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Diapered Christian Conclusion

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I wrote a post this past week about Christians having this fetish, and whether it was OK or not. Almost all of the answers I received said it was OK. Very few were only unsure. I listened to what everyone said, prayed a lot, read a lot, and thought a lot. I have come to a conclusion, and I know this is long but PLEASE take the time to read this and consider what I have to say.

A little about myself: I have like diapers for as long as I can remember, and I have tried to stop many times but have not been able to because I didn’t exactly know why I thought it was wrong, so I was always able to convince myself that it was fine. Finally I decided to see what others online said about it, whether it was OK or not. And everyone said they thought it was. But what was I to expect from a bunch of people doing it, that they would think it wrong? Of course not. Honestly, I was hoping to find the truth, one way or the other. However, I was greatly unimpressed by almost every argument I heard. Most of them were very shallow or weak. But many people nowadays look for an argument that sides with what they think or do, so as to justify it. I have been guilty of that myself. But I want more than that. God knows whether we really seek His will and truth or not, so I suggest we really do it. Not just because He knows, but because we are meant to know and love Him, and seeking His will and truth is the only way.

So I did reading and thinking and praying, and decided something. Obviously I have known a lot of this before about sex and sexuality, but this week during prayer it all came together and made sense. Please read it and let me know what you think.

Some people have said that God has more to be concerned about than our choice of underwear. I would agree with this if diapers (for most of us) were only a choice of underwear or a recreation. If you just like wearing them better than using the toilet, or enjoy them like you enjoy recreation (reading, taking walks, sports) then I do not think there is anything wrong with diapers. There is nothing wrong in wearing diapers in and of themselves. But I know that’s not how it is for me. The problem is when they are a sexual stimulant or desire. This is where it matters. So what I am going to be saying is directed toward any Christian, like myself, who get sexually aroused when wearing diapers, or seeing other people wear them, or fanaticizing about them. So, to those who says God does not care about your underwear choice: you are right – unless it is more than just an underwear choice.

As Christians we believe God created humans, man and woman, and he created sexuality and therefore made it for a specific purpose. Sex is a good and wonderful thing. Christianity has always taught this and still does. The reason Christianity seems so concerned with sex is because it’s so good, and therefore needs to protect it and keep it sacred. In our society we have been mislead and taught that we can do whatever we want with our bodies. They are ours and no one else’s. So, when we hear the word chastity we think of it as something bad, and something restricting. It keeps us from being happy and doing what we want – or at least that’s what I thought. But I never really knew what chastity was. Chastity is the “successful integration of sexuality within the person.” Chastity is that which makes us truly free to love sexually like God intended us to. It is saying yes to the true meaning of sex, the meaning that will bring us the most happiness, which is what we all want. I’m not going to lie, I had never heard it put like that before, but it makes sense, and is the truth.

So what is the meaning of sex and why is it meant for marriage? Well, to start off I should mention that we are body/soul creatures, not just soul, so what we do with our body matters. Not only does it matter, it says something; it communicates things. If you want to show someone you care then you give them a hug (or other things, this is just an example), you don’t kick them in the butt. Those two things convey two different meanings without the use of words.

In sex you find a special kind of “language of the body.” Sex is an expression of love that is: (1) Total (you completely give yourself to the other), (2) Exclusive (between just two people), (3) Permanent, (4) Fruitful (“be fruitful and multiply”), and (5) Freely given. The only place this can be meant fully and truly is within marriage. As we can see sex is something great, and something you do with someone you have given your entire life to.

(please hang in there I am bringing this back to diapers soon)

Sex has three ends/purposes: Pleasure, Procreation, and Unity. God made sex and He made it enjoyable. Pleasure in it is not a bad thing. He also made it so we could be “fruitful and multiply,” which was the first command ever given to man and woman. And sex was made to unite man and woman, so they can truly become “one flesh.” Any sexual activity that tries to remove one or more of the three is wrong. You should not just use your spouse for pleasure or children, but should want to have sex for all three – to give your whole self to them as an act of love and sacrifice. In it you say I give you my whole self, all my love, a love that would lead to death for you if needed. So I found sex really is an awesome thing! It’s not something to be ashamed of or stopped…or abused. God designed it as a wonderful thing and should not be abused.

Because of the Fall of man and sin, good things God has made have been distorted, sex being one of them. Many other things have gone wrong too. Man and woman are suppose be attracted to each other. It is my wife I should love and be attracted to because that’s how it was in the beginning. But I realize now that for some reason diapers get me sexually aroused and I get pleasure from them that is meant for sex. I am suppose to get aroused by women (specifically my wife), not by some inanimate thing. This is a disordered and unnatural passion within me. It is not my fault (as far as I know) that I feel this way, but that does not mean I have the right to misuse the pleasure of sex because of it. When I wear diapers, or look at pictures of women in them, or fanaticize, I get a sexual arousal that is only suppose to come from women, not some man-made object that has no worth of its own. Diapers are not bad things, but using them for my sexual pleasure is a bad thing.

It is through much prayer and thought that I have come to these conclusions. I have asked our Lord Jesus Christ to guide me on His paths, and to send the Holy Spirit to help me know what is right. From all this praying and thinking I am convinced that my desire for diapers is unnatural, and I need to stop using them for sexual pleasure. We are Christians, called to be holy by the Lord. To live lives that express His great love to the world. Christ desires all of our lives. As C.S. Lewis says, “Christ says `Give me All. I don't want so much of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work: I want you.’” Our Lord wants us to seek and follow His will in all aspects of our lives, not just the ones visible to the outside world.

Brothers and Sisters, please read this and consider what I have said. Pray about it, and if you have questions please ask me, and I will do my best to answer and we can figure this out together. My whole life I have felt a desire for diapers, and when I wear them it feels good. But afterwards I have always felt that it is wrong. It has always seemed unnatural. While I wear them and feel the pleasure it does not seem so, but whenever I am in prayer before the Lord, or with my fiancée, or anywhere in the real world I know this is not how it was suppose to be. That’s the way almost all sins are. While we do them we justify it or make it seem OK, but afterwards know it was wrong. However if you do it enough times you begin to quiet your conscious until you no longer hear it. Its not just about what underwear we wear, but about usually the gift of our sexuality in the way God ordained it.

I need to be true to the true nature of sex as God intended it. It’s funny though, whenever I wore diapers or looked at them online I

was not thinking to myself “I want to get pleasure from sex abnormally.” I just did it without understanding it. But now that I do I need to stop. I know stopping is going to be VERY hard, but I know with God’s grace and maybe even being kept accountable by some of you, I can do it. We can do it. It’s rough because this is probably going to be something I struggle with my whole life. But God knows that, and sees that we have some difficult things to overcome. Christ told us we would have to take up our crosses and follow Him, and this might be one of them. He never said it would be easy, only that it would be worth it. Brothers and Sisters, please read this and consider what I have said. Pray about it, and if you have questions please ask me, and I will do my best to answer and we can figure this out together.

God Bless

If you want to talk about this more with me I would love to.

- diapermonkey


Let me begin by asking you to read the famous "Letter to Dr Laura". There, you will read about a number of commonly accepted violations of the literal words of god in Leviticus, which is the place in the bible where most of the prohibitions about sexuality are justified. The only logical conclusion is that we are completely unconcerned about violating some of that book, but very concerned about other parts of that same book, all without explanation from those very concerned or from the book itself. Therefore, something is rotten in the state of denmark and requires an explanation.

That explanation must involve one or more of the following:

a) Those very concerned are not actually concerned about following the bible, but are concerned about something else. There is a great deal of evidence that it's simple conservatism. Read up on the episcopalians and their gay priests and ministers, and then read up on the pedophilic catholic priests. Tremendous sins have been caused by the mere denial of sexuality.

B) Something is incorrect, but included in the bible. This is generally rejected, because the logical conclusion would reject the divinity of the bible.

c) The instructions in the book of Leviticus were intended for different conditions.

d) The spirit of what is in the bible as a whole is more important than the precise, literal details.

In any case, Christ says he is come to justify, or redeem the law. Thus, the new testament is intended to modify the old testament, especially in matters of how to get into heaven. Christ then goes on to discuss at some length how he determines whether a person has faith, which is difficult to discern, and makes an analogy to fruit trees: The good ones produce good fruit, the bad ones don't. How they produce the fruit isn't terribly important, although at least in the book of John, he says that there is only one way to the lord, and that is through Jesus.

He doesn't say anything about getting there by denying oneself; on the contrary he does say the lord takes care of those who help themselves. That rich man has trouble getting into heaven because he won't give things away, not because he sleeps in silk pajamas or has servants, as given by at least one example. Where his seed goes doesn't seem to enter into it. The fruits are there.

In other places, the new testament says to have a joyful face, not to blacken it with ashes on days of prayer.

"Be fruitful and multiply and cover the earth" is reasonable, but we have now done that, and it is not impossible that making more humans will cause the environment to become unliveable for all humans. Surely we weren't supposed to overpopulate ourselves to extinction.


So I really think if you have this need for diapers, wear your diapers, and get on with other things that are more important. I realize the shrinks have come to this conclusion too. Enjoying this lesser sin and releasing your energies in this direction is much better than some other directions the energy could be directed in.

The Buddha, incidentally, is quite explicit in saying that denial of pleasure, while sometimes useful, can become a negative game among men. This echoes Christ, when he says not to trumpet giving in the street, for those who do so have their reward, as do those who pray on the street corners for all to see.


As have others, I find your reasoning very dualistic, black/white oriented. I got my taste of that when the daughter of the woman who is now my wife decided that I automatically must hate the man she calls "Dad" and he must hate me. It simply doesn't work that way; I have been helping her dad off and on in various ways.

Similarly, a weekend here and there in diapers doesn't preclude more traditional forms of sex with your wife and the traditional results -- bouncing baby boys and girls. Also, if you are not having traditional sex, spilling your seed with the help of your diapers keeps your equipment in good shape to perform when the time comes to do it for real.

You call the desire for diapers "unnatural"...tell me, given perhaps 50,000 aware lovers of diapers wandering around on earth, by what artifice did we catch this lust? In fact, it seems perfectly natural...all the more reason to ask about the results of the desire, rather than the desire itself.

As for how it is "supposed" to be, where did you learn that? The more scientists learn about "supposed to be" or "normal" in sex, the more they learn that the specifics are a very individual thing. Make your wife or fiance a priority higher than your diapers, and the diapers will take care of themselves.

Dill Pickle

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Well, diapers are a perversion by the definition of the word.

I'm confused by this, first off, which definition of which word are we talking about? definition of diapers or definition of perverse?

from american heritage dictionary via dictionary.com

pervert -

To cause to turn away from what is right, proper, or good; corrupt.

To bring to a bad or worse condition; debase.

To put to a wrong or improper use; misuse. See Synonyms at corrupt.

To interpret incorrectly; misconstrue or distort: an analysis that perverts the meaning of the poem.

I'm assuming when discusing diapers as a perversion you are implying the first definition here, that diapers turn away from what is right, proper or good. Course, here is where the distinction between the thing and the act needs to be made. Diapers by definition are NOT a perversion. However it oculd be interpreted by those of varying faiths and/or belief systems (believe it or not, even those who are not christian fall into this category) that the act of wearing diapers for anything other than a medical need i.e. wearing diapers because of sexual feelings or feelings of safety and security is a perversion of their true nature.

There is a different between the object, the act, and the reasons for the act. THe diapers and the wearing of diapers may not be perverse at all, however some may believe that their reasons for wearing the diapers are perverse.

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Well, diapers are a perversion by the definition of the word.

So, I guess by your statement, new-born babes are perverts too. What exactly are you getting at? Clean up your text and say what you mean. Your post is about the most ignorant one I've yet to see here.


--heidilynn ;)

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The statement was not meant to be over analyzed as you have done - but the commonly used definitions of perversion apply to the use of diapers for other than medical necessity. Perversion is outside what is considered normal - and may also be considered an aberrant sexual practice. For many - diapers meets both of those definitions and for others, just one. I suppose for the sake of semantic precision (which frankly seems nit picky to me), diapers are not technically a perversion in and of themselves. Rather the perversion describes the behavior of using them which deviates significantly from normal.

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So, I guess by your statement, new-born babes are perverts too. What exactly are you getting at? Clean up your text and say what you mean. Your post is about the most ignorant one I've yet to see here.


--heidilynn ;)

I appreciate your assessment of my knowledge or lack thereof, hopefully my other reply shall clear up what a perversion is for you. As for clarity of text, I would argue that having to clarify the use of perversion is another testament to the apparent negative connotation people have about the word and semantic fascism.

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In honor of my 500th post,AZDL,I have to ask the burning question.......Since I don't always wear a diaper,and sometimes piss in the backyard while smoking a cigarette,by your defintion of the word perverse,since I'm not doing something that most people find"normal",is it still perverse if I don't pull out a bottle of lube and start stroking my hugely engorged cock till the point of ejaculation?

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I don't disagree with the gist of your argument.(you lost me halfway through so i skipped torwards the end but yeah as christians we are to abstain from sexual imorality and the such (but again that is always an internal struggle) I don't watch pron or try to avoid it as much as possible, which includes not watching pornographic diaper videos.(nudity) I'm not going to argue that fetishes are right or wrong, not really sure there is a definitive answer on the issue. Obviosuly the bible gives clear examples of sexual immorality but that's a different story.

okay quick note Biblical definition of perversion

-to corrupt in nature as in turning away from is right or true.

Not sure where this argument came in, didn't pick up on anybody being called dirty perverts in the op.

I think if something interferes with your faith then yes it is of importance to abstain yuorself from those behaviors. I am reminded of the apostle paul writing about eating meat sacrificed to idols. No inherent problems with meat since the idols aren't real but if it is a hang up for youy then avoid it. If 'x'-(insert whatever it may be) is impacting your spiritual wellbeing then it is something you should not do it. If you feel convicted by your actions then nobody has the right to attack you for it but the converse is true as well. Now my friend if you find a woman who is into the same fetish then based on your argument it would be okay to participate? For me personally I have dealt with this my whole life without even knowing there were poeple who did this. I think I stumbled across this stuff for a reason but at same time I seek God's wisdom and provision in all things. I applaud you for your decision but also caution you that you are going to get lots of backlash so be careful. Stand bvy your convictions but please do not base it on what your pastor or some other preacher says that the bible means but from what you yourself have sought and understand. I see way too mnay christian leader teacxhing what secual postions are okay in the bedroom and I cringe at idiotic hypocritical teachings like that. Personal motto of mine is 'Bible on one nightstand and Kama Sutra on the other'. If I'm going to wait till marraige then I am going to enjoy every minute of it. I commend your decision and best luck to you, stay strong and stay in the word.

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No need to be crude. I would point out it is not my definition of perverse that is being used - it is the definition of perverse. Look it up if you don't believe me. I will not enter into debate about every act in your life that may or may not be normal. There are some things you do or don't do that I could not speak to whether it is normal or not considering I have no sense of how many people do such things (i.e stroke their engorged cocks in their backyards). I can reasonably say however that an interest in diapers for things other than some physical necessity is outside the norm (and that means that a very small minority of people do it), and thus their use as such is a perversion.

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The statement was not meant to be over analyzed as you have done - but the commonly used definitions of perversion apply to the use of diapers for other than medical necessity. Perversion is outside what is considered normal - and may also be considered an aberrant sexual practice. For many - diapers meets both of those definitions and for others, just one. I suppose for the sake of semantic precision (which frankly seems nit picky to me), diapers are not technically a perversion in and of themselves. Rather the perversion describes the behavior of using them which deviates significantly from normal.

So then by your definition of the term perversion someone who eats something differently that another person, or if they walk differently than another person would be considered a perversion? Out side of what is considered normal as a perversion, so then by that definition I am a pervert because I add milk before the cereal in the morning. That is different than normal correct? As most people I have seen add milk to their cereal after the food product is already in the milk.

I don't want you to feel picked on, but if you are going to enter into a debate you have to accept some sort of rebuttal.

So then how to we truly define the term perversion???

*edit* didn't see your post Sarah. I suppose how do we personally define the term perversion?


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well in the definition supplied by the american heritage dictionary, in the definition of pervert, there is no mention of the word sex anywhere. It is only in western society has the word been used to imply sexual perversion. Remember those who were gay or lesbian were at one point considered sexual perverts.

The word pervert has been corrupted to imply sexual, just like the word retard. Its true definition means to make slow, to hinder, to dampen, but in using it to describe those who are developmentally disabled, we have effectively turned a scientific word into an insult.

According to definition doing something abnormal is not necessarily a perversion. Actually the word abnormal does not even show up in hte definition. It may be a PERSONAL definiton someone has of the word, but when entering into a debate in such a public forum, using a personal definiton does no good, as not everyone will share your definition.

Such as the word christian. It has been thrown around so much here. There are something like 400 denominations in the christian faith, yet everyone seems to be under the assumption that all christians believe the same thing. True, those who are christians follow the teachings of jesus christ. but the teachings as interpreted by each individual faith. I grew up in a christian church, that never once said premarital sex was wrong, never said homosexuality was wrong, never said birth control or abortion was wrong. Others grow up in christian churchs in which they are taught the exact opposite. Yet both church's are considered christian churchs.

I just feel it is important to remember that because you are christian does not mean that your beliefs are the only beliefs in the christian faith. SO it is important to not speak for all christians in your posts, but rather simply for yourself, and yourself only.

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Wow there are a lot of replies and I appreciate it. I am glad to hear them all. If I have time I will respond to them one by one. A few quick notes: there has been a lot of arguing over the definition of "perversion" and I'm not quite sure why, although I can see where it would come in. Also, someone said that there were over 400 denominations of Christianity. There are actually over 25,000. That is not an exaggeration. Finally, someone said that since there were 50,000 of us with a diaper fetish that it wouldn't be abnormal (or something to that effect), but 50,000 out of 7 Billion people? We would still be a very very small minority. Thats all for the moment. Sorry, I am very busy. Thanks again for the posts.

Actually, I should say one more thing. A vast majority of the people here posting disagree with me, and thats fine. Criticism and dialogue is good, but most people now see it as insulting or offensive; they don't like other people to have different opinions. However, dialogue is one of the best ways to acquire knowledge. This is something Plato and others believed in very strongly. Hence, all of his dialogues. What am I trying to do with these dialogues? Find truth, and in it God's will. So everyone knows, there is truth. To say "nothing is true" would be embarrassing. I do not mean to be offensive, but the statement is self-defeating and would be explained in most any intro to Philosophy class. So, my point being: for those of us who have a sexual fetish towards diapers, it is either normal or abnormal, right or wrong. Although one person has intrigued me by speaking of diapers within marriage. That is one thing I am not quite sure of yet, although for the moment I think it could be wrong. However if better evidence comes along then we shall see.

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We're a refined group of intellectuals :lol:

This thread has turned to another page. I agree that most of the posters in this thread are educated and have stated valid arguments. What does this say about our community? Diverse, to say the least. Religion is always a great topic. Thank God we're not snugged together in some local pub, eh?

But, let's get back to square one. Does God really care if we want or have to wear diapers? I think not. Jesus wore them on the Cross, for cryin' out loud. That is, if artistic portrayals of the event and period are accurate. Maybe some of you would be more comfortable with thinking He wore "underwear". Or maybe, the more hysterical/historical term, "loincloth"? Let's get back on track, here.


--heidilynn ;)

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So then by your definition of the term perversion someone who eats something differently that another person, or if they walk differently than another person would be considered a perversion? Out side of what is considered normal as a perversion, so then by that definition I am a pervert because I add milk before the cereal in the morning. That is different than normal correct? As most people I have seen add milk to their cereal after the food product is already in the milk.

I don't want you to feel picked on, but if you are going to enter into a debate you have to accept some sort of rebuttal.

So then how to we truly define the term perversion???

*edit* didn't see your post Sarah. I suppose how do we personally define the term perversion?


Well, as for debate, I am not faint of heart for it. Forum debate gets tiring though in terms of response time. Even now we have moved on to something else other than nit picking the definition of perversion. As I said earlier, before you can consider something abnormal, you must define normal. All of your cases above are such that there is no defined normal on those things as far as I can tell - though the milk before cereal thing seems odd (especially for floating cereals - would end up with a lot of milk at the end). I am making the argument that wearing diapers for fun is definitely abnormal. If the word perversion bothers you, think of it as abnormal instead.

As for where I think God would come down on this? I don't know - I don't believe in him let alone care what he thinks about this whole thing. I think deducing his intent through a few selected bible passages and prayer can be dangerous, and lead you to very wrong conclusions. I think almost everyone has gone through a guilt phase with diapers, including myself, and for me the guilt was derived from doing something against what I had been taught and the perception that I was a freak of society. Eventually I realized it does not matter whether I am a freak or not, or what my parents taught on the matter, and so am very comfortable. What I have always failed to understand is why people feel compelled to involve religion in every aspect of their lives - and especially why they want to complicate something in there life which is morally neutral (I cannot conceive of a universal moral construct that would direct that wearing diapers for any reason is wrong). So I find it curious as to why people think God would have anything to say on the matter and why it is that the answer can be found in the bible - considering the bible is less than clear on most things pertaining to the present time.

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Well, as for debate, I am not faint of heart for it. Forum debate gets tiring though in terms of response time. Even now we have moved on to something else other than nit picking the definition of perversion. As I said earlier, before you can consider something abnormal, you must define normal. All of your cases above are such that there is no defined normal on those things as far as I can tell - though the milk before cereal thing seems odd (especially for floating cereals - would end up with a lot of milk at the end). I am making the argument that wearing diapers for fun is definitely abnormal. If the word perversion bothers you, think of it as abnormal instead.

As for where I think God would come down on this? I don't know - I don't believe in him let alone care what he thinks about this whole thing. I think deducing his intent through a few selected bible passages and prayer can be dangerous, and lead you to very wrong conclusions. I think almost everyone has gone through a guilt phase with diapers, including myself, and for me the guilt was derived from doing something against what I had been taught and the perception that I was a freak of society. Eventually I realized it does not matter whether I am a freak or not, or what my parents taught on the matter, and so am very comfortable. What I have always failed to understand is why people feel compelled to involve religion in every aspect of their lives - and especially why they want to complicate something in there life which is morally neutral (I cannot conceive of a universal moral construct that would direct that wearing diapers for any reason is wrong). So I find it curious as to why people think God would have anything to say on the matter and why it is that the answer can be found in the bible - considering the bible is less than clear on most things pertaining to the present time.

For the vast majority of people in this world religion is their life. So it defines the very way in which they lead their lives. For some there comes a paradox with how their desires mingle with their religion, so they have to question their desires.

I do agree with you though. I don't personally believe that god is so trivial.

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Eh, my response will piss some people off, but who cares. Who gives a crap about what your God says or this God says or that God says. All of it is crap. Organize religion is crap. All religions do are try to make people feel bad for things they have done which obviously is working here. Now let me clarify, I am Christian. I used to go to Church weekly. Now, I don't go anymore because I just don't believe in organized religion.

My thoughts are this: I believe there is a God out there. Christianity = Baptists = Catholics = Jewish = Musslim = Buddhist = Taoist = Hindu = etc. They are all one in the same. Almost every religion proclaims they are the one true religion and all others are going to hell or some sort of aspect. If that one is the true one, then what about all the others? Ultimately, your religion comes down to where you were raised. If you were raised in the USA, chances are your Christian, raised in Japan, your Buddhist, raised in Saudi Arabia, your probably musslim or islamic. So, once again, how can one be more right than the other.

All I believe, is if you believe, you have faith, you live your life in a decent manner and do not do harmful things to others, then live however you choose to live. Why should someone, something, some object, a.k.a. the bible, dictate to you how to live? Essentially, you are causing yourself all this delima, all this pain, this misery, because someone else wrote something down in a book.

If you believe everything you read, then I am the voice of God and I say wear diapers if you want. I don't know, I have a lot more to say, but I have probably made a lot of people mad, so I shall cease for now.

I hope you find whatever answer you need from yourself. Live for yourself for only you shall be with yourself every minute of every day. Do what makes you happy and just be happy!

Sorry if I offended anyone, I did not mean too.

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Eh, my response will piss some people off, but who cares. Who gives a crap about what your God says or this God says or that God says. All of it is crap. Organize religion is crap. All religions do are try to make people feel bad for things they have done which obviously is working here. Now let me clarify, I am Christian. I used to go to Church weekly. Now, I don't go anymore because I just don't believe in organized religion.

My thoughts are this: I believe there is a God out there. Christianity = Baptists = Catholics = Jewish = Musslim = Buddhist = Taoist = Hindu = etc. They are all one in the same. Almost every religion proclaims they are the one true religion and all others are going to hell or some sort of aspect. If that one is the true one, then what about all the others? Ultimately, your religion comes down to where you were raised. If you were raised in the USA, chances are your Christian, raised in Japan, your Buddhist, raised in Saudi Arabia, your probably musslim or islamic. So, once again, how can one be more right than the other.

All I believe, is if you believe, you have faith, you live your life in a decent manner and do not do harmful things to others, then live however you choose to live. Why should someone, something, some object, a.k.a. the bible, dictate to you how to live? Essentially, you are causing yourself all this delima, all this pain, this misery, because someone else wrote something down in a book.

If you believe everything you read, then I am the voice of God and I say wear diapers if you want. I don't know, I have a lot more to say, but I have probably made a lot of people mad, so I shall cease for now.

I hope you find whatever answer you need from yourself. Live for yourself for only you shall be with yourself every minute of every day. Do what makes you happy and just be happy!

Sorry if I offended anyone, I did not mean too.

So, tell us how you really feel! ;)

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I maybe would not have worded it that way exactly - but I agree with the gist of the sentiment of not letting religion overly complicate every facet of your life - there are just some parts of your life that religion can't answer to.

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Because of the Fall of man and sin, good things God has made have been distorted, sex being one of them. Many other things have gone wrong too. Man and woman are suppose be attracted to each other. It is my wife I should love and be attracted to because that’s how it was in the beginning. But I realize now that for some reason diapers get me sexually aroused and I get pleasure from them that is meant for sex. I am suppose to get aroused by women (specifically my wife), not by some inanimate thing. This is a disordered and unnatural passion within me. It is not my fault (as far as I know) that I feel this way, but that does not mean I have the right to misuse the pleasure of sex because of it. When I wear diapers, or look at pictures of women in them, or fanaticize, I get a sexual arousal that is only suppose to come from women, not some man-made object that has no worth of its own. Diapers are not bad things, but using them for my sexual pleasure is a bad thing.

It is through much prayer and thought that I have come to these conclusions. I have asked our Lord Jesus Christ to guide me on His paths, and to send the Holy Spirit to help me know what is right. From all this praying and thinking I am convinced that my desire for diapers is unnatural, and I need to stop using them for sexual pleasure. We are Christians, called to be holy by the Lord. To live lives that express His great love to the world. Christ desires all of our lives. As C.S. Lewis says, “Christ says `Give me All. I don't want so much of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work: I want you.’” Our Lord wants us to seek and follow His will in all aspects of our lives, not just the ones visible to the outside world.

Brothers and Sisters, please read this and consider what I have said. Pray about it, and if you have questions please ask me, and I will do my best to answer and we can figure this out together. My whole life I have felt a desire for diapers, and when I wear them it feels good. But afterwards I have always felt that it is wrong. It has always seemed unnatural. While I wear them and feel the pleasure it does not seem so, but whenever I am in prayer before the Lord, or with my fiancée, or anywhere in the real world I know this is not how it was suppose to be. That’s the way almost all sins are. While we do them we justify it or make it seem OK, but afterwards know it was wrong. However if you do it enough times you begin to quiet your conscious until you no longer hear it. Its not just about what underwear we wear, but about usually the gift of our sexuality in the way God ordained it.

I need to be true to the true nature of sex as God intended it. It’s funny though, whenever I wore diapers or looked at them online I

was not thinking to myself “I want to get pleasure from sex abnormally.” I just did it without understanding it. But now that I do I need to stop. I know stopping is going to be VERY hard, but I know with God’s grace and maybe even being kept accountable by some of you, I can do it. We can do it. It’s rough because this is probably going to be something I struggle with my whole life. But God knows that, and sees that we have some difficult things to overcome. Christ told us we would have to take up our crosses and follow Him, and this might be one of them. He never said it would be easy, only that it would be worth it. Brothers and Sisters, please read this and consider what I have said. Pray about it, and if you have questions please ask me, and I will do my best to answer and we can figure this out together.

You are on the path to wisdom. Keep in mind that as you grow as a Christian the Holy Spirit will convict you of your sin, as it did now and as it did me in the past. One thing though, your conclusion is valid for you at your point in life. You have not come up with the answer completely. You have to quit first. You have to be led in your quitting. I went on a very similiar journey and I found out that the only way for me to understand the Law of Liberty that Christ gave was to go through the struggle you are about to endure. I can speak all day about the conclusion that shed light on me, but until you get to the point where you are on your knees begging God to take away this thorn and then you realize God wants you to be at peace then you will know. Right now you are about to invoke war upon your fleshly desires. Keep this in mind - Jesus suffered so we don't have to. Definitely rely upon your Bible. Use the strong's concordance. Look at the greek and hebrew terms of what you are reading. Look up the word Guilt. Look up the word Liberty. Look up the word sexuality. Look up the word fornication. Do you know that feeling guilty is a sin in itself? The answers are there in the Word, but you need to understand it. You have listened to our opinions for and against what you are saying. Listen to God and rely on Him. I feel for you. I remember the struggle. It is extremely hard. To not even masturbate. To not even try to think of diapers. Dude. Leave this group. We will do you no good. Get an Internet porn filter for your computer. One that you can put in homemade keywords to block like diapers. You have to throw everything out. The ole purge cycle. I want to forget that. I am glad I am over this part of my life, but I think to get clarity everyone with issues should try it. This time do it with God.


Super Diaper Baby

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