your diapers. That's what I do. Nor they there to bust you for seeing your doctor in regular underwear if that is what you want to do. Nobody is perfectly 24/7 because you're naked in the middle of changing and in the shower, so 24/7 is more of a descriptive phrase than anything specific. If you really want to try it then do so- you don't have to commit to anything to give it a try. Once you try you may or may not become 24/7, but if you do there's nothing to fear about it. In two+ yeas of 24/7 nothing bad has happened to me save for a few leaks, some unplanned changes, and one pair of very torn plants seen by a customer who said nothing about the Depends I was wearing, which they most certainly saw.

There is fear and worry when beginning on any path you have not taken before, but if others have taken that path before you and had no problems you will probably do fine on it too. Just listen to their advice as to how to avoid any problems they encountered and go on. There is no reason not to, and if you don't burn the bridges behind you, you can always go back if you find you don't want to continue on that path. There is joy in finding that this was the right path for you and after you get to where it leads here will be other paths to take. You may decide (as I have) to never go back to where you started- you can burn those bridges without worry then if you want to and enjoy seeing them burn, knowing that you won't need them anyway.

All this is your choice and you can make it whatever you want it to be.



i am bladder incontinent and only a few friends and my staff know that i have "plumbing problems" and i wear abena's or Cloth and unless you are someone i told, nobody has any idea that my bladder has issues and i do not try and hide it by any means i wear adaptive clothes due to the fact i am a Disabled American so i wear pants that make changing my diaper easier & i wear onesie's to keep my diaper in place i have three different styles of them i have the tank top for hot summer days i have the short sleeve boat neck for fall and i have long sleeved for the winter. I also have snap crotch onsie style golf shirts that i wear in the summer so bending over does not give anyone an eyeball full of rubber pants, i wear because i can't control my bladder so far my bowel is not giving me an real trouble but my Doctors say that i should not bank my money on that not being an issue in the future. Anyhow if you start wearing 24/7 theres nothing that says you have to use the diaper for bowel movements or you have to use the toilet , it free will man do whatever feels right at the time and place.



Definitely agree with everyone else, theres nothing requiring you to use your diapers for both peeing and bowel movements. Even if you did choose to use them for bm, the likelihood of completely loosing control completely is relatively non-existent. I've been 24/7 for nearly a year now, and no way am I anywhere close to loosing control completely, even bladder wise.

In regards to people noticing that you are wearing diapers, my advice would be two-fold. First, unless you're being obvious, no ones going to notice. If you're going to wear at work, be aware that you might want to change sooner than complete saturation on you diapers (to minimize the odor). Be prepared wherever you go. 90+ percent of people will never even realize something is out of the ordinary. In regards to the folks you live with though, be completely prepared for them to know. Theres almost no way to hide it completely from them.

As Bettypooh said, any time you begin on a new course, there's some hesitation and fear of the unknown, but the only way to find out if its for you is to try it. Ultimately you decide your own experience. Do with your life what you want to do, but know if you have questions, folks who have been there done that are only a question away....theres lots of good experience on these boards that has helped me out a bunch.

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