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I Hate Snow!

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We've been having really bad snow in England this week. It started off fun, and I made a snowman and everything, but I've not been able to get to work yesterday or today...which would be ok...but Daddy just went to the shop and they have NO MILK, and apparently, neither does anywhere else in the whole town! The lorrys cant get here! What am I going to do with no milky :(

*sigh* Silly snow. . .

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We get a few days of snow and the whole country grinds to a halt, it's winter that's what happens. God knows what would happen if it snowed for 6 weeks or something. I'm sure many people just see it as an excuse not to go to work lol. I have neighbours that work like two miles away, and they still haven't gone in.

Still, at least we have the summer and another hose pipe ban to look forward to.


PS) If I was your daddy Starbaby and heard you being cheeky about getting no milk, I'd give you a couple of spoonfulls of castor oil. :P

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Look on the birght side winter offers us AB/DL the opertunity to wear diapers under warm bulky clothing without detection. Summer is grand but the clothes that are worn are less forgiving for wearing diapers.

Trust me I live in Arizona and I see plenty of hot summer wear the thought of wearing something extra out in public is not desireable at all.

I have a solution for you milk problem in the future. Keep some formula around. Or some powdered milk. I know that Powdered milk is not as tasty as regular milk but you can add some chocolate milk to it to mask the taste and have a treat at the same time.

Do you have some Hot chocolate around that sounds yummy in the middle of a snow storm!

Stay warm and dry, well ok warm but not nessisarily dry!


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We get a few days of snow and the whole country grinds to a halt, it's winter that's what happens. God knows what would happen if it snowed for 6 weeks or something. I'm sure many people just see it as an excuse not to go to work lol. I have neighbours that work like two miles away, and they still haven't gone in.

Still, at least we have the summer and another hose pipe ban to look forward to.


PS) If I was your daddy Starbaby and heard you being cheeky about getting no milk, I'd give you a couple of spoonfulls of castor oil. :P

Is is worth trying some baby milk? I know it wont taste the same. . .but maybe?

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I have heard about England getting hit with snow, and I have heard it's a once-in-a-lifetime thing. It's bad. I've had my battle with snow this winter, and lost hours at work. At least here, in the US, the country doesn't grind to a halt cause of snow.

However, it does make for some interesting conversations when things are cleared out. lol. I'd rather have the Arizona weather than the snow.

I hope you can get some milk.


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whiny english ppl :P

in some countries we get 2 meter snow and dont complain

(well some do ofc..)

2 weeks ago we got 40 cm snow overnight, but before i woke up the roads had be plowed so u could almost drive on summer tires (on big roads ofc, not the small ones)

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I've been in upstate NY when the snow drifts beside the road were so high you couldn't see the tops of 2 story houses 30 feet away from the car, and the usual 4 lanes on one side of the highway were down to 1, with 1 1/2 in places. You couldn't even see any road signs. Luckily I was with 'native' friends who knew how to drive in the mess and didn't need signs to know where they were :) When I was 5 I saw 3 feet of snow in my backyard in Colorado and of course Mom wouldn't let me near it for fear I'd be killed underneath it :( I did get to play on the hill in front where it hadn't piled up so thick :blush:

But I like it best where I am now. It snows a few inches omce or twice a year, looks pretty for a day or two, then melts away :D When the forecaster mentions the "S" word, like lemmings everybody rushes to the stores and buys all the bread and milk, even if they're only predicting a half inch at best, and even if they just stocked up on groceries the day before. It's inherent in being a True Southerner ;) and I think the local bakeries and dairies are paying the forecasters off to increase profits :lol:

What I like best is seeing a Northerner move down here and proudly park his mega-buck hot-rodded snowmobile in the garage, right in front with the door open for all to see, just to impress the neighbors. After a few days of having everyone that passes point and laugh they finally ask and find out that there's never been enough snow within a hundred miles of here to go snowmobiling! :roflmao:


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I love snow.

I live in the northeast - the land of Nor'easter's. I plow and shovel and salt snow for a winter living and since I am sole proprietor I enjoy what I do so work is play. Snow equals money, at least for my business. The best thing, for me, is that I can wear diapers plowing snow and nobody can tell, since its hidden under all those layers lol. Only thing is, If I make snow angels I get wet from melting snow.

cheers, Glenndl

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Ya I hate the snow too. Chicago gets pretty horrible winters. Im soooo happy I moved to San Diego. Its Sunny and Clear and 70-75 everyday year round. I havent seen snow in over a year and im much happier. Its nice because I can go to the beach and catch those waves year round. I watch the weather all the time and it seems like the whole country is blanketed in snow right now except for socal. I love livin here. The only problem is that it seems like all the babygirls out there live in snow stricken areas which are far from me <_<

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We get a few days of snow and the whole country grinds to a halt, it's winter that's what happens. God knows what would happen if it snowed for 6 weeks or something. I'm sure many people just see it as an excuse not to go to work lol. I have neighbours that work like two miles away, and they still haven't gone in.

Still, at least we have the summer and another hose pipe ban to look forward to.


PS) If I was your daddy Starbaby and heard you being cheeky about getting no milk, I'd give you a couple of spoonfulls of castor oil. :P

Hey becareful what you say about your neighbors they might be diaper lovers/adult babies on this site and realize who you are

And i do want to say i totaly agree with you about the snow people use the bad weather as an excuse not to do things they dont wanna do but if it were something else they would be more than happy to get out in it

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Snow is evil! EEEVVVIIILLLL! So is weather colder than 70F. I hate winter. It feels like the very air is trying to suck the life out of me... I'd much rather have a nice, warm spring/summer all year round. Of course, it doesn't really help that I work outside all day, so there's more of a reason not to like it. Sure, it's fun if you can go play in it and then come back inside and warm back up when you get cold... But when you have to fight it all day, it's really just bad weather.

Also, what're "lorrys"?

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Snow... meh, I can live with snow. This is Boston-- it's SUPPOSTED to snow, why bitch about it? Besides, I moved here from Ft Lauderdale. (20 years ago.)

But what I'm sick of is, every damn morning it's single digits, for a month now. It hasn't been above 25 degrees ONCE since late December. That's definitely NOT Boston! Maybe a week of it, but not a month and a half...

I'd be glad to see some snow-- cuz that means it's warmed up some! (We've got about a foot and a half so far.)

Mostly what I hate about winter isn't the weather, it's the long dark nights.... the short daylight hours. Glad to see that it's getting a little light when I wake up in the morning, and after I get out of work... Spring is coming!!! :thumbsup:


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I remember lorry been taught back in my school days but then yankees tend to believe that they have invented football and simply gave the real football another name. Sometimes I really wonder how they made it to the moon :P:P:lol::lol:

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Still, at least we have the summer and another hose pipe ban to look forward to.

What is a hose pipe, and why are they banned?

A hose pipe is one of those long rubber things that you put on your tap, to get water to other places? lol And apparently they are a waste of water?

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