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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

To Tell Or Not To Tell

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So recently I posted without thinking about how I was too poor to buy diapers, so I was only wearing pink footed pj's. So the next day I get a private message from someone asking me what size diapers I wore. At this point I'm trying my best not to get my hopes up and trying to think it was someone striking up odd conversation. Well I told them and the next day I got a post saying they had tons of diapers in my size. I was ecstatic because I knew where this was going!! Needless to say that "this person" sent me a very large box of wonderful diapers....FOR FREE!!! And asked nothing in return. I don't know if they truly understood how much this meant to me. "This person" just sent me diapers and has never met me, nor talked to me before that private message.

So I ask....do I out "this person" for being an awesome wonderful giver to the community? Or just let them know in this kinda public acknowledgment just how amazing this kind of charity is so deserved sometimes? Either THANK YOU, you know who you are.

Btw I'm wearing some of those much needed free diapers right now!!!

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While the donor is welcome to post a YW message, I say leave him/her anonymous for now. The fact that you were privately messaged about it shows the donor cared more for helping a community member than for the credit.

However if the donor does out himself/herself they can expect a free upgrade to banker status. How cool, helping a fellow DL in these hard times! THAT's what a community is about!

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*giggles and bows* you're welcome you're welcome.


ok it wasn't really me, but i thought i'd take the credit for it...

but on a serious note, thats awesome that it happened, andawesome whoever did that act of kindness!

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So recently I posted without thinking about how I was too poor to buy diapers, so I was only wearing pink footed pj's. So the next day I get a private message from someone asking me what size diapers I wore. At this point I'm trying my best not to get my hopes up and trying to think it was someone striking up odd conversation. Well I told them and the next day I got a post saying they had tons of diapers in my size. I was ecstatic because I knew where this was going!! Needless to say that "this person" sent me a very large box of wonderful diapers....FOR FREE!!! And asked nothing in return. I don't know if they truly understood how much this meant to me. "This person" just sent me diapers and has never met me, nor talked to me before that private message.

So I ask....do I out "this person" for being an awesome wonderful giver to the community? Or just let them know in this kinda public acknowledgment just how amazing this kind of charity is so deserved sometimes? Either THANK YOU, you know who you are.

Btw I'm wearing some of those much needed free diapers right now!!!

If you feel like you must pay this person and they refuse money you can always send me some cash.

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Congrats. I'd think that not outing them is at lest a small part to pay back the act of kindness. I figure that if they wanted to be known, they'd start a topic offering free diapers. Being a somewhat reclusive person, myself, I can understand if they don't want a lot of attention.

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Congrats. I'd think that not outing them is at lest a small part to pay back the act of kindness. I figure that if they wanted to be known, they'd start a topic offering free diapers. Being a somewhat reclusive person, myself, I can understand if they don't want a lot of attention.

I can also imagine many people bothering the person for free handouts. <_<

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As a completely broke collage student, who wets the bed and constantly has to make the decision between protecting my fiancee from wet sheets or eating for the week <_< . I can seriously appreciate the kind of person who does this sort of stuff. It really speaks for the community here, that people like this exist. Thumbs up to the OP and their Diapered Hero. :thumbsup:

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that is so awesome. This person is absolutely wonderful. It is always nice when people help out, even if you are stubborn like me and don't want to accept it. I'm a proud person, and i hate to accept help. I'm guessing it is because I want to hold onto my remaining abilities?

I had an incident recently when I was in dire straights, but because of my pride, I told nobody, not even my family. Since the birth of our children a few months ago, our budget has gotten tighter than we could ever believe. I never struggled this bad in my entire life. I never knew what it was to struggle until now.

Because money is tight, I sacrificed as much as possible. I even opted to have my diapers changed less. My husband did not like the idea, but when I reasoned that we'd save significantly if my diaper changes were cut back and that we needd to see to it that the children had everything they needed before our needs were met, I won my argument. So, i was reduced to four diaper changes a day. Was it fun? no. did I get rashes from the pit of hell? Yup. But I was sacrificing for my children, and to me, that was what mattered the most.

Finally, my good friend stepped in. One day, she was changing my diaper, and I was squirming a lot. She could detect I was in major pain. After the change was done, she and i talked. she was surprised that I had a rash as bad as it was. I told her it was a rash coupled with a yeast infection. she prodded me and finally got all the details. I told her everything. she then vowled to help me out. i kept telling her she did not have to do that, but she'd not have any of it. So, i finally gave in.

I thought I'd share what she has done for me, since we are on the topic of good deeds. she is a wonderful person. I'm thankful for her. she as been there through good times and bad, and she has helped me through some terrible issues. God bless this woman. Now, I can have my diapers changed regularly, and I don't have to struggle as bad. she is the friend that offered to purchase diapers for me from Daily Dai and she is the one who told me she'd buy the diapers for me from UltraPampers. Whenever she purchases her diapers--she is incontinent--she purchases mine, too. god knew what he was doing when he put her in my life. She is one of the most caring people I've ever met besides my husband and family.

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To all the true and genuine people in the world, I offer my humble gratitude, and hope that that type of character is infectious, and that the whole world gets infected.

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