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Abdl And Disability

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I have a disability and several chronic illnesses and must wear diapers because I have to for medical purposes. I've also been totally incontinent all my life.

I just started into the ABDL thing a few months ago. I do need help with a lot of things. My husband bathes me and changes me. I can help get myself dressed, but I need some assistance there also, but it depends on the clothes. Some I can do myself. My motor skills are bad, so depending on the food, I'll need help. To preserve my independence, I eat foods that are easy to handle. This way, I can do it on my own. Anything messy, such as spaghetti, has to be fed to me. Thankfully, there are a number of foods I can eat on my own, though.

It is funny that you asked this question because I was seriously going to post the same topic.

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I am a quad amputee from severe burns I recieved in an explosion when I was 10 years old. I'm now 29. I had an interest in diapers that started at age 5 but being burned only increased the desire and need for them. For 5 years until age 15 I had fecal incontinence. It was like a 24/7 constipation and boy was I glad when I regained control. But despite the bowel problems I was never diapered outside of the hospital. I remember often using little pads to protect my underwear though, but by all logic I should have been in diapers. But with all the foster kids in my house no way would I speak up, plus most of the time I was the oldest. There's that expectation when being the oldest I must act that way.

Now I share a house mortgage with my younger brother who was also burned but nowhere near as bad. Theres lots of things I need help with such as dressing,

food prep, showering, transferring to toilet, etc. Since i'm no longer incont I am never diapered anymore and for me this presents a frustrating predicament. I am physically unable to diaper myself. I've tried in the past but with no luck. And with my breathing how it is now it would be even worse if i tried. Often i'm in chat telling people who dont yet know this about me in jopes of finding help, it's the only way. The last time i was diapered was august 2002.

Many people suggest just telling my brother or having an accident. But they don't live my life, I have to live with the choices i make regarding it and i know revealing it wouldnt be best. First of all having my younger bro diaper me would just be weird. And i dont need that kind of grief from him. And it would be kinda suspicious to just start having accidents. Then there's the subject of keeping it private everyone would know about it and I dont need that. I was diapered at camp once when I was 14 thankfully the next year i had gained control. So being disabled but not incont and unable to diaper myself is very frustrating indeed but no choice but to keep trying for help.

Any questions feel free to ask.

p.s. and oh yes, i use a power chair for mobility and since people always ask how i type-years of practice with prosthetic hooks and i type shorthand when i can.

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I have a disability but I don't really need help with anything unless you want to count school. I am not in school so I don't need any accommodations right now, I have a learning disability. I just stay out of situations that will trigger my anxiety and lead to meltdowns. My husband helps me out with social situations though and my pregnancy has seemed to help me because I can stand more touch now and he says I'm more loving. He also cooks. I can't because I don't know how and I don't like doing it. I can cook basic things though.

I also have constipation problems and had it for a while when I got pregnant because I can't take laxatives but I have been pooping lately. I've been taking fiber which is safe. I also have ADD and listening problems. I cannot listen for long periods of the time. It gets overwhelming and it puts me to sleep and I also tend to zone out. I used to have depression but now I don't anymore. I also suffer from laziness, not really a disability.

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I did forget to mention that i'm no longer able to speak due to MS. That has not always been the case, though. It is recent.

Oh my, that *is* a recent development--I just spoke to you on the phone only a month or two ago! I am so sorry to hear MS is taking away some of your faculties, but it will never take away your spirit, Pollyanna. Kia kaha!

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I have constant backpain from damaged discs in my back, on painkillers for that, I have urinary incontinence, caused by a bladder defect and recently diagnosed diabetes.

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Well as far as Diapers I have IBS, which is quite severe and requires protection on long trips or when eating out (not knowing exactly what be in the food to trigger me). I also have a 50% hearing loss. This is difficult and will only get worse. I have begun learning sign and my loving wife has increadible patience repeating and translating what it think I heard. I do where hearing aids but like anything there are limits to how long I can wear them before the become uncomfortale. I also have a defect in my skull that has caused the lining of my brain to protrude into the area of my pituitary gland destroying it. As a result I have to take several different hormones, including daily shots, to keep my body functional.

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