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Baby Dream


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Only daydreams.

Though I did once have a dream that I was in diapers...a pull-up, actually. I was at a hotel, and this one girl I knew (no sexual relationship- this was years ago) caught me and asked why I was wearing them. I told her it was because I wanted to.

That's about all I can remember.

EDIT: Now you got me slightly off track.

A quick guide to Lucid Dreaming

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I love dreams! Mine are never consistent besides the fact that rarely am I not thinking about being young and diapers just moments before I fall asleep. Of course they change. Sometimes I'm in them, sometimes I'm in them but I'm someone else, and sometimes I'm observing. I love how wild my mind goes when I sleep.

The most prominant diaper dream was when I was 9 and had a dream about my third grader teacher changing me into a diaper behind her desk while everyone else was at recess.

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I have a few recurring dreams where I am a baby. In all of them my wife is my mommy. The other thing is that I am not her husband in the dreams. I am really her little boy. One of them has me in a playpen, with the other little toddlers in the family, while mommy is sitting at a table talking to other adults. She looks over at me and talks baby talk and smiles at me. Then, she checks my diaper and finds that I am soaked. She picks me up and carries me to a bedroom to change me and her sister follows her. As she is changing my diaper, she is talking to her sister and my sister. One of them says it seems like these guys will never be out of diapers. My mommy says that she really does not mind it and she really enjoys all parts of being my mommy. It is a very satisfying dream and I am always disappointed when I wake up.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Almost EVERY day in the past 1 and a half year!

I always dream the same thing... a baby nursery full of toys, a crib, high chairs, pacifiers, baby bottles... all kinds of baby stuff. I also dream with a woman who plays a mommy in dream, but it's different from my real mom.

Every single time i wake in the crib with a pacifier, and she comes, change me, bath me, fed me, rocks me untill a sleep again... this dream it's so intense... before I have it, I just have some curiosity about wear diapers again, but after that, i became a full time diaper wearer, bleder incontinent, with a little weak bowel control (sometimes, rarely I poop myself as well...). Also I get a huge felling of happiness when i suck a pacifier or a baby bottle...

OMG! subconcious can be REALLY powerfull =)

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ive had a consistent baby dream since i became an a/b

im laying on a soft changing mat i am diaped in a bundle of cloth diapers and plastic pants helped into a footed sleeper and as im drifting off to sleep i wet diaper usally i wake up and have a wet spot on my pants. im a deep sleeper so that dont help only happens maybe 4-5 times a year.

but i do have other random baby dreams.

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  • 4 weeks later...

When i wear a diaper to bed i seem to dream a lot more that i am in a diaper .But it is usually in public which is very embarrasing .At this point i am trying to hide or hope no one notices becuase i do not want anybody to know about this (strange) :thumbsup: !!

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ive had a ton! to many to list i think thats how i got started out into all this which is weird.. its like my dreams were trying to tell me <img src="http://www.dailydiapers.com/board/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />

ummm just like all the time.. just hate it cause like just before i am getting changed or something i wake up.. or or before i even get a diaper on.. its weird.. hard to explain and.. i cant talk the bad way.. also like even breastfeeding to.. never actually make it >.>

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  • 6 months later...

I've had two dreams fairly recently....One was five or so months ago.

It was a dream where I was wearing a diaper (don't remember what kind) and plastic pants (some blue ones 'cause I like blue even though I'm a girl) And I had a dream that I messed it...and I've never mess even though I say I'm mostly AB because I don't get "turned on wearing" I just like the feel of it, being treated like baby...I randomly say words cuter in real life, usually not to be cute or anything it just is much more fun.....

Day Dream:

Another one is wear I got dressed in a baby dress, don't remember the color, with the matching acessories, and the bonnet and shoes, adn the diapees and I am being walked as a baby. And my 'mommy' wears a corresponding to color to show that I'm her 'baby.'

Another Dream:

Where someone finds out my secret and in order to protect my secret, I must be someone's baby for a month.

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Here's an excerpt of a vivid dream I had a while back. It was a long one so I'm not including the whole thing. It's not one I'd exactly call "good", but here is part of it.

...I dreamed I was two, maybe two and a half, and still in diapers. My father (the biological one whom my mom divorced when I was 5, the one I would later learn not to like which is another story in it self) was changing my diaper. As he was finishing up cleaning me he had caressed me. I could actually tell it was through love but at the same time I did not like it. If only for a moment my father had fondled me then ran his hands down my legs and touched my toes (the last part was done exactly as my dad had just done in my dream). I knew at that point, even at the age of two I could never wear a diaper again and was determined to get potty trained as fast as possible...

...It would seem that in my rush to discard diapers I didn’t just quickly grow up but instead locked lock away the baby part of me and grew up a little too fast. The problem was I didn’t lock the baby in me away completely. Decades would pass and that baby would resurface time and time again....

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