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OK well since growing up I have never been out trick or treating.

Its not that I led a dull and boring life but I can't understand it.

Each day we tell our kids not to knock on a strangers door or talk to strangers but we allow our kids to do that once every year on halloween.

But we send our kids out in the dark to knock on somebodys door they don't know.

I don't have kids but was just using the term "our kids" as an expression.

Id like to know if there are other people out there who agrees with me and it would be great to hear from a parent that allow their kids to knock on a strangers door and ask for candy.

Thats my rant.

Kind Regards


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I see your point, but there are some differences for "this" day. There are certain procedures that "Should" be in place. First a higher level of security is generally in place. That being, more police patrols for one. Secondly, most Parents or at least a older sibling will be with a younger child. Then add in that mostly the kids go out in groups, and that the groups are within another group or two by a few houses. Also, children should know that YOU NEVER GO INTO A HOUSE to get candy.

I do know in my area, if you have been convicted of any sexual crime you are not permitted to pass out candy. The police constantly verify this on patrols of the neighborhoods. Additionally anyone convicted of a childhood sexual crime of any nature must report to a undisclosed area during the time of "Trick or Treat. Basically strength in numbers, and given the fact that the rule is if the lights aren't on, don't knock. But as a rule of thumb it is a really crazy day, it does go against our general principles. I can't remember the last time that anything "bad" has happened during this time of the year. I don't want to sound bad, but I do feel a little sorry that you never had the chance to "experience" the thrill and fun. But hey maybe you can get a small glimpse when you do have children, and hopefully you will accompany them on a trip (even to a few close neighbors) around the block.

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I see your point, but there are some differences for "this" day. There are certain procedures that "Should" be in place. First a higher level of security is generally in place. That being, more police patrols for one. Secondly, most Parents or at least a older sibling will be with a younger child. Then add in that mostly the kids go out in groups, and that the groups are within another group or two by a few houses. Also, children should know that YOU NEVER GO INTO A HOUSE to get candy.

I do know in my area, if you have been convicted of any sexual crime you are not permitted to pass out candy. The police constantly verify this on patrols of the neighborhoods. Additionally anyone convicted of a childhood sexual crime of any nature must report to a undisclosed area during the time of "Trick or Treat. Basically strength in numbers, and given the fact that the rule is if the lights aren't on, don't knock. But as a rule of thumb it is a really crazy day, it does go against our general principles. I can't remember the last time that anything "bad" has happened during this time of the year. I don't want to sound bad, but I do feel a little sorry that you never had the chance to "experience" the thrill and fun. But hey maybe you can get a small glimpse when you do have children, and hopefully you will accompany them on a trip (even to a few close neighbors) around the block.

It does sound better if the parent or older siblings go with their children but many in our area tend to go out by themselfs and its a recipe of something bad that will happen.

If I had kids then Id tell them the dangers of knocking on someones door and talking to strangers.

Thanks for the reply Repaid1. I always look forward when you post. Happy Halloween.

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I actually do agree with you on this one. Every Halloween we hear stories about kids getting hurt, poisoned, whatever. You go around in the dark (or semi-dark) knocking on doors of people you hardly know. 20 or 30 years ago, I imagine it wasn't as much of a problem....you knew everyone in your neighborhood. Even now, there are neighborhoods like that (I lived in Military housing for a good chunk of my childhood....those are some close-knit communities). You still never know who is a potential abuser. We teach our kids to be cautious, but then on Halloween, they go out and walk around. I know there is tighter security around, but things still do happen.

Meh. I'm not a big fan of the whole concept of Halloween anyway. I like Haunted Houses and such as much as the next guy, but I think instilling kids with the ideas that horror, witches, and some of the darker things from the supernatural world are fuzzy and cute is a big mistake. There are fundamental things of evil out there, and in many cases kids are just not emotionally equipped to handle the reality of such things. So says the guy that just spent 14 hours running a Haunted House for his academy (Guess I don't have too much room to talk).

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in england It is infact illegal to go trick or treating, even though they do it anyway.

I do agree though I find it hypacritcial that they teach there kids not to talk to strangers but on halloween allow them to knock on there doors.

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Granted , it was a long time ago, but this was my most favorite of the 'holidays' There were NEVER any problems, and I was raised in a poor and rough innercity neighborhood. In the ensuing years folks did stupid things to cause the anxiety and fear that you express. When my two daughters were young, they went out begging- always with a costume that they helped make; but only with the supervision of an adult...usually me. And, with lots of other parents out the kids were probably safer than at any other time.

The number of kids going door to door is definitely smaller these days with arranged party options available. Either way, I still enjoy seeing the little ones with real costumes.

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What do you cite to support this notion? I can find no statute to support the idea that trick or treating is illegal beyond the concept of public nuisance, however you can interpret even that to allow it is you use literal or narrow golden.

The only concepts that are illegal would be the obvious property damage. The act of trick or treating in not illegal, has no age limit and is not a punishable offence.

I might of been wrong, I heard on the news about banning trick or treating.
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