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Temporary Inconsistency


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ok so i will be home alone for about two days, and my parents hate the idea of me in diapers so this will be the only chance i get to wear them and i think it would be AMAZING to become Temporary unable to control my vouls movement, so is there anything i can take to make this happen, or at least like a pill i can take one night so i wet the bed or at least something i could take where i need to pee a lot because i want to get the most out of these two day, and is there anything i could go and do, plz give me suggestions

thank you so so much


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Lot's of Taco bell for lunch...stop off for dinner at Rooster's and pump down some Donkey killers. Then down about a 12 pack for a nightcap..I'm thinking you will find a big surprise in the morning...sorry couldn't resist. :whistling::P

Anyway, if you know anybody from your high school wrestling team, they could turn you on to some water pills. They will make ya flood that diaper.

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Lot's of Taco bell for lunch...stop off for dinner at Rooster's and pump down some Donkey killers. Then down about a 12 pack for a nightcap..I'm thinking you will find a big surprise in the morning...sorry couldn't resist. :whistling::P

Anyway, if you know anybody from your high school wrestling team, they could turn you on to some water pills. They will make ya flood that diaper.

What is that?

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Guest dodgedart

Lot's of Taco bell for lunch...stop off for dinner at Rooster's and pump down some Donkey killers. Then down about a 12 pack for a nightcap..I'm thinking you will find a big surprise in the morning...sorry couldn't resist. :whistling::P

Anyway, if you know anybody from your high school wrestling team, they could turn you on to some water pills. They will make ya flood that diaper.

Try Dandilion Tea.

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i think it would be AMAZING to become Temporary unable to control my vouls movement

I'm not sure what you mean, but one time on wheel of fortune, all the vowels on the board went nuts, started flashing and spinning around - it was crazy! Vanna couldn't control them. Is this what you are speaking of? :D

Just kidding. Someone once mentioned drinking salt water - though I don't know how safe it is or not, or the quantities. Try doing a search on that.

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ok you can drink water and get nice and wet and hive a nice time., but remember too much is bad for your you

Normally, people don't drink enough, and it takes a lot to be too much. On average, I drink about half a gallon each day. I think doubling that would be about the breaking point. You know you're drinking too much if you feel very sick and find it difficult to drink. If it's hard to drink after already drinking a large quantity of water, your body is telling you to stop...so there. a natural early warning device. I think drinking a half gallon of water (which I've done in one breath, but wouldn't recommend it because you feel kinda sick from drinking that much that fast) would be fairly safe.

On a side note, I think many of you would be impressed if you saw how quickly I drink. I've never lost any kinds of non-alcoholic drinking competitions. However, I refuse to take the milk chug challenge. I've tried it on my own once. Got through half the gallon and it started feeling really really cold, and I tried gulping another swig and almost threw it up. The reason milk chugging doesn't work out well is because milk takes longer to break down in the body, therefore making it harder to digest quickly. I could probably do a gallon of water within 5 minutes, though. I can do a half gallon within 30 seconds. I've downed two full 16oz glasses of Barq's Root Beer in under 9 seconds.

I do pee a lot, and often. But it's good to keep yourself hydrated. If your urine is a noticable yellow, you're not drinking enough water. If it's cloudy, you're not drinking enough water. If it's clear or nearly clear, you're fine. That's how it should be. Also, when it's clear like that, it doesn't really smell, and you can pee all you want and nobody would notice until you leaked or have a huge bulge in your pants.

But what I'm saying here is that it's more likely for the average person to not drink enough water than for one to drink too much, but it's just something you should monitor yourself. And don't be afraid until you start feeling side effects. You may feel dizzy, light-headed, and/or nausious. At the first signs of any of these symptoms, stop drinking and rest.

I know this is a lot of rambling but it's after 2am, and I just feel like jabbering mindlessly, so ...um.... so there!

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lets see,first it's bowels, not vouls but I'm not a nit-picker B)

To poop, eat lots of tacobell and poor quality chinese food. If that doesn't make you poop then you never will.

to pee, drink water and a few 32oz soda fountain drinks.

you should eb good to go. If you want uncontrolable then take some alli, it causes anal seepage. Or you could be diabetic and take metformin, then farting becomes a game of is it or isn't it.

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Ok. Here's what you do......Move to Southern California. Get a shitty job making pathetic pay. Get a job at a gas station that makes MILLIONS of dollars a year. Give away free beer to the mexican cooks at the local Mexican joint. Eat their food for free. Drink a tallboy or two on the days you work and drink LOTS of free beer on your days off. Shit. But not every day like I do. Save it up for about five days. Then SHIT like a retarded kid on acid. Hope this helps. :D

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Ok. Here's what you do......Move to Southern California. Get a shitty job making pathetic pay. Get a job at a gas station that makes MILLIONS of dollars a year. Give away free beer to the mexican cooks at the local Mexican joint. Eat their food for free. Drink a tallboy or two on the days you work and drink LOTS of free beer on your days off. Shit. But not every day like I do. Save it up for about five days. Then SHIT like a retarded kid on acid. Hope this helps. :D

:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao: Buahahaha, Retarded kid on acid... Too good Pete. Now, wheres my free beer? F the man!


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I am interested to hear about this alli thing. I know people have mentioned it before but what is the time span that it works is my question. What I mean is say I wanted to have the bowel stuff with alli for 1 day, when and how much would I have to take to do that and when would I need to stop taking it to have the effects wear off? I imagine the effects would wear off after about 12-15 hours of not taking the pill correct?

Anyways if someone actually knows the answer please let me know! ;)

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