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But OMG lol. I was trying to do some fried bread for meself other day and we had no oil so I used butter lol which I did for my fried egg so I thought it'd work. Now I'm no whizz in the kitchen at all lol but Holy shit I scared myself lol I went to turn bread over n there was a big flame lol I was like OMGGG. I just took pan away n turned gas off lmao. But scared myself shitless. I try and stay away from frying pans now lol.

Anyone else had any close calls? Or am I the only silly one ? haha.

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Let us all remember a fundamental rule of microwaves: microwaves + tinfoil = very bad idea

Now, if I had been an A student in science class, I probably would have known that, and fortunately, I saw what was happening quickly enough to turn the microwave off when trying to heat something. Heck, I don't even remember what it was, but if I wasn't paying attention, the sparks I saw flying would probably have turned into something much worse.

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LOL. I've also done that aswell. My daughters choc bar was in the fridge and it was a lil to hard for her to eat (shes one) so I thought I'll put it in microwave for couple of seconds so get it a lil softer and there were like sparks flying off the foil lol so I quickly opened the microwave and I werent sure whether it'd be hot or shock me lmao I have no idea so I grabbed tea towel an got it out lolllll.

Oh no I never baked a cake and set it alight, mind you I don't bake cakes haha. I can do flapjacks haha.

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just a suggestion... if cooking with oil or butter, have a box of baking soda nearby, already opened. never put water or any other liquid on a grease oil fire, but baking soda will suffocate the flames quite nicely. always good to take precautions

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sarah's advice is so good it's worth saying twice ^_^

the only time i set food on fire is when in intentionally did it.


1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter

- 1 cup brown sugar

- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

- 4 bananas, cut in half lengthwise, then halved

- 1/4 cup 151 rum

- 4 scoops vanilla ice cream

  • Combine the butter, sugar, and cinnamon in a flambé pan or skillet.
  • Place the pan over low heat either on an alcohol burner or on top of the stove, and cook, stirring, until the sugar dissolves.
  • When the banana sections soften and begin to brown, carefully add the rum.
  • Continue to cook the sauce until the rum is hot, then tip the pan slightly to ignite the rum. (or you can use a long grill lighter)
  • When the flames subside, lift the bananas out of the pan and place four pieces over each portion of ice cream.
  • Generously spoon warm sauce over the top of the ice cream and serve immediately

I copied and pasted that from here because I didn't feel like typing it out. There are a few changes i made but it's still a simple recipe.

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Being a firefighter,I know that 57% of home fires start in the kitchen.That being said i recommend that every kitchen has a fire extinguisher within easy reach of the cook top/oven.Baking soda does work wonders on oil fires but please remember that you and your family's safety is first.If you can't extinguish a fire quickly,leave the residence and contact your local fire company.

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I didn't do this one, but my brother did. When we started working on gas wells, my dad and brother would crack the valve open and light the gas on fire with a torch, then close the valve again. Well, my brother tried this once and cracked the valve a bit too much. Now, I warned him, but noo... He had to think he knew what he was doing... When he got the gas lit, it went up with a "FWOOM!" and nearly set him on fire. I know it sound mean, but I couldn't stop laughing at him.

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I'm a summer camp counselor and I can cook just fine over an open fire--feed 25 kids a great meal outdoors around a fire circle. But put me in a real kitchen and I'm all thumbs. (Burned thumbs, that is).

Baby June 2/2/2009

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One of my Dad's favorite lines to my mom: "You ever seen a microwave catch on fire?"

This was because she always liked her popcorn well over onto the burned side. One day she was on the phone and wasn't quite paying attention to it.....until the smoke detector started going off. There was a bunch of smoke pouring out to the microwave. No flames, but alot of smoke :). Ever since then its been kinda an inside family joke, especially whenever mom decides she wants popcorn.

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I had a gf that was the worst cook ever (with the exception of Naughty B that is!! :P )

On one occasion she made custard and when it came to the table it was full of chocolate buttons. I asked her why the custard was full of chocolate and she said "Oh, to make it taste nice". It turned out that she'd burnt the custard to the bottom of the pan, and when she stirred it all the black bits came off. So she poured in a pack of chocolate buttons, just so I wouldn't notice the bits of burnt pan in my desert.


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When I was about 12 me and my friends skipped school and went to my friends house when his mom was out. We all decided to make toast, but one of the boys left the bread bag on the hot ring and it melted the plastic to the ring. We were all trying to scrape this plastic off, when his mom walked in the door. She went ballistic, mainly because he was inviting friends round when we should be in school, but even worse when she saw the cooker. She started hitting him with a bike chain of all things (she must have kept it aside for such occasions). There he was being beaten by his mom, and we were like "See ya later Dean!!" and out the door lol.


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