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Okay...Since My And My Ab'S Signatures Were Questioned For Being To Big...

Guest MommyGweniebear

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Guest MommyGweniebear

I currently changed mine to a much better picture in my opinion than my other one. I personally don't think signature size should matter, but hey what do I know? I just want to have a peaceful time here without users griping at me. I love The Little Mermaid and these things were given to me, so I hope people can be happy now and leave me alone. As a sidenote my baby will have a new signature too. Later folks!

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Guest MommyGweniebear

Signature size matters because if it's too big, it blows the margins out and you have to scroll over to read the entire post.

You can also block signatures. I like what I like, and don't want to scale it down besides I got bored with my other signature and changed it to this. I guess people have differing opinions on the matter though.

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Your signature should never be larger than the text you are posting. It's nothing personal against anyone.

Large signatures or images require excessive scrolling, especially on smaller screens, and with the ever growing popularity of netbooks and other mobile computing devices more and more people are using screens that are pretty darn tiny. It is just a matter of proper netiquette and being considerate towards other users.

A large number of members here don't have signatures or images of any kind... maybe that is a sign.

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I don't see where the signature matters. The only thing it does to me is make me have to scroll down further which I am pretty sure I can handle. I think this is a rather silly thing to nit-pick about. If it was a huge deal, then you would not be allowed to put a picture over a certain size as a signature and obviously that is not the case.

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Guest MommyGweniebear

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Your signature should never be larger than the text you are posting. It's nothing personal against anyone.

Large signatures or images require excessive scrolling, especially on smaller screens, and with the ever growing popularity of netbooks and other mobile computing devices more and more people are using screens that are pretty darn tiny. It is just a matter of proper netiquette and being considerate towards other users.

A large number of members here don't have signatures or images of any kind... maybe that is a sign.

To me my profile is about what I like and thats it. I have images and my sig to be unique and I have seen plenty with signatures. People using netbooks are irrelevant. I own a netbook and my signatures have fit fine on it. Other users are more than welcome to either not visit my posts or block signatures all together if they don't like mine, and thank you Mary Ann :)

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Guest Baby Tiana

God People. Does it really truly matter if you have to scroll down a little more? No! It maybe a little annoying at times to have to do, but overall it's not that big of a deal. And you guys are blowing this way out of proportion!

As individuals we all have the right to express ourselves in whatever way we want. So if she wants to have something semi large as her signature, why say no?! Don't get your panties in a bunch. It's not the most flattering look on a person.

And I sure as hell know other people who have had MUCH bigger signature than this person! If you want to rant and pick on someone about such a silly thing... go pick on the people who keep their signatures large and aren't willing to change them to a much small size; whereas Gwenie was kind enough to make hers smaller!

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she was only saying she got a new one because you didnt like her other one....why ya'll gotta be all up in her grill fo?! lol

nah but really its not like she was purposely being rude. Reviewing the whole thread it looks as though she was provoked.

I'm jus sayin.....

who gave her two negs for talking about her little mermaid sig?

like....really? really folks? are you that bored?

its just kinda petty imo

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Guest MommyGweniebear


she was only saying she got a new one because you didnt like her other one....why ya'll gotta be all up in her grill fo?! lol

nah but really its not like she was purposely being rude. Reviewing the whole thread it looks as though she was provoked.

I'm jus sayin.....

who gave her two negs for talking about her little mermaid sig?

like....really? really folks? are you that bored?

its just kinda petty imo

Thank you Tiana and Toon. As it is, people are deducting me reputation all over the place like it makes a huge difference to me or something. There are three users on here that need to get off my back. Thats all I'm saying.

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she was only saying she got a new one because you didnt like her other one....why ya'll gotta be all up in her grill fo?! lol

nah but really its not like she was purposely being rude. Reviewing the whole thread it looks as though she was provoked.

I'm jus sayin.....

who gave her two negs for talking about her little mermaid sig?

like....really? really folks? are you that bored?

its just kinda petty imo

Thank you........people have been picking on my mommy since we joined...... if its not her signature its her post. If its not her post people just stalk her site and deduct points for no reason. Thank you and thank you to those who have been kind instead of the people trying to find a scapegoat.... Thank you again.

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Guest MommyGweniebear

Thank you........people have been picking on my mommy since we joined...... if its not her signature its her post. If its not her post people just stalk her site and deduct points for no reason. Thank you and thank you to those who have been kind instead of the people trying to find a scapegoat.... Thank you again.

Its ridiculous really. This all started because some user called me out on here when I had a less than pleasent experience on another site. Ever since then I've seen two users visit my profile every day that have nothing to say but trash talk about me on my threads and posts. It feels very stalkerish and is creepy...I know not everyone will agree with my views nor do I expect them too, but on the same token don't expect me not to react when these people act like idiots and say mean things about me or my little one.

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let me just say this as a advocate on both sides. You stated you had issues with two people in general here. Your profile of course says you are a mommy....then I would think the mommy thing to do is ignore these people and when they post something.....they make themselves look foolish. Your not responding and taking the highroad is what a mommy would do.

the logic goes like this. if two people are bickering and one stops.....the other one eventually gets bored and gives up.

**p.s. conway twitty on family guy is hysterical!!!**

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I do not mind scrolling down if there's a large signature.

However, I didn't consider before the page expanding sideways. I CERTAINLY would not like to have to scroll sideways to read a post. This system is very linear. I like it that way.

So I suppose, IMO, as long as your signature doesn't make me have to side-scroll, it's fine. ^_^


And Gweniebear... I hate to side against you, but what you post is every member's business. The second something goes onto the boards it's a public text. And if your picture is inconveniencing other people, perhaps changing it out of charity would be nice. I'm not saying to change everything about your profile for people...

It's just, to me, the board is a place for relevant text. A large picture, irrelevant to the post and only used to express yourself, seems out of place. The board has the side-bar so everyone knows who is posting, and the profile is for expressing individuality and telling about yourself.

I'm not saying you shouldn't have a signature if you want one. I'm just trying to give insight as to why people might be annoyed...

Actually, I'm probably just ranting. I'm not sure if anyone even agrees.


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I currently changed mine to a much better picture in my opinion than my other one. I personally don't think signature size should matter, but hey what do I know? I just want to have a peaceful time here without users griping at me. I love The Little Mermaid and these things were given to me, so I hope people can be happy now and leave me alone. As a sidenote my baby will have a new signature too. Later folks!

You are free to do as you wish, including doing things which you know the people around you don't like :angel_not: But when you do that, you have no right to complain about their reactions :o You seem you want it both ways- just like a few others here- and it ain't gonna happen :( If you want to be accepted by others you have to listen to them- including the things you really don't want to hear- then you have to show them respect be making allowances for them.That's where you're failing here :angry:

You aren't going to change the world by stubbornly refusing to allow anyone to be your equal, or by telling people that you don't care what they think. You especially aren't going to get anywhere by saying that you don't care then responding defensively to others who have issues with you- that makes it plainly obvious that you do care, because if you truly didn't care you wouldn't have given their post the 'value' of a response from you :bash:

There is some growing up to do here, and it's not most of us who need to do that. Hypocrisy looks bad on anyone, and is a guaranteed way to not make friends. By your own admission you seem to be finding yourself unwelcome wherever you go- that should make it obvious that it is you who are in error, not the rest of us :rolleyes: You can change that if you want to- I've found the people here to be really good about forgetting your past errors so long as you learned from them and didn't do them again. We're all a pretty accepting bunch of people so if you are finding rejection instead of acceptance the odds are huge that the problem is you. I search to find something to like about everybody- and I come up empty-handed in your case :huh:

Only you can fix you- are you willing to try?


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You are free to do as you wish, including doing things which you know the people around you don't like :angel_not: But when you do that, you have no right to complain about their reactions :o You seem you want it both ways- just like a few others here- and it ain't gonna happen :( If you want to be accepted by others you have to listen to them- including the things you really don't want to hear- then you have to show them respect be making allowances for them.That's where you're failing here :angry:

You aren't going to change the world by stubbornly refusing to allow anyone to be your equal, or by telling people that you don't care what they think. You especially aren't going to get anywhere by saying that you don't care then responding defensively to others who have issues with you- that makes it plainly obvious that you do care, because if you truly didn't care you wouldn't have given their post the 'value' of a response from you :bash:

There is some growing up to do here, and it's not most of us who need to do that. Hypocrisy looks bad on anyone, and is a guaranteed way to not make friends. By your own admission you seem to be finding yourself unwelcome wherever you go- that should make it obvious that it is you who are in error, not the rest of us :rolleyes: You can change that if you want to- I've found the people here to be really good about forgetting your past errors so long as you learned from them and didn't do them again. We're all a pretty accepting bunch of people so if you are finding rejection instead of acceptance the odds are huge that the problem is you. I search to find something to like about everybody- and I come up empty-handed in your case :huh:

Only you can fix you- are you willing to try?


Well said. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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I think that the "ginormous picture" problem is on a similar scale to the infamous "wall of text": Too much for the allotted space. If you wish to share a large picture on a forum, it's generally considered better etiquette to do so as an attachment, link, or image-tagged in a post about said picture. If a post won't fit on a screen, it should convey a lot of information, rather than just be taking up that much space. Avatars and signature images are simply glorified spacers. One that's excessively big just sits there and takes up a lot of space. And for those of us stuck with slow internet connections, they really bog down the loading of topics if the people who have them make a lot of posts.

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In the evergrowing field of netiquette there should be a rule about not picking on others. I sure wish some people would take their spats into private where they belong.

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