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I tried to do this under polls but couldn't get access. I don't know how to construct them anyway.

So, here is the question.

If you (as an adult) were caught wearing diapers would you cop to:

A. being incontinent


B. being a fetishist

I think I vote A. I might try to say I had occasional issues with incontinence. :blush: But still, I think I'd consider moving. :blush:

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I've thought about this myself lately as I've been wearing a diaper to work, and I think I'd answer even more generally if ever asked about them: "I need to wear them." Simple as that. No one is entitled to know more than that and, while I don't need them for incontinence, I do have a need for them of sorts: for my comfort & sanity! So, with the answer above, I don't have to fib.

By the way, you should be able to post this as a poll under DailyDiapers Boards & Chat > Connect > Polling Place.

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Well, not to make it complicated, ut all depends on who found out and how.

Let's say while I was traveling and some saw them sticking out, someone I would never see again, Incont.

Now if they caught me also wearing ruffled pants that would be a little harder.

If anybody in my family finds out it wouldn't matter, my wife will kill me.

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Honestly I would claim that I needed it due to incon. I understand that I would never see that person again most likely however there is still something that I love about someone thinking I have them for a need.

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It depends on who's asking. The problem with lying is that you may end up either having to live the lie or get caught in the lie. Lying to a significant other is definitely out. But to most other people, I'm inclined to give either a polite "it's a private matter" or something like ultrapamper's "I need to wear them" response. I might tell a total stranger that I'm incontinent, since if a total stranger is asking me about something that is absolutely none of their business, then they get what they deserve...

In defense of lying, however, there are plenty of people out there who don't deserve the truth. If I'm buying diapers at the store and I run into someone who I know is a gossip, then yeah, they're going to get something like the "they're for my grandmother" response.

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I vote for C: "None of your damn business", for most cases. Why bother with making excuses for people who shouldn't be prying into your private life? May not work on family members, though.

A psudo-A variant: "I've got diarrhea" or "I'm sick" followed by "but I have to (whatever you're doing [especially useful if buying groceries or doing some other actual chore])". This is more useful for people you may run across again when not wearing a diaper. It does have more of the "Look, I really don't have much of choice here" factor, without the "I have to wear them all the time or most of the time" element.

B: Should be reserved for those who really need to know, such as one's significant other. Other people include medical professionals and possibly family members who keep prodding and won't let the subject rest without an explanation.

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In all the years I've been wearing thick gauze diapers under my pants I think I can count on one hand the number of people who have asked that question. Do you go around asking people what kind of underwear they are wearing? Do you really want to know? I don't. I'm incontinent, so I don't have much choice. My stock answer (after thinking about your question) will be: "If I am, do you really think I want to talk about it in public?"
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the reason i would tell someoe straight out its a fetish is this

if a perfect stranger saw me wearing a diaper and had the nerve to actually be so rudeas to ask why i waswearing them, then they deserve the truth no matter how offensive or upsetting it may beto them, maybe then they will learn some social skills.

if a friend asked me, they deserve the truth as they are my friend.

(i apologize my spacebar seems to only wantto work half thetime.)

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I have to agree with sarah on this, if someone has the nerve to ask, they deserve either the truth, or a very sarcastic answer, I for one prefer the more sarcastic answer, such as: 1)It's for the cult I belong to, or 2)I'm afraid of alligators in the toilet. :P

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I have to agree with sarah on this, if someone has the nerve to ask, they deserve either the truth, or a very sarcastic answer, I for one prefer the more sarcastic answer, such as: 1)It's for the cult I belong to, or 2)I'm afraid of alligators in the toilet. :P

Well imagine you said in a pretty sarcastic tone "Oh yes of course! It is a fetish". :lol::lol:

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Depending on how well I knew my inquisitor, the response would either be:

(1) "Mind your own damn business"


(2) "I sometimes need to wear them"

The latter answer is 100% truthful and perfectly noncommittal at the same time. If answer 2 didn't put an immediate end to the conversation, answer 1 would come into play :)

I've never been asked though (except by my wife after I told her, so that doesn't count) and I don't expect I ever will be. People don't notice what they're not looking for...

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Well, not to make it complicated, ut all depends on who found out and how.

Let's say while I was traveling and some saw them sticking out, someone I would never see again, Incont.

Now if they caught me also wearing ruffled pants that would be a little harder.

If anybody in my family finds out it wouldn't matter, my wife will kill me.

My answer would be pretty much the same here...except MY wife would kill me...his wife probably wouldn't care...

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hm, good question.

I've been lying to a number of people IRL about this issue, and it has also recently occurred to me that at some point, I may hafta either 'fess up, or just remain diapered, even when it's inconvenient.

For instance, I've taken on a new job, really close to home. So close, if I need to change, I can just go back to my place and change; no big deal. And while I don't think any of my new coworkers have noticed, I can't be entirely sure. One of them even signed for my last shipment of diapers. If she knew the brand or recognized anything about the box, she would have made some kinda face or something. And she handed 'em over complaining about the weight of the box, nothing more. Now, I wear around these people everyday, so I can only assume that at least one of them has noticed and said something to the others. If it were that big of a deal, I would probably notice the awkwardness, which, I don't.

Anyhow, I've already sat and chatted with my boss about various shit, and I made up a story about an injury, which, as I told it, he would have assumed that's what the diapers are for. And that's just in case he's noticed, which, I don't think he really has, or cares to. But just in case, I've planted the seed. . .

I do feel bad for lying, though. Wish I didn't have to, but, it seemed right at the time. One day (hopefully soon), I won't hafta ever tell a lie again.

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I have to agree with sarah on this, if someone has the nerve to ask, they deserve either the truth, or a very sarcastic answer, I for one prefer the more sarcastic answer, such as: 1)It's for the cult I belong to, or 2)I'm afraid of alligators in the toilet. :P

Answer # 2... now that's just awesome. That's my new answer!!!

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...My stock answer (after thinking about your question) will be: "If I am, do you really think I want to talk about it in public?"

I like that way of thinking ;) Not having gone through it I can't say for ceratin but for family and close friends who asked if I was wearing a diaper I know I wouldn't lie. If they asked why the answer would range from "because I want to" to "sometimes I need them, you know how I used to be growing up" :rolleyes: A stranger would get a "wtf is it to you?" less than nice response :lol: The in-between people would be the hardest to deal with but I'd probably say something like "so if I am what does it matter to you?" and see waht happened from there. It's not a fetish for me- just something I love to do that I can't stop doing :P

If you're smart you don't have to tell a direct lie- just beat around the bush in such a way that they will assume you just said something you didn't say :D Jane Doe asks me if I'm wearing a diaper and I reply indignantly "ME? You must be nuts to think something like that! And what the heck is with you, do you go around looking at everyones underwear? God how awful. Something's wrong with you- you need help if you think things like that!" :roflmao: Jane assumes I said "no"- but I didn't. Only once did that fail me when the other person was intelligent enough to frame their question in a way where there was no 'wiggling out of it'. I saw that they had me cold but if they were that smart then they could probably handle the truth- they got their honest answer followed immediately by a "So what? And what does it matter to you?" said with a smile. They just smiled back and said "I was just curious, that's all" and they walked away. They saw that their question wasn't going to embarass me like they thought it would so I came out on top :)


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oh my gosh, when i was younger i saw this episode of the x-files. the fluke man, about the weird mutant who lived in the sewers and at one point was in a porto-potty

for literally MONTHS afterwards i would barely sit on the toilet to go to the bathroom and would go as quickly as possible, afraid he was going to come throguh the toilet to get me!!!

and i would practically pee my pants before i would run into a porto-potty then i would stand and squat over the seat ready to jump out at a moments notice.

i have a very overactive imagination, even now when i go to the bathroom in hte middle of the night, i have to open the shower curtain cause i'm afraid someone is behind it!

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Yvhuce, did ya get your quotes mixed up from another thread? :D

Either the forum screwed up, or someone hacked my post... I didn't have a quote on that one when I hit the button to send that post...

I just say I have issues, with no definition of what my issues are.

Hea... Most people around here would confuse that with magazines and get more curious as to why you're changing the subject...

oh my gosh, when i was younger i saw this episode of the x-files. the fluke man, about the weird mutant who lived in the sewers and at one point was in a porto-potty

for literally MONTHS afterwards i would barely sit on the toilet to go to the bathroom and would go as quickly as possible, afraid he was going to come throguh the toilet to get me!!!

and i would practically pee my pants before i would run into a porto-potty then i would stand and squat over the seat ready to jump out at a moments notice.

i have a very overactive imagination, even now when i go to the bathroom in hte middle of the night, i have to open the shower curtain cause i'm afraid someone is behind it!

Similar situation occurrd for a bit, here. It was whichever one of those damned "Goulies" movies that had the one that was in the toilet... I spent a couple of months either peeing in the shower or the sink.

Believe it or not the same thing happened to me. Although I'm not sure if it was the X-files, it was like a sludge that moved under ground in the sewers (it was pinky purple I think) and it came up through someone's toilet.

I think the epitome of my imagination was clearly demonstrated last night. About 1pm, the power went off and so did my night light. So I grabbed my torch (kept next to my bed) and shone it around the room to see if anything was there. I lit a large candle for light and tried to sleep, but couldn't until I took one of my swords off of the wall and slept with the hilt at my hand.

That's why I need the night light, there's a little pane of glass above my door and I swear I've seen things peering in. (I know logically I haven't but when you're paranoid in the middle of the night, strong emotions arise.)

It helps t'have a couple of dogs of proper guard dog size. Now that they've stopped barking at the coyotes every night, they're an effecive early warning system and first line of defense. Out in the sticks, there's always some weird sounds. Usually just critters outside and normal house noizes that're only noticable when everyone else's asleep (or when yer just alone). Of course, I also keep my rifle under the bed and a couple of machetes, a large hunting knife, a large knife of some sort that could also be used as a club (my uncle brought it back from a vacation he took a few years ago), a couple of smaller hunting knives, a couple of hammers, and a pair of crowbars handy, just in case there's trouble and I don't have time to fetch the gun, take it out of the case, and load it.

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