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There have been some interesting posts going on and some interesting cries for help or for attention or whatever, and they have me a tad bit concerned.

The whole premise of these boards is a community of like minded people gathering together for sharing their ideas, desires, and experiences. The focus for our community is diapers and diaper related things. For some that may be for sex and for others the absence of sex. Some enjoy being treated and acting like a baby and others just enjoy the diapers themselves. Granted for every community there are going to be those who go against the grain, or do things that other members feel to be too extreme. My question is why have we derailed a bit and started hating on one another?

If a post seems outlandish I think it is our duty to not pay any attention to it and let if fall off of the boards. Or lock/delete it so it wont hurt our community. I am guilty of keeping a post at the top in attempt to "Call out the BS" but I feel that is only going to make the posts gather steam and create a division within the community.

This is a place where all should feel comfortable to share their ideas, desires, and experiences without the fear of crucifixion. Daily Di has created a wonderful play place with forums that entertain almost all facets of the diaper world as well as including other fetishes. I don't want this community to go the way of DPF, not that I fear it will happen; I just feel its best if we recognize some of our recent behaviors.

I think its best if we tone things down a bit, but not to reduce discussion or the flow of ideas. There are going to be gross exaggerations of the truth, there are going to be liars, and there are going to be trouble makers. It is the responsibility of the board members welcome new members, guide trouble makers and not promote flame wars.

I want to continue to see this community grow and flourish, I want to see new board members who share their experiences, and I want to see people share their ideas. We are a very small community with little support from other "alternative" lifestyles so we basically have ourselves to support one another. We also only have ourselves to represent the community to new comers and passer-bys. How would we want ourselves look to others who have no ideas about this fetish? Do we want them to think we are people who fight and bicker amongst each other, feasting off of one another's sorrows? Do we want a new group member afraid to post because they fear they will be ripped apart by an overly cynical member? Or do we want an outsider see us and say, "Wow that is weird that they wear diapers, but they are very nice and welcoming to all walks of life?"

It is our responsibility to set our best foot forward and promote the good health and growth of our community. Don't get me wrong, I don't think its right to let some of the more boarder line things pass by. Think before you post. Ask yourself how it will affect your name and the name of the community. Most of all, enjoy yourselves, enjoy your nappies, and be happy you are part of such a wonderful forum! :D


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I partly disagree. I think as a community that's still in the 'development' stages, and where we deal with adult issues, and our acceptance and integration into society, it is our responsibility to draw a line, no matter where, or how subjectively we choose to draw it. Lines must be drawn to protect both the group and the individual.

And to Bri's suggestion, it made me think:


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They should hire you as a moderator, because, obviously, moderation really sucks around here, and they need some extra help...

The point I was trying to make Snug's is that we are our own self moderators. No amount of "Big Brother" can tame those who do not wish to be tamed.

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I partly disagree. I think as a community that's still in the 'development' stages, and where we deal with adult issues, and our acceptance and integration into society, it is our responsibility to draw a line, no matter where, or how subjectively we choose to draw it. Lines must be drawn to protect both the group and the individual.

And to Bri's suggestion, it made me think:


Haha. Yeah yeah. Yuck it up. Its sounds a little hippie yeah. OK. :P

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This is a place where all should feel comfortable to share their ideas, desires, and experiences without the fear of crucifixion.

I take it this only applies if you deem the subject to your liking, otherwise it's deleted?

If a post seems outlandish I think it is our duty to not pay any attention to it and let if fall off of the boards. Or lock/delete it so it wont hurt our community.

Can't have it both ways.

I think DD does pretty good about not censoring heated discussions. To many on here will call them an argument and take them more to heart than they would do in the real world.

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Not at all Belinda, I have no say in what gets locked, what should be spoken about and what wouldn't be spoken about. I was just trying to bring about some awareness. I agree, DD does a good job at moderating. There are quite a few discussions that are not to my liking, but are harmless, and I don't believe they should be locked down nor would I suggest that they be.

I do believe that it can be had both ways. If someone starts talking about involving underage people then the thread should be locked down, or if an underage person gets involved in posting then he/she should be deleted. Thats the way it has been and I applaud Daily Di for what he has done here.

I also agree with you that many including myself have taken some of the discussions more to heart than we/I should have.

Maybe I shouldn't have said anything? Who knows, I felt like sharing some of my thoughts so I did. If I am wrong so be it, wont be the first nor the last time.


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I don't think you're wrong Brian. Bottom line, we are all big boys and girls and should be able to moderate our own behaviour, sadly, and as recent events have shown, this is not always the case though.

I wouldn't want the board to become so sterile that none of us were able to express our views in our own words, let's face it PC can be a curse. For example, like yourself and many of the other members on here I have strong views on certain things. I don't expect or want everyone to agree with those views, they are just my view of things, take it or leave it. However if you don't agree with my argument explain why. I would like to hear your side of things and you may even change my mind, this is what I call a good debate! However if all you have to say is something like "shut the fuck up" or some other mindless comment which has little or no relevance to the debate in question, then I think it's time for you to leave the board.

To my mind Brian, the worst kind of person on here is the 'Attention Seeker' these guys (as I see it) take one of two forms. The first is the 'Shit Stirrer'. These guys stalk about the board looking for arguments, either an existing one they can join and fuel or one they can start. They make no positive or constructive comments in any of their posts, rather they just go around flaming people.

The second is the 'Sympathy Seeker'. These guys make up a problem and ask for advice on it. They do this for no reason other than to get attention from everyone. Don't get me wrong, all of us have our share of problems and ask for advice every now and then. But, if you are making it up just to drawer attention to yourself then that's not fair on everyone. I've seen lots of members (myself included) going out of their way to offer advice/support to someone, only to find out later that their problem is complete bull. Not only is this taking advantage of someones good nature, but it also puts people on the defensive and may prevent them offering future advice and support to members that really need it.


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Nothing wrong with these boards, as far as I can see. You put a site on the net and you'll get people from all walks. Ignore the ones who offend. The "mommy whiners", negative posts and flamers we see here from time to time. I'm sure there are underage posters here, as well. Can't be helped. But, I don't think it's anything to be concerned about. That's my two-bits. (Inflation, ya know.)

If the idiots who post here get no satisfaction, they will move on.


--heidilynn ;)

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All good points. Debates and opinions have been this way almost forever! In the U.S. we get this same situation hot and heavy every 4 years when it's election time. It's all a matter of each person's opinions and that can always cause some hot discussions. If you want a perfect example (and one of my pet peeves) just watch the FOX news channel sometime! They excell in getting two opposing factions together just so they can argue! What really jerks my chain is when thier "moderator" or newswoman asks one of them a question and then immediatly inturrups them with an argument the moment they start to answer if that person is not the correct political party for the station's viewpoint. Man, if your going to invite these people on your show and ask them a question, keep your f'n mouth shut and let them answer! That same logic applies to these forums to a degree. I think forums like this should be open for anyone (within reason) to give their opinions but we should all still respect others and not be mean, rude or curse them out just because they have a different viewpoint than our own.

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...because, obviously, moderation really sucks around here, and they need some extra help...

I disagree with that. The moderation here is excellent. The only change that I would make would be to add a "flame war" forum, and boot the heated threads off in there. That lets the original participants in the thread continue arguing without interference, while at the same time making the thread less visible to everyone else so that it will die off quicker. But there aren't that many of those threads anyway.

It would be nice to see something done about the story tellers, but as I don't have a clue how to fix that issue, I certainly can't blame DD for not having a solution either...

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Let's say I created a post/thread and told you all that since I won the Megamillions, I'm going to pay airfare, hotel and daily allowances for anyone who wants to come to my mansion for a weeklong diaper party. How many of you would bite, and how many of you would be skeptical?

Likewise, if I told you I was involuntarily committed to a mental health facility by a person who was not a direct/immediate family member, legal guardian, or member of state law enforcement, or health board, and then a few days later you hear that I was in a car crash in an apparent suicide attempt involving underage drinking and illegally obtained schedule-II prescription drugs (hey, isn't that an eminem song?) and then underwent emergency brain surgery and then was suddenly back and posting less than a week later about how I had to expose my diapered ass to my friends because I was only wearing jeans over my onesie and hadn't gotten to the laundry yet, but was somehow only confined to my crib under the care of an individual who wasn't a home healthcare provider --need I go on?

I mean, MY response would be, "Wow, the writers sure were busy while they were on strike!" Its a nice fantasy, but nothing more.

The point is, we don't know exactly who is lurking the boards, possibly gathering information to add a realistic element to their hollywood script, or news article, or anything intended for the huddled, uninformed masses. As much as we'd all like to see Ben/Matt, or Tom Cruise, or even my sexy ass diapered and committed on the silver screen, if it's entertaining but loosely based on 'actual' events as portrayed by a writer or director who is under the impression that the false information or research they have is 'true', it just adds to the ever discouraging misconceptions everyday Americans suffer in their private lives and subcultures. Something that OUR subculture doesn't need. And the only way to combat that chain of events is to speak up and call bullshit when we see it.

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all i can say is welcome to the internet, the place wher eyou can be anyone you want to be, and some are better at it than others.

While sure some of the things people say on here are offensive, and quite obviously untrue, i find it funny how some posts have gone on for say 8 pages of replies, with people being encouraging and asking for me information, while others are immediately shot down, and i've noticed those whos profiles say they are older and say they havebeen married for more than say 10 years, are more readily believed than those who are under 25 and are single. Interesting

honestly, it is no one's 'job' to spot people who are not telling the truth. This is the internet and if journalists are writing an article strictly based on what they read on a public bulletin board than they are not much of a journalist at all.

again this is a place where people can become anyone they want to be, to explore and experiment with desires and fetish's they may not be comfortable with in the 'real ' world.

whilei feel it is important to question the motives of people (how else are they going to fine tune their fetish's) it is impossbile to believe this type of behavior can ben controlled. As i said, there are some very convincing people who are not at all who they say they are, and there are others who are not very good at it...

instead of calling them out and starting an argument, why not just learn to use the delete button and NOT post in that topic...

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