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i am on hoilday at the moment,doing nothing this afterrnoon i just sat watching telly(disney channel)...

i watched the film princess protection program,loverly film well at the end i just cryed and the princes diares always gets me going :crybaby:

anybody eles like a good cry...like a little girl...(boys)

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I personally hate crying. By the time I break down I am so mentally unstable I am scared of the emotions I am having. Last night I cried... Was going through my diary and remembered my feelings when my best friend committed suicide... Coupled with the reality of this divorce I was feeling mighty low.


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fox and the hound, beaches, and wit are all movies that will make me cry.

My best friend and i watch Wit and by the end of the film we were literally curled up together on the bed just sobbing, we came downstairs with our eyes all red and his dad, just shook his head at us...

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fox and the hound, beaches, and wit are all movies that will make me cry.

My best friend and i watch Wit and by the end of the film we were literally curled up together on the bed just sobbing, we came downstairs with our eyes all red and his dad, just shook his head at us...

Minus the suicidal friend, I am on the same page as Briguy. Emotions suck.

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i am on hoilday at the moment,doing nothing this afterrnoon i just sat watching telly(disney channel)...

i watched the film princess protection program,loverly film well at the end i just cryed and the princes diares always gets me going :crybaby:

anybody eles like a good cry...like a little girl...(boys)

A good cry can leave you feeling a lot better afterward ;) I can almost always bring out either side of my gender by deciding whether to let my emotions lead me or to suppress them. I have to give enough of an outlet to either side to stay sane so I make time to cry, giggle, feel sad, be friendly, or whatever else I feel every day or two :D I can go a lot longer without expressing maleness :rolleyes: but in time even that has to find an outlet :huh: As long as 'he' doesan't get me into trouble (again) I'm OK with it all- it's just me B)

Emotions are a part of your being and suppressing them too much can lead you into deeper problems :angry2: By allowing someone else (social gender constructs) to determine your actions you deny your own self. I figure that I'm worth more than that and if I want to be emotional nobody is going to stop me :P Especially me!


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Yeah I have suppressed my emotions for years so I am kind of afraid to let them out unchecked. Thanks to my androgel i have mood swings as it is. I usually can figure out whether it's related to that or if something is bothering me, sometimes though the most random shit upsets me. Like I said, emotions suck. I used to be able to mask my feelings when I was younger, I still can quite a bit, however I find that I'm not quite as good at it any more.

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I was once told people who make jokes in sad situations are dead behind the eyes.

I usually tend to joke in sad or serious situations because I am not at all comfortable expressing emotion in front of people. Not even in front of my boyfriend. It's the serious situations though that usually cause me the most trouble.

But in private I have no problem crying. In fact, the last couple of weeks anything and everything has almost made me cry. Sometimes at work, or in other public places. It's actually really hard to put a cap on it sometimes.

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I'm not dead between the eyes, not even sure if that phrase makes sense. That would imply your retarded not cruel or soul-less. I just utilize humor as a coping mechanism. I'm of the persuasion "never let them see you sweat"

My problem now is I'm all emotional inwardly and really don't know why or how to express outwardly. I think i have my guy-period? Hooray for steroids and a shitty job, lol.

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I'm not dead between the eyes, not even sure if that phrase makes sense. That would imply your retarded not cruel or soul-less. I just utilize humor as a coping mechanism. I'm of the persuasion "never let them see you sweat"

My problem now is I'm all emotional inwardly and really don't know why or how to express outwardly. I think i have my guy-period? Hooray for steroids and a shitty job, lol.

The phrase was dead behind the eyes. I prefer to think I'm just an asshole.

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I was once told people who make jokes in sad situations are dead behind the eyes.

Whoever told you that was full of more BS than a stockyard. About half of my family tend to try to lighten the mood in sad situations. It is a valid coping mechanism for "normal" people.

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Whoever told you that was full of more BS than a stockyard. About half of my family tend to try to lighten the mood in sad situations. It is a valid coping mechanism for "normal" people.

He's right. There are many coping mechanisms, and whoever originally made the "dead behind the eyes" comment was probably offended by some of the humor used to lighten the situation.

Working in EMS for nearly ten years I've seen a lot of bad things, and behind closed doors, with only other EMS people around, a lot of jokes get made to cope with it. If we couldn't the weight of our jobs would crush us. If family members and the general public were privy to some of what is said they'd probably be pretty upset, and a comment like that could result.

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i am on hoilday at the moment,doing nothing this afterrnoon i just sat watching telly(disney channel)...

i watched the film princess protection program,loverly film well at the end i just cryed and the princes diares always gets me going :crybaby:

anybody eles like a good cry...like a little girl...(boys)

I'd have to say I'm the exact opposite. I find even if I wanted to cry I couldn't. I've always felt not that I don't express emotions well, but more that I never really had much to express. In a way I feel like Dexter(minus the whole killing part lol). Obviously that would be an extreme, but watching that show I feel like we'ere the same when it comes to relationships. Often times I find myself just going through the motions just to make other people happy, and also so they don't find my dead bodies....i mean, uhhh....


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Here's the irony for me. I can watch old yeller and laugh however put on a certain episode of pokemon and I'm ready to breakdown. WTF is with that? I hate emotions.(In case anyone is wondering, it's the episode where the rival trainer abandons his monkey and the main character takes it and the thing starts freaking out because he's being nice to it. not sure why that sets my emotions off but it did.)

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