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  1. Julie was running as fast as she can from the party that her friend hosted that got busted by cops. She found a window open in a quiet house that looked like nobody was home. After landing in it. Julie decides she will spend the night here. She was a little buzzed still from the drinks she had. Julie sat down then layed her head against some what she thought were pillows. She then picked one up and said "Wait a second these arnt pillows they are diapers! Just what I need! What is this place?" Julie puts on the thick diaper which perfectly. She then stands up and looks at the childish design room, crib, and closet full of clothes. Julie surprised "Oh a daycare! Makes sense and look here we have some cute clothes! They look like they will fit perfectly on me!" Julie then puts on a pink flower skirt overalls that barely covered her diaper. Then looked in the mirror and said "oh yea looking good. Fifty flavors of cute right here". Julie then feels her bladder needing released then let's it all out in her diaper "oh I'm totally filling my diaper up. Is this what freedom feels like!" Julie then grabs her wet soggy diaper and starts rubbing it "oh what's this! Oh my this feels so good. So squishy and warm. I might...uh...hmmm.. oh my I'm such a naughty girl" Julie then gets super tired and falls asleep. Julie then wakes up but finds her diaper clean. Confused who had changed it. The window has been locked. "Whoever changed me must have locked the window. How do I get out of here!" She then looks at a tall window typed door. Julie sees a lock and chain on the other side. She starts to get on her tipy toes to try and unlock it but shes way to short to reach it! She trys to yell out for help but no use. Julie sees a mommy like women enter the door way then yells out "Hey there must be some mistake I'm not really a child. I know how it looks but someone changed me already. I don't belong here and..." Julie then pauses and see a officer come in with the women. The women says "sorry I can't be anymore help officier". The officer then says "well if you do see her let me know". The women picks up Julie then says "What do you need darling?". As Julie is picked up. She wets herself from the officier standing right by holding his radio. Julie trys to play along till officier leaves. She then says in babyish tone "I need diapie changed!" The officer then looks at Julie and says to women "she looks a little big for diapers don't you think?". As the women lays down Julie on the changing table and opens her wet diaper "yea but don't let that fool you she deffinatly does need them. This is her third diaper change today! Isn't that right little stinker. Ran right through her little tummy didn't it? Do you need fed some more sweetie?". As Julie gets up from her diaper change she is super hungry. Julie then says "yes oh my god I'm starving. I mean... baby very hungwy." The officier still a little confused then says "you sure she's not to old. To me she looks to big to be in daycare much less nurse on a boob." Then Julie confused and in her head said to herself "Wait did he say.... nurse on a boob" then Julie sees the women put her huge boob right in Julie's face. Then the women says "your meals already cupcake" The women picks up Julie then the officier says "well your the expert but gosh.. kids these days" the women then pushes her boob closer to Julie's mouth with Julie having a super shocked look on her face and can't believe what she's about to have her do. Then the women smiles and says "they look so mature don't they?" Julie then having to play along starts sucking on the women's boob and starting to feel the milk enter her mouth then start to drip off her face. The women then says "it's all that fast food chemicals and formula they grow up on. Little girls need the real thing" As Julie kept drinking she felt her bowls release. A huge amount of poo entered her diaper. From all the drinks she drank it was super slushie and mushy. The diaper sagged super low in her humiliating situation. The officier then smells the horrible present she made in her diaper then says "that's my cue to leave". The women smiles and says "that's right sweetie get it all out" After Julie's humilating situation. The women then starts changing her diaper. "Peeyeew looks like my girl left me a big present in her diaper. We got to cut back on that big girl food and get you back on baby food" After Julie's diaper change she sees the clip board to sign out of nursery and tells the women "Hey so thank you for the diaper change and all. It looks like it's closing time so il just sign myself out". The women then snatches the clip board "oh I don't think so. Your coming home with me. Il take good care of you before somebody comes to claim you". Julie shocked "oh that's really not necessary" as Julie said that the women swooped up Julie and carried her in her arms and said "but you need a mommy to change your diapers and I got every size diaper imaginable. You can stay in my nursery. It was getting lonely with just me and my cats. The nursery is built for someone my size but your big for your age anyway" As the women walked outside with Julie to her car. Julie confused "big for my age? But I'm not a baby". The women waved to officers "evening officers. Ever find that college girl?". The officier said "no but don't worry ma'am. As per your request we will be stationed here till she shows up" The women smiled then said to Julie "did you hear that? Were going to have a fun time together... for a long time!" After arriving at the woman's home. Julie was carried into the home then up into the nursery room. To Julie's surprise it was a full adult size nursery just fit for her age. The woman then pulled down the crib bars and placed Julie inside then pulled the bars up trapping her inside. It was impossible to escape. Julie wasn't able to hop over or anything. Then the woman quickly shot her with a needle that weaken Julie. Julie's legs failed and she landed on her diaper butt. Only able to crawl around on her hands and knees. "Please let me out. I'm not a baby! I demand to be let go" Julie yelled out. The woman smiled then plopped a pacifier in Julie's mouth. "Now now cupcake your to young to make decisions. Also if I recall the cops are still looking for you. So you can either spend your time in a dirty old prison or stay here as my baby girl. Now which sounds better?" Said the woman. Julie then thought twice. She knew prison would be horrible. So if she had to pick anything I guess it's being this mommy's baby girl. Julie then says in babyish tone "stay with mommy". The woman then smiled. "Good girl. Now lets go over the rules. You will use your diaper for poopie and pee pee. No exceptions. You will call me mommy and mommy will decide when to change your diaper. You will also be breastfed and given a nice baby food diet. If you complain or act bad I will be giving you a good spanking over my knee or even a warm enema to fill your diaper. Since you tried yelling at mommy it's time for a spanking" Julie's new mommy grabbed her from the crib then put Julie over her knee. Then pulled her diaper down and spanked away. "Ow ow ow" SPANK SPANK SPANK. Julie's butt started turning red and she started crying. Mommy then pulled up her diaper and hugged her. "Sorry mommy had to do that but sometimes naughty girls need to be taught a lesson" The woman then slid her hand down the back of Julie's diaper and pushed her finger up Julie's butthole. Julie felt something go up. "Mommy what did you put up my butt" Julie asked. Julie's mommy put her back in the crib "don't worry about it sweetie you'll find out in the morning" Julie then fell fast asleep from the long day. She then woke up and smelled something really bad. "Ewww gross what's that smell? Did I just fart without knowing?" Julie then layed up on her butt and felt something yucky and mushy spread and smear against her buttcheeks and privates. "Noo noo noo I couldn't have! I just pooped my diaper in my sleep! This isn't happening! I'm not some dumb baby" Julie's mommy walks in the room "well good morning sweetie. Uh oh I think I smell someone made a big stinky poopy in her diaper. It's ok sweetie your just a baby you can't control yourself. I think someone also needs some feeding little stinker" The mommy then grabs Julie and heads to the rocking chair. Then places Julie's dirty diaper butt on her knee squishing all the poop again against Julie's butt. The mommy unbuttons her bra. And then grabs Julie's dirty diaper butt with her hand and then pushes her forward. Making Julie suck on her boob. Julie disgusted couldn't do much. All she could do is just suck and hope that her new mommy will change her diaper. The mommy just rocked her back and forth smushing Julie's dirty diaper butt.
  2. After being put in diapers by machines. Cody falls down onto the conveyor and accidently poops his diaper. The machine detects it and thinks cody is a dirty diaper. So it grabs him giving him a huge poopy diaper wedgie then throws him in the diaper pail with the rest of dirty diapers. Art piece by jigarvasani
  3. "I told you we turned a wrong turn Justin!! This doesn't seem like the right path. It's almost midnight and we still need to hit some houses before Halloween is over!!" Cody yelled. Justin just ignores Cody then sees a path through this cool pumpkin patch. Justin saw a sign that said "do not enter". Justin then said "hey Cody check out this path!! It looks totally sick and I feel like we could probably see more houses if we went this way". Cody then says "it says do not enter but it is halloween and does look pretty awesome. Hmm sure why not it is halloween so why not, I'm sure it won't hurt to take this path, what's the worse that could happen". Cody and Justin then walk down the pumpkin patch. They see lots of small and big pumpkins that looked already carved and kinda spooky. Something seemed a little bit odd. Fogged started to form more around the pumpkin patch and sounds from the ground started to form. There was then a scent of baby powder in the air which seemed very strange. "Hey Justin you hear that, I hear like sounds coming from the ground and idk why but it smells like baby powder all of a sudden, maybe we should turn back" Cody shivered. Justin laughed "come on Cody, it's probably just the wind or something. Don't be such a baby, I think I can see the houses from here". Cody then looks at his phone and the time then hit midnight. All of a sudden the jack-o-lanterns started to glow green. Vines started to come out of the ground from the pumpkins. The jack-o-lanterns rised from the dirt. One big giant one rose up behind Cody and Justin. "Oh my gosh this isn't real what's going on!! We are surrounded by big giant pumpkins. What you want from us!!". Cody shrieked. The big giant pumpkin smiled then Vines started to wrap around Cody and Justin's feet. "Hey get off us!!". The pumpkins did not stop. Vines then wrap around the twos arms. Leaving them fully defenseless and then decending in the air. Cody and Justin out of fear start to wet their pants. Other vines started to rip off their clothing one by one shirts, pants, socks, undies until they were fully naked on display. Both blushed in embarrassment. "No way they just stripped us naked!! Come on please let us go we will do anything and we won't say anything. We are sorry for trespassing!!". Justin pleaded. The pumpkins just ignored their crys of mercy and continued the himulation even further. Wet wipes then appeared from out of the ground. Wiping their bums and crotches from the wetness of pee they made. Both Cody and Justin felt the wipes rub again their dicks and then started to get hard and aroused."This is so embarrassing!! They are actually cleaning us with baby wipes and ugh I'm getting so hard. I can't be enjoying this". Cody blushed. The vines then held the two with their butts in the air. Then two big vines came across their touching them. Then *SMACK SMACK SMACK*. The vines then swatted against Cody and Justin's butt like a whip. "OUCH OUCH PLEASE NO STOPP!!!". The two were spanked till their butts were red roses and and cried with each swat. The vines then stopped spanking the boys. "Please we learned our lessons just let us go!!". The pumpkins still did not listen. Then they saw from a distance vines bringing over some familiar items from when they were super young. When it got closer and closer. Cody yelled out "Wait no, you can't be serious... DIAPERS!! No please we don't need those we arnt babies". The two were laid down across the ground and then all supplies like the baby powder rash cream came by. The two legs were lifted up by the vines, fully exposed red butts from their spanking. The vines slipped the diaper under each of their butts. Then the baby powder was applied to their butts. The boys just blushed and had no words on what was happening. They just wished this nightmare would be over but it was just beginning. The tapes of each diaper were now fastened. And all they could hear was the thick diapers around them crinkle and blush of how they are now big babies. The vines then held them up in the air and the big pumpkin then smiled like it had another plan. "Listen we promise we will never come through here again!!" They both pleaded again. The pumpkin didn't give no response. They then saw really smooth and soft vines slithering up their legs like snakes. Cody and Justin could not do anything from the other vines wrapped around their legs and feet. They just watched in horror as the vines started to slither up and then entered through the leg holes of their diapers. The smooth vines just felt around exploring inside their diapers. Some were going against their butt cracks and some were moving and twisting around their cocks. Cody and Jake started to feel horny and hard. "No we can't be enjoying this, we must resist this. No way am I going to give into this pleasure" Justin pleaded. The pumpkin then smiled even more and then some of the vines from inside the diaper started to ooze out this muddy mushy orange slime that started to fill their diaper up. "Eww what is this stuff !! It's so slimy and and.. oh.. ahh... omg this feels so uhh.. good.." Cody then just couldn't help but smile with pleasure from the ooze and vines and Justin's diaper started to do the same. They then started to feel one of the vines slither toward their butt holes then entered a little just enough to give them pleasure inside. Both Cody and Justin moaned loudly from now being fucked. They couldn't even complain anymore or plead them to stop. It felt so good. Then they felt the slime ooze in their butts from the vines. It felt like they were being cummed inside. The vines then slowly exited their butt holes and then Cody and Justin just filled their diapers by pooping out the orange ooze inside them. The orange slime started to leak out of the leg holes of the diaper. The vines then started to have a nice soft grip on their wieners and started to stroke them. They just moaned in pleasure and enjoyed. The soft vines from the backside of their diapers then went back inside their butts filling more orange ooze but the vines this time went in and out of their butts like dildos. "Ahhh omg fuck yes!! It feels so good. All this slimy ooze in my hole and in the diaper. I can't stop enjoying this. It feels amazing and I think... I think.. I'm about too... AHHH CUMMM!!!". Cody then shoots and full load of cum in his diaper. Then Justin moaned out load and Cody could already tell he was climaxing. The vines still stroked their dicks till all the cum was out. "Wow I can't believe that!! Best orgasm ever but ewww now I can't stand this slime in my diaper. I need out of this". Cody said the vines then put the two down and untapped their diapers. Cody and Justin blushed from how much they cummed and all the mess in their diaper. One vine came over then changed shape and started to suck like a vacuum all the slim off and cum. The baby wipes then came and wiped their bums and crotch area again. "Gosh well at least thats over". Both butt naked they really just wanted to leave. They got up butt naked and tried walking away saying "well hey we are really sorry about walking in here and well did enjoy the pleasure you gave us but we best be goin......". Justin and Cody were cut off with vines then grabbing their legs and make them fall on the dirt ground. They both were being dragged back butt naked and then saw vines holding more diapers and then cried out as they were being dragged "please no I don't want to wear another diaper I'm not a baby!! ". They were then put in both another diaper this time super babyish with little cute Halloween designs on them. High chairs then rised from the ground and then were both picked up then restrained in the high chair. The high chair had shackles and locked their hands in place so they couldn't do anything. The vines then brought over jars of baby food and then a vine then shapped into a spoon and scooped a nice big yucky slimy bit from the jar. "No please we arnt hungry and espically don't eat baby food". The vines just came closer with the food and tried to feed them but both resisted. Two vines then pinned each others noses and they were forced to open up and then fed a big chunk of baby food. It tasted so gross but couldn't do anything at all about it. Then two big giant baby bottles of milk came and the vines held them and this time Cody and Justin resisted and whined really hard. The vines then slipped in the back of their diapers then went up their butt holes again and then Cody and Justin couldn't help but moan then open their mouths from the pleasure. Then the milk enter their mouths. They were defeated and kept drinking the milk. The vines then exited their butts after done drinking. Then both boys tummy started to make noises and farts started to escape their butts. "No please get me out of this!! Slime is one thing but please I don't want to poop my diaper". Both struggled to keep themselves from shitting their diapers but then the vines pushed on their belly. *FURP PFFT*. A big messy load then started to enter their diapers and to make it worse they were still sitting and the mess started to spread to the back and front. "Eww gross!! I can feel it again my butt cracks and privates. I'm still going too!! " Both kept filling till their diapers were nice and brown. Finally was over but then the vines took them out of their seats and had their butts positioned in the air. "Wait no they arnt going to do what I think there going to do!!". The vines then came down hard spanking the dirty diapers and the boys just felt all the mess squish all over and smush up again their butts. The smell even got worse. It stinked so bad. The vines then put them on a old fashioned teeter totter and had them bounce up and down on it. "No please stop this is so embarssing!! And gross. Get us out of these diapers!!". Justin yelled out. The vines then took them and changed their messy diapers as they wished. A big giant crib started to form and then once both were wiped cleaned and change into thick diapers. They were then put in onesies that said "mommy's little pumpkins". Both just blushed and they were both put down in the crib and they tried to get out but then the pumpkins placed two pacifiers in their mouth. It was weird they didn't spit them out. They just sucked on them and slowly fell asleep. Morning then came. "Hey you big stinky babies wake up!!". Both Cody and Justin opened their eyes slowly and saw two pretty girls infront of the crib they were trapped in. The pumpkins were gone and disappeared. "Well well well if it isn't Cody and Justin. You two have always been teasing and pranking us at school. And now it's our lucky day for payback. Looks like we see two big babies with two stinkyfilled up diapers that probably need two mommy's and we been looking for the perfect baby dolls to play house with" the girls laughed and smiled. Cody yelled "no way we arnt going to be your stupid dumb diaper filling babies". *click*. Both girls holding phones up taking pics then giggled "oh really well how about we send these pics of you two in your dirty diapers in a crib dressed up as babies and send them to the whole school or you can come with us and be our babies forever and we will won't show anybody these pics". Both knew they didn't have any other choice. They wanted to keep their dignity at school so they agreed to the terms. "Great now how about you two jump in these strollers that happen to be here and we will go home and get your diapers changed. We got lots of plans in store for you two stinkers and we have friends that are willing to help making the new nursery for you two". Both Cody and Justin blushed and got in the strollers and started the beginning of their new life now. (Art by diaperpailarkham)
  4. Story reposted from https://maskedsickowriter.tumblr.com (no longer online) Chapter 1: Surface Level The late morning came with light penetrating through the bedroom windows, aggressively waking Sid up against his will. Upon somewhat waking, he whipped out his phone and checked it for texts since he usually slept so late. A small “5″ sat in the top right corner of his Facebook messenger app and his stomach almost turned as he went to press it. After a second or two of loading he was greeted with four pictures of her with a “can do cutie” and a winky face which was no doubt her response from the night before. Modeling with an orange Gatorade she had posted a first picture which was her giving a peace sign and giving a kissing face at the camera. The remaining three used the Gatorade as a crutch for an excuse to send semi naked pictures of herself in a thong. “She really thinks she knows me, huh?” he said in a confused state, half asleep to himself. He looked over the pictures for a second, noticing just how big her hips had gotten over the years of affectively being inactive after high school. She even had a little belly now. “If I wasn’t so annoyed with her I might just think that she looks cuter than ever” He said out loud to no one in particular. Uninspired and ultimately disinterested in the pictures, he doubled down. “Yeah, pictures are easy and all…come visit me and I’ll have something worked up for you. Maybe we can get it in writing”. Still expecting her to finally give up, a quick flash of the “typing” loading script showed itself before an “I’ll come right after work! What’s your address?!” appeared abruptly on his screen. With a sigh, Sid pulled on jeans he had been wearing the night before. He began running his usual morning routine that generally ended with him staring in the mirror for a seemingly longer amount of time each subsequent day. He could feel and see himself getting older. The 30 year old’s hairline was creeping back slightly, framing the widow’s peak he always had. The lines in his face becoming more and more apparent every day. He finally broke away from the mirror and proceeded on into his living room, calling up his best friend that always owed him a favor. Sid and Bec lived two hours apart. He moved on after high school. She stuck around in their hometown like he always thought she would. In the two hours he waited on her to get off work, and the remaining two hours for her to make the drive, he wrote up a draft of a contract, still not entirely convinced what was happening would play out into anything. He left nothing up to the imagination in it and left no loose ends untied. His closest friend happened to be a lawyer and was waiting with him as he made the finishing touches of the contract. He was certain she wouldn’t get passed the first paragraph without storming out and heading back home. The thought of her face when she read it would be enough, knowing that she’d finally leave him alone for good. A knock on the door came at the perfect time as the piece of paper was printing. He proceeded to exit the bedroom where him and his lawyer friend were toiling away on the contract and opened the front door to see her standing there. Dressed to kill as he figured. The 28-year-old Rebecca Koskinen materialized in front of him with every inch of the door swinging open. She sported a smile that seemingly moved back and forth between a statement and a question. That underlined statement being “I’m so glad to see you”, and that underlined question being “Are we still cool?”. Her light blue and inviting eyes gave off an air of natural understanding and maybe even purity to some extent. This of course clashed with her naturally red lips that contrasted with her pale face. All these naturally cute features aside, Sid was always drawn to her nose for some reason. It was almost as if it was the piece that held her “innocent” look and schtick together. It was hard to not find her cute when she was standing right in front of him. However, a quick trip down memory lane reminded him just how the innocence in question was more an appearance thing than anything. She had always been curvy, but Sid definitely took notice how over the years her pear shape became more defined, especially in the hips. The skinny jeans she wore emphasizing this fact being a calculated decision by her, no doubt. However, if her hips were playing any games on him, it was her top that really would have knocked him back down to earth. Underneath a tight-fitting leather jacket, she sported what looked to be a non-descript, punk aesthetic looking shirt with unintelligible writing on it. When she knew him, he was a struggling punk, trying to play gigs, doing drugs, drinking most nights. Now of course, not much had changed minus the fact that he owned a house of his own via an inheritance from a family friend and now he (generally) only drank on his nights off work. She paused a moment and met his gaze. She couldn’t seem to help but smile and say “Sid! I’m so glad you messaged me” as she walked into the room like she owned the place, losing the semi-timid nature she initially displayed at the door. He knew the outfit was pandering. “You look really good, Sid. I love what you’ve done with the place”. She wasn’t lying. Even though he played this punk façade, he still had to do what he could in order to keep paying for the house. He had cleaned up since they last saw each other. His long hair cut short now, a streak of grey flashing the front of the widow’s peak, beard shaved minus side burns that extended a little before the middle of his ears. The only remnant of his former hairy self was of course his arms decked out in the swarthy stuff and his five o’clock shadow that required daily maintenance. He remained silent as she smiled and grabbed his hand a little. Getting little to no reaction out of him prompted her to move on to looking around at the inner working of this house he had. “And what have you done to earn a place like this, huh?” She said admiring the décor, turning around to partly smile back at him. It was still grungy in a way, but made her even that more interested in him. “I’m a nurse”. He said with a sigh as she pondered over the large wall of book shelves he had amassed and filled, covering a whole wall of the living room. Leaving out the crucial inheritance detail as he felt it was on a need-to-know basis, and she didn’t need to know. “She has to instigate it” He thought as she slowly danced around the subject, giving the usual pleasantries one might expect, smiling ear to ear that she was standing there whilst saying them. “How are your parents?” “Fine, yours” “They’re doing well! They miss seeing you around.” An “I doubt that” changed in his head to an “Ah, same” in a split instant. The latter became his actual response. The elephant in the room remained firmly cornered until the lawyer friend walked in with a piece of freshly printed card stock. “Bec, this is Colin” Sid proclaimed. They exchanged a hand shake and were apparently pleasured to meet each other. Her eyes moved to what was in his hand and spoke. “Oh, this must be the contract. I thought it was more of a euphemism for something else”. She smiled at him, taking another moment to touch him, this time on the shoulder in a playful manner. Surface level. The phrase kept springing up in his head. “Oh, you know me.” He started, “I’ve always been a man of my word”. He couldn’t help but smile at that one. “You’re such a tease” she said as she walked over to the dining room table and made herself at home. “Well, let’s look it over” she stated in a firm yet playful manner, smiling still with her hands held together and her elbows resting on the edge of the table. Sid and Colin sat in silence as she proceeded to give a preliminary read through the contract “Legal jargon aside” Colin broke it down into layman’s terms for her: “This contract states that the signee,” pointing to Bec, “Rebecca Koskinen will be under contract of law for the next year to do whatever my client”, pointing to Sid, “Sidney Pataraia says”. He paused to take a breath and continued with “During this time, the contract can only be broken after the contract year has completely lapsed. At the request of the signee, the contract can be extended as well. Upon signing the contract, my client agrees to enter into an exclusive relationship with the signee. Terms of the relationship will be revisited once the contract is period has lapsed.” Bec’s face went from slightly concerned at the front end of the Colin’s breakdown to shocked once he reached the end. “You’d really take me back that quickly if I signed this contract and did everything it says for the next year?”. Even while saying it to herself she couldn’t believe it. The thought of being someone’s like this made her heart race and flutter in excitement. She could definitely get onboard with some fun roleplaying like this as well. Sid chimed in before looking across the table at Colin “Now Bec, before you sign this, are you absolutely sure you want to do this? Once signed it can’t be undone”. Sid was beyond surprised and confused at how this interaction was progressing. Bec smiled across the table at Sid and said “I’ll sign it yesterday!” before yanking the pen from out of Colin’s hand. Colin wasn’t even able to explain the penalties for breaking the contract before she could sign it. When all was said and done and dated 9/2/2016, she winked across the table at Sid, giddy as she was the first time her and him got together all those years ago. It was finally happening again. Seemingly no loose ends or bad water between them. Just a clean reuniting like she had been dreaming of. With the contract also signed by Sid, stamped, copied, and given to all parties involved, Sid thanked Colin and Colin made his way out of the house. Bec couldn’t wait for the door to close before uttering out “So big shot…what will you do with me first”? Sid was honestly shocked that it had gone this far. But snapped out of it at the behest of Bec’s beckoning him with that question and the wry smile she presented. Getting up she walked over to him slowly, accentuating the sway of her hips. “I’m all yours for a year”. She loved saying it out loud in this moment. She couldn’t help herself and went in for a kiss only to have Sid’s face move away at the last moment. “What’s wrong?” She said, still maintaining the breathy and flirtatious manner of speaking. “You’re going to be mine for the next year, huh?” He reiterated to her smiling ear to ear and nodding in agreement. He took her by the hand and led her to the back of the house. She was floating as the crotch of her thong began feeling damp with just the idea of being his, let alone at the thought of going to bed with him tonight. However, they stopped before the bedroom door, and instead of proceeding onward, turned right towards the padlocked basement door. “Mm… got something fun for me down there huh? I figured you were into some nasty stuff.” She said in a breathy manner, caressing his arm with her right hand as she held is right hand in her left. He produced a key and unlocked the padlock of the door and told her to close her eyes. She walked down the carpeted steps guided by Sid. Filled with anticipation, heart skipping beats, stomach fluttering with butterflies, she found herself standing on even ground finally. “Keep your eyes closed, sweetie” he said as she could hear a light switch being flipped into the on position. The pet name made her melt and she obliged. With a bit of scurrying and what sounded like movement in front of her, she waited for what felt like forever until she finally got the go-ahead to open her eyes. In the transient blindness that accompanied going from dark to light in such an abrupt space of time, her vision began to go from blurry to clear and she was greeted with a scene that begged more questions than answers. The whole room had walls painted in a muted blue tone that was a few shades south of sky blue. The carpet was soft, and beige in appearance, the kind that left unsuspecting footprints from where someone had been standing due to the light reflecting off of it at certain angles. Her eyes moved from left to right and witnessed with confusion and then horror, a large crib placed flush against the left wall next to a rather large television set. This crib was way too big for an infant and had a place for a padlock on the top of the gate as well as leather restraints lined with what looked like some sort of fur. She counted four of them, one for each limb presumably. Her eyes kept moving through the room slowly. On the floor pressed against the left corner of the wall was a teddy bear the size of a human. “That thing has to be at least six foot tall” she thought. Her mouth became visibly and uncontrollably agape as she found the high chair. Just like the crib, it was fitted for an adult and had restraints anywhere a limb could be placed as well as restraints that looked to be for the upper thigh. Placed to the right of the high chair sat what looked like a changing table…and again, she counted four restraints for each limb. Sitting next to the changing table was a loveseat and right next to it, a spring powered rocking horse…again, one for each limb. The confusion began to wander towards fear as she kept inspecting the room. All of this would have been horrifying in its own right. However, she missed two things that really made her stomach drop upon her initial inspection of the room. First and foremost, under the changing table, and in a closet that Sid must have been fooling with while her eyes were closed rested stacks upon stacks of what looked like oversized disposable diapers. She was always trash at number guessing games but she wagered there must’ve been at least 1000 if not more. Upon further inspection of the closet, she saw the remaining array of diapers in different colors and designs. White with teddy bears, white with little Barnies, Baby Bops, and BJs on them, white with little Care Bears, pink with little Care Bears, and this was just what she could see initially. Baby powder sat perched near the changing table as well as stacks of what looked like wet wipes. A bin openable by foot for someone with their hands potentially full sat on the floor at the base of the table. The closet also housed what looked like oversized onesies, footie pajamas, and shortalls amongst other outfits that one would attribute to a toddler. The second set of items she initially missed really made her start to sweat now. On the back wall of the room hung a white board and a framed poster. The white board had seven boxes partitioned with days of the week written above all of them, starting on Monday, and ending on Sunday. Below the dates there were an assortment of three different magnets and a key that showed what they meant. A large yellow number one had the words “Used diaper for #1” next to it. A large blue number two had the words “Used diaper for #2” next to it. Finally, a large green number three had the words “Used diaper for #3 (requires number 1 and number 2 first)” next to it. The confusion mounted as she noticed the title of the whiteboard. In big light blue letters with baby rattles and stars scattered all around the words: “Bec’s Unpotty Training Chart”. She wasn’t sure what to make of it and continued scanning any remaining writing that she found. In the framed poster was a list titled “Bec’s New Rules”. At this point every word Bec read sent more a perplexed and disturbed look upon her face. “There is no way this can be for real” she said as she read through the first rule that stated No more big girl potty for little Bec. From now on, diapers will be worn at all times and will be used at all times no matter where we are, or who we are with. The first rule was enough to make her face contort a little. She had never seen or heard of anything like this before. Was this a joke? She kept scanning the rules to see the eventual punchline. Diaper checks and changes happen whenever and wherever I say. When a diaper check is initiated, you are expected to stop what you’re doing and let me check. You can tell me what you’ve done in your diaper, but you may not under any circumstance ask to be changed. Doing so will earn you an extra two hours in the current diaper. Just reading the words in her head made her cheeks burn a little. She shifted on her feet a bit and asked Sid: “What is the meaning of this?”. Sid remained silent but began to move his hand to hold onto her arm if need be. Nothing will cover your diaper while inside the house. I have the final say in what you wear. …moved on to… You will not refer to me by my first name. I will be called ‘Daddy’ from here on out and nothing else. She cringed at the thought of calling her ex-boyfriend turned current boyfriend via contract “daddy”. She kept reading, wanting to look away but glued to the poster: Feedings from the start will happen in a high chair and you will be fed by me. When you’ve earned some trust, you’ll be allowed to use your hands. Bed time is at 9PM sharp and you will have one last diaper change 30 minutes prior. After last diaper change, you will not under any circumstances be changed until it’s time to dress you in your daily outfit the next morning. …and then… While inside, a pacifier will be clipped to your shirt. If daddy puts it in your mouth, it will stay in there until he takes it out. It wasn’t until she got to the bottom of the list that the severity of what she signed had really hit her. The thought couldn’t help but run its course through her brain as she read the last couple of rules. Pure disbelief washed over her face as she saw the next line. You are banned from having sex or being penetrated the entire time you’re back in diapers. You aren’t under any circumstances allowed to touch your diaper for any reason. She couldn’t believe this. Mere seconds ago, she was certain she was going to consummate the contract/relationship as it were, now she stood there eyeing a rule that claimed that wasn’t going to happen even remotely, she wouldn’t even be able to do anything about it on her own if this rule was for real. The next rule of course didn’t help. Just when she thought her stomach couldn’t drop any lower, she read: You will be required to creamie (#3) in your poopy diapers in order to get changed. Naturally, as the previous rule stated, you aren’t allowed to touch under any circumstances Therefor you will creamie in your poopy diapers via one of three ways selected by daddy. You’ll either get bounced on my knee, spend time with your pal Mr. Bear, or spend time with ‘Bucky the Horsy’. This is the only way you will get off from now on (see nursery rhyme poster) Her eyes directed toward a poster over the oversized crib. It was pink and baby blue with large yellow bubble letters but any number mentioned on it was replaced by a baby block with the corresponding number on it. It read: Remember This Fun Rhyme! It goes #1, #2, and finally a #3. #3 can’t come before #1 and #2, silly!”. The sing-songy way her head read through the poster made her look away directly after reading it. She felt light headed. Her face had flushed deep red and she felt overheated by just the thought of this. She kept thinking to herself this had to be some sort of joke. “No more sex? No more orgasms unless I poop my pants? There’s no way this can be serious”. That’s when she felt Sid’s firm grip on her arm, keeping her in place and slowly making her realize just how serious he was about this. The last rule she came upon read more as a warning than anything: You are required to collect all three numbered magnets every day of every week from here on out through the next year. Failure to do so, or missing even one day during the week will result in an extra week of time spent back in diapers. If daddy suspects you’re intentionally holding it in, he can count that as a miss. If you feel that some of these rules void the contract or weren’t discussed, remember, you signed that document without reading the fine print and a copy will be framed and hung in the nursery. More rules can always be added if need be. She felt his grip tighten on her arm, and was on the verge of going limp. Where’s the punchline at? There was absolutely no way she couldn’t feasibly do this. Not a whole a year or worse even, more. What if people found out? What about her job? She thought he’d be into light bondage, maybe spanking, but not this. The punchline never came. It would never come. This became more apparent and solidified as she felt his hand reach down and pop the button of her skinny jeans. Due to the shear tightness, they sprung open, revealing the front of her thong. “We’re going to have to get those panties off of you, aren’t we sweetie?” He said rubbing her back. She looked up at him with pleading and confused eyes, on the verge of welling up. She still loved him (she thought), and in the moment truly believed she would do anything for him. She knew that she signed the contract and was committed to do that anything. But this… He met her pleading eyes and moved in towards her neck. She hoped he was going to kiss her there and say this was all just a giant joke. That Colin wasn’t even a lawyer, that the contract was fake. He took in the smell of her perfume he used to recognize when they dated and smiled at the thought of that smell being slowly but surely replaced with baby powder. He brushed back her short brown hair that was long enough to cover her ears and instead of going for her neck, stopped halfway and whispered “welcome to Hell, baby”. Chapter 2: Baptism Through blinking eyes trying to grasp a semblance of her surroundings, Bec began to wake up slowly. Every blink made in an attempt to define shapes or bring clarity to her surroundings was met with pitch blackness. With her vision rendered useless in the current state, her other senses began to perk up, albeit slowly due to her grogginess. A rustling was heard as she shifted on her back a little, trying to initiate her prototypical morning stretch. The sound reminded her of her time as a grocery store bagger for a split second. The instinctive tick of trying to grab her phone on the night stand was met with a feeling that was similar to a seatbelt constricting when one slams on their breaks. Her hand was unable to move more than an inch or two. That’s when she realized that the sensation wasn’t exclusive to just her dominant hand. She felt the same thing happening to her other wrist and to her feet. She seemed to be waking up at the same rate her senses were. She felt the soft inner lining of the restraints that held her arms and legs spread apart. She couldn’t help but fight against them, realizing they kept her firmly in place. The horror began to make its rounds in her head as she realized that everything that happened the night before wasn’t just a dream. The tight, yet soft sensation on her wrists and upper ankles was unfortunately not new to her at this junction. If memory served her correctly, and if this wasn’t just a nightmare, it had happened just across the room on the changing table. She was just as spread out but eventually became exposed, naked in front of her ex-boyfriend turned contractual daddy. He had made easy work of wrestling her onto the changing table and strapping her in, promising that that would come back to haunt her later. Recalling that threat made Bec’s bottom sting at the thought. “I don’t want to hear a peep out of you for the rest of the night, little missy” Sid said as he began to shove the paci-gag in her mouth and locked it behind her head. Another sense awakening now, the taste of dummy plastic. The mouth feel of the rubbery and durable nipple that remained in her mouth. Since she hadn’t been complying, and had to be put on the changing table via force, Sid made a show of slowly cutting off her clothes with a large pair of scissors. He had already wrestled the jacket off of her during the skirmish, but locked her in the restraints with the rest of her clothes on still. Nonetheless, the snipping of the scissors worked their magic. He started with her shirt by cutting directly up the middle of it, exposing her thin black bra with a filigree-like patter that only required two snips to release. He then took care to cut up the seam of her skinny jeans, exposing her black lacey thong with an obvious wet spot in the crotch from earlier. “We won’t be needing these anymore” he said as he cut the two thin straps of her thong and threw the mangled piece of fabric in the levered-bin. Sid made a note to mention how going back to diapers was a good idea for her considering how her panties were affectively ruined by her previously uncontrolled naughty urges. “You’ll learn soon enough” he said in an almost annoyed yet threatening tone. If being exposed in such a way wasn’t bad enough, Sid’s initial reaction of seeing her naked for the first time in years didn’t help. “Oh my…this just won’t work, sweetie.” He said flicking the slight mound of pubic hair she kept trimmed. “Since you’re going back to diapers now, we need to keep you shaved down there…I’m not going to fight with hair when I’m changing your bottom.” All Bec could do was whine through the paci-gag and fight her restraints as she watched him grab shaving cream and a razor. Next thing she remembered was the cold razor sliding up and down her cunny, running over her the entirety of her pelvis, followed by a feeling of a foreign chilliness on her sensitive bits. Back in the present, her mind now took note of the feeling going on between her currently spread legs. She could still feel that foreign lack of hair feeling from before. However, the next thing her senses picked up made her cheeks start to burn. The plastic bag rustling was of course a thick night-time diaper that Sid had put on her directly after the shaving. She could still feel the cool, lighter-than-air baby powder on her sensitive parts and smelled it with every movement. Next, she felt the thick padding underneath her big bottom, remembering how she had first felt it as Sid slid it under her on the changing table, how it felt like he had placed a stadium seat protector under her. Then of course, she felt the thickness of her crotch and the seams of the diaper nestled snuggly into the land where her thighs and pelvis met. She couldn’t see it in the pitch blackness, but she could feel all of it, and couldn’t do anything about it. Worst of all, she recalled how the mostly all white diaper had little baby Minnie and Mickey mouse characters all over the front. The overhead ceiling fan running on full tilt made her exposed skin realize that the diaper was the only thing she was wearing. Then of course, the last sensation to hit her. Like a ton of bricks, the urge to pee came over her. She always had to go really bad in the morning as is, but she hadn’t gone since she left her apartment for Sid’s house the evening before. Every attempt to close her legs was met with the restraints keeping them elevated and spread thoroughly apart. Sid had positioned the leg restraints at the top four corners of the crib with little slack, and then for good measure, tied makeshift restraints directly below her knees and secured them to the bars of the crib so that her knees bent in a 90-degree angle. She began to sweat now. “I can’t do this; I won’t let it happen” she thought to herself as her attempts to close her legs did nothing. She felt a little bit trickle out and made a final attempt to close her legs. This backfired. The force she exerted made a little more come out until it was a torrent she couldn’t stop. Had anyone been in the room with her, they would have heard little squeaks, whining, and heavy breathing coming from under a muffled pacified mouth, rattling of crib walls and padlocks, until finally the noises would peter out until only slight hissing could be heard, followed by muted sobbing. She couldn’t believe it. She promised herself behind her pacifier gag last night that it wouldn’t happen, that it wouldn’t come to this. She had peed in her diaper. Just the thought of this made her eyes well up more and her cheeks burn. She had an itchy feeling all over her skin at the thought. Due to the sheer volume of her (usually uneventful) morning restroom break, the entirety of the crotch of her diaper felt soaked. The wet feeling travelled all the way to the middle of her bottom as well considering her position. She tried repositioning, getting away from it but was startled by the slow awakening of the fluorescent overhead light bulbs that slowly flickered into consciousness. She heard the door open and instantly wanted to hide. “Good morning, little Bec” Sid said as he walked in and turned on the remaining lights in the room. “I see someone slept very well last night” Sid mentioned as he reached over the crib walls to pat Bec’s crotch. At this moment she finally got a full view of her thick diapered crotch, now with a slight yellow tinge leading all the way up to the Mickey and Minnie Mouse characters that started at the bottom tapes. The patting sent the soaked inner fabric of the diaper pushing up against her exposed and spread-out crotch which made her wince with each successive contact. “Not quite used enough to warrant a change I don’t think, and I don’t smell a mess quite yet”. She couldn’t believe it, she felt as if she had thoroughly used this diaper and deserved to get out of it immediately. She was huffing and puffing behind her pacifier, trying to not make any eye contact with Sid, mixed between thoroughly embarrassed and angry with him. He leaned over the railing of the crib and spoke directly to her as she breathed heavily, chest rising up and down, looking away all the same. “Now, I’m going to let you out so we can start our day, can I trust you to behave? Or do we need a repeat of last night followed by a crib day?”. Her bottom began to sting again at the thought and couldn’t help but remember the brutal spanking she endured the night before. Over his knee with her hands held firmly behind her back and her diaper around her ankles. One swat after the other. Imagining Sid would tire out. But he kept going with zero reprieve. Each swat she thought would be the last seemed to warrant 100 more. The spanking continued on and on until Bec was a sobbing mess over his knee and had a bottom redder than the face of a fuji apple. Naturally, remembering this and having the thought of being confined to a crib the entire day made her begrudgingly nod that she would be good, still not looking up at him, tears slowly dripping onto the crib mattress. She felt each restraint get loosened as he made his way around her until she was free from them. Upon sitting up, she felt her wet diaper press against her even more as she was finally able to close her thighs together. The feeling of “freedom” would be short lived, however. Sid took her by the wrist with some force and had her on her feet. He turned her around and abruptly pulled the top, back waistband of her diaper away from her lower back and looked in on her bottom. She froze in horror as she felt the back of her diaper being pulled back. It didn’t help that he made sure to do a thorough job of investigating, making her first ever diaper check in almost 30 years last for what felt like a century. She knew not to complain or resist and just stood there with her stomach trying to escape through her throat, it felt. She felt so dumb and helpless standing with her legs shoulder width apart, not being trusted enough to verify if she had pooped her pants or not. He was ultimately greeted with nothing but a wet diaper and the reminder on her clean butt to not mess with him. “No poopies yet, I didn’t think so.”. “Yet…” She thought to herself as she shifted uncomfortably on her feet, wanting to be anywhere else and have someone say literally anything but that to her. After the check, Sid grabbed her by the wrist and walked her over to the high chair. As they stood in front of it, Bec couldn’t help but think “What about my clothes?” as she stood there in absolutely nothing but a diaper. But any attempt to ask that question was stifled by the paci-gag. She also instantly remembered the rule stating that Sid had the final say in what she wore from now on, which caused her to let out another helpless sigh. She wasn’t able to ruminate on it for long before Sid began helping her up into the high chair. As she sat down on the wooden high chair seat her wet diaper pressed against her bottom again, sending a slight sting to it, subtly reminding her to behave even when not asked to as she didn’t want to have her still reddened bottom doubled down on. She almost forgot about the high chair restraints but was quickly reminded as she felt her left hand being put in a similar strap to the one in the crib, ensuring that her hands wouldn’t venture more than half an inch away from the side rail/arm rest. Again, she felt her legs spread by force and held in place via the ankle restraints that kept her feet glued to the high chair’s foot rest. When she was locked in place, Sid shut the hinged high chair tray down over her lap and proceeded to lock it in place as well. She wasn’t going anywhere. Sid, now confident in the fact that she was going to stay put, walked out of the basement nursery room. Bec felt defeated as she remained in place, surveying the room, maybe even looking for a secret way to escape. She shifted in her seat a little bit as the once warm wetness of her crotch and bottom began to turn cold. Shifting her bottom slightly to the left, she felt the usual morning pang, and her stomach dropped. “No! No! No!” Bec thought to herself as she bit down a little harder on her paci-gag and winced. The feeling was unmistakable. She had to poop. She always went in the morning as a part of her usual morning routine and the early morning was definitely when she had some of her closer calls. Those close calls were usually predicated by her not going a second time the night before, which of course was the case now. She remained put and tried to let the pain in her lower abdomen pass. She felt the pain slowly drift away and breathed a long sigh of relief. However, she knew it would inevitably be back. Sid walked in with a round pink plastic plate, safety utensils, and a baby bottle filled with what looked like apple juice from a distance. The plate was very obviously and almost comically filled with pancakes, at least six stacked high. Sid sat the plate and the bottle down on the tray and grabbed his stool, planting a seat right across from Bec. The pancakes were absolutely drenched in syrup which she wasn’t opposed to, but she was really hoping he didn’t expect her to eat the entire amount. He began cutting up some chunks of pancake when he said “Oh, come on now Sid, little Bec can’t eat with a pacifier in, now can she?”. He stood up, and unlocking the padlock at the back of her head until she could feel it loosening and finally pulled out and away from her mouth. She let out audible gasps for air as he took it out. Without warning she felt a piece of fabric start covering her exposed breasts. She looked down and was greeted with a white bib with pink outlining that had a ducky on it. She quickly made a point to not look down at it again as she cringed instantly at the site. Sid went back to focusing on cutting the pancakes up. Bec really wished he would hurry up as she couldn’t tell when the pains in her abdomen would come back. She wasn’t sure where she would go once out of the high chair but she knew she had to at least be free from the restraints to have a fighting chance. He finally finished cutting up the pancakes, forked a large chunk that was dripping with syrup and lifted it into the air. “Alright little Bec, open wide for the choo choo train!” he said with an almost devilish smile on his face. She would have rather just not ate, but the stinging in her bottom again sent the “behave” warning up to her brain and she opened her mouth for him. Next thing she felt was syrup all over her right cheek. He had completely missed. She looked at him after the miss and was greeted with a condescending “Aw, this is exactly why little girls like you need help being fed; can’t keep your face clean. Now open wide, let’s try again”. She looked at him absolutely shocked as the syrup began oozing down her cheek. She thought she was cried out from this morning but she started feeling her eyes tear up again as she felt more of the sticky stuff not make it inside her mouth on the subsequent attempt. Syrup was dripping down her chin and onto her bib now. She was mortified and her face was completely covered. Tears slowly began to find their way down her beet red cheeks as Sid continued on. “Alright, third times the charm for the messy eater”. She opened her mouth again and this time actually felt the forks contents enter her mouth. However, she had a tough time focusing on chewing. The pain was back, and twice as bad as before. Chapter 3: Default “That’s daddy’s good little eater” Sid said as he shoveled another thick forkful of pancakes into Bec’s mouth, wasting no energy on aiming straight. Had she not been preoccupied on more pressing matters; hearing Sid refer to himself as daddy would’ve elicited more of a response. But she of course had other things on her mind. Bec was already beyond stuffed, and each subsequent bite seemed to trigger her body’s morning response even more so than before. The pain would go away, and then another messy fork skewered helping of pancakes drenched in syrup got shoved in her face, reawakening it. From her nose down, her face felt more like syrup at this point instead of skin, and the feeling mixed with the pain in her lower abdomen broke her out in a sweat. On a couple occasions, the tense pain made a little bit of pee shoot out into her diaper, which of course was small potatoes in her mind considering what she was fighting. With a sly grin, Sid forked the last of the pancakes into her mouth, recoating her chin in syrup that had fallen off already. “That’s such a good girl, you must’ve been extra hungry this morning, huh?” He said as he put the fork down, smiling at her as she breathed heavy in her highchair. Sid took a wet washcloth and washed the syrup off Bec’s face with some force, making sure the sticky stuff was completely removed. However, the smell of maple syrup lingered in her nostrils as she could still smell it on her face. Breathing heavy from the marathon that was eating pancakes in her highchair, she saw Sid waste no time continuing with the humiliating exercise as he went for the bottle. With a disgruntled face she instinctively shook her head back and forth and found herself tearing up at the thought, panicking slightly. Any small victory was worth it in her mind and if she could avoid even one aspect of this charade, she would be content. Unfortunately, she found the nipple of the bottled wedged forcefully into her mouth, nonetheless. “You will finish this bottle little girl, or we can stay in the highchair all day”. Caught between a rock and hard place, she began sucking on the bottle and no doubt recognized apple juice coming out. Being stuffed and already thoroughly humiliated, she wanted nothing to do with sucking down the sugary drink. However, her lower abdomen pains guided her decisions more than anything. Their constant reminders to her that they hadn’t gone anywhere forcing her to bit down on the bottle’s nipple as she drank. She without a doubt did not want to be stuck in the highchair any longer. When the bottle was completely empty, Sid removed it from her mouth, causing Bec to gasp for air, and causing a little bit to dribble down her chin onto her bib. “It really was a great idea on my part to not dress you before breakfast considering how you would’ve gotten it all over your clothes” Sid said as he went back to wipe her chin. She tensed up and balled her hands into fists, rattling the restraints slightly as another wave of pain hit her. “Please let me out! Please let me out!” she thought as he continued to clean her pained face. Be it divine intervention, or Sid having his fill, she was relieved to hear an “Alright, let’s get you dressed, honey.” She breathed a little easier now as he began to unlock the highchair table as well as the restraints, helping Bec onto her feet. As she stood there, she felt a wind of relief wash over her. The pain subsided slightly as she was able to get vertical. The feeling of not being trapped helped as well. Sid grabbed her by the wrist and took her to the walk-in closet filled with various diapers and random clothes. Although the pain had slightly passed, she could still feel pressure building in her stomach. This forced her to slightly cross her legs here and there while waiting for Sid to make up his mind. Sid took her over to the dresser that was sitting along the inner wall of the closet and proceeded to open the drawer positioned second from the top. Its contents made Bec squirm slightly. Various T-shirts were displayed for her ranging in just about every color of the rainbow. The pastels are what stood out to her. Pinks, yellows, and light blues to name a few. All of them had some sort of logo on the front and white sleeves with their corresponding color acting as a contrasting cuff. Sid picked out the pink one first which had “Daddy’s little girl” written in cursive on the front. “Arms up, little girl” Sid said and Bec obliged, still too preoccupied to protest. The shirt was tight on her chest and the bottom of it stopped right before her belly button, ensuring there was no angle or situation that the shirt could hide her diaper as it didn’t even really hide her little tummy. The cuff links of course rode high on her upper arms. Sid went to the top drawer now and opened it, revealing a whole array of frilly socks. “Hands on my shoulders, sweetie”. He said as he ducked down towards her feet. Bec placed her hands on his shoulders and lifted her feet when instructed, feeling the socks slide up them, stopping right at her ankle. She couldn’t help but look at the dresser while getting her socks put on for her. “Not a single pair of panties in there I bet” she thought to herself. Sid then grabbed a pair of white tennis shoes with pink etching on the side and helped her into them as well, tying them up nice and snug. Any thought in Bec’s mind that she’d be allowed to go against her new rules and wear pants on her first day were instantly shot down as she felt the first shoe go on her right foot. However, she couldn’t help but ask “Why am I wearing shoes inside?” to which Sid horrifyingly responded with “So you can always be ready for an adventure”, not missing a chance to smile and wink at her discomfort. When Sid backed away and admired his handy work, Bec noticed herself in the standup mirror positioned in the corner of the closet and instantly had to turn away. She looked like an oversized toddler. She got a good glance at how soaked her diaper was, and how big the damn thing made her bottom look. Sid noticed and decided to pat her bottom, clipping her paci to her shirt before putting it in her mouth, and said “This will be your default outfit. Ya better get used to it”. As they exited the closet, Bec’s pain came back full swing, worse than ever. She couldn’t help but gnash her teeth in her pacifier and hunch over a bit, trying to move to make it subside. Sid knew exactly what was happening. “I think it’s T.V. time for the little girl” Sid said as he went to grab Mr. Bear out of the corner of the room, laying him on his back, head positioned toward the Television set. “Go ahead Bec, straddle Mr. Bear and watch your cartoons” he said as he sat down on the love seat and switched the T.V. to an episode of the Teletubbies. She walked over to the large bear, put her feet on either side of his mid-section, and sat down on her bottom. “No, no, no. Lean forward, I want your knees touching the ground next to him. I said straddle, not sit” Sid said in a firm voice that made her shutter. She was avoiding it for a reason. She knew it would be harder to hold back if she straddled Mr. Bear. The spanking by Sid’s hand the night before continued to guide her decisions, however. She slowly moved her knees forward until they touched the ground next to Mr. Bear. Her shins were now parallel to the ground and her body was positioned to where her diaper bottom was sticking out slightly. She couldn’t help but grasp the fur right underneath Mr. Bear’s head as the pain shot back with her movements and new positioning. She was desperate now. She looked around the room for any way out to no avail. The only way in or out was through the basement door and it was at this moment of dire need that she noticed the door had a padlock on it, the key no doubt in Sid’s possession. The pains weren’t subsiding now. They were constant. More pee began to trickle into the crotch of her diaper that was pressed against Mr. Bear as she had bigger problems to focus on. She was on fire, sweat forming on her brow, moving back and forth slightly with her eyes closed, hoping the pain would go away. Her breathing was getting heavy now as it escaped her pacified mouth in short puffs. She couldn’t help but to look at the Teletubbies playing on the screen. Remembering how she didn’t even watch this show when she was a child. Nonetheless, she couldn’t help but be hyper focused on them, trying to find some semblance of comfort in her current position. All the Teletubbies seemed excited about something and let-out cheers of applause for each other as she found herself finally letting go. Lifting off Mr. Bear slightly, and sticking her bottom out, a light crackling noise started to slowly build up along with slight gurgling noises. Through gnashed teeth pressing down on her pacifier, she began pushing the mess out. She could feel it start to crown and let out an audible and involuntary gasp through her pacifier from the feeling of initial relief. However, that initial relief was short lived as she began to also experience the brand-new sensation of the mess having nowhere to go but against her. She had always just assumed that if it came to this, the mess would just force the diaper to expand, making it easy to avoid. But as she continued to push it out, it would find the back unforgiving wall of her diaper and have nowhere else to go, resulting in it staying put and pressing back against her bottom. She felt as if she had ripe bananas being pressed against her butt, smashing, and contouring as they pressed back against her. She couldn’t help but think that Sid’s attention to detail in making sure her diaper rested high and tight on her hips and bottom was intentional for this purpose. The smell of course, began finding its way through the nursery as well. This smell surprisingly enough to Bec, was the straw that broke the camel’s back, and made her cheeks flair up and burn bright crimson red. She continued her firm clutch on Mr. Bears fur, trying to focus on its soft to the touch feel instead of the disgusting and dreadful one currently located on her butt. Holding it in this long backfired on her. She continued to push and push, filling the seat of her diaper up slowly to the point that she could feel it spanning the entirety of the lower half of her bottom. Cascading gurgle-like noises continued to come from the backside of her diaper throughout. Sid continued to watch on, noticing the smell slowly amplifying as well as the seat of her diaper expanding slightly but not totally giving in. Sid continued to look on at the episode, noticing slight squeaks and tear-filled grimaces, followed by her heavy breathing in an attempt to recover her breath in between pushes. Each push resulted in her biting down onto her pacifier through wincing closed eyes. Each push let out more profound crackling sounds accompanied by wet and gurgle-like farting noises. He couldn’t help but smile at the scene, thinking to himself “She got what she thought she wanted, and I’m not against watching it myself". What seemed like an eternity for Bec but in all actuality was a five-minute affair, she had managed to alleviate the pain in her stomach. The source of course, resting against her bottom now. She kneeled frozen in her slightly straddled, upright position, still squeezing Mr. Bear’s fur for comfort. She was in utter shock at what she had done and the sensation of her own mess pressing against her bottom was not lost on her. Sid knew the show was officially over as he could hear the tell-tale hiss, acting as a credit sequence for the performance he just watched. As coincidence would have it, the Teletubbies episode was also in its credit sequence at the same time. Although Sid knew the “show” was over, Bec wasn’t so sure. She began to feel a new sensation that was lost on her in her previous 28 years. Although she felt that her stomach was relieved, she still felt as if she had to go. This was the first time in her life she had pooped in a position other than sitting down, resulting in it feeling as if it had stopped halfway, as if it had nowhere to go. In a cerebral fashion, she began trying to maneuver herself to get the rest out as well as avoid what was currently pressing against her while she remained on all fours. She pushed her big bottom out, she arched her back (which she quickly regretted given that it made the mess press against her bottom more), but nothing seemed to help. So preoccupied on alleviating this unsatisfied and unrelieved feeling that she didn’t even notice Sid had walked up behind her. She was startled back into the wider scope of her horrifying reality by Sid clearing his throat and saying” “Seems like daddy’s little stinker needs her diaper checked, huh”? Chapter 4: Counting is Easy! Frozen solid, heart racing, and cheeks burning, Bec could feel the top back waistband of her diaper being pulled away from her lower back. She remained somewhat still out of fear of what might happen if she protested or fought, as well as fear of disturbing the mess that Sid would inevitably lay eyes upon. She remained gripping Mr. Bear’s fur and couldn’t help but look into his lifeless plastic eyes, repining at what was happening at her backside. She watched as tears began to fall from her face onto the oversized stuffed bear, causing small areas of his fur to clump up on contact. Her now more-than-soaked diaper crotch was in eye shot with the little Minnie and Mickey Mouse characters staring directly up at her. Biting down on her pacifier, she noticed more of the tears finding their way onto her semi-protruding diaper as well as her short pink t-shirt. As Sid pulled back the top of her diaper, he was of course met with her big and still red bottom. However, unlike last time he checked, instead of finding a landing strip of yellow and nothing else, he found a large amalgamated mess resting directly on the seat of her bottom. Opening the diaper to check like this of course gave Sid a heavy dose of the accompanying smell as well. “Pee-ew little Bec, you really did leave daddy quite the present, huh?” Upon hearing this question, Bec’s only response she could muster was transitioning from a silent leaking of tears to a soft and slight hiccupping sob. She couldn’t help but think on how it got to this point. How just yesterday, she was under the impression her and Sid would be an item again. Less than 24 hours later, she had pooped her diaper in front of him, and he had just seen the proof through a diaper check. She couldn’t believe she was even thinking this through. Just the act of playing the mental gymnastics it took to formulate those sentences in her head sounded so foreign to her. Yet, they were the reality all the same. She focused on her tears again, dropping one by one onto Mr. Bear, hoping she could get in the shower soon and be free from this feeling. While being wrapped up in her thoughts, she hadn’t noticed that Sid returned to his position on the loveseat. She definitely didn’t notice how he was not in a relaxed, leaning back position either. “Alright little stinker, come over to daddy” Sid said in a soft yet firm tone. She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she was semi-startled to hear his voice at all let alone farther away than when she last felt his presence. She slowly turned her head around and noticed he was sitting on the loveseat again. Ignoring the tears yet noticing how timid she was, Sid figured she needed some extra encouragement. “Walk over to your daddy, sweetheart” he said with a softer tone. Bec didn’t want to move or even be seen right now. She wanted to disappear altogether. However, she was shocked at how much hearing Sid refer to her as “sweetheart” calmed her down a peg. It was enough to make her think clearly and remember to be on her best behavior, as well. Repercussive threat was seemingly constantly washing over and guiding her every decision in his presence. She stood up slowly, trying not to disturb the mess sitting in her diaper at all. She found herself turning around to face Sid, and with an accompanying soundtrack of light and rustling crinkles, slowly walked toward him with her legs apart in a slight waddle. She was relieved to find that this strategy of walking did help keep her mess in one place. However, as she closed the distance between her and Sid, she was startled to feel his hand forcefully grab her by the chin and bring her down to eye level. This forced her to lose the paci that was situated in her mouth as the clip tethered it to her and made it swing back and forth off of her chest in the process. Sid lowered his tone and wasted no time saying “This is a lesson I have no intention of repeating so listen up and listen good, missy. You will by no means avoid your poopy diaper like that again. If I ever, and I mean EVER catch you waddling or avoiding your mess in any facet like that from here on out, I’ll see to it that you feel that poopy diaper fully, especially in places you don’t want to!”. With the last couple words of the lecture, Sid pointed his eyes directly toward her diaper crotch, emphasizing exactly what he meant. “Now, go back to where you were and walk to me properly. Your thighs better be touching the entire time”. He let go of her chin, grabbed her dangling pacifier, and popped it back in her mouth. Basically, saying this was a one-way argument, as if the paci was what kept her ultimately quiet. The force of his grip on her chin as well as the tone in his voice caused her bottom lip to involuntarily quiver as she held back letting every tear in her body escape. Being talked down to like this and realizing that he expected her to just pretend that she wasn’t bothered by the mess pressing up against her forced her to bite her lip to extinguish the potential tear cascade as well. He never once talked to her like this when they were together all those years ago. Not even when she began flirting with randoms at parties to see how he’d respond. Nonetheless, not wanting to see what happened if she disobeyed his command, she slowly turned around and began walking back to where she was sitting. Every step she took from Sid to Mr. Bear she ensured that her thighs were touching, and every step caused the mess to move around and press against her lower bottom without any regard for her feelings. On her return trip to Sid, she looked away in a distraught daze, not wanting to make eye contact with him. A silver lining appeared as she thought about how the mess was still centralized. “At least it hasn’t spread past my butt at this point” she thought to herself. She even pondered the notion that being behaved could get her out of that diaper quicker. When she finally reached Sid for the second time, she felt his hands grab her wrists. “That’s daddy’s good little girl” he said, knowing how the pet names were affecting her. He sat alert and ready with his legs mostly off the edge of the loveseat. He began pulling her closer to him by her wrists until she was standing above his outstretched right knee. The position she was in was lost on her given the previous events as well as being somewhat soothed by the loving pet name. When he got her positioned to his liking, he began “Alright little girl, in order to get changed out of your poopy diapers, what has to happen first”? Perhaps she was completely blocking it out, not wanting to even fathom the possibility of it happening. Sid reminding her sent the rule shooting across her brain like a Wall Street ticker. Each word carrying more weight than the last as they scrolled on through. Keywords were highlighted as they raced on by. Starting with… REQUIRED…Moving on to…CREAMIE….POOPY DIAPERS….finally leading to…CHANGED…. It was a math equation that made her head spin. She shook her head back and forth and tried backing away, not even caring how badly the mess was getting disrupted by this. Silent tears turned into full on desperate sobs as she looked around for a way out of this. She even found herself slightly digging her fingers into Sid’s wrists. Yet, Sid’s grip held firmer than ever. “Now, little girl” Sid said as if she was just being fussy, downplaying her body language. He continued by saying “This is just your life now; this will be an everyday event for the foreseeable future. Remember, this is required every day unless you want your time in diapers extended”. This seemed to level Bec out slightly. She didn’t want to do this any longer than she had to. She didn’t feel Sid’s grip ease up even the slightest bit and decided to concede, still squirming all the same. “Now, since you had such a reaction to the idea, I think it would be a good idea for you to recite the nursery rhyme before we do this from now on. Maybe in the future when you don’t act out you won’t have to say it. But for now, it’s required.” he said pointing towards the poster above the crib. She was upset with herself to say that she already knew the rhyme by heart. How could she not remember something that degrading. It was as if the poster itself was talking down to her. As if no one and nothing could trust her to be independent. Then of course, the thought of having to actually say it made her cheeks reignite. Between whimpers and slight pauses, behind her pacifier Bec let out a soft and defeated “It goes #1, #2, and finally a #3. #3 can’t come before #1 and #2, silly…” Sid shook his head and said “No. No. No. Come on little girl, it’s a nursery rhyme. It’s meant to be sung and danced to with some sort of excitement”. Her face scrunched up trying to hold back tears again at the thought. She had to pretend she was excited for this now? She moved slightly back and forth and in a slightly louder tone said “It goes #1, #2, and finally a #3. #3 can’t come before #1 and #2, silly…” “You have one more attempt. Do It right, or you’ll end up over my knee for a spanking and you’ll be going to bed right after without a change” he said in a slow yet deliberate voice. She straightened up now. Fear washing over her and her stomach pitting up at the thought. With her hands held firmly in place by Sid, she mustered up a slight smile behind her pacifier and began with “It goes #1” while simultaneously swaying her big diaper bottom to the left. Feeling the mess press against it as her bottom extended slightly from the motion. “#2” moving her hips over to the right. Same sensation yet in a slightly different location. “…and finally, a #3” left, right, left. Again, again, again. “#3 can’t come before #1 and #2, silly!” she exclaimed while swaying her hips and moving her head in an opposite fashion, side to side with each syllable. She didn’t have time to figure if that was good enough for Sid. At the conclusion of the word “silly”, she felt her wrists being pulled on and her knees buckling. With her hands rendered useless, and her motions being controlled by someone else, there was nowhere for her to go but down, resulting in her poopy diaper bottom landing directly on Sid’s outstretched right knee. She let out an audible and involuntary squeak behind her pacifier as she felt the mess contouring and pushing up against her butt crack thanks to Sid’s leg being her new makeshift seat. Her feet dangled off the ground slightly, making it so she couldn’t support or resuspend herself off of Sid’s lanky knee. All she could do was kick at the air. It was like falling out of a plane without a parachute, useless flailing at nothing but air. It was like trying to grab ahold of something, or find solid footing, to no avail. She was so focused on the feeling of the mess she was trying so desperately to not disturb getting pushed deeper against her bottom that she didn’t notice when Sid started putting her hands behind her back. It wasn’t until she felt both of her arms like two upper case L’s (one facing correctly while the other faced backwards) held tightly behind her back that she noticed what was happening. At that point it was too late to break away. Sid had secured his large left hand over both of her tiny wrists that were positioned one over the other in her current position. His right hand rested on her hip. She looked at him, eyes still wet from the on and off crying that had occurred throughout the day so far, pleading for some reprieve. “Alright little girl, let’s make good on that nursery rhyme, eh?” he said with a wry grin as he forced his knee up in a quick motion. With her hands behind her back and feet dangling, there was nowhere else for Bec to go but up as well, and up she went. Sid’s bucking motion upwards pushed Bec up slightly, but Sid’s knee went back to its original position in a fluid manner, forcing Bec’s position to affectively “catch up” with the knee. This “catching up” that gravity was enforcing, resulted in Bec going airborne for a split second, only for her poopy diaper bottom to fall back down onto Sid’s knee without any discrimination or reprieve. Except, it didn’t happen just once. It took roughly three bounces in a continuous succession for Bec to fully grasp what was going on. Each of those initial three bounces resulted in what felt like Sid’s knee being rammed into her bottom and against her cunny, pushing the mess against her and spreading it out further. Each bounce and subsequent bounces that followed let out an audible squelching noise that was accompanied by the sound of the thick padding getting compressed. Due to her upright position, she could also feel that the mess was edging ever so slightly towards her vulnerable cunny with each bounce as well. It was on that third bounce that she let out a choked up and muffle scream. The noise she was letting out was seemingly skirting the edge of a quick and pained laugh that Sid recognized as hysterical cries in the context. The gnashed teeth, squeals, and cries turned into full on sobbing now as tears streamed down her beet red and pained cheeks. Every aggressive squirm and attempt to break Sid’s grasp were fruitless and as he kept her firmly on his knee, bouncing all the same. She knew she only had a few more bounces left before she was completely coated down there. She continued to fight, kicking at the air, and trying to wrestle her arms away. Each bounce sending a warning signal through her brain ala a command center navigating a moon landing. “Contact in 3 bounces…” “Contact in 2 bounces…” She let out a visceral scream that was muffled behind her pacifier as she attempted to use all of her remaining strength to break free in time. An animalistic reaction made her try to close her legs, only for the attempt to be blocked by Sid’s leg keeping her spread out and vulnerable. Like the initial bounces, her brain didn’t comprehend what had happened right away. Contact had been made. Her exposed and helpless cunny was covered in her own mess, now. It was somewhere between the second or third time her cunny slammed down onto her own mess and got pushed against her by Sid’s knee that she realized it had happened. The magnitude of what was transpiring not being lost on her. The thought and feeling of it made her absolutely light headed and woozy. Her whole body was burning up now. However, the bounces didn’t stop or slow down at all. Just like the spanking the night before, Bec was certain Sid would tire out. However, it was almost as if he could read her mind on this, that every time she thought it would be over soon, he dug down and ensured it wouldn’t be. Each bounce continued smashing the mess up against her cunny and bottom over and over. She didn’t have long to ruminate on the horror that was her downstairs bits being covered for very long before a new horror started settling in. The pot as it were, was starting to accumulate bubbles floating to the top, resulting in a slow but ever-present boil. Her body was beginning to betray her. The repetition of her cunny pressing against Sid’s knee in a forceful manner caused a stirring downstairs. The disgusting context and details didn’t matter. Each time her cunny landed back onto Sid’s knee, the boiling slowly but surely continued to amplify. With no end in sight, and with Sid showing no signs of slowing down or stopping, she knew she had to get away for real. She was not about to let this transpire. A second round of squirming began to unfold. Tooth and nail she fought and attempted to jerk her hands free. Letting out cries of anguish at each attempt. However, Sid’s grip remained firm and each attempt left her in the same exact spot, bouncing up and down on her poopy diaper bottom. The boil was in full swing now and with every attempt to suppress the urges she was feeling, her body sent the message back two times worse than it was before. She was in sensory overload. She had sweat forming on her brow and had pitted out the armpits of her shirt due to the constantly hot feeling the knee bounce sensation had caused. Each bounce she experienced seemed to send a shockwave through her whole body. The boiling pot of water was inching closer and closer to the top; on the verge of spilling over onto the stove. She didn’t want to give in to this. She didn’t want the smell of her poopy diaper or the feeling of it accompanying an orgasm. But as she gave one last heave to get away and was met with the vice like grip that was Sid’s hand yet again, she came to the stark realization. She was going to cum in her poopy diaper, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Pulling her head back and gnashing her teeth against her pacifier, tears trickling down onto her shirt all the same. She let out another high-pitched whimper as she continued to try and close her legs against the bounces. Sid got a full view of her anguish now. He watched her face contort and wince with each bounce. He knew full well that each bounce was giving her a sensation she would have never once imagined experiencing. How each time he bucked his knee, her mess inevitably got pushed further and further up against her bottom and cunny. He couldn’t help but notice how the slightly exposed part of her tummy hung over the front upper waistband of her diaper and moved up and down with each bounce. Or how her breasts bounced up and down slightly as well. Finally, he noticed how the area where her hair and forehead met was drenched in sweat. Her face so red it could’ve been sunburnt. She looked absolutely pathetic and yet, in this light, Sid finally felt true affection for someone. She knew she couldn’t hold out any much longer. The water was at the brim of the pot. Any sudden movements could push it over. Each bounce, made it feel as if it would. SQUELCH/DIAPER COMPRESSING Bec thought to herself “Maybe I can still get away…. maybe if I just….” SQUELCH/DIAPER COMPRESSING Bec thought to herself “Oh God…Please!…Ple…” SQUELCH/DIAPER COMPRESSING Bec thought to herself “HNNNNNNNNNNGggggggg” SQUELCH/DIAPER COMPRESSING The pot started boiling over. Bec almost bit through her pacifier as a result. Involuntarily she let out a series of short but strong exhales behind her pacifier into the air in a way similar to hyperventilating. Her legs tensed up against Sid’s as he could tell exactly what was transpiring. He continued to bounce her through her long orgasm. She could feel the tingly sensation continue to run its course through her body as she was unable to do anything but let it continue against the bounces. The short breathing evolved into involuntary pleasure moans as she could feel herself squirting helplessly into the crotch of her diaper. Each moan got louder and louder until they hit their apex, turning into full on sobbing. She was leaning back against Sid’s grip now, sitting straight up, crying hard into the air, not even remotely concerned with the residual knee bounces. Her chest rising and falling in sporadic bursts. Sid slowed down his knee until it came to a complete stop. With her hands still held firmly behind her back, Sid pulled Bec into his chest. Her big diaper bottom stuck out and hung over his knee as she cried into the collar of his shirt. It was in this comedown that she felt the extent of what had happened in her diaper. Her mess was everywhere. Outside and inside her cunny, back up into her bottom, and encroaching on the seams that nestled into her thighs. Sid let go of her hands and she instinctively held onto Sid’s sides, continuing to soak his shirt collar. Every so often, the crying would trigger a hiccup response, which prompted Sid to start rubbing her back. To her surprise, the feeling of his touch on her back and the soft “shh” noises escaping his mouth began to comfort her. Her fast paced and sporadic breathing began to spread out a little bit. Her hiccups remained here and there, but feeling his touch as he rubbed her back softly began to give her goosebumps. Sid wanted everything to do with this. He wanted this life. He had told himself for years and years that he didn’t and that it didn’t define him. Yet here he was, in his own personal Shangri-La. More importantly, he wanted Bec, and was beyond happy to have her like this. He was going to look after her from now on. Even though he would torture her, degrade her, and ultimately find new ways to humiliate her, he was enamored beyond reason. As Bec began to calm down to a light sobbing, Sid began to put his hand on her bottom now, rubbing and patting it. She flinched upwards slightly at the feeling but scrunched her face up and endured it. He pressed the mess slightly against her, rubbing on where her bottom was sticking out. Even with the realization of his affinity for her, he didn’t miss a beat in making sure she understood where she was now and just how far she had fallen. With his hand underneath the seat of her diaper, pushing up slightly until he could feel her grip on him tighten, he said “Diaper girls must fully use their diapers…always”. Keeping his hand on the seat of her outstretched diaper bottom, Sid began in a sing-song tone of voice with “After all… “…it goes #1…” Sid said as he pushed up on her diaper bottom which was greeted with a sudden wince and whimper from Bec. “…#2…” Sid said with another more forceful push. Bec wiggled and squirmed against it, gripping Sid’s sides, shutting her eyes tightly, and gnashing her teeth against her pacifier. “…and finally a #3.” One soft pat for each syllable. Sid pulled Bec up straight on his knee so that she was looking right at him now. Her crying had subsided but her face was still red and tear soaked. She looked at Sid with a pained and defeated expression. “#3 can’t come before #1 and #2, silly.” Sid said ignoring her disposition as he playfully shook his head back and forth for the first part of the sentence. The second part of the sentence he put a physical period on the end by touching Bec’s nose twice to the beat of the accompanying syllables in the word “silly”. Chapter 5: New Normal Sitting her big diaper bottom down on the changing table didn’t seem to cause any visceral and physical shock for Bec. The alarming feeling of the mess pushing up against her had ran its course considering the day’s previous events. Even though she hated every second of it in the moment, being forced to rhythmically shake her diaper bottom back and forth for a couple minutes in what Sid had dubbed “the poopy diaper dance” did help get some of the mess off of her bottom. “Doing the poopy diaper dance helps make Daddy’s job easier when he changes you…” he said previously in a slightly reassuring yet condescending tone as she stood in front of him after her knee bounces. “…and you will do this after each and every poopy diaper creamie if you want to get changed. Go ahead and turn around and put your hands on your hips so I can see them. Also, I’d suggest doing it to my liking. I’m on a short fuse after how many attempts it took you to sing and dance to your nursery rhyme.” Even though it had happened about 20 minutes prior, Bec still had the full scene replaying through her head. She had begrudgingly obliged and turned around as she bit down on her pacifier, slowly placing her hands on her hips right on the side waistband of her diaper, which of course culminated in finding herself shaking her hips back and forth. She had tried being as overzealous with her movements as to not piss off Sid. Each time her big hips swayed to one side she would focus two subsequent beats on it and then move to the next side. Over and over, she shifted her hips it seemed. LEFT LEFT *crinkle* RIGHT RIGHT *crinkle* Of course, no amount of dancing could truly alleviate what had happened in her diaper. Bec was still thoroughly grossed out by the feeling she was experiencing, but it did seem as if it couldn’t get any worse at this point. She was absolutely dazed and still technically on the come down; caught up in remembering the previous events that had transpired earlier. She breathed in an exhausted manner through her pacifier as she lied back on the changing table pad. Her chest rising up and down as she felt she could finally relax for a second. In fact, she didn’t fully comprehend the gravity of what was about to happen until she heard Sid say “Alright little stinker, let’s get you changed, huh”. Those words awoke something in her. She didn’t want to be in this diaper anymore, that was for sure. It was starting to feel itchy around her thighs and she wanted whatever amount got in her naughty bits to be cleaned out ASAP. However, she definitely didn’t want Sid to be the one to do it. Being checked after freshly messing her diaper was bad enough. Now, her ex-lover was going to experience firsthand the entire scope of what had happened just minutes prior. Luckily for Sid, and rather unfortunate for Bec, Sid had taken the initiative to start restraining her hands and ankles while she was still subdued. In fact, it was almost as if Bec didn’t fight or squirm until she was completely locked up. Sid, reached under the changing table to a symphony of slight but slowly growing whimpers and the rattling chains of restraints holding firm. Returning from his trip, Bec saw he held a thick white diaper with nothing but a myriad of miniature Barney the Dinosaur figures plastered all over the front of it, baby powder, and wet wipes. She tried pulling her hands in but was met with that similar slamming on the breaks/constricting seatbelt sensation. Her legs felt even more held down. It felt as if she couldn’t even raise them up more than an inch at most as they remained firmly planted to the guard rail near the foot of the changing table. With her knees bent at a slight angle due to the restraints, Sid had a full view of the extent of her poopy diaper without even needing to open it. Her diaper crotch was on full display thanks to the restraints keeping her spread. It showed a slight yellow tinge that at this point, had caught up to the tiny Minnie and Mickey Mouse characters on the front of her diaper, affectively soaking them. It showed just how much the diaper had expanded with each wetting, causing the crotch of the diaper to be slightly bulbous in appearance. Sid couldn’t help but think the size her diaper crotch swelled to aided in keeping her spread out right now. In this position, Sid could see that the mess had started to show through near the seams of her diaper bottom and crotch without any signs of leaking, as well. This acted as a good litmus test in Sid’s mind as it made it apparent that she could stay in them for much longer if need be. The showing, as it were, acted as a de facto border for the slightly bulging seat of her diaper bottom which was made more apparent by her current position. It highlighted exactly where the mess was the most concentrated and acted as pretty damning evidence of what had happened had anyone else seen it. Bec couldn’t see much of what was happening past the front of her diaper, but she sure felt it. Sid as it turned out, couldn’t resist playing with her a little. He flattened his hand against the apparent bulge in her diaper and pushed it in slightly. He recognized the tell-tale wince that he had become fairly desensitized to earlier. However, he got a glimpse at the rest of her body responding to his teasing and tormenting actions. In her current position, Sid could see that Bec’s thick thighs tensed up each time he pushed in slightly, only to relax when he let go. He also got enjoyment out of the simple act of running his fingers up her diaper. Walking them from the start of her naughty spot all the way to the front waist band. Bec watched as Sid began to reach down under the changing table and produce a grey camera. She recognized it. It was a new aged polaroid. Designed to get that “aesthetic” quality of polaroid cameras while also producing instant pictures. Before she could figure out what was happening. Sid snapped a picture from above, getting all of her in the frame. He then removed the picture that printed out and continued to snap a quick picture between her legs. She squirmed and whined once she ascertained what Sid was doing. “Now, now, little Bec” Sid said as he guided the second picture out of the printer “Daddy’s just making a scrap book for his diaper girl. It’s going to be full of ‘firsts’. For instance, this will be on the page that says “’Little Bec’s first poopy diaper change’”. He smiled and put both of the photos that were just finishing developing in his hand and showed them to her. She bit down on her pacifier and continued to fight the restraints as she caught a glimpse of them. They still had a slight white sheen on them that slightly obscured the image. But that sheen was disappearing quickly as they continued to develop. He had managed to capture her face in both of them. Naturally, her diaper, and the mess that was showing through it was just as visible. Sid put the camera down near her feet as he expected to use it again shortly and said “Let’s get this diaper off of you, huh”. Bec squirmed more now as she heard what sounded like someone pulling masking tape free from a fresh roll. A deceptively and surprisingly loud ripping noise accompanied Sid’s motions of tearing away tape one of four. Sid gripped the next tab and again the harsh sound of tape ripping away from plastic could be heard throughout the room. The liberation of the second tab ushered in a sense of looseness on her diaper. The horrifying thought of Sid seeing her splayed out, not just naked but with what was normally her morning bowel movement plastered all over her woke her up even further. Bec fought against her restraints again, tensing up and trying with all of her might to break free, only to be met with absolute and unwavering resistance. Another booming rip sound accompanied the feeling of her diaper being even more loose than before. “Don’t worry sweetie, daddy is almost done with these tricky tapes” Sid said as he put his thumb and pointer finger on the fourth and final tape. With an exaggerated pulling motion, Sid’s fingers slipped off the tape initially, only for him to grip at it again and replicate that horrible ripping sound for a fourth and final time. The last loud and plasticky tape ripping noise preceded what would be the feeling of ultimate looseness on Bec’s diaper. The front of her diaper wasn’t held down by anything anymore as it rested on her mid-section thanks to gravity. She felt the slight and relative cold touch of the backs of Sid’s fingers as he positioned his right hand in a clasping configuration on her front waistband. With his thumb on the little Minnie and Mickey Mouse landing strip, and his four fingers grabbing the inside of her waistband, Sid looked up at Bec and said “Okay baby, on the count of three”. Before Bec could even react or protest, Sid slowly and deliberately said “…One…”. Bec shook her head back and forth aggressively, closing her eyes tightly with tears already escaping through what little room they found through her eyelids. Sid lightly flicked the fingers inside her waistband against her mid-section as he said “…Two…”. She couldn’t help but wiggle her feet against the restraints now, trying to kick them free. She felt the laces of her tennis shoes bouncing against her lower shins and nothing else from this attempt. The restraints continued to hold firm. She couldn’t help but think of what Sid might think of her if he saw the extent of what had happened in her diaper. How would he ever look at her the same again? She also figured that there was no way to truly come back from this once her diaper was unfolded. The last time Sid had even seen her naked was when they had sex all those years ago. She was in an undoubtedly very similar position under seriously different circumstances, though. On the unvoiced dental fricative of the word “three”, Bec’s heart sunk deep into her stomach as she could feel the diaper being pulled away from her. She lifted her hips slightly as the front of her diaper distanced itself from her, almost in an undeniably feeble attempt to grab back at it and pull it back down over her. She almost hoped the front of her diaper would be brought back to cover up what she had done in some sort of act of divine intervention. Instead, it kept falling away and away until Bec could feel the foreign temperature drop that came with the sudden exposure. The diaper lay flush on the pad of the changing table. Bec didn’t fully hear much of what Sid said in response to getting a full and unadulterated view of what had transpired in her diaper. She was dazed; unbelieving of what she was experiencing. It was only when she caught the tail end of Sid’s “Oh my goodness little Bec, you made quite the mess for daddy, huh?”, which she strung together the parts she missed via context clues, that she woke up and broke out in a full sob. Her chest rose and fell with the sudden bursts of each exacerbated cry that tried to grasp for level footing in her breathing. Tears began to stream down the sides of her cheeks and ended up pooling and eventually soaking into the changing pad near her ears. Sid was presented with a pretty terrible scene, but nothing he hadn’t seen before with being a nurse. He had also gotten accustomed to changing poopy diapers from another one of his exes that he didn’t have such a rough fall-out from. In fact, it was this ex that introduced him to the idea after all. He spent a handful of years with her where they entertained a pretty prototypical Dom and sub relationship. Perfecting his penchant for degrading and completely controlling someone like this. Although they broke up years ago, Sid still kept in touch with her as a friend, and still harbored a slight flame on a torch he carried for her. Her name found its way wandering through his mind every so often. Sometimes in impossible scenarios or places he would find himself thinking about her. Funny enough, it was in this contextually relevant scenario, he found her name running its course through his head…” Hannah”. The seat of Bec’s diaper being completely filled with her own mess as well as the glistening remnants of the squirting orgasm she made prior helped Sid snap out of it. Then of course, there was the smell that had nothing keeping it even remotely contained now. If the feeling and knowledge of what had happened wasn’t enough, the olfactory portion of the diaper change was the icing on the cake. It smelled bad before, but now it was amplified. Bec couldn’t help but feel self-conscious. She wanted to hide. She couldn’t believe everything that was happening. That Sid had watched her poop in her diaper just a mere hour before, that he’d seen the proof of it through diaper a check and now a change, and that she actually came in this disaster. Now both her and her ex-lover she was hoping to reignite a relationship with were subjected to the smell of her mess that was currently impossible to hide or deny. *SNAP* *SNAP* Bec rattled the chains of the restraints even more at the sound of the polaroid camera cataloguing what she didn’t even want anyone to see in a transient manner, let alone permanent. Tears continued flowing down her cheeks as Sid waited for the pictures to develop. When Sid showed the finished product to her, she broke out into an even more pronounced crying fit; hiccupping intermittently as she tried to catch her breath. It was worse than she could have imagined. Her large mess completely lined the crotch reservoir of her diaper wall-to-wall. North and south, it started as far as about an inch away from the front waistband and traveled all the way across her diaper till it met her supine facing bottom. She couldn’t see it, but she could feel that it went even further as the sensation radiated up towards the back waistband of her diaper. Her mid-section was of course still covered as well. Remnants of the mess still plastered her naughty bits and lower bottom. Bec put her head down flat against the changing table mat. She didn’t want to look at Sid at all and tried desperately to pretend that she wasn’t in her current situation. However, she was startled to feel an invasive cold feeling around her mid-section, forcing her to make her chin come in contact with her chest, looking across her own body to see what was happening. She saw Sid focusing on her mid-section, wet wipe in hand, eyes glued to an area she couldn’t see in her current position. However, she felt that invasive cold feeling again, this time running its course over her mound. Sid made easy work of disaster that took place in Bec’s diaper. Once he had finished wiping down her front, culminating in her still freshly shaved mound, he took a new wet wipe and wiped down the length of Bec’s cunny. He then forced any of the mess stuck to the outside of her naughty bits into the seat of her diaper in this downward motion, leaving the used wet wipe in the crotch of her diaper in the process. He then took another wet wipe and started excavating as delicately as he could. Bec tensed up and shifted her hips at this. That cold feeling was now even more invasive than before. Every so often, Sid would inadvertently hit a pressure point down there, and Bec couldn’t help but let out an involuntary moan through her pacifier. In fact, she found that focusing on this sensation had caused a temporary cessation in her crying. Sid was thorough when it came to cleaning her cunny out. He wanted the wipe to return completely white, which required more and more reentries. It was on the fourth reentry that Bec could feel that “pot boiling over” feeling again. However, before she could even bask in that feeling, it was gone. Sid had moved on to her bottom, cleaning the rest of the resonant mess off of it, before removing the diaper completely and throwing it in the pail. Bec let out a few breathy sighs as she felt the stadium seat protector sensation that accompanied the new diaper being placed under her bottom. Sid lifted her belly shirt slightly, almost positioning it in a fashion similar to where a bra would go so that he could adjust the wings of the diaper. He positioned the top waist band and wings right above the top of her hip bones. He then grabbed the baby powder and in a handful of liberal shaking motions, coated her mid-section. From Bec’s position, she could see the baby powder forming a slight cloud in front of Sid, and she could feel the cool, lighter than air feeling on her exposed cunny. Sid went to work quickly to rub the powder in so that it made a uniform coat where her diapered would inevitably cover. Bec felt his hand move over her naughty bits again in the process. Her mind began to move on its own and she couldn’t help but think that she wouldn’t mind if Sid kept focusing his attention down there. She was shocked at this revelation and could feel the proverbial river beginning to flow down there again. But before she could even fully latch on to the idea, she felt the inside of her thick diaper pressing firm against her. She looked down and saw the Barney figures on the diaper’s landing strip staring back at her, along with Sid securing the bottom two tapes parallel with the seam that ran near her big thighs. Sid finished by pulling the top two tapes tight and sticking them one at a time parallel to her front waistband so that they were no more than two inches apart. Just like the day before, Bec’s diaper was positioned high and snug on her hips while still allowing for movement. This felt even more apparent once Sid took her out of her restraints and stood her up on her feet in front of him. She looked up at him with her pacifier still in her mouth, eyes looking tired from today’s events. She couldn’t help but think that this diaper change had ruined his perception of her. She had intentions of being alluring to him again. How could Sid be even remotely interested in her after what he had just seen her do? Her fears were stifled as Sid smiled down at her and pulled her pink belly shirt down around her belly button as it was still bunched up from before. As his eyes moved from her chest to her tummy, he said “Uh oh, looks like someone’s shoes came untied during all that commotion.” Without hesitating he got down on a knee and began tying her shoes for her, saying “Put your hands on my shoulders sweetie, I don’t want you to fall over.” For one of the first times since experiencing what seemed to be her new life, Bec did what Sid said without any reservations. She placed her palms on his shoulders as he tied her shoes. She knew she loved the pet names, but having tangible evidence that Sid was looking out for her safety made her heart skip a little. Just like the diaper, Sid fastened the shoes tightly but comfortably. As he stood up, he patted and rubbed her big diaper bottom and said “Walk on over to your chart and place your magnets on today’s date sweetie. You were such a good girl and did such a good job today.” It must have been the praise but even though Bec’s face was slightly reddened by what constituted as being a “good girl” in Sid’s eyes, she marched over to the whiteboard labeled “Bec’s Unpotty Training Chart” and picked up one of the yellow number one magnets, placing it in the box marked Tuesday. Sid didn’t miss a beat when it came to making things difficult for her and said “I’m sure that didn’t happen only once, little Bec”. It must’ve been the way his head moved to the side slightly and how he punctuated the condescending remark with a wry smile that caused Bec to quickly look away back toward the board. She couldn’t fully remember each and every wetting seeing as some had happened during moments that her mind was preoccupied with other things. She decided that adding two more number one magnets would probably suffice. As she placed them in the Tuesday square alongside the previous lone number one magnet, she slightly sighed in relief as Sid said “That’s a good girl”. The next two were easy enough in theory but not in practice. She quickly placed the blue number two magnet in the Tuesday square and couldn’t help but hesitate a little bit when she pulled the green number three magnet off the board. Sid chimed in as he noticed her struggling with the green number three magnet. Trying to ease her into it he said in a soft tone “Aw, those other magnets on the board look lonely. I’m sure they’d love for their friend to be with them”. She nodded slightly and couldn’t help but notice her behavior from the outside looking in. Something was pulling her to be that “good girl” for Sid but she couldn’t put a finger on it. She found herself snapping the magnet into place next to the three yellow number ones and one blue number two, semi floored that she was looking back at Sid for approval. “That’s such a good girl. One and two makes what, huh?” Sid said smiling ear to ear at her as she stood in front of the board shifting on her feet slightly. “Three, daddy”, she mumbled through her pacifier, finding herself smiling, yet slightly mortified that she was succumbing to this. She assured herself she referred to him as that honorific to ensure she stayed on his good side. There was no other reason for it, she quickly agreed to herself. “That’s right little Bec. It always makes three”. He smiled at her before motioning her over to him. When she took the hint and started walking over to him, he patted her diaper bottom again and said “Let’s get you some dinner, huh? I’m sure you’re starving after today’s events”. Part 2 - Chapter 1: Seven Days Bec felt a hand guiding her to walk backwards slightly as it pushed lightly on her chest. The backs of her legs met the edge of the bed that she was being lightly pushed towards, causing her legs to buckle slightly until she could feel herself sitting down. The hand continued to push her, beckoning her to give in and lie on her back. Bec’s skin started to rise with goosebumps as she could feel someone’s hands grabbing at the waistband of her panties. A finger was sliding its way around the top waistband, mere inches from her mound. Just when Bec thought the person was going to go further, they removed their finger from her waistband and began crawling over top of her. What had to be a fake fingernail found its way down the length of Bec’s chest, running down the middle of her breasts and all the way down to the top of her panty line. The person was coming in close now. The closer they got, the stronger the smell of cloves became. Bec couldn’t get a good look at who it was but could discern that it was another woman. The mysterious person continued moving in closer and closer until they were no more than an inch away from Bec’s face. Bec shivered and anticipated a kiss, wanting to accept it fully. She closed her eyes, waiting for the soft touch of this mysterious person’s lips. Instead of continuing straight down, the mysterious person continued to move their head down towards Bec’s ear. Instead of receiving that warm and mysterious person’s kiss, Bec received a whispered message. That message seemingly echoed throughout the room over and over again and gained volume as it bounced off the walls. “I’m going to be your worst nightmare.” Bec was startled awake. Like always, she woke up hoping that the reality she was greeted with was actually just a nightmare that she could pinch herself out of. Every morning ushered in a few moments where she had to come to terms with her new life all over again. Dreams of living her adult life would find their way through her unconscious and sleeping thoughts, only to be shattered each and every time the reality set in upon waking. It had been a week. Both figuratively and literally. In one week’s time, Bec had experienced a hand full of “firsts” that she would never have pondered being possible. Her privacy and sexual independence had all but been stripped from her with a flippant signature on a notarized piece of paper. Had she had any real inkling of what she would eventually be signing up for, she would never have made that trip to visit who she now has to refer to as her daddy, Sid. If she could, she would have reversed all of this. However, as she lied on her back, hands and legs spread and restrained in her oversized crib, she always ironically came to the same heart-breaking realisation that she was stuck like this and that there was nothing she could do about it but wait it out. “Only 365 more days of this,” she thought to herself as she tried to fight back tears. She had suffered through seven days of being forced back into diapers, which was something she still couldn’t believe she was even thinking, let alone living. Seven days of being kept from using a restroom, or even “doing her business” without someone else watching. Seven days of being put into horrible and humiliating situations, all for someone she thought, at the worst, might be a one-night stand. Seven consecutive days of being forced to cum in her very used diapers. Seven days of being constantly reminded that this was just the start. Seven horrible days, she thought she was marking off and putting behind her. Yet, here she was, right back at day one. Bec had seemingly followed the same morning routine for the past seven days.She would wake up to the stark reality that she was restrained in an oversized crib, fully incapable of moving her arms or legs away from the crib’s guard rails. This, in turn, served to remind her of how little Sid still trusted her.As she would inevitably start rattling the restraints, hoping for them to give in just a little bit, she would soon start tasting the dummy plastic of the rubber nipple of a pacifier contouring to the inside of her mouth. The rattling of the leg restraints would then, of course, lead to her noticing the feeling of a thick and wet diaper pressed between her legs. This morning was no different. As she felt the semi-cold diaper press back against her, she had a horrifying thought cross her mind: “Did I wet my diaper in my sleep?” She honestly couldn’t remember, given last night’s events. For the first time in what was her new life, she pooped her diaper twice in a day. Unfortunately for her, though, she didn’t have to really go until later in the afternoon, which then led to her not making her creamie until right before dinner. Because of this, she got an early last diaper change for the night, amongst other things. Bec remembered Sid saying late in the afternoon the day before, “This will just have to do until tomorrow morning since you obviously wanted to hold in your poopies like a bad girl.” She then remembered how she watched in horror as he walked over to her unpotty training chart and, with a red magic marker, he drew a giant red X over the square designated for Tuesday. She still couldn’t believe it. Sure, she didn’t try to fill her diaper at the exact moment she felt the need to go the day before, but she didn’t feel like the punishment was warranted. It wasn’t her fault. She even remembered the feeling of holding out hope that Sid would change his mind as she watched the event unfold in her head all over again. She recalled that she even attempted to scan the long rule list in the moment to see if there was any caveat in her unpotty training chart rule. She hoped the memory floating through her head would end with Sid letting her off the hook or maybe even giving her a warning. However, just like the day before, without missing a beat, the ghost of Sid made a beeline over to her and grabbed her pacifier that was dangling over her chest, which had fallen out of her mouth due to being so shocked, no doubt. Memories continued to flood her head now. She couldn’t escape the thoughts. She saw herself fidgeting on her feet again upon seeing the red X seemingly smiling back at her in that moment. She could see and feel him placing her pacifier in her mouth to stifle her fussing in regards to what had happened. “It’s almost as if he knew how unfair it was,” Bec thought to herself as she continued to rattle the chains in her crib slightly. She then saw Sid’s stern and unwavering face. She remembered looking up at him with tear filled eyes after the implication that she was going to be in diapers for an extra week set in. However, Sid pacifying her acted almost like a period on the conversation. It was a done deal, and there would be no going back. As she remembered looking up at him and feeling the first of many tears sliding their way down her face, she was met with Sid’s last words to her before being sent to bed early. That sentence still echoing in her head. “Cry me a river.” Bec squirmed at the thought of that interaction. But her mind wandered as she began to feel that her diaper was pushing up against her cunny more than usual this morning. That’s when she recalled that Sid had opted to send her to bed in a onesie. She still couldn’t see it, but she remembered it was flat white with light blue seams on her collar, arms, and crotch. Naturally, it was a snug fit, and Bec hated how much it rubbed against her all night. Being put to bed at 7:00 PM aside, she had a tough time falling asleep with the light teasing this onesie caused. Then, of course, dealing with the thought of her wearing a diaper and onesie at the age of 28 didn’t help either. The mental image of what she looked like in that onesie when she caught a glimpse of herself in the closet mirror from the night before made her shake her head in an attempt to rid her mind of it. It was of no use. She couldn’t shake the image. Even though the onesie had tight seams to hold everything in place, the diaper still poked out at the sides around her large thighs. It was almost as if the onesie was designed to not only make it obvious that she was wearing a diaper, but to also amplify it. This was especially the case from the front, as her thick and protruding diaper camel-toe was the first thing her eyes were drawn to in that moment. Then, of course, the rest of her body woke up and reminded her of her morning routine. It felt as if she had the urge to pee and poop earlier and earlier each morning. It was hard to forget how just a couple days ago she didn’t even make it past breakfast before she filled her diaper up. The memory of having a spoon-full of applesauce shoved into her mouth right as her body betrayed her was making its rounds through her head, now. She couldn’t help but think about how that cinnamon and apple flavour would no doubt forever be associated with the feeling of her helplessly pooping her diaper against the hard wood of her high-chair seat. She even remembered the feeling of the cold and mushy stuff all over her cheeks and chin as the mess began pressing back against her bottom in a seemingly impossible to stop cascade. Thanks to the highchair restraints keeping her spread out and the nature of using her diaper on a flat surface, the mess almost instantly found its way to her helpless naughty bits. Her face began to burn as she remembered just how much she begged, pleaded, and cried to be finished with breakfast early so as to avoid this. How she rattled the highchair restraints desperately and fruitlessly as Sid continued feeding her, not showing any signs of reprieve when it came to his stance regarding her eating every last bite. Finally, remembering how the apple sauce was just the first course, and how she had an entire Belgian waffle waiting for her after. Her pupils dilated to the slow awakening of fluorescent lights that hung above her. Through her blurry and still groggy vision, she saw the usual tall, slender, and swarthy man fiddling with his keys as he began to cross the threshold of the basement door leading to the oversized nursery. Before fully entering the room, Sid put his head through the crack of the open door and said what Bec made out as: “Just wait here a second.” I need to get her ready, still. “ Sid crossed the room and noticed the smell of stale urine that was coming from the crib as he got closer. He walked up to the guard rail of the crib and leaned over it, crossing his arms along the length of the guard rail’s upper beam, and resting on it. He looked down at Bec with the kind of expression that expects the other party to confess something dire. He looked down on her for a second, and then looked towards the crotch of her swollen diaper. Like every morning, he gave it three deep pats. This sent Bec into a slight squirming fit. This morning routine, and every diaper check was the only time Sid actually touched Bec down there, and Bec was starting to hate how much it stirred her pot. It was a cruel way to wake her sexual impulses up, only to have them ultimately unfulfilled. "Guess what today is, Little Bec.” Sid said with a smile. Bec knew this couldn’t be good. She knew it was Wednesday at least, but tried to fathom what the significance of it was. Regardless, the pacifier gag kept her silent, save for a few muffled whimpers. “Why, it’s Western Wednesday, cowpoke!” Sid exclaimed. Bec was beyond confused now, but had little time to contemplate what Sid meant by this before he started loosening the restraints and spelling it out for her. “This is going to be a new tradition. You can think of it as a rule, I guess, but I don’t like to think of it that way, personally”. Sid said with a wink as he undid the last belt-buckle like restraint attached to her right wrist. With all of her limbs free now, Sid lowered the guard rail of the crib and grabbed Bec’s right wrist, swinging her around so that she was sitting on the edge of the crib. With her right wrist already in hand, Sid then grabbed her left wrist and pulled her to her feet. Even though she had wet her nighttime diaper a couple of times, it still remained high and tight on her waist and showed little-to-no signs of sagging yet, thanks to the onesie and Sid’s diapering skills. “Alright, you can come in now, and lock the door behind you when you do.” Sid said as he wasted no time unsnapping the crotch of Bec’s onesie and yanking it over her head. Bec was made bare and completely topless, wearing only a flat white diaper that was showing a slight yellow tinge in the crotch as the door opened back up again. This caused her stomach to drop further than she thought it could. Due to focusing on Sid’s dialogue, she had somehow forgotten the implications of the interaction that Sid had had before entering the room. To her horror, the opening of the door revealed a woman. Bec’s eyes were drawn to the woman’s face first once she turned around from locking the basement door. She sported a dirty blonde pixie-style haircut that had semi-quaffed bangs that stopped right before her eyebrows. Her eyes were large and a deep green that was a shade or two removed from that of emeralds. In front of these eyes were thick, black-framed glasses. Her face was dotted with freckles that made their way across her cheeks, stopping near her slightly upturned nose. Bec also saw that the woman was wearing a similar lipstick to the one that Bec wore when she walked head first into this mess. The deep red of it admittedly contrasted the woman’s pale face better than it did her own. Bec fought every urge to cover herself up. She had learned that lesson the hard way earlier in the week, and her bottom was still slightly stung as a result of said lesson. “Diaper girls have no modesty, and neither will you.” Sid reminded her over and over again during another long and tear-filled spanking session that had followed a failed attempt at covering up herself with her hands. These same hands remained at her sides, balled up into fists in order to aid in fighting that impulse that would inevitably get her punished. The situation of having a stranger see her like this was bad enough, she didn’t want to add to it. As the woman got closer, Bec couldn’t help but notice that the smell of cloves was getting stronger and stronger, and her heart began to race as a result. Bec noticed the stranger was slightly taller than herself but with a similar build. Bec’s proximity to the woman made her realise her wardrobe as well. This mysterious woman was wearing a blue and white striped t-shirt that flared at the bottom, black leggings that showed off her wide hips and muscular thighs, and light brown high-heel boots that zipped up at the sides. In the moment, Bec couldn’t believe just how jealous she got when she caught a glimpse of the woman’s panty lines through her leggings. Just as Bec could feel the burn in her cheeks from the mysterious woman eyeing her up and down, Sid returned from the closet carrying an assortment of clothing items and what looked like a stuffed horse-head on a stick. “Ah, perfect timing. So Bec, I’ve decided that having someone like you to take care of like this requires a helping hand here and there.” Sid said as he smiled over at the stranger and continued. “Bec, let me introduce you to Hannah.” Part 2 - Chapter 2: the Implications of Western Wednesday Bec could feel her hair being pulled tightly behind her head as the previous statement from Sid rattled in her ears. “Our little cowpoke needs some tight braids if she’s going to be out on the range all day. Would you mind helping me out on that front, Hannah? " Bec could tell that Hannah had a strong grip as she could feel the hair on the back of her head getting partitioned into halves. Her head jerked slightly here and there as Hannah overlaid and intertwined three separate and smaller strands of hair over each other on the left side of Bec’s head. Thanks to Bec’s short hair-style, the braiding didn’t take long, though. In fact, the abrasive nature of the braids forming on her head almost made her forget that she was still standing topless in just a diaper. She could feel her tummy sticking out over the front seam as she stared straight ahead and sucked on her pacifier. Not wanting to garner any more unwanted attention from the stranger currently braiding her hair, Bec remained still and continued to fight the urge to move her hands to shield her chest. Hannah stood back and admired her handy-work. Two dark brown and perfectly symmetrical Dutch braids rested neatly on both sides of Bec’s head. The ends were ponied off with two tiny pink bows that rested just halfway down Bec’s neck due to her hair length. As Sid returned from the closet after a laborious search for what he said was a "necessary piece of the outfit,” he stopped and smiled at seeing Bec’s made-up hair. “How’s this look?” Hannah asked, still standing behind Bec. “It’s absolutely perfect. I’m glad I sent you that message last night”. Sid said as he walked over to the topless and semi-wet diaper-clad Bec. Bec’s confusion about what “Western Wednesday” entailed was slowly and horrifically made clear as she witnessed what other items Sid had carried out of the closet. She saw the stuffed horse head on a stick earlier, but didn’t pay attention to it as she was too preoccupied with the new person in the room, seeing her like this. However, the horse’s purpose became clear when she saw what else Sid had brought back from the closet. Thanks to Hannah being there, getting dressed was quick but also felt like a whirlwind. Bec witnessed the outfit coming together piece by piece as she could unfortunately see herself in the stand-up mirror. First came the tight white shirt that got placed over her. She was happy enough to finally be covered up, but became fidgety by how the t-shirt stopped before her belly button. Next came the vest, thanks to Hannah’s quick work of feeding Bec’s arms through the arm slots. It was a faux leather that sported sewed-on cow-spot patches. Then, naturally, the tell-tale sign that her diaper would remain exposed was Sid fashioning two crew socks and two tan cowboy boots that didn’t extend past her middle shin over her feet. The final pieces of the outfit were then put in place; a plastic gold star adhered to the vest with the words “Deputy” on it, and on her head, a small tan cowboy hat. As Bec stood there sucking on her pacifier and looking at how she resembled a pitiful caricature of Jessie from Toy Story, her gaze was taken away from her reflection thanks to Hannah’s voice. “Well, aren’t you just the cutest little cowgirl?” What made this worse was that even though Hannah was only slightly taller than Bec, she still put her hands on her knees to “get on eye level” with Bec. Bec couldn’t help but look away from Hannah’s mischievously grinning face that was mere inches away from her own. Her cheeks began to burn as she could also feel the wood pole of the horse-head on a stick being pulled up against her diapered crotch. The top half of the wood pole was then placed in front of her by Sid, indicating for her to grab onto it. When she got the hint and grabbed the pole, Sid said, “You will not go anywhere today without your trusty steed.” This pole must be in constant contact with your diaper as you move about your nursery today. The only time you’re allowed to dismount your trusty steed is if Hannah or I tell you to ‘rack up’. Is this understood “? In a slight daze, Bec nodded while feeling the familiar sting of tears filling the bottoms of her eyes and tried to digest these new rules for the day. Her face continued to burn bright red as she felt the invasive wood stick pressing up against her wet diaper and into her cunny. As Sid began to straighten up the tiny cowboy hat nestled on her head, he spoke up again. "I almost forgot; you don’t walk with your trusty steed on ‘Western Wednesday’, little Bec.” A long pause followed as he continued to straighten her outfit. He then smiled directly at her and said, “You gallop.” Part 2-Chapter 3: First Impressions There was something about another woman being in the room that made Bec’s cheeks burn intensely. It had to do with the fact that she could see Hannah’s panty lines whenever she moved and was jealous of that; the fact that this mysterious woman was beautiful and had that alternative vibe that she knew Sid truly liked; and also the fact that Hannah was a complete and total stranger. Bec held onto the stuffed horse-head on a stick, pressing it against her diaper crotch as not to disturb the moment of tranquility that had fallen upon the room that Sid began referring to as a nursery. Over the past week, she had grown to appreciate these moments. They were instances in which there was no inherent and/or deliberate humiliating experience. However, this moment, like all of those previous moments, was short-lived as Hannah spoke up. “So, is the little diaper cowgirl not going to say hi to her new friend?” Hannah said in an upturned tone that one might use if they were trying to pretend to be good with toddlers. Bec shifted on her feet slightly and looked away from Hannah’s face. Like always, she bit down on her pacifier hard in an attempt to soothe herself in situations like this. It never worked. “Aw, she must just be bashful around new people. Go on, little Bec, be nice and say ‘Hi, miss Hannah!’. ” Sid said as he watched the scene unfold in front of him. Bec eased up on her pacifier slightly but continued to tightly grip the stick horse she was forced to hang out with all day. Behind her pacifier she mustered out a feeble “Hi, mith Hannah”. She wasn’t sure if it was Hannah’s joyous reaction or her flat-out coming to terms with what she had heard herself say. Either way, her cheeks felt like they might burn off. Bec’s focus on her own self-pity was broken as she heard Sid say, “Alright, well I have to go upstairs and prepare our little cowpoke some breakfast before she hits the range. Hannah, keep an eye on her, will ya?” As Sid began to walk away, Bec noticed what he was wearing. During the commotion and horror of meeting someone new in her current state, she must have missed this detail. Sid’s face was freshly shaved, which seemed to be the norm nowadays and was quite a far cry from when they used to be a thing. He almost radiated aftershave everywhere he went. What was more perplexing than ever, though, was that he was wearing business casual. Fitted black dress pants hugged his long and slender legs and seemed to be perfectly even with his black desert boots with each long stride. For the top, a black fitted suit jacket with a white button-up underneath that flashed along his wrists. His hair even seemed to be slightly gelled and showed a little bit of a curly-Q that formed naturally due to his side part. He had dressed nicely the entire week before, of course. She remembered a flannel and jeans, a button t-shirt here and there, maybe even a polo, but not a full suit. Bec couldn’t unglue her eyes from him as he walked through the basement door, and she couldn’t help but hope he wouldn’t leave her alone with Hannah. As the basement door shut, though, she felt Hannah’s eyes on her yet again. As Bec slowly turned her head, she was greeted by the 32-year-old Hannah Wolf sitting cross-legged on the nursery’s sofa. Hannah’s gaze didn’t break away from Bec’s one bit. Naturally, Bec tried looking away intermittently every time they made eye contact, but Hannah continued to eye the adult-turned-toddler up and down. She knew there was no way of Bec knowing this, but Hannah couldn’t help but think about how she had been in a similar position with Sid. The only difference is that Hannah wanted it at the time. The irony of the situation wasn’t lost on Hannah by any means, as she recalled wanting to be degraded, torn down, and broken into the perfect diaper girl. The same exact path that Bec was walking down now. But, after her split with Sid years ago, she began exploring and found a new side of herself. A side that wanted to dish it out. 10 seconds of silence that felt like hours transpired between the two of them before Hannah spoke up and said, “You know, I think you and I are going to get to know each other very well. I think we should warm up to each other a little bit, dontcha think? I mean, we might as well”. Hannah finished the sentence with a smile that Bec couldn’t discern as sincere or nefarious. The real punctuation in the statement, though, was Hannah lightly patting her knee, indicating she expected Bec to obey the non-verbal cue. Sensing the power that had been bestowed upon Hannah for simply walking into the room wearing clothing that any adult woman should be normally wearing, Bec decided it would be best to obey. She bit down on her paci slightly and made sure to gallop the five-foot distance between her and Hannah. Even in that short distance, the pumping action of her arms up and down caused by the galloping forced the wooden and cylindrical “back” of the horse she was riding to grind up and down against her thick and wet diaper cunny. She grimaced at the feeling, ashamed that it was making her naughty bits tingle slightly. She was relieved to be able to stop this practice as she reached Hannah, but had a whole new fear start creeping up on her as she heard Hannah say “rack up, little cowgirl”. Still not wanting to cause any strife, Bec began to lift her right leg over the stick of the stuffed horse-head, getting slight relief by not having something constantly pressing up against her for a second. However, it was short-lived as Hannah uncrossed her legs and placed them side by side with her knees touching and began to grab Bec by the waist. Hannah then pulled Bec onto her lap, forcing Bec to straddle both of Hannah’s thick thighs. If she could only barely touch her toes to the ground while straddling Sid’s one knee, Hannah’s two legs made it so Bec’s feet were forced to dangle freely. The position presented a catch-22 situation for Bec. On one hand, it was nice that her crotch wasn’t pressed up against one of Hannah’s thighs, but on the other hand, her legs were spread to an angle just shy of 90 degrees. Bec couldn’t help but sense how warm and soft Hannah felt. She could feel Hannah’s warmth radiating through her leggings and onto Bec’s exposed inner thighs. Bec even started appreciating that clove smell that was seemingly perfumed on the stranger. “See, this isn’t so bad, huh?” Hannah said as she began to lightly bounce Bec on her lap, patting her large diaper bottom in the process while her other hand held onto her side. Flashbacks of poopy diaper knee bounces initially began circulating through Bec’s head as the bouncing started. Memories of her mess finding its way to her exposed cunny popped up. Memories of her crotch taking the brunt of the gravitational force each time she was bucked made its rounds in her head as well. However, due to her legs being stretched out more than usual, her bottom was taking most of the contact when it met Hannah’s knees. In fact, it wasn’t bad at all. It felt soft. It even gave Bec slight goosebumps to feel Hannah’s hand running its course over her diaper bottom. Bec even mustered a slight smile behind her pacifier that Hannah couldn’t help but latch onto. “Aw, little cowgirls just love their horsey rides, huh?” Hannah said as she smirked behind her lipstick. It was the same smile that Bec couldn’t decipher the underlined intentions. Hannah continued to look into Bec’s eyes and bounced her as the basement door opened, cuing Sid, who appeared with a tray full of French toast, amongst other things. As Sid placed the tray of food onto Bec’s oversized high chair, Bec noticeably tensed up quickly. Hannah felt Bec’s legs squeezing against her thighs in the process, putting a slight halt to the bucking motion. Something about Bec’s being worried and fearing having someone new see her in her current state must’ve blocked out that stubborn morning sensation. Whatever the reason, it was back and in full force. Bec began to feel herself soaking her diaper, not even remotely concerned by it as she could feel the warmth spreading against her crotch and upper thighs. Bec’s mind was only focused on one thing now; she had to poop, and she could tell it was going to be bad. Unfortunately for Bec, Hannah had grabbed Bec’s wrists during the initial bouncing slowdown in order to keep her from losing her balance on her knee. This just caused Bec to squirm against Hannah’s thighs as she squeezed and tensed her legs into them, contorting her face behind her paci and breathing in short spirts. Hannah was surprisingly confused and looked up at Sid who had just noticed the commotion. “What’s she doing?”. Hannah said while focusing on the fidgeting Bec. Hannah was just as alarmed hearing Sid’s explanation. “Oh! This is perfect timing, actually! Little Bec has to poop her diaper, and if the last week is any indication, she absolutely hates doing this while sitting on my lap, so I’m sure she’s trying her best to keep from doing it on yours, no doubt. It’s amazing really; even after all those spankings and even adding a week to her diaper life, she still tries to hold it. " Hannah looked back at Sid a bit confused, wondering where he was going with his speech as he took a slight pause. She continued to hold onto the squirming Bec. "I’ll leave it up to you, Hannah. If you want to stand her up and let her poop her diaper like that instead, then that’s totally up to you. If you want her to stay on your lap, I suggest pulling her into your chest. Since she’s sitting up and down, she’s able to hold it in a little better. If you pull her into you, your legs will keep her spread out. That position will force her bottom in the air and off your lap slightly as well, and will make it downright impossible for her to hold it for very long. ” Bec continued to squirm and shook her head in an attempt to try and dispel what Sid had said. It was the truth, though. He had proven it on the third morning of her new diapered life. She didn’t care if she got another red X on her unpotty training chart. Sid was absolutely right. She hated pooping her diaper this way. She could feel her body getting hot as sweat began to form on her forehead. The sting of her blushing cheeks reached an absolute fever pitch. Hannah paused for a second, looking at Bec’s pleading and tear-filled eyes as the oversized toddler grimaced and winced intermittently behind her pacifier. Bec looked back into Hannah’s emeralds. She still felt that warmth and could smell the cloves, gaining a slight comfort from them. It was almost as if everything about Hannah came off as cold up front, but then got warmer with each passing moment one spent with her. Bec felt like she could hang onto this, that Hannah could see how much this pained her, ultimately leading her to make the right choice. The next thing Bec saw was Hannah’s smirk that lifted up the left side of her mouth into a slight grin. The next thing Bec felt, of course, was Hannah positioning Bec’s hands behind her own back high and tight, and the slight at first, but ultimately firm sensation of being pulled forward. Bec’s heart plummeted into her stomach and the overheated sensation she was feeling from before abruptly turned into a frosty cold sweat as she began to move closer and closer to Hannah’s chest. Bec’s cheeks made contact with the middle of Hannah’s thorax, and the first sensation she felt was that (now understood) counterintuitive warmth radiating from Hannah. The second sensation was Hannah’s soft bosom pressing against Bec’s face, which, under different circumstances, would have been appreciated. The third sensation, of course, was the persistent and steadily building sting coming from Bec’s lower half, accompanied by that icy cold sensation from earlier, turning into one that made her entire body feel like it was going to spontaneously combust. Bec tried squirming against Hannah’s grip but was unable to find any weak point to try to reposition herself. Hannah had Bec pressed into her chest firmly and seemingly flowed with and absorbed every squirm and attempt to break free that Bec presented. Being in this position was torture for Bec. Her diaper bottom was almost parallel to Hannah’s legs that she was straddling. Her legs being kept open by at least a foot and a half thanks to Hannah’s large thighs didn’t help either. Bec tried in vain to close her legs against Hannah’s. Yet, each attempt was as useless as trying to smash a cue ball with one’s bare hands. Of course, the muscle memory associated with the act and the red alert messages her bottom half was sending to her brain were working fine. But each visceral reaction to close her legs was met with them basically staying right where they started, firmly spread apart. Bec bit down on her pacifier harder than ever and found herself arching her neck back, planting her face straight into Hannah’s chest as she continued to squirm against that vice-like grip. If it wasn’t for Hannah’s chest acting as a de facto pacifier gag in that moment, Bec’s pacifier would have fallen out of her mouth as the first wet fart signaled the dam was breaking. Bec stopped squirming slightly as the pain began to win out. It didn’t take much, but the easing up and the slight pushing to alleviate the pain forced the beginning of the mess to loudly cascade into the seat of her diaper in a gurgling and squelching cacophony. With eyes closed tight against Hannah’s peplum, Bec quickly felt the seat of her diaper fill up with her mess. It didn’t matter if she had been in this situation more than seven times over the past week; the feeling remained as foreign as it did the first time and made her heart skip a beat and sink into her stomach as the soft, warm, and form-fitting sensation pressed and smashed its way against her bottom. Bec began to let out puffs of heavy and weighted breaths between each interval of pushing, as she tried to force the remainder of her mess out. She was getting to the point in her new life where she could recognize the early signs of that awful “half-way out” feeling that pooping her diaper presented. Even though filling her diapers was ultimately an “accident” and a product of her not being able to handle the pain and pressure that the act presented, she still had to work to force the rest out. To mitigate this, she began pushing as hard as she could right when she could feel that she was almost finished. Bec could feel that the extra effort she was exerting in that unnatural semi-prone position was causing her sweat to dampen the armpits of her white undershirt. Hannah could feel how moist Bec’s skin was against her own during the ordeal. She continued to hold onto Bec’s wrists even though the threat of escape was pretty much a moot point by now. In terms of witnessing her first poopy diaper on someone other than herself, Hannah had a trial by fire experience. Even from the start, Bec’s diaper made the whole nursery swell with a pungent stink. The humbling sounds coming from Bec’s backside during the whole affair and the fact that Hannah could feel Bec’s diaper swelling against her own legs really hammered the severity home. However, Hannah felt a new sensation that she didn’t expect. At the stretch of land between her breasts, Hannah could feel the moist presence of Bec’s tears pressing against her skin through her peplum. The silent sobbing into her chest that accompanied the act came after, signaling that Bec had finished pooping. The complete and total difference that five minutes made resonated with Hannah in this moment. Five minutes ago, Bec’s legs were squeezing against Hannah’s for dear life. Now Bec’s legs were just dangling in defeat off of Hannah’s. Five minutes ago, the nursery smelled like baby powder, and to the other two in the room that weren’t desensitized to the smell, Hannah’s cloves. Now, it reeked with the origin being a very used diaper on Sid’s ex. Five minutes ago, the room was filled with Bec’s whines and the rustling of her diaper in her squirming fit. Now, the only sounds that filled the room were Bec’s muffled sobs behind a pacifier into Hannah’s chest. Bec expected a warm embrace to accompany yet another debilitating moment. Sid always seemed to place his large hand on her back after moments like these. She came to expect it as a consolation for her humiliating acts. She even began getting goosebumps from the experience. Hannah’s hands didn’t move, though. One still remained tightly clasped on Bec’s two wrists that were firmly held behind her back; the other remained at Bec’s side. Bec even gave a slight nudge against Hannah’s grip, trying to coax her into performing the routine she had become so used to. She was greeted with that vice-like grip that was unwavering and seemingly uncaring. As she tried to position her head to look at Hannah, Bec felt herself being forced back into an upright position abruptly. Hannah began pushing on Bec with her free hand and pulling her with the other. The effect of which was that Bec was basically road rolling the mess in her diaper against her bottom and cunny as it moved from a semi-prone position to a straight up and down on Hannah’s legs. The soft mess, as always, had zero regard for how Bec felt about the situation and pushed against her sensitive bits indiscriminately when presented with an opportunity such as this. When Hannah positioned Bec back on her now poopy diaper bottom, she was naturally met with a totally different woman than she had assumed Bec to be all those years. Today was the first day they had ever met each other. It was even safe to say that Bec probably had no idea Hannah existed up until today. It was almost too perfect in Hannah’s mind that the first time she physically met Sid’s ex, who she had Facebook stalked and cursed under her breath in passing all those years, was currently living this new life that involved being forced back into diapers at all times. That insular moment felt about as sweet as Hannah figured it could get. Yet, something almost refreshing happened as she felt the contents of Bec’s diaper press against her leg during that forced repositioning. There was something rejuvenating about knowing that Bec’s freshly pooped diaper was pressing against her horribly and how much this brought Bec discomfort in the process. Hannah, seeing that very same Bec sporting bright red cheeks that glistened with her own tears as the grown woman turned diaper girl sobbed into her pacifier on Hannah’s lap, felt almost like drinking water at this point. Naturally, the river was flowing. Even though they had parted ways, Hannah couldn’t help but feel vindictive against someone that had hurt Sid the way Bec had. In fact, it got so bad that Hannah began calling Bec “Open Leggy Becky” in her head. The irony wasn’t lost on Hannah that “Open Leggy Becky” even made sense given the events just moments prior. She loved that connection in her head and knew she would continue with it eventually. Right now, of course, Hannah wasted no time egging the tear cascade on. “That is such a good little diaper filler”. “Hannah said as soon as Bec’s gaze met her own. She continued with her half-upturned smile, shaking her head back and forth close to Bec’s in what would have been an Eskimo kiss had they been a hair closer. "Ms. Hannah can tell you made quite a large poopy in your diaper for your Daddy and I. Your Daddy filled me in on all your rules, by the way, and I couldn’t have agreed more with him on you deserving them. ” Hannah punctuated the sentence by lightly touching Bec’s nose, ignoring the tears streaming down the woman’s face in the process. Hannah looked slightly past Bec and upturned her gaze slightly, addressing Sid in the process. “Should we make her do her nursery rhyme and #3 right now?” She said with a grin, her lips trembling in excitement. Sid, who had been watching the whole thing, posturing as if he would rather be doing anything else as he quickly checked his watch, relayed back to Hannah. “No. #3’s happen on my time, and right now, it’s breakfast. I’m not going to sit here and have her morning meal go to waste just because she pooped her diaper this early. I’m afraid she’s just going to have to deal with it.” Sid began positioning two chairs over by Bec’s highchair as he finished the sentence, not even looking back. Hannah, couldn’t help but bring the left side of her mouth back up in that smirking grin that Bec was starting to fully understand the true nature of. Their eyes met for a split second before Hannah mouthed a couple of words that were followed by a wink. Those words didn’t register with Bec right away, but eventually they rang out louder and louder in her head until they became audible. “Works for me." Part 2 - Chapter 4: Negative Contact It was happening again. Another food was becoming associated with that disgusting poopy diaper feeling. This time it was scrambled eggs with melted cheese and ketchup splattered on top. The soft mess in her diaper pressed hard against her bottom thanks to her hard-wood high-chair seat. And like every feeding that was accompanied by a messy diaper, Bec’s senses were pulling her in opposite directions. Each bite of the scrambled eggs, while pleasant, was paired with the sensation of her mess being flattened against her big bottom. Signals constantly traveled up and down her body with each bite. One signal would relay a sense of simple pleasure that comes from eating, instantly followed by a sense of repulsion coming from the nerves on her back side. Then, of course, there was a second or two in between her swallowing and Sid forking more eggs where the smell of her mess would penetrate her nostrils. “Can I feed her?” Hannah chimed in as Sid was about half way through the plate of eggs. Sid looked back at her, slightly smudging ketchup on Bec’s cheeks in the process, and said, “I can’t see why not.” Regardless of the current situation, Hannah’s switching places with Sid and picking up the fork to continue the feeding caused Bec to shake her restraints slightly and look away in pain. Hannah had been in Bec’s life for no more than an hour or so at this point. It was bad enough that Bec effectively “broke-in” Hannah’s lap minutes prior. But Hannah fulfilling a similar role to Sid’s this quickly was devastating to Bec. The lines were clear. Bec was expected to treat Hannah with the same amount of respect that she inherently owed to Sid now. What was worse was that it almost seemed as if Hannah thoroughly and earnestly savored this authority. Hell, the amount of enjoyment she got out of marking another red X on Bec’s unpotty training chart was bordering on sinister. Bec figured this would be the consequence of her so obviously trying to keep her morning routine from happening on Hannah’s thighs. However, there was something about how quick Hannah was pleading the case that there was a need for the red X and how jovial and proud of herself she was when bringing this thought up with Sid. Fortunately for Hannah and unfortunately for Bec, Sid had already closed the case on whether a red X was necessary or not. It was, and Sid allowed Hannah to be the one to mark the chart. Hannah couldn’t help herself in the process, smiling ear to ear the entire time with both her and Bec, knowing full well that Bec was now a week further away from getting out of diapers than she was when she signed the ill-fated contract. Hannah forked some scrambled eggs from the plate and brought them up to Bec’s mouth. She began pushing the fork forward while saying, “Alright little miss potty pants, open wide for their airplane!” Not only did the demeaning pet name make Bec cringe, but so did the scenario itself. Not wanting to start anything though, Bec wiggled slightly but opened her mouth, anticipating the incoming flavor of eggs to accompany the other previously mentioned terrible sensation. Hannah completely and unabashedly missed Bec’s mouth. It wasn’t even close. Bec felt bits of scrambled eggs falling down and bouncing off of her shoulder, landing on the tray that kept her locked in as well as falling on the ground below. Bec could feel the cool of the ketchup smeared across her left cheek as her eyes met Hannah’s deep green ones. “Aw, I guess it only makes sense that you’d be a messy eater, too.” Hannah said, with that same deceptive smirk as before. Bec blushed a deep red at Hannah’s remark, which was no doubt referencing the current state of her diaper. She was shocked at what had happened in a way, but not completely taken aback. Bec remembered Sid doing something similar for her first feeding, of course. In fact, she had gotten somewhat used to having her mouth slightly messy after each meal. Sid seemingly always tries to make a point of getting some of her meal on her face. It had gotten better, though. She made sure to keep her mouth extra wide-open to try and avoid this. She shrugged off the miss but not the comment, opening her mouth wide to accept the next forkful as her cheeks still burned slightly from it. Same result. Eggs were falling to the ground again as Bec felt even more of the cold ketchup pressing against her cheeks and lips. Bec even tried aiming for the fork this time, but it was as if at the last moment, Hannah’s hand moved way off course. Hannah looked more annoyed than anything at this second failed feeding attempt. Placing the fork down in slight defeat, she began posturing in an overzealous manner, almost feigning exhaustion regarding what she perceived Bec was currently being; a fussy, bratty, and over-sized adult-aged toddler. Hannah looked back at Sid after drawing out a long sigh and said, “She’s being such a fussy little girl this morning. She won’t even let me put any of her breakfast near her mouth, let alone in it!” She looked back at Bec, paused for a second after eyeing her up and down, and then found the perfect nerve to exploit by exclaiming, “Aw, she must still be ashamed of what she did on my knee earlier!” Hannah stood up and slightly leaned over Bec’s high-chair table saying, “Don’t worry sweetie. Miss Hannah isn’t mad at you for pooping your diaper on her lap. It’s just what little girls like you do, after all.” Hannah lightly poked Bec’s nose and formed a tight closed-mouth smile following the sentence. Bec received the nose poke and scrunched her face up slightly upon contact. She couldn’t help but let out an exhausted whine and look away from Hannah upon hearing her condescending reassurance. Bec figured she’d probably be less upset if they just made fun of her for what she had done. Instead, Sid and Hannah were masters at gaslighting her about her new life. According to them, and what they wanted Bec to believe, what happened on Hannah’s knee earlier was just as normal or expected as the sun rising in the morning. The humiliation Bec was experiencing slowly turned into slight irritation. She pulled tightly on the high-chair restraints, almost treating them like one would a pillow that needed a good punch. She knew she had to fight every urge in her body to keep her from speaking up, though. Even though Hannah was obviously missing on purpose, Bec knew she had to play along out of fear of what could follow disobedience. She had even been keeping her mouth open so wide during the attempts that her jaw was starting to hurt. Bec intermittently found and broke Hannah’s unwavering gaze as she saw Hannah’s smile from before slowly turn into an expression of complete and total irritation following her ‘cutesy’ but ultimately fake encouragement. Her green eyes didn’t look away from Bec’s, and her lips were pursed. Bec could tell just by this look alone that she was on thin ice regardless of how unfair the situation was. But, like night and day, Hannah’s face returned to a smirk. Had Bec blinked, she would have missed the quick transition and probably just assumed Hannah had put on a mask in a split second. “Alright little messy girl, let’s try this again, shall we?” Hannah said in a cheerful tone that cracked slightly. Bec forced all of her attention toward the incoming asteroid of scrambled eggs hurling toward her. She kept her eyes peeled and her mouth stretched open as far as it could reasonably go. She noticed Hannah’s hand starting to veer right and moved her mouth in that direction. However, right as she made her move, Hannah made a countermove. This time, Bec felt the ketchup on her chin, and the bits of scrambled eggs fell on her tray. It was another complete and total miss. At this third miss, Hannah slammed the fork down on the plate, which reverberated with a high-pitched ting that accompanied metal on ceramic. She stood up quickly and purposefully and got right in Bec’s face, pointing her index finger out inches away from Bec’s nose. In this split moment of movement, Bec was instantly greeted with that familiar clove smell again, and it echoed louder now due to Hannah’s close proximity. It was so strong and so close that it even masked the smell of Bec’s dirty diaper, which was seemingly sticking to every surface in the room by now. However, the smell of the cloves was not welcome this time thanks to the lecture that proceeded to flow from Hannah’s lips. “Listen up, and listen good, missy. If you refuse your breakfast one more time, you can kiss the idea of getting your poopy diaper changed today goodbye.” Bec’s veins turned to ice at the sentence she just heard. Sid was unfair, but he was never THIS bad. Bec had to seriously mess up according to Sid’s wants and rules to earn a punishment similar to what Hannah was threatening. Bec sat there as her eyes began to well up while being glued to Hannah’s as the lecture continued. “Since you apparently LOVE being so messy, as evident by your face and bottom right now, you can just remain messy until bed time if you act up again. Who knows, maybe we can just mark a preemptive red X for tomorrow too.” Hannah said, looking back at Sid as if he was supplying back up for the obviously and obscenely unfair terms. He sat, seemingly unaffected. Bec cringed and squinted her eyes in an attempt to quell the inevitable tear cascade at how Hannah emphasized the word “love” in her previous sentence. She began to rattle the high chair restraints hard now, pulling on them with all her might. She had to do something. Hannah was seemingly trying to find any excuse at all to add extra weeks of this diapered hell to Bec’s life. However, it was the next thing that Hannah said that made Bec stiffen and sit straight up, making her skin crawl as the hair on her neck began to rise. “Do you think I’m joking, little Bec?” Hannah said with a pause as she got closer to Bec’s ketchup-stained face. Hannah took in the smell of the tomato puree product, which naturally had Bec’s messy diaper cutting through it. This olfactory cacophony made it to where Hannah even tried to imagine what scent “Open Leggy Becky” probably dolled herself up with when she first came back into Sid’s life a week ago. Her heart fluttered at how much of a juxtaposition that perfume probably was to Bec’s current “fragrance”. She figured if she could bottle up and drink the sensation she was feeling by connecting these dots, she would be able to sustain her life with them. No more water. No more food. Just the thought of Bec being where she is now compared to where she was nine days ago. She examined how fearful Bec had become of her. How she winced at the mere sound of Hannah’s voice. Hannah decided to amplify her feelings and emphasize the depth of her conviction for her previously stated statements. “Don’t you EVER, and I mean ever, fuck with me like that again. I’m going to be your worst nightmare. " Hannah returned to her chair and donned that "everything is fine” mask from before, as Bec sat speechless. Bec’s mouth was agape and her heart was beating fast now. She was horrified by Hannah and afraid of what pain she might inflict. She wanted nothing but everything to go smoothly with her from now on in an attempt to avoid that potential pain. Bec looked over at Sid, hoping he’d step in and hoping he’d limit Hannah’s rule. He did nothing. He stared back at her and slightly shrugged, his mouth going slightly sideways as if to nonverbally say “What can ya do?”. Bec wasn’t sobbing now, but tears were flowing in a steady stream down her face as she turned to see Hannah’s forkful of scrambled eggs getting closer and closer to her. She was too shocked at what was unfolding to sob. As the forkful of scrambled eggs got closer, she couldn’t help but recall the moon landing video she was forced to watch in school as the “spaceship” approached its general destination. The scene and the words flowed through her head now. She saw herself bored in her college class that showed her the footage. The right side of her face was resting against her right hand, which was braced against her desk as she slouched forward trying to stay awake in the dimmed classroom. The irony was not lost on her that her current high chair seat was about as firm and uncomfortable as that classroom’s desk chairs. She even had a slight moment of euphoria, remembering how sitting on that desk chair felt without a diaper strapped to her waist. She even started to recall what her soft silk panties felt like against her skin that day. She remembered how that particular pair left a railroad-esque track around her waist and how annoying it was. Oh, what she’d give to feel the sting of her top pantie elastic slightly cutting into her waist in lieu of the current feeling. The staticky and walky-talky sounding conversation between Houston and the three echoing in her head in pieces now. …Buzz, this is Houston. Loud and clear. You’re really coming in beautifully. Over… …Now comes the gymnastics… …Minus 47… …Roger… … 3, 2, 1,.. …MARK! Ground control was celebrating and applause was echoing in Bec’s head as another slow but deliberate tear slipped down her cheek. Through this applause, she heard another staticky message cutting through that wasn’t present in the actual transmission as the sound of scrambled eggs careened to the floor. …It seems you guys landed quite a bit off course…
  5. [It is already implied in the story, but for explicit clarity all characters herein are adults over 21 years of age.] [EDIT: This is just to give potential new readers an idea of what to expect. This story presents a variety of (primarily ABDL) themes, and more keep appearing as it gets longer, but infantilism is a reoccurring one, as is sexual tension between the characters and peeing/pooping diapers. If that combination turns you off, probably not a good fit. Otherwise, and especially if you enjoy a variety of themes and situations rather than a story that focuses on just one, I hope you'll give it a try. There IS a proper story here too, I promise, and actual character development, but it's taking me a few chapters to really get it going. I need to go back and edit the first chapters for stylistic and voice consistency, but I haven't gotten there yet. But problems aside, I hope you'll enjoy my humble first attempt at writing for others to see:] [EDITED FROM THE ORIGINAL POST: UPDATED TO SECOND DRAFT] The Wild North CHAPTER ONE (MACADAMIA) Only frozen foothills lay behind. Only towering rock and a fool's death lay ahead. This was a barren, sharply-sloping land of white. It was broken, only occasionally, by harsh black stone upthrusts. Plants did not grow here. It was not a place for life and living things. It was a land of sleeping giants and the black wings of carrion eaters soaring across the muted gray heavens. A giant hand of unforgiving granite blocked the entire horizon in the distance ahead, thrusting up towards the heavens with a sheer vertical face that might have been carved by the gods themselves, and for the specific purpose of thwarting the curious, and crushing the spirits of the brave. Yet in between what came before and what stood ahead were two curious figures, tiny by comparison and huddled against the blowing wind beneath an overhang of rock. Both were wearing light, draping furs over tunics, with thick wool covering their legs and vanishing beneath the lower folds of their tunics. A young woman, her posture bold and unbent, stared forward from beneath the meager shelter, her gaze sizing up the mountains before them as if judging an upstart adversary rather than a force of nature, her unrestrained shoulder-length dark hair dancing freely in the breeze. Behind her, huddling bent against the rock wall as if to become a part of it, a young man with short-cropped sandy hair followed. Macadamia, the young woman was called back home, for she was hard -it was said- like the nut. No one would ever see the woman beneath the shell, they would whisper. She had never been bothered by it. She even embraced the nickname, and no longer went by any other. She was not antisocial exactly, for she saw no value in unkindness, and she was free enough with smiles and a kind greetings, it was simply that people had never been one of her interests. She spent years, long after passing the age of adulthood, gobbling up every story she had come across, written or oral. She worked her family’s farm during the day, but spent zero time courting a suitor, or other such things that were expected of a woman her age. It had earned her the enmity of more than one man who, having spent years admiring her somewhat petite but athletic figure develop into the curves of womanhood, had no-doubt looked forward with longing for the day they might win her heart. Occasionally a man would still try. “I want to love you forever,” a handsome young man had once said to her. “We’ll… raise sheep and be happy!” She only smiled at the clumsy but well-meaning attempt. “No one should live forever,” she had replied quite matter-of-factly. A couple of women had tried as well, hoping her reasons for rejecting men was the one they wanted. Unfortunately for them all, any such feelings rode in the back of the wagon while she steered her life elsewhere, towards fantasies and books, far away places and mysteries unsolved. Each time she found a trader with a new book it was all she cared about until it was read, and read again, only to be forgotten by the next one that came along. She followed her whimsy like the northern star. There was another reason as well. She knew that few would truly want her once they knew everything about her, and she felt no need to invite stories to spread. Against all odds she did one day find a man around whom she wanted to spend time. He too had passed into adulthood but refused to play the game. With his body more graceful than muscular, and his golden skin smooth rather than worn, he was handsome to be sure - but not in the way that so many women wanted. He had no accomplishments about which to boast, would never emerge victorious in a contest of strength, had no interest in winning fame through tournaments or distant wars, and was a stalwart recluse. What interest women might show went unrequited. He was quiet and shy and had -to the best of everyone's knowledge- never actually started a conversation other than to ask a necessary question or make a purchase at the market. Yet one day he had done the unthinkable – and with Macadamia of all people. It seemed they shared an interest in history and lore, and after overhearing one of her inquiries to a book dealer he had approached her with open, unprovoked questions. The two talked, and were friends thereafter. It was only later that she discovered the poor man's father was a monster. Though seldom home, he had taken to beating his family when he was. When the father was home the son was never seen. Macadamia had met the family’s matriarch but felt only sadness for the woman with the empty eyes and forced smiles. The town frowned on the whole unhappy business, but their disapproval meant nothing to the brute of a father. Not the inflated prices from the merchants, not the cold looks or quiet stares, could draw a reaction from him. No one dared challenge him openly; the man was a mountain on two legs - so unlike his son in every way. In fact, many rumors had spread over the years about alternate leanages for the boy. Some were as fanciful and ludicrous as an affair with a visiting prince in disguise. To Macadamia he seemed nothing more, or less, than an ordinary young man who had secrets, and she understood perfectly well having secrets. She did not fancy him out of pity, but for his mind and -if she was being honest- perhaps his sculpted body just a bit as well. When she finally embarked on a worthy adventure, she knew she could not leave him behind. Not to go from day to day hiding his bruises, ever sinking into sadness in a world that did not appreciate him. Not while she was alive. His name was Elm. It was not a nickname, his mother had simply found elm trees beautiful. The irony of naming a boy 'Elm' amidst the bows of deep, green, fir-covered evergreen forests was apparently lost on the woman. Or perhaps her mind simply took comfort in imagining places far away. Macadamia and Elm had spent many nights gazing at maps and books, scribbling by candlelight and sharing ideas, to the point that rumors had spread about Macadamia taking a man after all, but refusing to claim him. The truth would have bored them all to tears. The two met for only a couple hours here and there, usually in a neutral but private setting, and frequently as the sun was waning and the affairs of the day were done. They studied obscure legends. One in particular stuck and became a lasting shared interest: a legend of a gateway, strangely persistent in its retelling across spans of history. It purported to be a path to a land without sorrow. One without poverty or hunger or hardship. A land of eternal summer. The two talked of books, shared research, did absolutely nothing romantic or sordid as the townsfolk imagined, and then went home. Until the day they did not. It was dawn when they looked back on home for the last time. They turned their gazes to the horizon as the orange rays of the morning sun kissed the dew with gentle hews. The market was closed that day. They were alone as they sat before their maps, spread out on one of the old wooden tables. The dew made its surface slick, shiny, and cold but neither took notice. They had finally uncovered what they believed to be the path to the fabled gateway, their breath coming out in puffs amidst the cool morning air, their voices hushed but excited. They considered provisions with glances and short yeses and nos. They had never properly agreed to go at all, it simply happened that they both fell silent, having said their peace, met each other’s eyes, packed up their things, and walked away. She wondered if their respective families would ever come looking for them, though she doubted it. Such sudden departures were not unheard-of. Sometimes lovers would run away, or those unhappy with the harsh northern life would spend their meager coin to leave on a trader’s cart. Sometimes entire families would have a bad harvest or lose their animals to disease and hardship, then pick up and leave one day without a word. Guilt nagged at her thoughts, for she held no resentment towards her family and knew they would worry about her, but she pushed it aside. If all went well they would return with stories of their own to tell, and discoveries that would open doors for them far away from their home of gossipers and dark secrets. There would be plenty of time for apologies then, after the worthiness of their quest could not be denied. They would be scholars, she would think whimsically, a soft smile warming her features. They could write books of their own. In her wildest moments of fancy, she wondered if they should return at all. What if there really could be such a land, and they could live there? They both knew the quest would not be an easy one. Not even leaving in the early spring as they were. Not even if their most optimistic theories were correct. It would be a long, hard journey. They had agreed. Somehow that knowledge failed to alleviate her aches and pains. It seemed that facts would forever fail to prepare her for experience. The ground had gotten steadily steeper as they neared the great cliffs. Although the snow had relented, a spiteful wind tapped the existing drifts and blew the weaponized ice crystals into her eyes like coarse sand. Their clothing had proven thoroughly inadequate for the pernicious winter weather. Apparently no one had informed the mountains that it was now spring. At least the exercise of lugging her heavy pack up the slopes kept the cold from causing more than discomfort. She glanced over her shoulder to make sure Elm was still standing, then frowned; he looked likely to fall over at any moment. Concern gripped her heart and she pulled him further into the meager shelter of their shallow cave. "Elm," she chided gently after worming her way out of her pack’s clingy straps, "why didn't you say something? Here-" She dug out the thick fur she had brought along for sleeping and tossed it around his shoulders, then kneeled, and pulled him down to her until he was sitting on her lap. "We'll wait here until the wind calms," she assured him, rubbing his arms briskly. Would the wind calm? Who knew, but it seemed best not to voice that worry. Nor the other worries creeping up from the shadows of her mind, such as the one that said this whole plan might have been a tad misguided. Especially not that one. He nodded. "I'm fine," he insisted despite his tacit agreement to delay. "I won't hold you back." "I know you won't." She kept to her most reassuring tone, then said nothing as he pushed himself more closely to her, his bottom now resting firmly on her thighs as they both pulled the blanket as tightly around them as it would go. Her taller frame accommodated the posture, as if their bodies were meant to fit together, with his head coming to rest comfortably on her left shoulder. She could feel the warmth of his body, so close now, and realized she had never been this close to a man. This wasn't how she imagined it. The story books left out the part where the prince and princess were more interested in not freezing to death than dancing with endearing chipmunks and getting lost in each other's eyes. Even so, she felt as if the heat of her own body had grown just a bit too. Just two bodies close together in a warm blanket, she decided firmly, nothing more. His shivering began to subside and she felt a wash of relief, which then turned to surprise as he started... snoring? He had fallen asleep in her arms. Clearly the journey was taking a great toll on him. She mentally shrugged and let him sleep; there didn’t seem to be any harm in taking a couple of hours to nap. It had not been nearly that long when a new sensation kindled her surprise - a sudden, intense heat was spreading out across her thighs. Her heart fluttered in a brief panic. Had she..? Surreptitiously as she could manage, she tilted her head and looked down, but his round, innocent eyes were still closed in slumber. Her left arm was underneath the furs, and she nervously used it to explore. In the northern lands of her home, it was a common style of dress for both sexes to wear leggings that stopped at the mid thigh. They were usually made form-fitting and with rigid ornamentation throughout, the purpose of which -beyond vanity of course- was to force them to retain their shape rather than sliding down and bunching up at the knees. It was a strange custom for a land so cold, but proud northerners embraced it conspicuously, showing off glimpses of skin as if to prove how little the climate affected them. What they did not volunteer is that the fabric of the leggings was thick and warm, and that most people wore equally thick, warm underwear underneath their thigh-length tunics, never mind their thick fur cloaks with hoods. Northerners, it seemed, were just as vulnerable to the cold as anyone - but only the unwise would be caught leaking that secret to a southerner. Her hand explored the increasingly wet fabric of her leggings, and upwards towards her crotch. She reached inside the thick puffiness of her own undergarment, holding a tense breath, but found that it was dry. Relief warred with confusion. Her hand explored -ever so gently so as not to wake him- Elm's underwear. The frontal regions were already soaking, and the warm moisture was spreading steadily outward around the sides and bottom. Without her conscious direction her hand moved forward to the source of the flow. The bulge of his dormant manhood was like a hot spring in the cold winter air as his underwear absorbed all that it could and was forced to let the rest flow freely around her fingers and onto her lap. For a few moments she sat, unsure what to do in this situation, as the flow soaked more of her leggings, and it was during her hesitation that he blinked awake - her hand still resting on the front of his underwear. He blinked. She blinked. "What's going..?" His eyes shot wide open. "I'm afraid you're peeing yourself," she explained unnecessarily. Some dormant instinct took over and she felt a cool confidence. "But it's nothing to lose sleep over," she said soothingly, dismissing the situational irony with a frown. "Don't worry, alright?" "I can't believe this is happening," he said miserably, lowering his head to avoid meeting her gaze. "Father would..." His voice had drifted off, but her own anger suddenly flared to life, like an open fire doused with grease. "Is this why your father always acts so ashamed of you? Why he always treats you poorly and keeps you out of sight? Because you... have accidents?" "I... I kept wetting the bed," he said in the voice of one resigned to a cruel but well deserved fate. "Father used to humiliate me for it... you know, to try and get me to stop. But it only made things worse and I started having accidents during the day. But I thought... I thought..." His voice was growing even more miserable. He had omitted the beatings, though the whole village knew about them. "It's alright," she kept repeating softly. The smell of pee and wet fabric started to waft out from underneath the thick fur in which they were huddled, while she pretended not to notice. He did not seem able to stop. The odor was strong, but strangely not unpleasant. It smelled uniquely of him. The gusting wind subsided, and in the sudden quiet she could hear the hiss of his stream penetrating the fabric of his underwear before finally running out. The sudden lack of hot pee washing over her fingers made her realize where her hand still sat, and she hastily relocated it. "There now. I know you feel better. It really is alright." He grew quiet for a time, and when he spoke again his voice sounded closer to its normal even tones. "I've been getting better since I met you. I thought... I thought I could control it. Now I know I shouldn't have come..." "Don't you dare say that," she scolded him gently, "I..." She stumbled over how to reassure him, and went with the simple truth. "I wouldn't have made this journey without you anyway, and I'm so glad you came! I don't want you to worry about this at all." When she continued to hold him and he didn’t pull away, she was struck by a feeling of rightness to the situation – of caring for him and reassuring him. She had been doing it almost instinctively since they had met, she now realized, and the instinct was only becoming stronger. The cold weather and blowing moisture prowled only feet away as the wind resumed its hunt. Wet clothing would only make its bite stronger, but their warm northern wool would provide some protection even when wet, and she saw no more reason to depart right now than she had before. She said as much and gently persuaded him to get some rest. When her persuasions failed she tried something new: she started humming a soft, gentle tune just as her mother had always done for her. It felt strange to share experiences so innocent and yet so intimate with a man who was close to her own age, but his youthful manner and appearance might have allowed him to pass for a younger brother. Did she want to think of him that way, as a boy? Or did she prefer the man? Perhaps all men had a dual nature, a vulnerable child still hiding within. She leaned back against the rock, unable to completely deny her own exhaustion. Did she really mind so much if that were true? Maybe his strange innocence was something she liked about him. Nothing wrong with that. Was there? Sleep took her by surprise after several minutes of stroking his coarse, sandy hair, still humming that same, mellow tune. A voice whispered in her dreams. It said that they would soon need to find their legs, and their courage. It said that far more than wind and weather awaited them out here, in the wild north.
  6. Cody and Kyle thought they locked the door to the college laundry room but unfortunately for them it wasn't. College girls walk in on them in with both boys just in their diapers. Which then the girls smile and have some fun humiliating plans for them. Art by jigarvasani
  7. Cinnamon, Gunpowder, and Diapers Sam did not like bullets. Guns were another matter. Shooting was an art form, a skill of reflexes, coordination, situational awareness, and good ol’ fashioned talent. He, Sam Jack, was an artist. He probably took better care of his gun than he would have his wife - not that he had a list of standing offers in that department. There was no time for such things. The district office’ gun range was where he spent his off hours, and his job at the FBI left him with little enough of those. He was the best, and was constantly assigned the hard jobs – when he didn’t outright request them. His home did not even have a kitchen; there was no room after the remodel. The at-home gun range had required too much space, but of course it was important to have somewhere to practice on those nights when his insomnia kicked up. (The permitting had been a bit tricky on that one; the downstairs neighbors kept making a fuss. Clearly they did not appreciate the obvious truth: the only proper reason to own your own condo was to add a few… reasonable customizations.) But enough about that. Sam’s day was already in progress, and it was not going well. His present situation involved far too many of the aforementioned bullets. Specifically, the ones which had shattered his back windshield, left mirror, right mirror, and most frustratingly: his driver-side taillight. He had just gotten that fixed! Then there was the one which had flown by his left ear, so close that he could feel the breeze as it whizzed by. He was getting plenty of good shots in himself, mostly due to having trained to shoot with his left hand. These kinds of skills were important; one never knew when one might need the right hand free in order to steer the car the wrong way down a busy freeway, just as Sam was doing now. In that sense it was turning out to be a fairly typical car chase; he simply liked it better when he was the one doing the chasing. It had all started when he had been tasked by his superiors to guard an attractive young woman by the name of Paige, who presently sat in the passenger seat beside him. He had no idea who was trying to kill her or why; that was all above his pay grade. He simply needed to keep her alive. “Keep your head down, please,” he instructed upon noticing that she was sitting up quite rigidly in her seat. Her head was now a perfect target for the shooter in the car behind them. “What?” she shouted back. “I said,” he repeated more loudly, reaching over his shoulder to fire a couple more rounds, “to keep your head down!” He had not even heard himself over the fresh ringing in his ears, and anyway he needed to swerve just then to avoid a head-on collision. He tried making hand gestures, but then glanced back over to see Paige still sitting up. Her dark hair was mussed from the wind blowing through the broken windows. (They didn’t bother Sam as much as the tail light; he had never gotten around to fixing the air conditioner anyway.) Her back was still unnaturally rigid, and her round face held a look that said ‘not good’ as plainly as any he had ever seen. Her eyes were round as saucers, and her mouth was open in an almost perfect ‘o’. Her gaze frequently darted to his face and then away again, but she said nothing. Both hands were pressed against her slim waist. He immediately feared the worst. “Where is it?” he shouted. “Where’s what?” she yelled back. “The bullet wound! You need to keep pressure on it!” “I’ve been shot?!” she demanded with sudden horror, her voice turning into what was almost a shriek. He glanced at her, feeling his own forehead bunch up in confusion. “I don’t know! I thought… Why are you holding your stomach like that?” She looked down and back up, then did a strange almost-flinch as if the answer would get her in trouble. Her eyebrows arched slightly and she smiled a cute, sheepish smile that showed off her perfect, even teeth, made her look younger than her twenty-six years, and genuinely had no business being in the middle of a gunfight. “I, umm, just peed my diaper,” she replied a moment later. The sentence so distracted him that he almost got winged by the bullet that took out his rearview mirror. He recovered himself quickly, swerved, and made another left-handed shot out his window, taking out the last headlight of their attackers. “I hope their warranty on that light just expired yesterday,” he thought aloud. “These jerks don’t know how frustrating it can be to –Wait, ‘diaper’?” he said as he spun to face her. Seeing that same sheepish attempt at a smile in return, he turned back to the road and tried to process this. “Will it leak?” he asked. She shrugged meekly. “I don’t know… If I pee more, maybe.” He looked at her sternly but said nothing. She bit her lower lip nervously but said nothing. “You don’t still need to-” he started. “I need to pee again,” she said over the top of him. “Well, hold it!” he demanded in horror. “That’s brand new upholstery on that seat and-” “I’m trying!” The last window on the vehicle shattered from another bullet. “Can’t you… do something about that?” she complained. “Just hang on,” he said after discarding several acerbic replies he would have rather said, “we’re going to take that exit right there.” “Exit?” she said with obvious befuddlement. “All I see is an entrance ramp with more headlights coming this way.” “Yeah, that one.” Without further explanation he swerved the car violently around an oncoming truck and onto the entrance ramp. He had to swerve several more times to avoid the cars that continued to come at them. Each time they almost collided with another vehicle she flinched and grunted. “Would you stop swerving like that?” she protested at one point. “It’s making it worse!” He couldn’t take his focus off the road long enough to give her the exasperated retort he desired. “I can’t… I can’t do this any longer,” she said at one point, in a voice that sounded desperate and tired. Her hands now alternated between grabbing the cloth of her knee-length circle-skirt resting between her legs and twisting, and pressing it up against her groin. “I’m just going to-” “Hold on!” he pleaded. She had to close her eyes and concentrate for a few moments before she could speak. “I have a confession,” she said finally. “I’ve been wet for hours. I went at the restaurant, and then again in the subway.“ Her hands moved to the area of her stomach again for emphasis. “But this time it’s going to be… well I only wore my light pull-ups and…” She never finished the sentence but instead went back to wincing and grunting at every bump or turn. “Well why didn’t you…” He waved his hand around in a vague gesture. “Why didn’t I do what..?” she shot back tartly, mimicking his hand gesture in obvious mockery. “When did I have a chance to do anything about it? When we were hiding in the closet of that restaurant, running for our lives down the subway, trying to disguise ourselves in the crowd of that big parade…” She continued on like that. She might have had a point too, he grudgingly admitted. It was really hard to find a good break time when people were trying to kill you. Avoiding oncoming cars was easier now thanks to being off the highway; there were so many more options: yards, public parks, sidewalks… He had to swerve at one point to avoid a jaywalker. He shook his head in disappointment at the man. It was just so obnoxious when people flaunted the law! “Yeah, well okay, I get where you’re going with this. I do.” He sighed theatrically before turning her way -now driving through the city’s large waterfront park using only his peripheral vision. “It’s just that I’ve been busy with the whole SAVING YOUR LIFE thing! Did you notice that? Did you notice that going on at all?!” Satisfied that he had made his own point, he turned his attention back to dodging trees. He nodded with satisfaction as he did so; investing in new, five-year-warranty, all-terrain tires had clearly been a good decision! “Oof!” she protested as they hit a bump severe enough to nearly knock her head into the car’s roof. “Oh no… No I’m going to…” One more bump, and this time she made a sound that started like a grunt of pain but ended like a long sigh of relief. “Ohhhh, oh, oh gosh I’m… I’m going…“ Her body went slack as she leaned back into the seat in obvious surrender. Several sighs and a few soft exclamations of ‘oh gosh’ followed as she pointedly ignored his gape-mouthed stare. “What did I tell you?” he complained, deftly avoiding a couple with a stroller on the grass. Why did pedestrians never use the sidewalks? “I’m sorry,” she said in a tone that sounded much more relieved than apologetic. “I can’t stop… I’m going to leak…” The car behind them had closed the distance, and he knew from previous chases here (this particular park was conveniently located right off the freeway) that the boat dock was out of sight behind a large hill up ahead. He gunned it, hoping that the car behind them would do so as well, then made a hard, hard left turn right after passing the steep hillside before slamming on the breaks. Sure enough, the car behind them had floored their own pedal to keep up and did not anticipate the turn. They went sailing right down the boat dock and into the river. The source of their first problem dealt with, Sam exited the car without a word and quietly walked around to the passenger side. Getting the jammed, mutilated door to open took a considerable effort on his part, but Paige made no attempt to help. She had gathered her skirt up with her hands and held it around her waist to protect it from another, steadily growing body of water: the pool of her pee on the car seat. Her tight, red lips were tilted up on one side and down on the other as if not knowing whether to smile or frown, and her brows were gently tented above her round eyes that tried altogether too hard to look innocent. They were pulling it off too, he had to admit. Looking further south, he observed the significant bulging of her otherwise form-fitting disposable pull-ups where the overburdened absorbent padding had soaked up everything it could. The garment sported a faux-cloth style exterior that was clearly designed to look like real lingerie, and even went so far as to have little fake ribbons and bows painted around the top. Curious but not wanting to speak just yet, he reached down and pulled the front of the garment away from her waist so that he could see inside. She made no move to stop him. Sure enough, more liquid was still pouring out from her. He let go. As his ears began to recover he realized that he could even hear the low hiss of the woman’s spray as she shamelessly relieved herself in front of him. Taking a moment to calm himself, he looked over his car and took inventory of things he would need to look at. The windows were all shattered, as were the taillights. All three mirrors were in ruins, and a hubcap or two seemed to have been lost at some point. The engine was smoking ominously, and bullet holes made the whole back end of the car look like a metal sculpture of swiss cheese. “Great,” he said after a heavy sigh, resting his gaze once more on Paige, “just great… You’ve ruined the upholstery.” She frowned, and her eyes lit up with a sudden fire. “That’s what you say to me? After all that? After almost getting me killed how many times?” He made at least two attempts to protest but she simply shouted over him each time. “Your car is a pile of scrap metal, and you’re worried about the stupid upholstery??” She rose deliberately from her yellow pool, dripping on the ground a bit as she stood defiantly before him. Her hands were still occupied with holding her skirt high and dry, putting her undergarment on clear display. “No, no, no, Mister!” she barked in a tone that said she was (thankfully) coming to a conclusion. “You owe me a safe place to rest, a good meal, and…” She glanced downward and then back up as if what she said next had just occurred to her. “...And I'll need a new diaper! You may have just made this the worst day of my life, Pal, so you’d better believe that if there’s any chance at all of redemption for you it’s in giving me-” Once again he had stopped listening. Her full lips were distracting, the way all the smooth, soft features of her round face were arranged perfectly within the frame of her dark, flowing, shoulder-length black hair. The smooth roundness of her breasts and the shapeliness of her body… She broke off as he suddenly wrapped his thick arms around her and pulled her to him. His lips locked onto hers before she could object, but she made no effort to pull away. She would tell him later that he tasted of cinnamon. Cinnamon and… what was the other thing she would say? Oh yes, cinnamon and gunpowder. She would say it quite romantically too, and he would smile at the pleasant memory. The smell of her wet diaper combined with her rosy-fresh perfume in his own nostrils and made an intoxicating scent. He explored her back with his hands and her previously stiff body melted to a warm softness in his arms. “Sorry,” he said quite honestly after releasing her some moments later, “I don’t know why I did that.” Now it was his turn to stumble over his words. “It’s just that… no one else has caused my heart to flutter the way you have -or done as much damage to my car as you did- and… I guess I don't want this feeling to end.” “You don’t have to explain,” she assured him. “You loved me from the start; I know – it’s okay. I’m sorry about yelling at you like that, it’s just that-” “No actually that was kind of a turn-on,” he admitted. “Pardon? You mean, when I started verbally abusing you for saving my life, that…” “...turned me on to you even more,” he finished for her. “Yes.” She scrunched up her face haphazardly in a new expression that he took to be confusion. “I… really?” Her voice grew quiet as she seemed to be thinking out loud. “That doesn’t seem like it makes any sense, but I mean, the heart wants what the heart…” Then, in a louder, more confident voice she finished “Oh whatever, I’ll take it.” This time she was the one who pulled him close, her smaller frame fitting nicely in his arms. Once again he began moving his hands gently over her hills and valleys. He squeezed her bottom at one point, only to remember too late that it had a soaking wet diaper over it at the moment. Some of her pee escaped, dribbling onto his leg, but clearly neither of them cared. She moaned softly for a moment, and then squeezed her eyes closed for a heartbeat -as if from exertion- before squishing up her face once again and pulling away just a bit. “You don’t have to resist it,” he said gently. “Let me ignite your fire-” “No,” she said in a strained voice, “it’s not that.” She was looking at him now with that sheepish smile he knew all too well. “It’s… I still need to pee some more and… and I think I’m about to poop.” Before he could respond, several waterlogged men broke the surface of the river near the boat ramp. They had somehow managed to hold onto their guns, and he recognized the model at a glance as one which would fire even after being submerged. He let loose a heavy sigh, but the upside was that at least he was going to get shot at by people who had a respectable taste in guns. A moment later they had indeed recovered their balance and were getting a few shots off. “Hold that thought,” he instructed before scooping her off her feet with his powerful arms, one under her knees and the other beneath her upper back, causing her head to rest against his shoulder. “I know a safehouse nearby.” He took off running, effortlessly leaping across root and rock despite the added burden of carrying her, and the chase was on once again.
  8. From the album: Me And Friends

    School really stinks when your not potty trained
  9. These two ended up pooping their diapers in fear of the haunted house they discovered but now they are in a humiliating position being wedgied in their dirty diapers by some silly ghosts. Art by trapdiapers
  10. I deffinatly want to hear some of your most favorite humiliating and embarssing sayings/words you or somebody use when in a messy diaper. Some of mine are: "did you make fudgies in your huggies?" "looks like somebody made a chocolate soft serve" "daaw did the wittle baby poop his/her diaper?" "peeyeeww I think someone needs a diaper change" "huggies fudger" "ewww gross I think he/her poop their pants" "Did my little one make a special present for me?" "Looks like someone ran into the sog monster" "Did someone go wee wee in their diaper" "Smells like your not ready for potty training" "Eww gross did someone just fart" "What a poopy baby" "Pamper filler" "Stinky baby" "That's right fill that diaper for mommy/daddy" "Stinky wittle princess" "Time for some squishies" My personal favorite when squishing in a messy diaper and wiping it back and forth. I like to call it "the dirty diaper wiper"
  11. Here's your frosty! Peyeew did you just mess yourself? Maybe you should work here it looks like your a pro at making soft serve haha?.
  12. One night Jacob heard about this girl at school named Stacey was having a slumber Party with some hot girls. He had to see what they were doing. He walked up to the house then climbed up a tree to see a good view. He saw so many hot girls. Then all of a sudden the tree branched snapped then he fell to the ground. He became unconscious and blanked out. Jacob then woke up inside a house and saw every girl staring at him. Stacey then was in front of him and said "so look what we have here girls this little twerp was spying on us. I think we can actually have some fun with him, grab him". The girls then all held him down onto the floor. " Wait Please don't hurt me I just wanted to see what you guys were up to and I umm think your all really cute". All the girls were blushing. Then Stacey said " awee thanks well lucky for you I think I have something else we can do with you". Stacey then whispered to the girls and they all giggled and nodded. "Well Jacob we think your very adorable and we would love to play take care of the baby with you" Stacey then held a diaper in front of him. "We got this to so you don't have any accidents" Jacob then cried " no please I don't wanna be babied" Stacey then giggled "too bad it's my slumber Party and we will do what we want. Alright girls get him to the bed so we can change this wittle boy into a fresh diaper". All the girls then carried him to the bed and held him down. They all then stripped him of his clothes leaving him fully naked "Awee look at his little willy it's so small alright baby, time to lift up for mommy". Stacey giggled "No please anything but this" Jacob tried to struggle but the girls held him down tight. Two of the girls lifted his legs in the air then Stacey then slid a diaper underneath him then powdered his bum and wee wee. Then taped everything up. "Awee doesn't he look so adorable" Jacob was blushing so much from embarrassment. "Time to feed the baby who wants to go first?". Stacey announced. One girl said " Oh I do I do" Stacey then chuckled " go right ahead". The girl then undid her shirt and bra. " Ok Baby drink up". The girl then stuck her boob in Jacob's mouth and made him suck it. "Ouch he bit me" the girl yelled out. " Alright Girls I think this baby needs to be taught a lesson". They all grabbed him then set him over the girls lap then pulled his diaper down. The girl then started to spank him really hard. " Ouch Please no I'm sorry" Jacob yelled out. She gave him 10 big spanks. Jacob teared alot from the pain. " Now You be a good boy from now on u understand" Jacob nodded. "Alright I think this baby needs some food food". The girls brought in a highchair then set him in it and then brought out some baby food. " Now Open wide for mommy " Stacey giggled. Jacob tried to resist the yucky baby food but the girls just plugged his nose so he had to eat it. "Someone get his bottle". The girls then took him out then put him in this baby bouncer that he fit in perfectly. Jacob couldn't believe he was under the girls control now and dressed up like a baby. He only hoped nothing could get any worse. Stacey said "gosh I can't believe our little baby hasn't gone poopy in his diaper yet". One of the girls say "I really want to see him poop himself like the baby he is". Stacy then had a evil grin on her face of a great idea and whispered it to the girls and then they all chuckled at the idea. We then see Jacob held on the floor unable to move from all the girls holding him down. Stacey smiles and says "I think our baby has been good enough to earn a reward". Stacey then untapes Jacob's diaper and then we see Stacey start too pull down her pants and undies. Exposing her naked pussy and butt to Jacob. Jacob starts to get a hard on. Stacey giggles then moves closer and closer get her nice shaved pussy up against Jacob's ragging horny dick. "I see my baby boy a little excited, does my boy want a big surprise". Jacob then nods his head wanting it so so bad. Stacey then says "alright baby boy if you really want the surprise that bad il give it to you". Jacob then smiles until he sees Stacey make a weird smile on her face and then a big loud fart. Then feels something warm and sticky fall in between his legs. Jacob was shocked Stacey just made a huge massive poop in his diaper and he tried to wiggle out of his torment. Stacey laughed and said "daww does the baby not like his surprise I made him". One of the girls laughed and said "gosh Stacey I really have to poop bad can I go next". Jacob not wanting another stinky load from another girl was trying to wiggle out of this himulating and gross situation. Stacey then nods and the girl then makes a nice big stinky fart then let's loose a nice load into the diaper. We then see the girls tape up Jacob's diaper. Then they get him his hands and knees and forces him to lift his butt up in air. "I think somebody needs a spanking for pooping his nappy" Stacey laughed with a paddle in her hand. We see Stacey then swing the paddle nice and hard against his butt and Jacob could feel all that mess spread against his butt cheeks and all over. He couldn't believe this. Then all of a sudden his tummy was upset. He made lots of farts then ended up adding his own messy load to the diaper the girls used. All the girls laughed and took pics. Jacob could only try his best to hide his face but the damaged was already done.
  13. “I’m home, mom!” said 12-year-old Emily as she walked past the entrance and went straight for the kitchen. The young girl had just finished her classes for the day. The walk home had made her parched, so she opened the fridge and poured herself a glass of barley tea. “Welcome home, Emily” replied her mom. She was also in the kitchen, preparing dinner for the day. She lowered the heat on the stove, and turned around to face her young daughter, who was gulping down her glass of tea. “How was your day?” How was your day? A seemingly casual question to ask. Between Emily and her mom, however, the question meant something quite different. Emily swallowed the last gulp of her tea, and placed the glass down on the kitchen table. She turned to face her mom, and, with a sheepish look on her face, lifted up her skirt. What lied underneath the skirt wasn’t the type of undergarment that you would expect from a 12-year-old. Instead, hugging Emily’s hips was a Goodnites pull-up. The pull-up was swollen and had a yellow tinge throughout, having absorbed much of Emily’s pee. Despite her age, Emily hasn’t quite mastered potty training — in fact, she hasn’t made very much progress at all. At school (and sometimes, at home), she wears pull-ups, for her to try and make it to the potty on time. However, outside of those short potty-training periods, she spends most of her time in tape diapers. “Oh honey, you’re soaked” said her mom. “You should have changed out of this in school.” Emily would not always make it to the bathroom in time, so she has two spare pull-ups in her backpack when she goes to school. “I did, mom, but this was my last one.” replied Emily. The girl had wet through all her three pull-ups for the day. “Oh dear” said her mom as she rummaged through Emily’s school bag to pull out her diaper pouch. Inside the pouch were two Goodnites, both rolled up, heavy and swollen with pee. “Did you even make it to the potty once today?” she asked as she dumped the two used Goodnites in the bin. Emily kept silent, but shook her head in reply. “So today was a total bust huh. What’s it going to be? Pull-ups or diapers?” asked mom. Mom was asking how Emily would like to spend the rest of the day — whether it be in pull-ups or diapers. Pull-ups meant Emily would have to try and use the toilet, while being in diapers carried no such expectation, and that Emily was free to use her diapers — a “break” from potty training. Emily’s response today was the same as it was for most other days — “Diapers!” she answered excitedly, hardly giving a thought to that question. For a girl of twelve years, she was perhaps a little too happy to be in diapers. “Oh, alright, fine,” sighed an exasperated mom. “but you’ve really got to start using those pull-ups at home eventually, okay?” she said as she walked past Emily into the living room, where she laid a changing mat on the ground. “C’mon, lie down” mom gestured to Emily. The girl walked over to the changing mat, took off her skirt, and lied down facing mom, with her knees lifted and legs spread apart. Her mother then proceeded to rip off the sides of the Goodnites, and pulled down the front of the pull-up, revealing the absorbent material that was now soaked yellow from front to back. “Geez Emily, it’s a miracle that this hasn’t leaked” mom said, as she pulled out a wet wipe and began cleaning her daughter’s diaper region. Emily let out a tiny squeal as the cold wipe made contact with her skin. Emily greatly enjoyed the diaper changes with her mom — the gentle comfort of being wiped, the slight tickle when the baby powder was applied — she loved everything about it. After dusting Emily with a generous amount of powder, mom then pulled out a fresh diaper and started fluffing it. It was far larger than a baby diaper, designed to fit older kids like Emily, and the diaper did fit her perfectly. It was also a diaper designed for heavy incontinence, and so it was thick and soft, and more than capable of handling anything that Emily could throw at it. With this diaper, she'd probably be good for a couple of wettings. After fluffing the diaper her mom proceeded to lift Emily's butt, and placed the diaper beneath, making sure it was centred before taping the diaper in place, and adjusting the leg gathers. "We're done, Emily" she said, as she rolled up the used pull-up and picked up the skirt from the floor. "Thanks mom!" chirped Emily. She stood up, grabbed her school bag and went to her room, where she immediately fired up her PlayStation to continue her game where she left off last night. On a warm summer day like today, she was perfectly happy to lounge around in just a t-shirt and a diaper, so she didn’t bother with putting on any pants. Her mom, too, was fine with Emily going pants-less, because this meant easier access to her diaper for checks and changes. She sat cross-legged on the floor, facing her TV. It didn’t take her very long before she found herself fully engrossed in the game. She was currently in the middle of a boss fight. Shortly after, she started feeling a slight twinge in her bladder — the barley tea from earlier has quickly made its way through her system, and was now working its way out. Still focused on fighting the boss, she bent her body slightly forward and released her hold on her bladder, letting her urine flow out into the thirsty diaper. Gradually, the front of the diaper took on a shade of yellow, then the middle, and finally the back, as more and more of the absorbent material soaked up her pee. After a good 20 seconds, she was finally done. She had given the diaper a good soaking — if she were wearing a Goodnite it would have leaked with just his one wetting, but this diaper had room for much more. The soft, cotton-like padding from earlier has now become a warm, squishy padding, and it was a feeling that Emily really loved. More importantly, this time, was the fact that she could simply pee her diaper without having to pause the game. Knowing that her trusty diaper could handle a lot more, she continued playing until bedtime, letting loose in her diaper whenever she felt the urge. By the time mom came in to change Emily into her nighttime diaper, it was soaked to capacity, and Emily earned herself a scolding for not asking for a change earlier. *** Emily was somewhat of an early riser. It was an early Saturday morning, but she was already awake — on weekends she’d always be the first to get up. She fixed herself a quick cereal breakfast and ate it in her room while browsing the Internet on her laptop. Her nighttime diaper was very wet—as it always was every morning—but she was in no hurry to get a change. Mom was asleep, anyway. If she were feeling particularly diligent she could take the diaper off, give herself a wipe and put on a pull-up, but she wasn’t quite feeling up to it today. Every day, shortly after she’s had her breakfast, it would be time for her morning BM. Today was no different — after browsing for a bit she felt her belly start to ache. Ever since she’s started wearing pull-ups her mom would sometimes tell her to try and poop in the toilet. The young girl wasn’t too keen on pooping on the toilet, however, and she much preferred to do it in her diaper or pull-up, so her mom still had a good number of poopy diapers to change. Today her mom was still asleep, so with no one to nag at her, she got off her chair, squatted beneath her desk, and gave a push, unloading her morning poop right into her nighttime diaper. The soft, warm mush slowly made its way out into the seat of the diaper behind her, creating a lump; and as even more poop continued coming out the lump expanded further, the mess inside the diaper finding its way into any crevice with free space. Finally, Emily was done pushing. The diaper, made for heavy incontinence, held her mess well, with no signs of giving out. She stood up and, with her hand, gently squished the lump behind her, savouring the warm, mushy texture of the soaked, poopy diaper. Satisfied, she sat herself back down, causing the mess to squish around her butt, much to her delight, and she continued browsing where she had left off earlier. A couple of hours later mom finally woke up. The first thing that she did was to get her coffee machine going, then she went to check on her daughter. “Good morning, darling. How are you doing today?” she asked. Immediately after, she caught a whiff of the air and she realised how pointless it was to ask that question because the smell made it clear that Emily was sitting in a very poopy diaper. Mom sighed silently to herself, knowing that her efforts to entice Emily to use the bathroom has once again resulted in failure — as it has on most other days. She wasn’t all too disappointed, however. Deep down, she knew that she didn’t mind having to change her young daughter’s diapers, even if they were poopy. It was an intimate time that she cherished dearly. “Honey, do you need a change?” she asked. “Morning, mom.” Emily replied. She glanced down to the front of her diaper, and gave it a gentle squeeze, as though she were giving it a check. She wasn’t quite willing to part with her diaper just yet. “Nah, I think I’m good” “Oh, don’t be silly, the smell isn’t hiding anything” mom said, with a little bit of mock bemusement. She went over to Emily, tugged at the back of the diaper and looked inside, and it was clear that the diaper was filled. “Really? You think you’re good?” she teased her daughter, while giving the back of the messy diaper a gentle slap. “C’mon, lie down on your bed, you need a change before you stink up the whole house.” Emily pouted a little, but complied nonetheless, and lied down on the bed, making sure to give it another good squish as she landed on her butt. Mom knew that this change was going to be a very messy operation, so she lifted Emily’s legs and placed the changing mat and a fresh diaper underneath, before getting to work. She pulled off the tapes and opened the diaper, revealing the insides of the very poopy diaper. With a sigh and a dry smile, she got to work. “When did you make this poopy, hon?” asked mom as she began wiping down her daughter’s butt. “Hm… I did it shortly after I woke up, and that was a couple of hours ago, so…” replied Emily. “Oh honey, you know you can’t be sitting in a messy diaper for that long, it’s terrible for your skin” said mom. Emily has had quite a number of brushes with nasty diaper rash on her bum, mostly because she’s always been too comfortable with sitting in her own mess. “I know, mom, but hey, you were sleeping and all, and I didn’t want to wake you up for a change” she said. “Or you could use the potty like you’re supposed to!” chided her mom, who used her free hand to pinch the side of Emily’s thigh, gently enough to assure her daughter that she wasn’t actually angry. “Ow, ow…. okay, I’ll try next time. I promise!” Emily said, as her mom continued with the cleanup in silence. It was a promise that she would go on to break, of course. Perhaps it was still too early for Emily to start using the toilet.
  14. Here's my 'first time' story for the 'Stinky, Squishy and Proud' section, almost as I shared it at Experience Project a few years ago — which was the first time I'd ever told anyone I did (and do) this. ----- Imitating My Baby Cousin I was 15 when I pooped my pants on purpose for the first time. I'd been peeing myself for pleasure for about two years by then. Part of the fun of it was all the ways I could make my wettings feel realistic. I acted out every kind of situation I could imagine that ended with me unable to hold on and wetting my pants — being desperate and out of reach of a bathroom, scared suddenly, too shy and embarrassed to ask, delaying until it was too late, wetting my bed the way I used to. But who pees their pants the most? Babies and little kids. A lot of my pee games gravitated to playing out scenes of being two or three or four years old again, failing toilet training — or even being a baby again and just wetting where I sat, or toddled, or lay. But of course babies do more than just wet ... and little kids who are potty training have another kind of accident. I got kind of fascinated with the strange fact that I'd been in diapers for my first two years, and peed and pooped my pants every single day of that time. I had no memories of it, and I'd just about never been around an actual baby or accident or diaper. There weren't any little kids in my family at that age. Being around someone who pooped in their pants seemed like the most embarrassing, forbidden, messy thing in the world. Being a parent who had to clean it up when it happened seemed almost unimaginably disgusting. But I knew peeing my pants had turned out to be one of my greatest pleasures. I was at least a little curious what pooping in them must have been like. When I was fifteen, a year-old cousin came to visit. She was in diapers of course, and was still learning to walk. I wasn't all that interested in babies — as a typical teenage boy they just seemed kind of boring and sometimes loud and a little bit leaky and gross. But the fact that she peed and even pooed in her pants was now of interest. The first afternoon she was with us she had a wet diaper that leaked into her tights, and her mom laid her down and changed her, and I wondered what it must be like for her to be in wet diapers a lot of the time, and just pee without a care in her clothes as she played, or ate, or napped, or cuddled with her mom. A couple of hours after that, the thing I was most curious about happened. She paused in the middle of our living room, squatted slightly, and very obviously pooped in the seat of her diaper. It didn't seem to bother her in the slightest that she'd pooped herself in front of us — or even interest her very much. She went right back to playing and exploring, now with an unmistakeable smell around her that my aunt decided not to notice. And like any kid learning to walk she proceeded to fall down flat on her bum, right into her fresh mess, a few times over the next few minutes. I'd never seen anyone poop their pants before, let alone sit in it, and found it a mix of hilarious, gross and almost unbelievable. I couldn't help wondering what it felt like, when she went in her pants and when it was getting sat in and flattened against her bottom. It kind of made my head explode that the adults, including my parents, didn't do any more than exchange little amused looks, as if it was cute, and just let her keep playing. After maybe 20 minutes my aunt laid her down on the floor again and changed her, the first poopy diaper change I ever remember watching. It was squished all through her diaper. My aunt caught the teenage boy reaction on my face to the smell and mess, and laughed at me and said "I've seen you in dirtier diapers than this." Which was probably true, she'd looked after me sometimes as a baby. I don't know why I kept thinking about something so messy and infantile, but afterward I remembered that scene when I played my wetting games, and the weird true fact that all babies and lots of small kids pooped in their pants every day just like my cousin had, and crawled around like that, and sat in it. I started thinking about all the times I'd pooped in my own pants too at that age, and what it must have been like. And one day soon afterwards I had to know how it felt and knew I was going to try it. I had the house to myself. I needed to go. I chose two pairs of snug underwear, lined them with folded toilet paper, and with a thrill of anticipation all over my body at this strange thing I felt so compelled to experience, I went and stood in the exact spot where I'd watched my cousin fill her pants. I squatted just like she had, pushed just enough to get things started ... and then let go all control of my muscles and let my body take over as I felt myself poop my diaper like a toddler. It felt so much better than I ever would have guessed. Unexpectedly amazing as poop slowly eased out and spread into my pants, warm and just slightly soft, making exciting feelings in some of my most sensitive areas. I stood up and felt poop squish and flatten over my bum for probably the first time in 12 or 13 years. The forbiddenness of what I was doing and the intense curiosity I'd had about doing it amplified every sensation. I tried walking in my 'full' pants, with what I'd done wiggling and moving around under me, and that was exciting and felt good too. And then I went all the way. I toddled like my year-old cousin, just learning to walk, and let myself fall flat onto my bum a bunch of times, as warm, fresh poop spread all through the seat of my pants, and up into the crotch of my makeshift diaper, and up towards my rear waistband, and almost out the legs. And the stimulating sensations of that were almost more than I could take. This time the smell of a baby in a poopy diaper spreading through my family living room was coming from me, and now I knew something about how a baby in that condition felt. I don't do it often. Unlike my cousin, I don't have anyone to clean me up. But once or twice a year something gets me thinking about it again and I know I'll do it soon. I've never forgotten the thrill of anticipation or the sensations of that first time...
  15. As some of you may know, based on the stories I've either written or the posts that I've made that my ideal mommy is more that of a grandmotherly type. A woman with years of experience under her belt, one that doesn't tolerate
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