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Person Above You (game)

Momma Rosie

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^oh that's too easy, you know i love foxies, my second favorite is pandas, third is penguins, fourth is squirrels, fifth is otters.

< i should be at work right now but the power went out last night and re set my alarm, but i doubt my boss will care much cause i threw out my back on friday and i can just say that it's feeling better tomorrow, which it probably will be even though it's feeling decent enough for me to get back to work today.

v do you like to listen to your music loud, soft, or at the volume people talk at?

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^ this might not come as a surprise but i would legalize bud, too many people are being arrested for it and it's safer then alcohol, people just didn't get violent when it was banned like they did during the prohibition.

< thinking about the bible and wondering if my cat is a beast or a creeping thing... it's just a stray that we let in for the winter and all it does is creep around, stare, and sleep.

v have you ever played with a ouija board? (pronounced weegee and used to talk to the dead)

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^ I have indeed played with a Ouija board, though the many times I've played it with others, we've not made contact (to our knowledge anyway) with spirits in any shape or form.

< Getting ready to throw a soy cheese pizza in the oven for dinner.

V What is the one household chore that you must do, but simply dislike the most?

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^ I dunno....cleaning up after roomies? Doing dishes, maybe, but I don't mind. Or taking out the trash, but that's all stuff that needs to be done one way or another, so I really don't mind.

< Feels wet for the first time, today.

v Looking back at past gaming systems, which would you say was the best, in your opinion?

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^ expensive at the movies, but I like raisinettes or Heath

< trying to fall into a pattern of eating....just don't feel hunger anymore

v Okay, if you were to become any animal, what would you be? *smiles*

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^ you already know my answer so i'll share a dream where i actually got to experience what it was like to be a fox i've had a few similar dreams since them but never put them up on that site. i was also the person who put up demonbane and burning blimp so if you get bored and want to see what esoteric nocturnal hallucinations my subconsious gives me just search for those 2 on that site.

< i just got woken up with a kiss by my soon to be girlfriend, she was in town getting some errands done so she stopped by to visit me before she started. she ran her hand through my hair to wake me up which made me jump, then as soon as i saw who it was she leaned in for a kiss and of course i happily accepted. i didnt think it was possible but i love her more and more every day.

v what is your favorite dream so far that you remember?

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^ I remember dreaming I was being tied up and tormented in various ways by a very beautiful, buxom red head....oh if only it could come true...lol

< Just got back in from the gym after 2 hours hard slog on the cardio vascular aparatus.

v What's the funniest non animated movie you've ever seen?

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^ Oh, Lord..that's easy! Re-live the day I first met Kris. Kris is, to this date, the most unforgetable female I ever had the pleasure of knowing.

< Getting ready to enter the '08 Chicago Marathon, which is to be held in October. I predict all 40,000+ entries (despite an entry fee of at least $110) will be sold out by April; the Chicago Marathon is now one of the running world's most popular and prestigious marathons.

V Ice cream: If you enjoy ice cream, do you prefer it plain, with no add-ins, such as a straight chocolate or vanilla, or do you prefer it with goodies mixed-in, such as a Cold Stone Creamery creation or Ben and Jerry's "Everything but the...."?

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^ goodies, definitely!

< listens to music, thinking about what he's going to do, today. And is wearing camo cargo pants over his soft blue footies.

v If you could be anywhere, right now, where would you be?

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^ Not my own, but when I was 15, my mom gave birth to triplets, and I did my best to help her raise them. They're 7, now... to be 8 in June! They're growing up so fast!

< Chillin' like a villian

v Do you own any plushies/cuddle toys/stuffed animals? If so, how many, and what are they?

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^ YES hehe. I own...oh boy, let's see...24? at my apartment and another 20-30 at my aunt's house. Also, I just ordered another one today, a lil wolf that I'm naming Roxas! As for the species...bears, bunnies, doggies, kitties (wild and domesticated) are the ones I have most of...

< Thinking of having a nap.

V Do you have a favorite color? If so, which one and why?

- C.J.

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^ Hmmm.... I like red....but I also like orange...but a really like blue! Oh, and why? Umm... I dunno. I jus' think I look good in blue.

< Is just catching up on posts.

v What kind of food do you like to eat?

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