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Has Anyone Ever Had A Colectomy?

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Was curious if anyone out there, has had a colectomy? If it has been several years, sense this procedure, have you noticed a difference in your small intestine, over the years? While, yes this question is very personal, and if I posted it in the wrong area, my apologies.

Without getting too dramatic, I've noticed a severe difference in my bowel habits, which is natural, but oddly, when taking in the correct amount of fluid, I'm often use the bathroom, like a revolving door--interesting enough, I'll go number two, and then have to go right back to use number one. While this is ok, for now, sometimes this can get so annoying. Moreover, I've noticed while siting at a desk,listening to lectures, my little demon loves to speak, and at times, it's painful to sit for long periods of time; I'm very respectful of the class, but my scientific mind, says it can only get worse over time. Basically, I was curious if anyone else has experienced similar circumstances, found ways to work around the issue, and thanks for your time.

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I'm not really sure what your exact situation is, but I'll recommend this site http://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx

It helps being in a forum where you can be blunt about the issues you are having and not having to beat around the bush. I've only had an illeostomy for 3 months so I can't personally offer a lot of advice, but I wish you luck finding the answers you seek.

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I have not had a colectomy though I have had polyps removed and more still exist :huh: I have chosen to let fate decide my future on this matter. I cannot afford treatment and I am not going to allow the doctors to leave me with a permanent colostomy should I ever get treated; however I may accept a colostomy if the prognosis for a lasting cure is high enough to merit one. It's likely that I will end up like you instead, or that I will simply succumb to colon cancer willingly if unhappily -_- I accept my mortality and my choices B) I do hope that more here will address your subject, as I am always interested in knowing how others address issues I also may have to deal with ;) Being that I need diapers for bladder leakage, needing them for bowel issues wouldn't have as large an effect on me as it would many others, though it would mean more changes and a need for better diapers which I can currently do without :rolleyes: Like anything else, you simply deal with what you get in the way you want to and as best you can- that's life in a nutshell!


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i had about two feet of my large intestine removed and have had to make some dietary adjustments as a result (as well as wear diapers 24/7); this was some 5 years ago. in all honesty i think i might have kept the colostomy in place except for the very large hernia that was created... i have certainly experienced what you describe in the #1 and #2 department... especially the little demon music. please know you are not alone, although you may not like my answer in dealing with it... i mostly work from home now although it can be sporadic

good job bringing this out in the open, that's a large step

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perhaps the humor of this will elude, but i went to get my junk x-ray'd at the local hospital this a.m. The tech asked me, "DID YOU KNOW TWO FEET OF YOUR COLON ARE MISSING?"

i truly didn't know what to say

if it ever happens again jump up and exclaim "dear lord!! call the cops!"

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  • 2 years later...

I have recently been offered this surgery and I'm trying to find out as much as I can before accepting. If you don't mind (and if you've had it done) would you let me know how it went and what life has been like afterwards.

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I have recently been offered this surgery and I'm trying to find out as much as I can before accepting. If you don't mind (and if you've had it done) would you let me know how it went and what life has been like afterwards.

My intestine ruptured in 2008, due to Diverticulitis (I had never heard of it until then).

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