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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Embarrassing Day

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I had an embarrasing day at the mall. I was tired of being cooped up inside the house so I decided to go to the mall just to get out of the house. I was walking around the mall and I saw people giving me strange looks and a few people snickered as they walked by. I didn't pay them much attention. I figured they was just being rude. While I was walking around. I heard a little girl and her mom behind me. I wasn't really paying attention to what they was saying until I heard her said look mommy. That lady is wearing a diaper. It is sticking out of the back of her pants. I stopped walking and put my hand behind my back. The girl was right. My diaper was sticking out the back of my pants. My pants had came down a little bit. Which wouldn't have been a problem,but while I was changing myself before I left home. I must have got part of my shirt inside the top of the diaper. The mom looked at me and said she was sorry her daughter said that. She didn't mean to embarrass me. I told her it was ok. I must have got my shirt inside the top of my diaper when I was changing myself. The rest of the time I was at the mall and I saw the two of them. The little girl smiled at me with made me even more embarrassed.

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Sigmund Freud :The Psychopathology of Everyday Life where the belief that there were no accidents in life was first introduced. The term 'Freudian Slip' (as it is known now) referring to an unconscious slip of the tongue was discussed in this book

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Awwwwwww....'manda! Pulls her up into hi lap and *cuddles her all up*

I am so sorry some people just don't have the sense to simply be nice. The mom at least had some sense to try and add some dignity.

I also wonder about the little girl, if she smiled at you because she "knew your secret" or she secretly wished she was able to wear diapers again too.....it makes you think, or at least wonder. ;) Maybe she just liked you :) who knows...

{{{{{{{{{{huggies!!!}}}}}}} :wub:

Don't be 'barassed about your diapers, sweetie, they just special undies :D for special peoples.

At least you weren't like some of the other fools running (or trying to) around with their pants 1/2 way down their A$$'s and showing off their skivvies...one of the more ridiculous "fashion statements"..... :roflmao:

Hope the rest of your week goes better.


I agree. I think people walking around with their pants half way down their butt are ridiculous. It is differrent if your pants slide down,but to wear them there is just plain stupid. Yeah maybe she does know my secret or wanted to be in diapers like me. Who knows.

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Guest refridginator

I also wonder about the little girl, if she smiled at you because she "knew your secret" or she secretly wished she was able to wear diapers again too.....it makes you think, or at least wonder. ;) Maybe she just liked you :) who knows...

no i think it's more like one of those things like she smiles at you because she's met you in an awkward situation, and to her you've made an impression. she'll remember you for a while. :) not that it's a bad thing, kids aren't so judgemental and unaccepting as adults, or their parents for that matter. i'll bet she doesn't even care if or why you wear diapers.

as for the rest of the people, screw them! they could have the decency to get your attention and whisper in your ear that you're "showing," but they have to be rude and snicker and contribute to an alienating society where an AB/DL's worst nightmare would come true. such a drag -_-

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Who cares? Like I tell everybody else -- As long as you can act appropriately in public and deal with situations with tact and class, you're A-Okizzay.

In hindsight, though, didn't the whole thing bring you just a lil' bit of guilty pleasure? Think about how many people that saw you that didn't say anything and are still thinking of that fleeting moment they saw you in the mall. I'd check your local Craigslist for an 'I saw you. . ' post. You might have a secret admirer or new friend!

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Who cares? Like I tell everybody else -- As long as you can act appropriately in public and deal with situations with tact and class, you're A-Okizzay.

In hindsight, though, didn't the whole thing bring you just a lil' bit of guilty pleasure? Think about how many people that saw you that didn't say anything and are still thinking of that fleeting moment they saw you in the mall. I'd check your local Craigslist for an 'I saw you. . ' post. You might have a secret admirer or new friend!

What is Craigslist?

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What is Craigslist?

Oh Boy ....Your going to be amazed.. Google "Craigslist (Your town here) " I spend hours on there every day...Rants and Raves is funny! Good place to find about anything locally! Or the biggest town near you.. I bought a truck off of it! Have fun!

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