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Some Manga Illegal In The Uk

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while recentley surfing the web i came across a lobby group called backlash http://www.backlash-uk.org.uk/ this is a liberal loby group that campains against ureasonable sexual censorship in the UK. i was unaware that the law had changed in 2010 meaning that some manga may now be illigal in the UK. on first reading this change in the law i was unconcerned however after reading further, this law may apply to manga that most people would not object to.

Please be advised, some manga may now be unlawfull in the UK leading to a term of improsonment and being placed on the sexual offenders register. please take the time to read this page if you like any cartoon type stuff.

Cartoons particularly at risk here are manga and anime, Japanese comics and cartoons.  The well known Japanese trend for large eyes, small mouths, high voices, enlarged heads, androgynous body shapes, adolescent gesticulations and the twin cultures of Moé è
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The Law in the UK on various things at the moment is clearly very dodgy. We have a lot of clauses covering thought-crimes and laws which may compel one to incriminate themselves.

The main ones you should be familiar with in regards to porn etc. are the following:

Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 ("Extreme Porn Law")

Coroners and Justice Act 2009 ("Dangerous Cartoons")

You might also want to catch up on the Obscene Publications Act 1959, Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 and The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006

To give an example of some of the more weird parts of the law: owning the DVD of say, a horror film like 'SAW', 'Hostel' or (you don't want to see this, judging by its IMDB description) 'A Serbian Film' is legal, but possessing certain clips or still pictures taken from such a film is theoretically illegal and can land you in prison for it. If you have "sexually explicit images depicting violence against human beings" you can be banned from working with "Vulnerable Groups" (e.g. this covers teachers, nurses, doctors, care-workers, careers advisors, life-guards etc. etc.) - e.g. if you're a teacher with a spanking fetish, you better not have any porn where someone gets spanked.

In short, use care if you live in the UK and have any of the more unusual or intense fetishes etc and are anything other than a complete puritan. In terms of common-sense, I'd suggest some basic prudence: certainly avoid any ABDL sites which tolerate (or worse condone) there being any under-18s in their audience. Regularly purge your internet history and periodically wipe free space on your drives. Personally I do a weekly virus-scan, backup and free-space purge on my machine in case anything dodgy happens to have made it onto my machine. For the moment, as I understand it, you are only able to be criminalised on possession of content ruled to be in contravention of the law - if they can't find it because you don't have it, you should be safe - but I am not a laywer.

Also, please lobby your local MP to repeal clauses which create thought-crimes. These are almost always born from a knee-jerk reaction to the acts of a few criminals and have no place in a modern society.

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Amazing how restrictive the UK censorship movement has become over the past few years. I thought we had it bad with the religious conservative nutcases here in the US.

It is but a news site I read keeps careful track of these laws. To the best of my knowledge, nobody has yet been successfully prosecuted under the 'extreme porn' or 'cartoon porn' laws who wasn't also being charged with child pornography offences at the same time. When the police attempted to bring charges for extreme pornography alone, the case fell apart due to the prosecution having no evidence to offer.

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Also, please lobby your local MP to repeal clauses which create thought-crimes.


Hi Zander,

I think this is just the beauty of it: by doing that, you open the door for people saying: "See, that pedophile1 has got something to hide and is afraid of the law" and flag yourself up.

I think these laws, together with copyright and a few other things, are nice easy self-runners in politics.

If you, as a politician, propose a new, stricter law for porn, then your opposition can't very well object, because that will make them look like they support porn. Which you, as a politician, will use against them. Whereas the opposition's only chance of looking good is to propose even stricter rules to make you look too soft and them look better.

My feeling with all this is lately, that laws are created to feed the creators need to profile themselves, not to be any good to the citizens.

1 Everyone is a pedophile or pervert or communist or muslim to the righteous. These are all synonyms for "not us".

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