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Outed... By Email Spam!

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So this past Wednesday, I suddenly get all kinds of emails from various people in my Gmail address book... or, should I say, "Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain". The original message that Gmail thought I'd sent:

"very good news

i just bought an Iphone 4 from this company

: <newdudu.com>

all new original . i like it much

so i tell you , hope you like too

will save more money here"

Well, a number of points, here... (1) I HAVEN'T bought an iPhone, so (2) I'd never sent this message, and (3) if I HAD bought an iPhone, I wouldn't have felt the need to trumpet the news to EVERYBODY in my address book. Therefore, SPAM.

Somebody had apparently hacked my Gmail account!

But here's the REALLY embarrassing thing... everybody who got this thing could see, in the cc: list, everybody else in my address-list... including "BambinoDiapers.com - The Best Source for ABDL Diapers and Products!" <orders@bambinodiapers.com>!!!


It's five days later, and nobody's said anything to me about it... (altho my mom did write back to me with "Congradulations... but what's an iPhone4?" lol).

Needless to say, I've taken Bambinos OUT of my Gmail contacts list. And changed my Gmail password!


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So, like everybody else, you're going to be paranoid about being "outed". It will turn out far LESS than your mind is spinning with and imagining. Hey, if diapers are YOUR choice of underwear, they ARE YOUR choice! Rock on, Dude. Enjoy! LOVE being "decadent" and "different". YOU can understand you being unique. Most others CANNOT. Sad. THEIR problem!

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A quote from the introduction page at the RUFFLEIS & RIBBONS GIRLS' HOME site

"It is a good idea to have a webmail account just for here. You do not want anything from here showing up in your home or business mailbox: OUCH! That is definitely wearing a very short dress in a hurricane."

This thread belongss in some of the basic don's and dont's for this are any ABDL site and should be must reading at any fetish or sex site

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The problem with "Deny, deny, deny" is that you may get into the problem of "methinks the lady doth protest too much"

Also you can, or at least used to be able to, have two PayPal addresses

Another way to put this is "They say that "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas' but the Internet is not Vegas"

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The problem with "Deny, deny, deny" is that you may get into the problem of "methinks the lady doth protest too much"

I meant only if challenged :P

It's certainly what I would do - it's a way better choice than either of the other two options (an admission or pleading the fifth).

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Still might have the same problem. People are going to think what they are going to think, or they just might want to razz you for laughs..

Isaac Asimov wrote a story about a man who learned to levitate and tried to explain and show how he did it. Everyone said it was a trick and not real. Finally what he did, at a meeting of some scientists, was to do it "accidentally" and deny it happened and, of course, everyone said he was lying.

It might be better to "admit" it by embellishing it to just this side of the max or making obvious mistakes that would show ignorance of the subject matter, or say. "Hey, look, this is a no-win situation. People will think what they will think and I have no say over that"

When you deny, you need a cover story, aka an alibi. Since something, any something, beats nothing, it fills in the vacuum created by a mere denial

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This is why you have a separate email for ABDL related things.

Besides, your email was hacked. Blame the hacker. Say it must be their sense of humor. Sure they used all of your contacts. Who can say they didn't add a few more for Sh**ts and giggles.

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Still might have the same problem. People are going to think what they are going to think....

Not if you deal with it well enough ;) Too much "doth protests too much" is as bad or worse as not enough :o And we're not talking about 'denial' as a standard coping method (which is bad), but rather as a way to save your a$$ in a pinch (which is good) :P Just like answering the cop "No" when he asks if you knew you were speeding, what you say does have an effect- saying "Yes" in that situation is a guaranteed ticket while saying "No" gives you some chance to get a warning instead :blush:How you respond changes what people think so long as your story is believable. Lawyers, politicians, and scammers get away with doing this almost all the time :rolleyes: so the tactic must work or they wouldn't be getting away with what they do :angel_not:


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This's why I stick to an e-mail account from my internet provider... I don't trust webmail accounts, as almost everyone I know who's had them, has had them hacked.

My ISP provider lets users make "sub accounts" that can be used for specific purposes. I still get my mail from these accounts at the ISP's site. My tech said that this was the best way since these accounts are guarded and you read the mail with your browser and once you activivate an internal email probram, you can bet on having something happen to you

I got an email that looked suspicious and I knew I was shielded both by my browser and a resident shield so I pulled the trigger on it and sure enough, I got a screen from FireFox telling me that this was an "attack site". I stuck out my tongue at it, wiggled it around and sang "You cannot get me: You cannot get me. Hah hah"

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Ya don't know if you remember, but someone hacked my gmail and then hacked my account on here posting things to make me look like a perv.

Worst thing was they sent out to everyone my order confirmation of bambino diapers. I immadiately emailed everyone saying my account was hacked. I don't think I even said anything about the diaper order. Luckily for me seems everyone for whatever reason never said anything about it.

The only problem was it was emailed to my mom who is disgusted by me liking diapers as in the past she has found my stash. Luckily I have her email information and logged in to hers and deleted the email. Guess it is good to be the Computer Tech in the house who sometimes needs such things to fix problems.

I also got an email from the guy who hacked me saying that he wanted to hurt perverts like me.

This gmail account was the one had pretty much been only using for junk email, but still had contacts from when I was using it as my main email. Now everything in it is just junk mail and have stopped using it, made sure anything important has been changed to a new email. I log in every once in awhile just to see what is in it and delete all the junk. Along with making sure it hasn't been hacked, which is pretty unlikely. It has been changed to a randomized number and letter 20 character password. Good luck brute forcing such a password. I have two other emails that are no way linked to my other or any fetish related things, they have also been changed to seperate randomized passwords. Along with all my other logins now use randomized passwords that are not the same. I am using one strong password on a site that you can save your passwords to and retrieve them via ssl. My one strong password isn't saved anywhere, so it is much more unlikely for someone to brute force it and gain access to all my passwords then having many easier to remember passwords that are easier to hack.

After being hacked I am totally paranoid about security, before I never worried, used the same 5 or so passwords for everything and didn't change them.

One of my gmails I have been getting requests for a forgotten password request, wonder if I someone is trying to hack me again. Good thing I know that I have done everything possible to be secure from being hacked. Nothing is impenetrable, but unless there is a security hole in gmail they won't be able to just brute force their way in or guess it.

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I've had my business email hacked and sent out messages to clients offering them viagra. I just sent my entire address book an explination and apology, and changed my passwords.

If anyone asks about bambino, just tell them that whoever hacked your account loaded your contact list with a bunch of stuff that you had to sort through and remove.

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