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Diapers In College?

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so i just started college and i really like wearing diapers, the only thing is i dont want anyone to find out. im living in a double (two people in one room) so that could be really difficult to pull off. should i try to wear and hide the diapers or not? any suggestions on how i might pull it off?

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if you share a room it is going to be hard to hide, even if your roomate complete respects your privacy, there is only so much privacy in a double room.

if you must wear do it on a night when your roomate isn't going to be there or save some scrill and go to a hotel ...

and please please please as a favour to all custodians out there, take your used diaper to the dumpster yourself. There is nothing worse than having to empty a trash can filled with used diapers.

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Just forget the diapers..... If your room mate found out, you would be the subject of discussion, gossip and ridicule for weeks! Going the medical requirement route would be difficult to sustain convincingly for long periods. I've lived in similar situations and until having a room to myself I limited my nappy pleasure to times such as when staying at my parents house during leave, limiting my fetish made those moments extra special and very intense.

Simple alternatives kept the diaper fire kindled, such as peeing down my legs while showering. On some of those precious, short periods of privacy, I would sometimes wet my pants immediately before doing the laundry, which meant there was nothing to hide and get smelly.

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Guest aielen

Back in my dorm in new Mexico, my roomate was a genius in hiding her diapers--in between so many areas. We only wore them at night when no one was around but never to classes.

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I actually wore diapers in a double room in college without problem or ridicule. Before you start, though, I'd suggest getting to know your roommate and hallmates or wingmates well. Take a few weeks to get to really know your surroundings and let everyone's schedule settle in. Here are some tips:

1) Make sure your roommate is someone you can trust first. I was always fortunate to have roommates who had my back and vice versa. If he's not trustworthy, abandon all hope of wearing in your dorm room, but see below.

2) Be up-front with your roommate about the fact that you sometimes need diapers (and yes, a psychological need counts.) You might want to throw in the line, "When I'm tired or stressed it gets worse." This gives you an out and a reason not to wear all the time. Then never bring it up with your roommate again.

3) I kept my diapers in a suitcase. There's also above ceiling tiles, behind wall panels, hidden spots in closets....you get the idea.

4) Show your roommate as much respect as possible when it comes to diapers. If you can at all avoid it, don't change in the dorm room with him present. Instead, check out the campus for quiet, out-of-the-way restrooms (a single toilet with a locking door is ideal) and make them your primary changing location. Also, there were times I had to take off my diaper in the shower area, with the water running to conceal the noise, then hide it well in the trash. You'll start to figure out the rhythm of life around you, when your roommate comes and goes, and how you can be as discreet and respectful as possible.

5) If there's no way to wear diapers in your dorm room, you can still wear them around campus during the day by using the out-of-the-way restrooms.

If you are confident, discreet, thoughtful, and careful, you shouldn't have much of a problem wearing diapers - even in a double room. Study hard and have fun! College was the best four years of my life!

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I would think that up front and not hiding anything and accept your diaper self as who you are. treat Diapers as if they are underwear and people wont notice. But if its roommates just come out and tell them once when you get to know them.. It is part of us being ridiculed as like being open gay. It comes with the territory. I would think come out front with it, get it over with and then you wouldn't have the stress in roommates finding out cause they already know. Its like duck tape do it fast hurts at first but the pain goes away. If they are adults then they will have respect for you. You would be suppressed in how people will accept it and leave it be. My thoughts, GL Diaper brother.

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My Junior year in college I lived in upperclassmen housing (only one semester because I studied abroad 2nd semester). Anyway, I didn't room up with any of my friends because they were all living off campus and I didn't want to screw them over when I moved out over X-mas. So I was roomed up with a Japanese student. I wore every night and he never asked any questions. I kept the clean ones under my bed and would dispose of the wet ones in the dumpster outside. I don't know if he talked about it to his Japanese friends, but he was always very respectful to me.

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I started buying and wearing diapers in my Junior year of college, which was when I was living in a two-bedroom, on-campus apartment, so I had a roommate in my room along with two other people in the apartment. I began to store my supply of diapers in the closet, using two things to my advantage: a) I'm very quiet and unobtrusive, and B) my roommates either didn't pay much attention to my movements or they just didn't care. I felt no need to share my love of diapers with them since it was my business and no one else's.

I would use a Whole Foods bag to conceal the package of diapers after I bought them, and then I'd keep them in that bag in my closet, with another bag on top. Whenever I needed to change, I'd just grab a diaper from the closet, stick it under my shirt, and then smuggle it into the bathroom, where I'd have total privacy. I would also wear diapers to bed most of the time, so that I wouldn't be disturbing anyone. Disposing of worn or used diapers was just as furtive. I'd stuff them into a small trash bag that I would eventually take out to the communal trash chute, where I'd dump them in and walk away as quickly as I could (and the trash bag was thick enough so you couldn't tell what I had in there).

Ultimately, I agree with some of the other posts on here that you should get to know your roommates well beforehand and work out your schedule for being diapered around that.

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if you are doing it because in any way shape or form it gives you sexual pleasure.... think about this.. do you want your roomate jerking off when you are around, and awareof it? do you want to know he is hanging out with you wearing butt plug or a cock ring, and the whole time he is around you he is thinking about how hot it is?

part of becoming an adult is learning self control and knowing when it is apropriate to engage in certain behaviors and when it isnot.

If you determine it is apropriate to wear diapers around your roomate, then go for it, but be ready for the worst consequences... they may not happen, but be prepared.

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if you are doing it because in any way shape or form it gives you sexual pleasure.... think about this.. do you want your roomate jerking off when you are around, and awareof it? do you want to know he is hanging out with you wearing butt plug or a cock ring, and the whole time he is around you he is thinking about how hot it is?

part of becoming an adult is learning self control and knowing when it is apropriate to engage in certain behaviors and when it isnot.

If you determine it is apropriate to wear diapers around your roomate, then go for it, but be ready for the worst consequences... they may not happen, but be prepared.

Only at Harvard! -_- (Go Bulldogs!)

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after reading all the posts, ive come up with that my roommate is not here during the day much and doesnt come back till the early morning most of the time. i think i can hide them and keep them from him and the other two cuz i think im pretty sneaky lol but there's always that chance that they'll find out. but idk ill think about it some more

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...much better advice than locking yourself in a footlocker!

There is ALWAYS the risk of being found out...in the 'trust' area, you've got a LOT to think about...you won't REALLY know your roommate for quite a while and remember that first impressions are not always lasting. Will he go through your stuff while you're out? Will he seem to be accepting and understanding then blab all behind your back? It might work very well for you - and if you go for it, I hope it does. It could, however, be an absolute disaster...I can imagine a scene with your parents visiting your room and your roommate slipping something into the conversation about your choice of underwear...

I actually wore diapers in a double room in college without problem or ridicule. Before you start, though, I'd suggest getting to know your roommate and hallmates or wingmates well. Take a few weeks to get to really know your surroundings and let everyone's schedule settle in. Here are some tips:

1) Make sure your roommate is someone you can trust first. I was always fortunate to have roommates who had my back and vice versa. If he's not trustworthy, abandon all hope of wearing in your dorm room, but see below.

2) Be up-front with your roommate about the fact that you sometimes need diapers (and yes, a psychological need counts.) You might want to throw in the line, "When I'm tired or stressed it gets worse." This gives you an out and a reason not to wear all the time. Then never bring it up with your roommate again.

3) I kept my diapers in a suitcase. There's also above ceiling tiles, behind wall panels, hidden spots in closets....you get the idea.

4) Show your roommate as much respect as possible when it comes to diapers. If you can at all avoid it, don't change in the dorm room with him present. Instead, check out the campus for quiet, out-of-the-way restrooms (a single toilet with a locking door is ideal) and make them your primary changing location. Also, there were times I had to take off my diaper in the shower area, with the water running to conceal the noise, then hide it well in the trash. You'll start to figure out the rhythm of life around you, when your roommate comes and goes, and how you can be as discreet and respectful as possible.

5) If there's no way to wear diapers in your dorm room, you can still wear them around campus during the day by using the out-of-the-way restrooms.

If you are confident, discreet, thoughtful, and careful, you shouldn't have much of a problem wearing diapers - even in a double room. Study hard and have fun! College was the best four years of my life!

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In my first year at [british] university, I was in halls. 6 people to a corridor, individual rooms, shared kitchen and bathroom, the typical deal. I stayed well away from the diapers that year. It was a reasonable bet that my stuff would be left alone and I could, of course, lock the door but it just didn't seem worth the risk.

In my second and third years, me and three friends rented a house together (worked out cheaper than halls, too). Less people, more trust, more privacy. I was able to order, hide and dispose of diapers fairly easily there, without fear that somebody would discover them.

If you want to be diapered through your college years, you might consider leaving the student accomodation, banding together with enough friends to make the cost manageable and then renting your own place...

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Last year, i was in the dorms at my college. For about a month, I didn't wear and just lived life. After about a month, i came to the conclusion that i could wear every once in awhile, mostly at night. I would hide my diapers in a suitcase and put them on when i know my roomate was gone(our door was always locked, so i could hear him unlock it, if he came back unexpected). I never got caught by him, but even if he did he was a guy i could trust. You just have to feel it out and see if you can do it. Just be aware that in a quiet room, diapers can make a lot of noise.

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Here's what I did. I lived in the dorms too and shared a room. We fortunately each had our own closet, and I would keep my diapers in a locked suitcase in my closet. Unfortunately, we did have a common bathroom/showers for the whole floor. So if I wanted to wear a diaper when my roommate was there, I would slip a diaper into my shower bag and go take a shower, leaving the water on when I was putting it on so it would cover the noise. If he wasn't there and I knew for sure how long he was gonna be out, I would just simply change in the room. Changing was kinda tricky, so sometimes i'd have to sit in a wet one for awhile, but I'd usually get a chance to change it. Hope this helps.

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A little off topic but if you humour an old man for a minute...

Back in my day in college, my GF went to an all girls' school.

Thanks to my diapers and her cool roommate I could stay in the

dorms after hours and not have to worry about getting found out

by having to go down the /long/ hall to the girls only toilets

to pee! I had a stash at her place and on a safety (booze) check

she got questioned on them once by the RA (Kind of like, "What

the... what are those? Diapers?") And my GF just came up with

some quick BS story about needing them for heavy periods or

something. It got awkward looks but was accepted.

For the gents living in a dorm a good place to hide your stash would

be a good old-fashioned wooden foot locker with a good lock and a false

bottom... which could be used for other "unsafe" things too :)

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Guest aielen

Went to boarding school on the West Coast for the last two years of high school, on a scholarship. Students were from 89 different countries, and only 25% were American.

On the whole, I had a positive experience there, especially in terms of extracurricular opportunities. My school was very wealthy in terms of its own resources (although most of its students were not wealthy; a fair number came from Third World countries), so it had the ability to subsidise a lot of amazing opportunities and fieldtrips for its students. Academically, for me, it was a bit more of a toss-up: some of the teachers I had were excellent teachers (and more than just teachers - friends and mentors, too) with not just academic knowledge but real-world experience in the subjects they taught. A handful were... much less impressive. Most of our teachers held a PhD in the subjects they taught. My school was also quite small (200 students, total) and everyone (principal, teachers, students) interacted on a first-name basis. Everyone lived on campus, and it was a very close-knit community. Most of the teachers genuinely cared about the students - I was close with some teachers to the point of, for example, being able to randomly visit my English teacher's house for tea at 10pm if I felt like it. In-between high school and college, I stored a lot of my belongings in my Chemistry teacher's house, and asked him to mail me the boxes when I started college. He mailed them (about 5 or 6 big, heavy boxes) from the West Coast to the East Coast, and never told me how much it cost when I asked him repeatedly. Teachers were generous in sharing their lives with us - they would drive us places if we asked (this was especially important to students since we weren't allowed to drive at school, and our school was a 20 minutes drive from the nearest town), hold meetings / extra tutoring sessions / etc in their homes (often with homecooked food they prepared themselves)... etc. (When I recently met up with a high school friend and talked about high school, we remembered how his English teacher (and also his academic advisor) cooked him a steak dinner and personally brought it to his dorm room when he was very sick.)

The downside of being in such a close-knit community was, naturally, that everyone knew everyone's business (and often, quite instantly). E.g. if two students hooked up one night, the rest of the school would know the next day or two. Relationships within the community were also a lot more intense, since it was essentially a situation of approximately 300 people living together very closely in a very beautiful, rural, isolated environment. So when I first got into diapers thanks to my roommate, I really made sure she kept it a secret between the two of us. That wqas until I found my music classmate with his pants down one evening. But three was a crowd and i made sure the two of them kept it quiet.

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