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Diaper Lover With A Wife Without Interest In Diapers


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Hi friends!

I am a 38 year old good looking man, married since 2005 and I am a Diaper Lover, not an Adult Baby. Some year ago I told my wife that I like to wear diapers. Then she was first very shocked, but when she understood that I do not want to wear diapers every day and all the time, she was relaxed again and then she told me that she is curious in wearing diapers herself and so she did - together with me. This was the best time in my life. Both of us where turned on of wearing diapers and we had sex more or less every day in 1-2 weeks. After that, she told me that the diapers does not make her horny anylonger. She just see the diapers as disgusting items for babies and oldies. I was really disappointed of course and since then she accept me to wear diapers myself, but she does not like it at all. Now I am thinking of my marriage and if I have to leave my wife due to this matter. I would really like to have a wife who can share this DL-interest with me, lets say 1-2 times a week.

1. Do you have the same experience?

2. Do you think it is possible to stay in a relationship where the other person does not like to wear diapers?

3. Do you have any ideas what I should do?

Hope for some answers from all of you out there!



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My thoughts based upon my 39+ years of marriage would be to suggest that if communal diaper wearing is the only thing that holds your marriage together; its already over. My wife is now openly aware of my wearing, although I rarely use them for the intended purpose. I wear diaper and plastic pants almost every night to bed. She makes the 'I don't understand' comments occasionally and will joke about my desire on rare occasion.

Our marriage is founded on much more than personal idiosyncrasies. At least your wife tried them! mine won't nor will she assist me in anything beyond occasionally laundry. But the marriage is not dependent upon my interest or hers. I offered to keep my wearing to my private time, but she did not require that.

You might try a marriage counselor if you believe that your only happiness comes from dual diapers.

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I agree with what Packrat says. If all you want in a relationship is someone to wear diapers once or twice a week, well that's not much of a relationship.

I actually think you are a lot luckier than you think you are. Trust me, there are a lot of guys out there that would give their right arm to find a woman that even accepted them wearing diapers.........let alone wears them herself. My wife accepts my diaper wearing to such an extent that she plays mommy for me, but she has no interest in wearing diapers herself. I respect that and we go with the flow so to speak!!

One thing that stands out in your post is this. You said she was turned on by diapers, and you had sex once or twice a week. But did you only have sex when you both wore diapers? Because the thing is, if you did she may have simply become bored with you only getting excited by her when she's in a diaper. Let's face it, any woman would have a right to feel a bit pissed off if you only find her hot in a certain fetish item. Almost like you find the item hot rather than her.

Have you ever asked what else turns her on?


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Guest dllightning

that is some good advice from both of you.

I can only add this:

If you are thinking about ending the marriage, please seek a counselor and start doing something at least once a month to better your marriage, to better your relationship - find a marriage workbook or series that you can go through. (Along with the counseling)

First suggestions from me would be "Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage" by Mark Gungor - it is FUNNY and down to earth. It was totally worth the $ - had 5-6 lessons we did once a month.

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Hey Kudden, I am in exactly the same boat as you are.

I like wearing diapers, but my wife doesn't like it (and she has a wetting problem at night, but refuses to wear any protection for it because of my interests). When we were first starting out our relationship, she thought it was a "phase" I was going through and would "grow out of" (that was 15 years ago). Until about 5 years ago, she would willingly wear protection at night (but would not let me wear in bed, because I didn't "need" to wear them) but then became nearly cold-hearted about it. She even loves to threaten that she will tell my whole family, her whole family, and every friend she has about my interests (wearing diapers and women's panties). She's even said many times that she thinks I like diapers more than I like her.

So, I don't know how to advise you other than to talk to your wife about counseling. I keep trying to talk to my wife about it, but instead of going to a state-licensed counselor (who might be a little more open about fetish issues), she wants to have it done by the pastor of our church (because she thinks he would rip me up about that specific issue). You may have more success in that endeavor than I probably will.

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I also will agree with Packrat. And I can say how refreshing it is to see how many of us are in he same boat with our wife’s. After 35 years of marriage I have learned if I want something I need to pay attention to her needs and normally what I need will come my way. The exception is her wearing for me. She accepts me as I am, a DL.

Lay low man, divorce is expensive and it never ends. A few friends have do it , not fun.

PS love the panties in your first post, did she wear these for you?

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Guest dllightning

Hey Kudden, I am in exactly the same boat as you are.

I like wearing diapers, but my wife doesn't like it (and she has a wetting problem at night, but refuses to wear any protection for it because of my interests). When we were first starting out our relationship, she thought it was a "phase" I was going through and would "grow out of" (that was 15 years ago). Until about 5 years ago, she would willingly wear protection at night (but would not let me wear in bed, because I didn't "need" to wear them) but then became nearly cold-hearted about it. She even loves to threaten that she will tell my whole family, her whole family, and every friend she has about my interests (wearing diapers and women's panties). She's even said many times that she thinks I like diapers more than I like her.

So, I don't know how to advise you other than to talk to your wife about counseling. I keep trying to talk to my wife about it, but instead of going to a state-licensed counselor (who might be a little more open about fetish issues), she wants to have it done by the pastor of our church (because she thinks he would rip me up about that specific issue). You may have more success in that endeavor than I probably will.

I am a Pastor and I will not rip you to shreds on the wearing issue. I will however be blunt about the other issues.

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I am a Pastor and I will not rip you to shreds on the wearing issue. I will however be blunt about the other issues.

Well, unfortunately, we are living in NC, part of the "Bible Belt", so I totally expect the pastor's around here to be more difficult on non-standard issues...

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My thoughts based upon my 39+ years of marriage would be to suggest that if communal diaper wearing is the only thing that holds your marriage together; its already over. My wife is now openly aware of my wearing, although I rarely use them for the intended purpose. I wear diaper and plastic pants almost every night to bed. She makes the 'I don't understand' comments occasionally and will joke about my desire on rare occasion.

Our marriage is founded on much more than personal idiosyncrasies. At least your wife tried them! mine won't nor will she assist me in anything beyond occasionally laundry. But the marriage is not dependent upon my interest or hers. I offered to keep my wearing to my private time, but she did not require that.

You might try a marriage counselor if you believe that your only happiness comes from dual diapers.

Answer from Kudden: Hi, The marriage is of course not just held up by the diaper-thing. We have been together for 8 years now and there are a lot of other things I like with my wife. But the last years, I have felt that I need sex much more often than she needs / wants. Therefor I have tried to get her horny in many different ways during these years. I have tried with Adult DVD:s, Sextoys, Diapers etc. It has been working to start with, but after a while she feels its too much focus on other stuff than on us as a couple. She wants more to be close together without any preassure that it would lead to any sex. We have now tried also this out but we both are afraid that we do not have any solution for my sexneed. We are always together due to that we are both working at home, so I can not get a time for myself to masturbate either. I start to get bored and do not know how to handle this situation. I miss a wife with more sexneed and also interest in either diapers or PVC-clothing or both. Nowadays I can not get rid of my thoughts about this and that takes more or less at least 50% of my awake time to think about all this things. Sorry, but that is the truth.

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I agree with what Packrat says. If all you want in a relationship is someone to wear diapers once or twice a week, well that's not much of a relationship.

I actually think you are a lot luckier than you think you are. Trust me, there are a lot of guys out there that would give their right arm to find a woman that even accepted them wearing diapers.........let alone wears them herself. My wife accepts my diaper wearing to such an extent that she plays mommy for me, but she has no interest in wearing diapers herself. I respect that and we go with the flow so to speak!!

One thing that stands out in your post is this. You said she was turned on by diapers, and you had sex once or twice a week. But did you only have sex when you both wore diapers? Because the thing is, if you did she may have simply become bored with you only getting excited by her when she's in a diaper. Let's face it, any woman would have a right to feel a bit pissed off if you only find her hot in a certain fetish item. Almost like you find the item hot rather than her.

Have you ever asked what else turns her on?


Answer from Kudden: No, we did not have sex just when we weared diapers, but during a period of about two weeks, we were trying different kind of diapers and that was exciting for both of us. I agree that there is for sure a negative effect on her that I rather see her wearing fetishclothing than see here naked. But my interest in diapers and PVC-clothing is really strong so of course I try the best to get her interested too. When I ask her what turns her on, the answer is;

No products or DVD:s, No special material like PVC, It starts in her minds (fantasies etc) - therefor I ask her to read sexnovelties but so far it has not happened.

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I also will agree with Packrat. And I can say how refreshing it is to see how many of us are in he same boat with our wife’s. After 35 years of marriage I have learned if I want something I need to pay attention to her needs and normally what I need will come my way. The exception is her wearing for me. She accepts me as I am, a DL.

Lay low man, divorce is expensive and it never ends. A few friends have do it , not fun.

PS love the panties in your first post, did she wear these for you?

Answer from Kudden: She does not like to wear panties which are not breathing because she has had some problem with rashes down there and that was not fun neither for her or for me = no sex during a period. So the answer is: No, she has not weared these panties. I would like to wear them, but she is saying - "those does not turn me on you know, so there is no idea you are wearing them". So most of the time, the panties are in the wardrobe, waiting for better times in life...

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Hi friends!

I am a 38 year old good looking man, married since 2005 and I am a Diaper Lover, not an Adult Baby. Some year ago I told my wife that I like to wear diapers. Then she was first very shocked, but when she understood that I do not want to wear diapers every day and all the time, she was relaxed again and then she told me that she is curious in wearing diapers herself and so she did - together with me. This was the best time in my life. Both of us where turned on of wearing diapers and we had sex more or less every day in 1-2 weeks. After that, she told me that the diapers does not make her horny anylonger. She just see the diapers as disgusting items for babies and oldies. I was really disappointed of course and since then she accept me to wear diapers myself, but she does not like it at all. Now I am thinking of my marriage and if I have to leave my wife due to this matter. I would really like to have a wife who can share this DL-interest with me, lets say 1-2 times a week.

If this was requirement for marrige, then you should have told her before. To use this as reason to get out makes you the guilty one.

Hey, she gave it a try. What if she demanded that you give it up or else?

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If this was requirement for marrige, then you should have told her before. To use this as reason to get out makes you the guilty one.

Hey, she gave it a try. What if she demanded that you give it up or else?

Gee, that's exactly what my wife's attitude is. She hates the fact that I like to wear diapers and women's panties, and expects me to give them up totally "cold turkey".

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I am the first woman to reply then. yey.

I do agree with diaprbayb, you should have told her before your marriage. If it was a requirement from the start, you should have told her. I would have done the same thing with a none diaper guy about my fetish. Tell him soon or later before we went even further but I wouldn't tell him from the day we meet. I would wait a few weeks so that he would get to know me as a person and then tell him about my fetish to see how well he takes it and if he is cool with it. If he didn't like it, then at least I got that out of the way and I could move on and find another man instead of wasting my time with the wrong guy.

Yes I do think it is possible to be in a marriage with someone who doesn't like to wear. You just need to be flexible and deal with it like you had before you told her.

Artemis, your wife sounds like a bitch no offense. I never threatened my ex I would tell his son he likes his diapers and tell everyone at his job about his medical condition. He was incontinent. That would be crossing the line if I did that. I don't understand why someone would have issues with someone wearing to bed with them just because they don't need them and refusing to wear for a while because their own spouse has a diaper fetish.

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I am the first woman to reply then. yey.

I do agree with diaprbayb, you should have told her before your marriage. If it was a requirement from the start, you should have told her. I would have done the same thing with a none diaper guy about my fetish. Tell him soon or later before we went even further but I wouldn't tell him from the day we meet. I would wait a few weeks so that he would get to know me as a person and then tell him about my fetish to see how well he takes it and if he is cool with it. If he didn't like it, then at least I got that out of the way and I could move on and find another man instead of wasting my time with the wrong guy.

Yes I do think it is possible to be in a marriage with someone who doesn't like to wear. You just need to be flexible and deal with it like you had before you told her.

Artemis, your wife sounds like a bitch no offense. I never threatened my ex I would tell his son he likes his diapers and tell everyone at his job about his medical condition. He was incontinent. That would be crossing the line if I did that. I don't understand why someone would have issues with someone wearing to bed with them just because they don't need them and refusing to wear for a while because their own spouse has a diaper fetish.

I hear that about my wife from all my online friends (even the ones I talk to who aren't involved in this scene). So why should I be offended by something that is basically the truth? :roflmao:

And her refusal hasn't been just "a while", it's been YEARS... And she expects ME to change the bed the next day, when I'm not the one who had the problem.

I wish I could find some diapered friends to be able to "hang out" with and have some fun (maybe even some shared changings), cuz I certainly can't do it with her or any member of either of our families.

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Because I called her a bitch so I was saying "no offense" so you wouldn't think I was trying to be mean. Why don't you leave her?

I understood that, and was trying to say that there was no offense to be taken. She's even laughed when I mention the b word, saying "That's right, I am!"

As far as leaving her, from what I see, I will lose more than I would gain. Starting with all connection to my family (which includes 15 neices and nephews ranging from 1yr old toddlers to a 16yr old). I would be alone with no car, no home, and likely only whatever clothes I was wearing the moment I walked out the door.

I love my wife, but I don't know for sure if she loves me (since she keeps trying to force me to fit a "mold" she has in her mind instead of letting me be the real me). She refuses to read anything that's posted on any of the websites on the subject, and like I said in a previous post, she refuses to go to a state-licensed counselor who would (could? should?) at least be open to the subject - she wants to go to the pastors of our church (in NC, the "Bible Belt") where she assumes they'll immediately side with her on the subject.

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You are in one sucky position! I understand the choice is a hard one. But why be miserable?

My wife is essentially a-sexual (has no interest in sex). But we still love each other and although I'm not at all happy with our complete lack of a sex life, I've gotten used to it. Thankfully our other interests and shared likes offset that. If they didn't, I'd get divorced and deal with the fallout somehow. It has crossed my mind a number of times, but in the end, I'm too stubborn to give up on her, and the 5 finger shuffle is something I've gotten used to! Sucks....but oh well.

Now if my wife was threatening me.....I would be out of here in a heartbeat! I simply wouldn't stand for that! I have a job that would support me fine, and I'd work hard to ensure those family members understood I loved them and that they could see me whenever they liked. I'm sure many of your family see your wife for what she is anyway.....

And don't get me started on religion....!!!

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You are in one sucky position! I understand the choice is a hard one. But why be miserable?

My wife is essentially a-sexual (has no interest in sex). But we still love each other and although I'm not at all happy with our complete lack of a sex life, I've gotten used to it. Thankfully our other interests and shared likes offset that. If they didn't, I'd get divorced and deal with the fallout somehow. It has crossed my mind a number of times, but in the end, I'm too stubborn to give up on her, and the 5 finger shuffle is something I've gotten used to! Sucks....but oh well.

Now if my wife was threatening me.....I would be out of here in a heartbeat! I simply wouldn't stand for that! I have a job that would support me fine, and I'd work hard to ensure those family members understood I loved them and that they could see me whenever they liked. I'm sure many of your family see your wife for what she is anyway.....

And don't get me started on religion....!!!

Uhh, unfortunately, my mother, my sister, and every adult member of my wife's family, would believe my wife 90% more often than they would believe me on most subjects.

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