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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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Greetings Everyone,

It's been a while since I've been involved in the diaper scene and was deeply saddened by the closing of DPF. My best wishes to Tommy.

On to my questions. DPF sold a diaper, liner, and panty package sometime around 2001 / 2002. I think I paid about $40 - $50 for it. The diaper was a cloth material, baby print, thick, elastic waist and legs, and had one large velcro tab on each side. The liner was straight white as was the panty.

Can anyone tell me what the brand of that diaper might have been? I think it might have been the Super BabyLove Diaper. Here's a link to that one. http://dpf.stores.yahoo.net/supbabdiap.html" target="_blank"> http://dpf.stores.yahoo.net/supbabdiap.html

Also, know where I might find this particular diaper elsewhere or one similar to it?



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A couple of months ago my husband Don Davis phoned Tommy to place an order. Don had not looked at the DPF website, and was surprised when Tommy asked him to actually place the order on-line. Don did so, then immediately got a phone call from Mark (Tommy's life partner) explaining to Don that Tommy has grown forgetful in what has to be his second childhood.

My guess is that if you check the Babykins website, you will find several of their adult Velcro-fastening contour diapers that are similar to the DPF product. DPF was a long-time dealer for Babykins, but remember Tommy was quite the businessman. It is possible he found another manufacturer to make those diapers for him.

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  • 3 years later...

DPF had all their cloth diapers supplied by BabyKins, and their plastic pants were supplied by Gary Manufactring in San Deigo CA. As to the question regarding Tommys age, Tommy is no longer with us from my understanding, Tommy was in his late 70s early 80s when he passed, again this is just what I have been told, and dont know the vadility of the information regarding his exact age or mortality status. and DPF was orginally started in the early 1980s and was orginally a BBS (for those who dont know BBS is a Bulltian Board System of which was dialed directly via a modem then modern age Internet came to be) I tried to buy DPF from Tommy in early 2000 and Mark his partner thought he could strong arm the price of the site, business, and inventory, unfortuniately the price they were demanding for DPF was beyond reason and now we all know where that left DPF, in the history books. A pitty, because another AB was willing to pick up where they left off.


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From what I understood Baby Heaven rgullar were made by Lang (grainy material but fairly thick), Tuffy was by Comco and I do not know who the Crystal Clear were made by. The material kept chagning every so often on those.. That was in the late 1980's to early 1990's

Last I saw, Babykins did list some items under the DPF

Someone said that they had some DPF material that they were going to scan and send here.

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I believe that sometime in the early to mid 90's I saw where Tommy had stated in his newsletter that he was 50. That would make him about 70. I'd say if Angela says Don called and spoke to Tommy a few months ago (which would be around October or November of last year), she is right and Tommy must still be alive, although I have heard that he is suffering from Alzhimers.

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Why the sentimental attachment to DPF. Sure back in the day they were the only game in town and they were a blessing to have. They also were a monopoly and used that to keep their prices high. I feel for Tommy and Marky as friends, Tommy was a pioneer. Now we have a hundreds of options it is a more balanced marketplace we have better products (and worse) we don't have to pay to correspond, share news and stories. The AB/DL world has grown considerably since the days of DPF. DPF was a huge part of my life, but it is not the gold standard either. Tommy has a spot in the AB/DL hall of fame but as a viable place to buy from, it is kind of like be finding an old Montgomery Ward catalog it can be nostalgic but I am not going to plan my wardrobe by what they have in the catalog.


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You must have read a really old post. What I said is that in January 2007 Don knew I was running low on DPF Baby Heaven prefold adult gauze diapers.

Don use the same unlisted number we had always used when phoning Tommy. Tommy answered and recognized Don's voice before Don actually identified himself. To Don Tommy sounded the same as always. They chatted for a few minutes. Only later did Don consider that odd because it was during business hours. Normally if Don and Tommy had lengthy conversations it would be on weekends or evenings. When Don told Tommy in addition to being sure Tommy and Marky were well, he needed to order another dozen Baby Heaven 101 for me. That was when Tommy told Don there was some kind of change in the order process, such that the actual order needed to be placed on-line with the DPF store. Tommy and Don spoke for another minute.

Then Don went on-line to the DPF website. To Don who had seldom used the site it looked the same as always. But once Don clicked on the store, he got a message that DPF was no longer taking orders. Well, since Don had just spoken to Tommy, he placed the order anyway. After doing that Don got in his car to keep a business appointment. That was when Don's cell phone rang. Marky was using Don's unlisted number to tell him that in fact DPF was functionally out of business because of Tommy's Alzheimer's having gotten worse previously. Don wished Marky all the very best and asked him to stay in touch. Before Marky hung up he did ask if we would be interested in purchasing the DPF business. Don said he would have to get back to Marky about that.

Two days later Don got the news from his primary physician that he had prostate cancer. Of course that caused both of us to concentrate of getting Don the appropriate medical care. Consequently it was the next week that Don tried to reach Tommy or Marky. None of the several phone numbers we had for them were still functioning. That evening I wrote to both Tommy and Marky at their physical address in Mill Valley, not any of the several DPF PO Boxes. The letter was not returned, but it also was not answered.

As for Tommy's age, for sure he was born long before 1940. Don first met Tommy in 1987. At the time Tommy told Don he had retired as a banking executive in mid 1986 and was turning DPF into a business from being a club which had always cost Tommy money. When they met Don's first wife Jean was very much alive and had just joined DPF. So when Tommy told Don he was retired, Don replied that although he was still a movie executive he had retired from the USMC Reserves in January 1985 and was planning to retire from the movie business in 1990. Don was born in 1932. He thinks Tommy said he was born in 1930. It is entirely possible that Tommy had taken an early retirement, just as Don was planning to do.

Many firms supplied DPF over the years. To be sure Babykins, Edley/Lang and Gary Manufacturing were some of the suppliers. In addition, for a few years R Duck sold DPF adult sizes of the Rubber Duckies waterproof pants. Geber sold DPF adult vinyl pants while they operated the Three Oaks, MI factory. After that became VIP they sold to DPF. Tommy never told us who made the Baby Heaven 101 gauze prefold adult diapers. I believe at least two and maybe three firms made those at various times, none of which was Babykins, which has never worked with gauze or Birdseye. If it had been a forerunner of ACD, either they decided making those was too much trouble or they were not the supplier. I do know the last two batches of BH 101 I received had actually been made in China. Perhaps they always were made there. Over the years Tommy had told me that while he was a San Francisco based banking executive he learned lots about having merchandise made in China for re-sale in the USA. But Tommy also had traveled in Europe extensively. I doubt that was where he bought the gauze diapers.

I believe that sometime in the early to mid 90's I saw where Tommy had stated in his newsletter that he was 50. That would make him about 70. I'd say if Angela says Don called and spoke to Tommy a few months ago (which would be around October or November of last year), she is right and Tommy must still be alive, although I have heard that he is suffering from Alzhimers.

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Thanks for Necroing!

DPF doesn't even exist anymore.

While I do not share the same views as LG about old posts, (I think many do have merit and can be resurrected) This one seems to have been brought back for no real purpose. I responded with out looking that other than a couple people ahead of me, it was a couple years old.

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You must have read a really old post. What I said is that in January 2007 Don knew I was running low on DPF Baby Heaven prefold adult gauze diapers.

Don use the same unlisted number we had always used when phoning Tommy. Tommy answered and recognized Don's voice before Don actually identified himself. To Don Tommy sounded the same as always. They chatted for a few minutes. Only later did Don consider that odd because it was during business hours. Normally if Don and Tommy had lengthy conversations it would be on weekends or evenings. When Don told Tommy in addition to being sure Tommy and Marky were well, he needed to order another dozen Baby Heaven 101 for me. That was when Tommy told Don there was some kind of change in the order process, such that the actual order needed to be placed on-line with the DPF store. Tommy and Don spoke for another minute.

Then Don went on-line to the DPF website. To Don who had seldom used the site it looked the same as always. But once Don clicked on the store, he got a message that DPF was no longer taking orders. Well, since Don had just spoken to Tommy, he placed the order anyway. After doing that Don got in his car to keep a business appointment. That was when Don's cell phone rang. Marky was using Don's unlisted number to tell him that in fact DPF was functionally out of business because of Tommy's Alzheimer's having gotten worse previously. Don wished Marky all the very best and asked him to stay in touch. Before Marky hung up he did ask if we would be interested in purchasing the DPF business. Don said he would have to get back to Marky about that.

Two days later Don got the news from his primary physician that he had prostate cancer. Of course that caused both of us to concentrate of getting Don the appropriate medical care. Consequently it was the next week that Don tried to reach Tommy or Marky. None of the several phone numbers we had for them were still functioning. That evening I wrote to both Tommy and Marky at their physical address in Mill Valley, not any of the several DPF PO Boxes. The letter was not returned, but it also was not answered.

As for Tommy's age, for sure he was born long before 1940. Don first met Tommy in 1987. At the time Tommy told Don he had retired as a banking executive in mid 1986 and was turning DPF into a business from being a club which had always cost Tommy money. When they met Don's first wife Jean was very much alive and had just joined DPF. So when Tommy told Don he was retired, Don replied that although he was still a movie executive he had retired from the USMC Reserves in January 1985 and was planning to retire from the movie business in 1990. Don was born in 1932. He thinks Tommy said he was born in 1930. It is entirely possible that Tommy had taken an early retirement, just as Don was planning to do.

Many firms supplied DPF over the years. To be sure Babykins, Edley/Lang and Gary Manufacturing were some of the suppliers. In addition, for a few years R Duck sold DPF adult sizes of the Rubber Duckies waterproof pants. Geber sold DPF adult vinyl pants while they operated the Three Oaks, MI factory. After that became VIP they sold to DPF. Tommy never told us who made the Baby Heaven 101 gauze prefold adult diapers. I believe at least two and maybe three firms made those at various times, none of which was Babykins, which has never worked with gauze or Birdseye. If it had been a forerunner of ACD, either they decided making those was too much trouble or they were not the supplier. I do know the last two batches of BH 101 I received had actually been made in China. Perhaps they always were made there. Over the years Tommy had told me that while he was a San Francisco based banking executive he learned lots about having merchandise made in China for re-sale in the USA. But Tommy also had traveled in Europe extensively. I doubt that was where he bought the gauze diapers.

I knew he was that old because when i went to the second get together in 85 he said at the supper we had that he was an old man.But being with Marky he felt like a kid.But he never did tell us how old he was.Just wish he had taken some pics. of us all that night.The next year is when he started putting get togethers in the newsletter.Darn

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