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  1. Countess Paule de la Fraise had always been unkind to those less prestigious than her at court, which included everyone except Queen Liza and her courtesans. She particularly looked down on the littles who resided at court, treating them with disdain due to her belief in their inferiority. Not only was she the most corrupt aristocrat in the entire court, but her scandals were so numerous that Queen Liza eventually decided to take action. After her latest scandal, the Queen had her countess arrested to put an end to her mistreatment of others. When brought before the Queen for judgment, it was made clear that the evidence of her corruption and abuse was undeniable. The Queen presented her with three options to choose from: capital punishment, lifelong exile, or de-Amazonization.
  2. Lucy held the position of local manager at a highly esteemed multinational corporation specializing in early childhood products, generating millions of dollars in revenue annually. Through years of dedication and hard work, she had earned her place within the company. However, she faced a significant challenge in the form of her less-than-competent personal assistant. Despite Lucy's patience, the assistant's repeated errors, some of which were grave, had caused serious issues within the company. Following a severe reprimand from her superiors due to a mistake that jeopardized a $17 million deal, Lucy decided to address the situation. During lunchtime, she summoned her assistant to her office and calmly instructed her to take a seat.
  3. More Than A Costume By Pen Aims Chapter 1 The Festival I went out of town for an event I had been anxiously awaiting for months. It was a one day festival around Halloween at a large fairgrounds in a city about a hundred miles from where I live. I dressed in bell bottoms, a funky disco shirt, and an afro-wig to go as a 70's funkster. For several hours I roamed the fairgrounds checking out the various stages, enjoying the lights, and dancing. Each stage had different setups and sounds, and I wandered until I found the DJ I was looking to see, who was one of my favorites, and the reason I chose to attend this festival. At least, that was until I saw her... Diaper Bunny A warm feeling washed over me as I first looked at her. She was dancing and bouncing in a cute bunny costume wearing a snug diaper with bunnies on it. It was truly an adorable outfit, especially to me, yet hard to imagine someone would be audacious enough to wear in such a public setting. Being a secret diaper wearer myself, in private, I could not help but keep staring at this attractive young woman, grooving to the beat in an obvious diaper for all to see. She was getting some attention from others in the crowd, either giggling at her, or trying to dance with her, and she did not appear to care what kind of attention she was getting. She was really enjoying herself in her own little space, seemingly not a care in the world. There was another young woman and man that appeared to be her friends who were also in cute animal costumes, but neither of them were noticeably wearing a diaper, and they did not seem to care that the bunny was. It was a costume rave after-all. I grooved and danced, popped and locked, and had hardly a care in the world myself, except that I kept coming back to watching the Diaper Bunny. I felt like I was being a bit creepy, and would remind myself of that often, forcing myself to look away, and try to vibe to the music my favorite DJ was playing. There were a lot of beautiful people, and there was plenty of positive energy, so for a while I could get my mind onto just enjoying the experience. But, then I would catch myself looking back at the Diaper Bunny, and having dirty thoughts, like wondering if she would use them since she was wearing them. I'd had enough experience wearing, and wetting a diaper to know I would be able to tell the bulge of a diaper that has been peed in, and her's obviously was still fresh, and un-sodden. Part of me wanted to just go up and talk to her, but I was afraid, and feeling self-conscious about what other people might be thinking of me approaching this young woman wearing a diaper in public. For years I had managed to keep my kink a secret, and I was not feeling ready to out myself in a public gathering, no matter how lovely I was feeling in the moment. Back and forth I went from focusing on the DJ, dancing, and then glancing back over to the Diaper Bunny, whom I could not get my mind off of. At some point she apparently noticed, and we locked eyes. To my disbelief, she smirked, and then looked away at the other girl she was dancing with. She whispered something to her friend, and then they both started walking towards me. I was petrified, and yet welling with excitement as they made their way over. I smiled at the Diaper Bunny as she approached, barely noticing her fox-costumed friend who was tagging along. Because it was so loud, she had to get really close to speak directly in my ear so I could hear her. My heart was pounding, and I was all nerves, as both exciting and embarrassing thoughts raced through my mind. “Hi, I saw you looking at me from over here, do you like my costume?” she said, and then did a twirl and a skirt-less curtsy, accompanied by a goofy smile. In the heat of the moment I reasoned that I did not care what a crowd of people I did not know, and might never see again, thought about me. Embarrassed or not, this was an incredible moment, and I was going to seize it. “I think it's wonderful, and for some reason I can't seem to take my eyes off you,” I replied, rather shocked at my sincerity. “I noticed,” she said, and giggled. “Do you like bunnies? Or is it my diaper?” she asked. I was at a loss for words for a moment, but eventually blurted out questioningly, “both?” Her and her fox-costumed friend giggled at the way I said it. “I'm Spring, and this is my friend Sarah. It's nice to meet you,” she said. After introducing myself, Spring, the Diaper Bunny, asked if I wanted to hang out and dance with them for a while. I was shocked at how forward she was, and I decided right then that this opportunity to dance in public with a diapered beauty was too good to pass up, no matter what anyone there might think of me. I accepted, so they each grabbed one of my hands, and pulled me into the crowd of costumed raving fanatics. That close to the stage it was impossible to talk to each other, so we just danced and grooved for about an hour. I did my best to dance with both ladies, but her friend had her own partner, and Spring could tell it was her I fancied, as I still could hardly take my eyes off her. Several times she turned to grind her diapered butt against me while the music blared and lights flashed, and I was in heaven. Throughout the night we were all keeping hydrated by drinking plenty of water. I made sure to keep a full bottle on hand if anyone needed it, and all of us drank plenty. Dancing, smiling, giggling, grinding, and drinking water for another two hours, when finally they'd had enough, and pulled me away from the driving beat, out into the open where there were less people, less noise, and we could hear each other. I was grateful, because I could use the breather, and while I was invited to be with them I was not going to go anywhere on my own, and possibly lose them to the crowd. This night had been one great unexpected opportunity, and I was not going to waste it. “That was a lot of fun, but I'm starting to get tired of the crowd,” Spring said. I agreed that I could only take so much intensity at once, and was grateful for the break. “What do you have planned after the festival?” she asked. I had not made any plans yet. I figured either I would find an after party, or if not, I would just make my way back home. I told her that I was open to suggestions, because I lived about two hours away. “I have a house that's about ten minutes from here, and Sarah, and her boyfriend are coming for an after-hours chill. Are you down?” “Hell yeah,” I thought. “Sure, sounds good,” I said.
  4. “Do I have to take them down myself, little girl?” I hate it when my girlfriend calls me that! Yes, I’m six inches shorter. Yes, she’s eight years older. Yes, she’s the one in charge in our relationship, and yes, this whole domestic discipline thing had all been my idea three years ago, but I’m 30 and Not. A. Little! Girl! Dammit! But all I did instead was whine, “Not here. Please? I’m sorry. Can’t we just wait until we get home?” “Daphne,” Mary said, “this is not up for discussion. Besides, Brenna has seen plenty of bare bottoms spanked, including yours.” I glared at Brenna. We knew her through a local Fetlife group. Sometimes we did just plain vanilla stuff with her, like regular friends, like today, when she’d asked us for help planting trees in her yard. Mary has the green thumb. I hate yard work. “Bare? Can’t it just be over my shorts?” You’d think I’d have gotten used to being spanked, what with not a week going by when I wasn’t, but I never had, which I guess is the point. I looked at Brenna, who was smiling approvingly from the couch. Mary had pulled a kitchen chair into the living room and sat down. “Did your shorts make a rude comment to Brenna? Did your undies? So why would I spank those,” Mary asked me in her stern voice, the one she saves for when she’s talking to me like I’m a naughty little kid. “No,” I mumbled. I’d learned the hard way that there is no such thing as a rhetorical question when I’m in trouble. Mary reached out and grabbed me by the waistband of my innocent shorts and pulled me closer. None of this would have happened if Brenna had just been grateful we were over there helping in the first place. So I’m not Ma Nature - did it really matter if the hole wasn’t exactly fifteen inches deep? Of course, I do have a tendency to kill houseplants, even succulents. But anyway, she was harping on it, and I got irritated and said, “Then why don’t you just do it yourself, dammit?” I’m not sure if I’d have been in so much trouble if I hadn’t added the ‘dammit.’ At least I didn’t interfere while Mary popped the button on my shorts and whisked them, along with my panties, down to me ankles. “How did you get so dirty, anyway,” Daphne asked. “Not like you were putting that much effort into it.” I didn’t need to respond because Mary easily tossed me over her knee. My hands were on the floor, but my feet were not, leaving my butt hanging there. “Anything to say, Daphne,” Mary asked as she rubbed my butt. “I’m really sorry?” “Not as sorry as you will be.” That little rub is all I ever get for a warm up. Mary believes spankings are best delivered hard and fast, and within ten second she’d probably spanked me thirty times. This all started as a relationship with spanking involved, a little role play and bedroom fun. I even spanked her a couple times, though neither of us liked it. Eventually, I said I wanted it to be more than roleplay. I wanted it to be our lifestyle. I shortly thereafter found out just how many issues Mary had with my behavior and how much she’d been wanting to fix them for a while by then. But I wasn’t thinking about the time she had needed to spank me three times in one day. I was thinking about the spanking she was giving me right then. Mary is thorough in everything she does, and a creature of habit. She always starts out spanking me seemingly at random, no order to which side she wails on or how many. She likes to make sure I can’t anticipate anything. I lay there doing my best to hold still and be quiet, trying to keep my eyes closed and pretend Brenna wasn’t there, probably smiling. Only when my butt is a dark pink from top to sit spots does Mary really get going. As she says, this is when the real spanking starts. She stopped assaulting my butt and said, “Hand me the paddle, Daphne.” I freakin’ hate the thing. It’s small, heavy, and has four holes in it. She got it specifically to keep in her purse. She could just use her hairbrush when she disciplines me away from home (dressing rooms are the worst - everyone can hear!), but no, she says knowing she has a just-for-spanking implement with her at all times does a better job reminding me to behave. I pick it up with my left hand and reach behind me to give it to her. She takes it, then takes my arm and pins it behind my back. I’m a wiggler when she uses that thing. She’s like a freakin’ ninja with it. Equal parts thuddy and stingy, she paddles as fast as she hand spanks, but in a tight pattern. Up and down, each spank overlapping with the one before it, in a tight row, then shifting over and working a line from top to sit spot again. She never makes it from one side to the other but that I go from grunts to sobs to tears. Every. Damn. Time. The small paddle bounces off my bottom so fast I don’t even feel the individual spanks anymore. It’s all one swollen throb. She’s gentle, by comparison, with my thighs, but before she’s done with those ten spanks to the tender backs of my legs, I frantically promise, “I’m sorry! I’ll be good! I’ll be good!” Mary finished the last spank, and I lay over limp over her soft lap, big tears falling, and my nose running. It takes me a few seconds to realize Mary is rubbing my back, like she always does after a hard spanking, shushing me gently. When I’m ready, I start to get up, and Mary helps me so that I’m sitting on her lap, my crimson bottom aching when I do, and crying into her shirt as she calms me. “It’s okay, little girl,” she coos to me, “All is forgiven.” She kisses my temple. “Let it all out. That’s my brave girl.” When I get myself under control, though still struggling with the occasional sob and needing badly to blow my nose, she helps me off her lap. “What do you say to Brenna,” Mary asked. I don’t know when I kicked off my shorts and panties, nor do I care. I shuffled over to Brenna. “I’m sorry for being rude,” I said. “I forgive you,” she says, opening her arms. Brenna is big woman, and I all but collapse into her softness. I do like her, even though she has a way of bringing out the brat in me, but that brat never seems to be that far away. I stand between her big thighs, and she rubs my butt with one hand while she hugs me with the other. I’m grateful she does because I’m not allowed to rub. “Mary, why don’t you go take her to wash her face, and I’ll get lunch ready,” Brenna suggests. “Can I have my shorts back,” I ask meekly. “After lunch,” Mary says, holding out her hand. I take it. I like Mary’s hands. I also know she’s gonna lift me up and seat me on the cold vanity, and that it’s gonna feel good for about five seconds then feel clammy and hard. After lunch, I’m for sure gonna dig those holes right, and without a world of complaint.
  5. Lucy held the position of local manager at a highly esteemed multinational corporation specializing in early childhood products, generating millions of dollars in revenue annually. Through years of dedication and hard work, she had earned her place within the company. However, she faced a significant challenge in the form of her less-than-competent personal assistant. Despite Lucy's patience, the assistant's repeated errors, some of which were grave, had caused serious issues within the company. Following a severe reprimand from her superiors due to a mistake that jeopardized a $17 million deal, Lucy decided to address the situation. During lunchtime, she summoned her assistant to her office and calmly instructed her to take a seat.
  6. Young Marcus had woken up in a cell at the police station, with a hard headache and the urge to vomit. Surely he had taken a lot of fun the evening before, so much that he didn’t remember anything. He smiled looking around with his ajar eyes in the dark cell until an amazon police agent came to open his cell to make him get out “do you know that little like you shouldn't drink alcoholics?” the Polish man said giving him a pair of pants to change himself “You are lucky because if I could punish you you'd already be face down on my knees,” he said with a tone of voice in which transpire a bit of anger “now I bring you to the judge she will decide about you,” he said to the little 22 years old man accompanying him to exit of the police headquarters and to the service car, helping him to get in it. The car travel is been silent and quiet even because Marc's headache had turned on again because the sunlight hit his eyes making him cover them with his hand. Once they arrived at the court the policeman parked the car and helped him to get out, but since Marc made two steps he vomited everything he had in his stomach on the Polish man's shoes “Fantastic!” the amazon man commented with sarcasm before escorting the little young man into the building. “Hello Marc” Judge Lewis greeted him “Had you fun yesterday evening?” she asked with a sarcastic tone of voice “a little weak evening!” he answered with a smile “oh! I see that as usual, you make the boaster” the Amazon woman answered him with a very acid tone of voice “But this time you annoyed the wrong girls” she said “Yes! One of those girls that you have annoyed was the mayor's daughter, witch wants that don’t go smoothly. Then you have two options: the little re-education program at Saint Teresa catholic boarding school with all your minor crimes you can be condemned to two years in prison I think that any decision you will take will be good to make you learn the lesson. The next week Marcus was on a bus that carried him to Saint Teresa catholic boarding school.
  7. Hi folks! I have posted my stuff on other sites, notably Reddit and Wattpad. Someone recently encouraged me to post here, and I thought I would give this community a try. I have a fair backlog of stories, but I won't be posting them all at once on here. That seems spammy and rude. Plus, I think it's fun to have regular content to look forward to. For the medium-term, I'll be posting one chapter of a story a week on here, starting with my short novel "Baby Briana". It has twenty six chapters, so we'll be a while on that one. I hope you enjoy! Please feel free to comment, ask questions, and otherwise talk to me in this thread. I don't know how often I will be checking my inbox here, as I already have a lot of inboxes, so my story threads are probably the best place to talk to me. Content Warnings: NSFW content including sex scenes. Spanking and discipline. Consent is not explicitly spelled out; a person acting as a child is considered to be giving implicit consent to be treated as one. Without further ado: Chapter 1 of Baby Briana. Brianna lifted her head and let out a yawn that stretched her jaw. Discomfort made her squirm in the bed. She slid a hand under the covers and immediately teared up. The bed was wet again. She froze in bed, listening and hoping that the house would be silent. No luck. By the sounds of it at least two of her roommates were already awake. The sun blazed through her white daisy curtains; a sign that it was likely they were all awake. For a few minutes she burrowed back into the covers despite the dampness. She wished she could vanish into the bed and disappear. Or better yet, that the stain would. “I don’t know why this is happening!” Briana despaired. “I haven’t wet the bed since I was six. It’s been ten times this month, and it’s happening more and more often.” With a groan she crawled out of bed and stripped off her soaked panties and nightshirt. She was able to scamper to the bathroom to shower without running into anyone. Scraggly red hair greeted her in the mirror. She sighed and tied it up. Haircuts were another thing that weren’t happening. At least the rest of her looked good. A smattering of freckles across a slim body. “Nothing like being poor to keep you trim.” Back in her room she dressed in dry clothes and faced her bed grimly. The comforter was too bulky to launder easily and seemed to be barely damp. She stripped the sheets and wrapped them in her wet bath towel. With the window open and a bit of febreeze on the mattress, she hoped no one would notice. Her feet creaked on the old wooden floors. Normally she loved an old house with tons of character. Now it was a traitor reporting her every move. Since quiet wasn’t an option, she made her way down the stairs quickly to the living room. Her roommate Suzie was there, curled up on the green antique couch. Brianna froze for a moment, but the blonde girl didn’t look up from her phone. Brianna rounded the wall that supported the stairs and opened the basement door. Another flight of creaky stairs and she was on nice quiet concrete. Even better, the washing machine was free. A huge wave of relief washed across Brianna when she set the washer running. Briana checked her bank balance for the hundredth time while she leaned on the kitchen counter. Only a couple hundred dollars left. Her roommates had been generous enough to let her skip the rent. They even let her eat from the groceries they bought. It was a lifesaver, but a guilt-inducing one. The college’s work study wasn’t taking any new student workers mid semester either. “There’s nothing online for jobs.” Briana sighed. “I’m sending out three applications a day but nobody replies.” “Hey, Bri?” Suzie startled Briana out of her thoughts. “Can you come to the living room? We wanted to talk to you about something.” “This is it. They’re kicking me out.” Briana’s mouth went dry, her stomach knotted. She managed a nod but couldn’t speak. Her fears redoubled when she saw her other four roommates sitting in the living room. Suzie led her to the armchair and took a seat on the right-hand couch next to Jane. As a film school student she was the most quirky of the group, short blue hair and a lot of tattoos. When she’d first moved in everyone called her Manic Pixie Dream Girl until it got to be too much. Anything but plain Jane was still in pajamas, her long black hair pulled back in a ponytail. She had striking German features with a resting bitch face that was legendary in the Economics department. Erin and Casey were on the left-hand couch, still dressed for their morning run. The only sporty members of the house, Erin was freckled and burnt, while Casey tended to evenly tan. They always seemed to sit together; Erin was the only one in the house who wouldn’t be dwarfed by Casey’s six and a half feet. Across the coffee table in the other armchair was Veronica, dressed in her usual black house dress. She had a quiet, commanding presence most of the time. At a meeting like this she had the look of royalty. Not condescending, just the assumption that she was in control. She didn’t even need to flex her wealth or Postdoc status to have authority in the house, but they certainly helped. Brianna sat at Veronica’s direction, eyes already brimming with tears. “I think you probably know why we wanted to talk.” Veronica said. “I’m sorry!” Briana burst into tears. “I can have my stuff packed up in a couple of days.” “What? Huh? No!” Several of the girls responded in unison. “Briana, no.” Veronica said with a concerned frown. “Nobody is kicking you out. I’m sorry you thought that’s what this was!” “What then?” Brianna sniffled. “You have been… having to do a lot of laundry lately.” Veronica said. Briana flushed. “That was really kindly worded. Carefully worded. I wonder if she learned that in the counseling program.” “We’re worried about you, and we want to help.” Veronica continued when Briana didn’t seem like she was going to reply. “Help how?” Briana sighed. “I don’t have insurance, or money for a doctor. I can’t ask you to cover me on that too!” “That’s not what we were offering.” Veronica said kindly. “We did get you a couple of things that might help though.” Erin hopped up and grabbed a package from behind the couch. A package of incontinence undergarments. Brianna’s heart sank and her face flamed again. “I uh, I don’t know why it’s happening but I’m not sure that I really need…” She stammered. “I know it’s rough even thinking about wearing those!” Erin said. “So I got you some different ones too.” She placed a second package on the coffee table. This one had bright colors, proudly proclaiming the efficacy of its pullups. “Uh, I’m pretty slim but I don’t think I can fit into pullups.” Brianna said, confused. “They’re adult sized!” Casey chimed in. “I know they look kind of kid-y.” Erin said. “But they’re way prettier than the Depends.” “I don’t think…” Brianna began. “Please think about it.” Veronica said. “Use them until you figure out what’s going on.” “Veronica’s the one covering my rent…” Briana hesitated, “Those things probably weren’t cheap either. This is actually really nice of them, even if it’s embarrassing.” “Um, okay. I’ll try them for at least a couple of days.” Briana said. She blushed and sank back in the chair as the other girls applauded. “We want you to be okay.” Jane said. “We’re here to help you, okay?” Suzie smiled at Briana. “It takes a lot of courage to accept help, especially about something like this.” Veronica said. Briana wiped away tears. Her roommates rose up en masse and helped her out of the chair. Surrounded in warm group hug, Brianna sobbed a couple of times and took a deep rattling breath. “Thanks everybody.” The hug closed tightly around her again. “You’ve all been really nice.” “We’re friends!” Suzie declared. “Just because we’re not a sorority doesn’t mean that I don’t think of you all as my sisters.” Veronica said. “We’ve had this house together for three years.” Brianna nodded, wiping her eyes. Jane helped her carry the supplies up to her room, giving her another hug before she left. Briana put the packages in the far back of her closet and realized there was a third one as well. A plastic mattress cover, that had been sitting under the depends. “I can’t afford to replace my mattress.” Briana thought grimly. She slipped the cover on her mattress and made the bed with new sheets. You couldn’t tell by looking at it, and when she crawled under the covers, the feel wasn’t too bad. “I sure have good friends. I wish I knew why this was happening!”
  8. This is my first story and I'm not a native speaker, so please be gentle. Tags: lesbian, wet, messy, diaper girl, humiliation, erotic, spanking Some tags will be relevant in later chapters. Dirty girl Megan comes home early and finds out her young flatmate is not as innocent as she thought. 1 - A surprise She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Megan had been home early and still not used to having a flatmate had wandered through to her bedroom to get out of her work clothes without announcing her presence. It came as quite a surprise when she walked by her flatmate's room and saw her, back to the open door, kneeling on her bed and humping one of her pillows. Not that she minded, in fact she was enjoying the show. She had been quite taken with young Lisa from the moment she walked into her life. She liked them young, shy and tiny and Lisa, barely 19 years old, fit that description perfectly. With her long blond hair, beautiful face and youthful body, she was very sexy, at least in Megan’s opinion. And here she was, humping her pillow, giving Megan the show of her lifetime. It had all started with a call from her mother, who had been living next to Lisa's parents for at least 20 years. They were good friends and when Lisa's mother had mentioned to her that Lisa wanted to move to Megan’s hometown to go to college there in fall, it had taken her all but a few seconds to suggest that Lisa rent a room in Megan's big condo. Megan herself had been here for the last 13 years, first for college, then later to work at the company she had been an intern for during her first years. It had been a small company at the time, but with some luck and the right strategy, they had risen to be one of the bigger employers in town. And with Megan being part of it almost from the beginning, she herself had risen to be one of the senior employees in the company, now being responsible for 20+ other employees. She had bought her condo only 2 years ago, giving herself the treat of getting the penthouse of the 4 story high building, which added privacy and a big balcony to the deal. It was almost too big for her alone, but she had fallen in love with it the moment she had stepped into it and bought it a short time later. She knew she could easily afford it so the decision had been easy. So she hadn’t been looking for a flatmate, not needing one and enjoying her freedom from her former flatmates, and had been less enthusiastic than her mother thought she would be, when she had told her about Lisa's plans. She had known Lisa since she was a baby of course, she even had babysat her from time to time. But it had been 5 years since they had seen each other, and now being 19 years and going to college, Lisa might have changed from little girl to a drug addicted goth for all Megan knew. It had taken her mother almost half an hour to convince her that Lisa was still the shy, pleasant girl she had been back then. They had agreed to Megan visiting her parents and having a talk with Lisa about her plans. That had been 3 months ago and it took Megan all but 5 minutes to decide that Lisa could indeed rent a room from her and that she would have to restrain herself from seducing the girl on her first evening there. Since then it had been a constant struggle for Megan to not be too obvious, not wanting to scare innocent little Lisa away. The same innocent little Lisa, who was now right before her own eyes, not so innocently humping her pillow while squeezing her small breasts and moaning like a pornstar. Megan couldn’t tear her eyes from the view, now leaning against the doorframe and starting to massage her own breasts through her blouse. She watched fascinated, as Lisa continued for almost a minute, then stopping abruptly and leaning slightly forward. At first Megan thought she had been seen and slowly backed away a few steps. But Lisa didn’t look at her or made any move at all, just leaning slightly forward. Then a grunt, and bending a bit further. Now it looked like she was having some cramp or pain. Megan looked on, now slightly concerned for the wellbeing of her flatmate. That is until Lisa gasped in relief and then started humping the pillow again in earnest. Megan looked on, now confused about that little interlude until it started again, Lisa leaning forward a bit more this time and now exposing her little butt to Megan. Megan almost gasped at what she saw at that moment, holding her hand over her mouth in shock. Lisa wasn’t wearing panties as she first had thought. They had looked a bit childish to Megan, with small animals printed on them. But now Megan recognized them as some kind of pull ups or diapers, and Lisa was right in the middle of filling them to the brim. It took her a few seconds more, then she gasped again and resumed humping her pillow. By now it had been a few minutes of Megan watching Lisa, and Megan was unsure of how to react, when Lisa’s moaning got a bit louder and then stopped suddenly. Looking up Megan saw her shaking all over her body and then slump forward, panting like she just ran a marathon. Megan was still confused but she knew she had to leave or Lisa would see her right away, which would be very awkward for both of them. So Megan slowly backed away towards her own bedroom, still somewhat unsure of how to react. When she entered her room, she tried to analyze the situation she had just seen. Was Lisa really wearing a diaper while she masturbated? It could have been some odd panties. But she had watched her mess herself. Could she just have misinterpreted the grunts? Perhaps she was in pain. But then Megan shook her head. No, she had seen what had happened. Hell, she had smelled what had happened. Little innocent Lisa had humped her pillow while wearing a diaper and messing herself, and from the looks of it, she had had quite the orgasm in the end. Who would have thought Megan thought to herself, now smiling and starting to undress from her work clothes. With the confusion and concern for Lisa out of the way, Megan's arousal came back with full force. It had been quite the show and to Megan’s own surprise, the kinky behavior of Lisa hadn’t been repulsive at all. When she had thought about scat and similar stuff before, it had been quite disgusting for her, not being sexy at all. Now looking back, when picturing Lisa with her filled little diaper on her pillow, it only added to Megan’s own arousal. She started squeezing her breasts again and it only took her a few moments to let one hand slip into her panties, which were already quite wet from the show earlier. With the picture of Lisa in her mind, she started masturbating again and it only took her a few minutes to finish with a very satisfying orgasm. An orgasm and a decision that would change hers and Lisa’s relationship quite a bit she knew. Megan had taken a shower in her ensuite afterwards and had put on some casual clothes again. Now she was hungry and went down the hall to the kitchen. When she reached Lisa's room, things were unchanged from when she had left. Lisa was still lying in her bed, fast asleep. Megan almost laughed when she saw it, but then she started thinking that this would be her perfect opportunity. She continued on to the kitchen and started making something to eat as fast as she could. A few minutes later she returned, now entering the room and sitting down right next to the girl on her bed. She was still sleeping, and Megan looked over her with hunger in her eyes. She would make Lisa hers, of that she was sure. And it would be so much fun to do it, too. Megan looked at Lisa's butt again and saw that her suspicions had been right. Lisa was wearing some pull ups, and looking at them from the side, Megan could see an opening in the back where the leghole was. Lisa obviously had made a big mess, bigger than what the pull up could handle and it had pushed back against the pull up so that she could see the mess from where she was sitting. It was quite a surprise for her to not be disgusted by this but to look forward to cleaning up her little dirty girl in the future. But that would have to wait, today Lisa would be very embarrassed and it would be Megan's first priority, to make her comfortable again, preferable in her arms. With a deep breath and steeling herself for what would come next, she gently touched Lisa on her shoulder, slowly caressing her down her arm and ending on her hip, just touching the side of Lisa’s diaper. “Lisa honey. Wake up, it’s time for dinner.” Lisa's eyes fluttered a bit and she started moving, but it took her a while to open her eyes and look around in confusion about what was happening. Megan smiled down at her and gently patted her on the hip. “Come on sleepyhead, it’s time to get up. I prepared dinner.” “What time is it?” “Almost 6:30. You were fast asleep and I thought you would like something to eat before you go to bed again.” Lisa smiled at Megan’s grin, knowing that she was just lazily wasting most of the day since she had assembled the last of her furniture in the morning, which had been quite tiring. “That and I think you need a change.” With that Lisa’s eyes flew open in shock. She had completely forgotten what she had been up to before she fell asleep and now it came back to her. And Megan had caught her. Slowly she was fumbling for her blanket to cover herself, knowing that it didn’t really matter anymore. Tears started running down her cheeks while she looked up at Megan with fearful eyes. “It’s alright, Lisa.” Megan was still caressing her side and now looked up, seeing Lisa’s hand becoming frantic in her search for her blanket. “Shhh, it’s okay. Here, let me help you.” With that, she pulled the blanket over Lisa’s still mostly naked body and then resumed gently petting her on her shoulder. “It’s alright, you’re not in trouble. I know you’re embarrassed, but I’m really okay with it. You know, why don’t I go back into the kitchen and look after dinner again, while you get up, go take a shower and then join me and have something to eat, okay? We can talk about it then.” She was looking into Lisa’s eyes and then nodded her head and with a small hug started to stand up and slowly leave the room.
  9. Chapter 1: The Potion Long after Voldemort’s fall there was always one thing that stuck with Harry Potter. One event, one period of time that would startle him out of sleep long after the trauma had faded, long after he’d learned to live with all he’d experienced. It was something he couldn’t speak to anyone about, and something he couldn’t forget. It happened during that last year, while they were on the run from the Ministry’s forces. Camping in the Weasley’s tent, carrying with them the Horcrux pendant. Harry and Ron had just had their argument, and Ron had disappeared, and Hermione and him had been forced to move on, disapparating, leaving behind any hope of Ron’s return. Hermione was angry with Harry, and he was angry with himself. They camped on a windswept rocky outcropping, and it was as cold as Harry felt. He went looking for more blankets, hoping he could shore up some heat loss, and maybe soften Hermione’s mood. He found some in a large chest, that like the Tent, and like Hermione’s bag of holding, was larger inside than out. Inside the chest was more like a shed, with shelves of supplies, and what Harry was sure was the Weasley’s other tent. Crawling in, he found blankets easily enough, but as he rummaged through them he stumbled upon some things — there were old soup cans, boxes of dry detergent, an old crate of muggle things (an electric drill, and some old board games), dusty looking candies, and a basket of toiletries. He almost didn’t give it a second look, but he saw that they were girl’s things — tampons, a packet of hair ties, flowery shampoos, and nestled down beneath everything, a packet of nappies. Well not nappies, Harry decided as he looked closer, they were Pullups. nighttime pullups, DryNites✫ brand to be exact. Harry stared at them for a long while, partly because he knew to whom these things must belong, and partly because it was a welcome distraction from everything else going on. The last time either tent had been used, had been for the Quidditch World Cup, and the Girls tent was where Hermione and Ginny stayed. These were Ginny’s things. Ginny’s nappies. The thought somehow made him feel closer to Ginny. He knew he should be embarrassed for her, but he saw her in his imagination, clearer than he’d done in months. Going to bed in the tent, slipping on the humiliating thing. Why? She must have a problem, a bed-wetting problem? Or else, an all-the-time problem? Regardless, this secret was his now. Something he shared with her. A bit of intimacy. He imagined her in them, as he slipped one out of the package. And he saw her body, mostly naked, as she pulled one up her legs. And then he saw her in the morning, somehow waking up beside him, and he’s reaching down, and saying: “Looks like you’re wet again, Ginny.” And she replies, her cheeks blushing to match her hair: “I’m sorry.” But he’d have none of it. He’d help her, tearing the yellowed nappy at the seams, and cleaning her most sensitive bits with a wipe. She’d lean into him, feeling safe, and happy, and taken care of. He wanted that most: to hold her, and take care of her. Without realizing it he’d developed an erection, and embarrassed with himself, he quickly returned the pull-ups and things to the shelves. With one last look he grabbed the blankets climbed out of the Chest, trying to make sure everything looked as he’d found it. As his feet touched the floor of the tent, he turned to Hermione, her nose in a book as always. “Did you know that chest is bloody huge inside?” He asked, but she only looked at him. Eyes bloodshot with tears, and her look answered for her. “Of course I know that Harry,” it said. “You’re an idiot.” If the blankets, left folded upon her bunk, had any effect on her mood at all it might have made things worse. Over the next day she hardly said a word, and left Harry almost entirely on his own. All there was to do was to look at books, and listen to the wind howling outside. Hermione would cry, sometimes, but she didn’t let him see it. She missed Ron. He knew she hoped, wished, prayed, that Ron would return and Harry wanted nothing more than for her to get what she wanted. And as if it had heard him (which should have been an enormous red flag) the answer appeared before him: in a book of potions. It all but fell open to the perfect spell, the perfect way to undo the damage he’d done, and bring Ron back; and looking at the ingredients it didn’t even look all that difficult, and it was topical, meaning all he’d have to do is put her in contact with it (It would have been a real difficulty to get her to drink a potion). They had a cauldron they’d mostly been using for heating soups, and nearly all the ingredients were food-like enough. He was also willing to bet that Hermione was so engrossed in both her book and her concerted effort to ignore him that she wouldn’t notice even if the recipe require a Bog’s Heart; she’d ignore even the worst smells or loudest bubbles, he was sure. Maybe it was the influence of the horcrux, or something else, but the whole time he was assembling the potion he couldn’t imagine what would go wrong. Through his bitter feelings and thoughts he couldn’t see his friend Hermione, and he couldn’t believe she’d want anything else than Ron. The worst that would happen is it would banish him, replace Harry with Ron, which was what he felt he deserved. Walking with the potion, holding it in a tea cup, as he moved toward her he knew what he wanted. It had hurt her so much to choose Harry over Ron — to choose the mission over... whatever those two were. He wanted to help her make a different choice, or remove that choice from the table completely. As he approached he made like he’d slipped, and “spilled” the tea on her lap. “Harry!” she yelped, jumping up, and all her anger welled in her. She looked at him, and he waited for it. Bracing himself for banishment, or punishment. She seethed, and shook, “Honestly, I wish you’d just...” she began, and he closed his eyes, almost afraid of what would happen next. But a moment passed, and when he opened them again she’d deflated. She looked at him sweetly, with all the warmth and pity pouring out on her face. She looked cute, and like she needed a hug. Normally he didn’t let himself think of her that way, but she also looked very pretty. He watched her, still half-hoping she’d say the right thing, or at least think it in her head. But then his eyes wandered down, past her house-coat to her soaked crotch, and without thinking he thought of Ginny’s Pull-ups. It did look like she’d had an accident, she did look like... “I just wish you’d get what you want.” Hermione completed her sentence and panic rose in Harry. He sat frozen, but after a long few seconds nothing happened. He’d mucked up the potion. They were safe. ✫DryNites is the brand in the UK, and debuted in 1994 (the same year as the quidditch world cup) at this point they would be plain white with just a DryNites/GoodNites tag on the back. Some notes on this... I did try to match JK's voice, and generally be british-y as much as possible so that it wouldn't be jarring, but I'm american, and I'm not going to kill myself to be perfect in that regard. Also, I'd prefer to use the word Diaper, but it just makes no sense. I tried to be as accurate to the books as I could as well, and I'm pretty sure my nerdy obsession with HP has helped there. I reread the relevant chapters, and I'm pretty sure I got it fairly close, and the timeline does (and will) make sense. And then as far as the tent I'm purposely going with the tent as represented in the books and the Goblet of Fire film. In Deathly Hollows the filmmakers decided to make the tent much more spartan, which I get, it fits with the mood, but would make it really hard for any of this to work. It also makes no sense. This is a good illustration of what I'm working with: https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=cjG7QP5IL8c Thank you so much for reading! I have more chapters in the pipeline I'll be posting on Friday!
  10. I'm a Daddy type seeking a Roleplay partner who would play the Daughter-type or LG in a DDLG type RP. Absolutely has to be a female character you’re playing. I prefer longer, more detailed responses; a lengthy paragraph or couple of paragraphs each time. I would prefer doing it via private messages but I have a RP going in the forum at the moment, so I'm not against that if that's what you prefer. I tend to lean towards romance being an element in my RP’s as well, so just putting that out there. My interests lie mostly in female characters who probably need diapers but aren’t into them yet (women having accidents or nearly having them quite frequently), and the RP involving them getting into diapers in some way, shape, or form. Be it by their own will or being forced into them. I guess you can say my interests lie a bit more on the DL side than the AB side, but I’m not against regression being an element in the RP and it becoming somewhat AB-oriented as long as the regression is part of the story. Other things I like in roleplays are humiliation (for the female character), women peeing, pooping, and farting, light bondage, somnophilia (sleep sex, being taken advantage of in my sleep or the other way around). I very much enjoy role reversal type scenarios. In this case, probably a woman in a position of power over my character either taking something submissive like being diapered and making it more she’s the one controlling him, OR slowly having the tables turned on her and finding herself dependent on him. Giving spankings, giving enemas, voyeurism/exhibitionism, ENF (Embarrassed Nude Female) / CMNF (Clothed Male Naked Female), and others which I’ll try to come up with if you’re curious and ask. Here are most of my kinks: https://i.imgur.com/Pmbclfk.png If you PM me, let me know what you’re into, what you’re not into. I don’t need to have all of my turn-ons included by any means, so no pressure if there are things you’re really not comfortable with. If what I’m putting down interests you, then below I’m going to have a handful of RP scenarios for you to choose from. If you’re interested, send me a message with the RP you chose as the message subject, and we’ll discuss things. Doesn't have to be verbatim one of the scenarios, could be an idea you came up with that you think I might like, or a tweaked version of one of mine, or a combination of two or more of them. If I get one scenario going, I might turn others down who come to me with the same RP scenario chosen. Discussing the RP before just starting RPs is probably the way to go. Here are the scenarios: 1. Cranky Boss: A high-ranking executive businesswoman, probably the daughter of someone even higher-ranking, goes to great lengths to deliberately make her new shy personal assistant uncomfortable because she has so much fun watching him clench up. However, when her ‘pranks’ start involving diapers and having him change her, she finds herself softening up and no longer doing it for the reasons she started. Is she falling for him or just enjoying the pampering and diapers more than she expected? 2. Bully-Turned-Daddy: A meek high school girl with a reputation of running to the girl’s restroom every time she needs to go…finds herself being diapered by a bully. She can’t take the diaper off herself, thanks to some super glue the bully utilizes in the tape of the diaper, so she has to embarrassedly report to him at the end of the day so he can remove it and give her her panties back. An unusual romance develops however, when the bully ends up becoming an unexpected Daddy figure in her life and the diapers (as well as someone she can talk to about these issues) wind up being exactly what she needed. 3. Baby Girl’s Trusted Sidekick: The city’s beloved superheroine has a rather unusual origin story. Her bodily fluids and solids actually depower her, weaken her, and at their peak build-up, make her a regular ordinary woman. Unfortunately, the substances within her have chemical properties that are harmful to the world around them and can only be handled in a, undergarment made of material fabricated specifically for her that, regrettably, she can’t physically handle herself for Kryptonite-esque comic book reasons. Her often overshadowed partner, often ridiculed as merely her ‘sidekick’ by others, has to be the one to clean her up and pamper her in order for her to be as effective as she is. Will this secret ever be revealed to the public? Does the sidekick become more than just a sidekick to her? 4. Private Tutoring: A rather kinky teacher with a lust for showing herself off finds herself a boy in her class she thinks she can have a lot of fun with. His eyes linger whenever her short skirts flutter a bit, and he shifts a bit in his seat when she stands right beside him at his desk with her panty-less, miniskirt-covered crotch is mere inches from his face. Being a psychology teacher, she knows full well this boy is struggling to keep his grades up because he clearly is attracted to her, not that it bothers her in the slightest. Private tutoring just gives her more opportunities to have fun with the boy, and even test out some of her more out-there kinks. She’s always wanted to freely wet herself in front of someone, and how naughty to do it with a student who would never turn her in? Surely that’s bold enough, but she keeps going further, until the day comes when she’s having him change her diaper for ‘extra credit.’ 5. Not From Around Here: Whether she’s from an alien race that can look human or from some Wonder Woman-esque land outside of average society, this woman finds herself exiled from her people and naively trying to understand the world she now has to live in. Where she comes from, they’re more open with their bodies and a lot of the things typically done behind closed doors are done more openly. She bumps into a man with a womanizing past, admittedly trying to better himself, who takes it upon himself to try his best to help her adjust to the new world around her. Seemingly no longer can she walk around without any clothes on, relieve herself wherever she stood, or pleasure herself whenever and wherever she felt the urge. She might not need to get used to toilets however with the freedom diapers still provides her. Sometimes it’s a dream come true to have a beautiful open woman roaming about the house, while other times she’s a handful. Can he make it work? A few more ideas I had to get creative juices going. Happy Thanksgiving to my U.S. friends on here. 6. Cursed: A bratty popular girl pisses off the wrong roaming spiritualist. This gypsy woman places a curse upon her head, which the girl initially writes off. When she wakes up in the morning however, she finds herself diapered. Cruel prank? Apparently the cruelest, she can't get the diaper off! Nothing seems to work, not even scissors or tearing it away. She has to go to school, however, so she does her best to hide it. Finding the gypsy woman after a rough day at school, she is told the only way the diapers can come off is if the person she's been the cruelest to grants her the kindness. A boy she's always picked on, whether because she kinda likes him and doesn't know how to show it or because she genuinely felt he was lesser than her, turns out to be the key to this curse. She can't take the diaper off, but he can! All seems well until the next morning, when she wakes up with another diaper on. With the gypsy woman nowhere to be found, she finds herself having to seek him out for the embarrassing task of removing her undergarments. Curses are never simple, however, are they? She doesn't even realize the curse gets more complicated as time goes on. Will the curse ever be broken? If so, how embarrassing and vulnerable will she have to be before it is? Will she grow a newfound appreciation for the boy she's mistreated along the way? 7. Novice Wizard: Being a novice at a school for magic-wielders in training is pretty tough. What's even worse however is when a rival of hers is one of the best and uses his mastery to make you look rather foolish on a regular basis. At any given moment she can suddenly start wetting herself and be completely unable to stop the flow of her bodily fluids, no matter where she is or who's nearby. After a number of such incidents occur, it becomes harder and harder to tell if she's still the victim of a prank from one of her rival's spells, or if something is genuinely wrong with her. The diapers he puts her in without her even realizing seem necessary if they weren't so humiliating. If only she could get him back! But how could she? She spends so much time being on the defensive for such cruel pranks, she doesn't have time to master spells the way he does. Will she ever surpass him? Or is she doomed to be the school baby girl against her will? Or maybe the story goes in a completely different direction, and an unusual romance develops between them. 8. Guy on the Train: She had always heard stories about what goes on during crowded subway commutes, but she was never warned about the kind of thing that happened to her. It started like how she was warned: a guy standing behind her getting a little handsy. He lifted her skirt, pulled her panties down and completely off. A living nightmare. Suddenly, something soft was being pulled up her calves, knees and thighs. She was now wearing something cushiony underneath her skirt. Before anything made sense, the man was gone, and she had reached her stop. It was a diaper. But why? Why diaper a woman on the subway? If she still had her panties, she would've changed back into them at the nearest bathroom, but instead she had to wear the dang thing home. She found herself pondering it more and more. Another commute, it happens again, only on the way to work. Seemingly the same guy, only now she has to wear it all day at work, and on the commute home later. The commute home gets worse...does he want her to USE it? Why does he want this? Why her? Will these questions be answered, does it go in a story-driven direction, or is it just a weird couple instances? 9. A Superheroine Humiliated: A superheroine's arch-nemesis (or perhaps just a new villain on the rise), is on the loose: The Humiliator. His name doesn't really describe his abilities but more his M.O., how he leaves the police officers who try to foil his petty, immature schemes. Unfortunately, he's too much for even the mightier superheroines, and your character finds herself puzzled by how quickly and easily he's bested her. Before she knows it, she's being forced into a diaper in front of a crowd of citizens and law enforcement. If that's not bad enough, what he did to her during that time has seemingly caused her to have accidents in her day-to-day life. Despite how embarrassing as it was to be diapered in front of people, she finds herself needing diapers. The only person with answers as to why she needs them seems to be her new-found nemesis. Does he turn over a new leaf and help her, will she always need the diapers, or will something else come of their future encounters? Depending on how she feels about the diapers as time goes on, the RP could go in different directions. 10. The Eccentric Billionaire: Your character gets a job as a cleaning lady for a rather reclusive billionaire. He's very particular, however, and has had a lot of employees steal from him in the past. And since he doesn't want the bathrooms she just cleaned to be soiled or dirtied after being cleaned, he insists she doesn't use the bathrooms while on duty. His solution? Her work dress code involves her wearing a diaper all about the house. And being forbidden from using the bathroom means she must use the diapers. He feels the need to inspect her before she leaves anyway, just to make sure she's not leaving with anything of his, so she finds herself in the odd position of being changed by him during the day. He has a lot of food to eat in the fridge during her breaks, but there's something off about how they taste, and she can't help but wonder that she desperately needs to go to the bathroom the longer she works there. Is it possible her food and drinks are laced with muscle relaxers, diuretics, and laxatives? Would her boss really do that? Despite his eccentricities, there's potential for an odd romance here I'd be curious in exploring if anyone's up for it. 11. Blackmailed Teacher: A high school teacher finds herself struggling to hold in her pee and bowel movement while watching over a lone student in detention. She had been warned not to leave him alone for a second as he was very wily and not to be trusted. When she approaches the boy and tells him she needs to step out for a second, caving and deciding to leave him alone despite the warnings she had been given, she discovers approaching the boy was the biggest mistake she'd make. Rather than letting her go to the bathroom, he pulls her pants down/skirt off in a single motion, and the sudden jolt of losing clothing is enough for her to let loose right in front of the boy. Things go from bad to worse when he's quick enough to whip out his phone and get footage of it recorded. The image of her with her panties on full display to him at the start of the video would give people cause to believe an attempt to inappropriately seduce her student only resulted in a rather embarrassing accident. He of course won't share the video but only because he has humiliating plans for her to have more accidents in the future and become his Baby Girl, diapers and all. But as long as none of them are revealed to the other students, it's all worth it, right? Right?
  11. Hello! Long post, so kudos to anyone who reads it all and is still interested. So I haven’t been on this site in what looks like over three years, and I was brought back when I saw an email notification for something from this site in my inbox. I’ve been RPing on RPHaven for probably most of my time away from here, but this kinda stuff isn’t the most common thing people like to do in the RP's there. Seeing as how I’ve been kinda drawn back here, I thought maybe I’d try to cast out a net for some RP’s and see if I can get one or a couple going via the messages. Absolutely has to be a female character you’re playing, and in all honesty I’d probably feel more comfortable with a female RPer, but maybe I’ll be more open-minded if you can sell me on your RP ability. Who knows? I prefer longer, more detailed responses; a lengthy paragraph or couple of paragraphs each time and I would prefer doing it via private messages. But if people are interested in reading any of these in the Roleplay Forum, I can be convinced to posting responses there if my RP partner is up for it. I tend to lean towards romance being an element in my RP’s as well, so just putting that out there. My interests lie mostly in female characters who probably need diapers but aren’t into them yet (women having accidents or find themselves running to the bathroom and only barely making it in time), and the RP involving them getting into diapers in some way, shape, or form. Be it by their own will or being forced into them. I guess you can say my interests lie a bit more on the DL side than the AB side, but I’m not against regression being an element in the RP and it becoming somewhat AB-oriented as long as the regression is part of the story. Other things I like in roleplays are humiliation (for the female character), women peeing, pooping, and farting, light bondage, somniphilia (sleep sex, being taken advantage of in my sleep or the other way around). I very much enjoy role reversal type scenarios. In this case, probably a woman in a position of power over my character either taking something submissive like being diapered and making it more she’s the one controlling him, OR slowly having the tables turned on her and finding herself dependent on him. Giving enemas, voyeurism/exhibitionism, ENF (Embarrassed Nude Female) / CMNF (Clothed Male Naked Female), and others which I’ll try to come up with if you’re curious and ask. If you PM me, let me know what you’re into, what you’re not into. I don’t need to have all of my turn-ons included by any means, so no pressure if there are things you’re really not comfortable with. If what I’m putting down interests you, then below I’m going to have a handful of RP scenarios for you to choose from. If you’re interested, send me a message with the RP you chose as the message subject, and we’ll discuss things. If I get one scenario going, I might turn others down who come to me with the same RP scenario chosen. Discussing the RP before just starting RPs is probably the way to go. On to the scenarios: 1. 1. Cranky Boss: A high-ranking executive businesswoman, probably the daughter of someone even higher-ranking, goes to great lengths to deliberately make her new shy personal assistant uncomfortable because she has so much fun watching him clench up. However, when her ‘pranks’ start involving diapers and having him change her, she finds herself softening up and no longer doing it for the reasons she started. Is she falling for him or just enjoying the pampering and diapers more than she expected? 2. Bully-Turned-Daddy: A meek high school girl with a reputation of running to the girl’s restroom every time she needs to go…finds herself being diapered by a bully. She can’t take the diaper off herself, thanks to some super glue the bully utilizes in the tape of the diaper, so she has to embarrassedly report to him at the end of the day so he can remove it and give her her panties back. An unusual romance develops however, when the bully ends up becoming an unexpected Daddy figure in her life and the diapers (as well as someone she can talk to about these issues) wind up being exactly what she needed. 3. 3. Baby Girl’s Trusted Sidekick: The city’s beloved superheroine has a rather unusual origin story. Her bodily fluids and solids actually depower her, weaken her, and at their peak build-up, make her a regular ordinary woman. Unfortunately, the substances within her have chemical properties that are harmful to the world around them and can only be handled in a, undergarment made of material fabricated specifically for her that, regrettably, she can’t physically handle herself for Kryptonite-esque comic book reasons. Her often overshadowed partner, often ridiculed as merely her ‘sidekick’ by others, has to be the one to clean her up and pamper her in order for her to be as effective as she is. Will this secret ever be revealed to the public? Does the sidekick become more than just a sidekick to her? 4. 4. Private Tutoring: A rather kinky teacher with a lust for showing herself off finds herself a boy in her class she thinks she can have a lot of fun with. His eyes linger whenever her short skirts flutter a bit, and he shifts a bit in his seat when she stands right beside him at his desk with her panty-less, miniskirt-covered crotch is mere inches from his face. Being a psychology teacher, she knows full well this boy is struggling to keep his grades up because he clearly is attracted to her, not that it bothers her in the slightest. Private tutoring just gives her more opportunities to have fun with the boy, and even test out some of her more out-there kinks. She’s always wanted to freely wet herself in front of someone, and how naughty to do it with a student who would never turn her in? Surely that’s bold enough, but she keeps going further, until the day comes when she’s having him change her diaper for ‘extra credit.’ 5 5. Not From Around Here: Whether she’s from an alien race that can look human or from some Wonder Woman-esque land outside of average society, this woman finds herself exiled from her people and naively trying to understand the world she now has to live in. Where she comes from, they’re more open with their bodies and a lot of the things typically done behind closed doors are done more openly. She bumps into a man with a womanizing past, admittedly trying to better himself, who takes it upon himself to try his best to help her adjust to the new world around her. Seemingly no longer can she walk around without any clothes on, relieve herself wherever she stood, or pleasure herself whenever and wherever she felt the urge. She might not need to get used to toilets however with the freedom diapers still provides her. Sometimes it’s a dream come true to have a beautiful open woman roaming about the house, while other times she’s a handful. Can he make it work? S Send me a PM if you're interested in discussing any of these roleplay scenarios!
  12. Taken from the book: Tame & Wild (ABDL BedTime Stories), here is a story about the completion of want as a college schoolgirl goes straight to the head of her class. ---------------------------- How to Write a Love Letter - Katie finished writing the tenth sentence on the tiny chalkboard on the wall. She set the chalk back on the ledge and slapped her hands together twice, clapping the residue from her fingertips as she stepped back to look at her work. She smiled warmly, but with a sly upward turn to the corners of her mouth. Everything had worked out exactly as she wanted it to. And she stood in the middle of her professor’s office – exactly where she wanted to be. Her professor was an extremely attractive guy, with a clean-shaven, well-kept look. He was the right mixture of charm and success. The laws of attraction took hold and beginning on the second day of classes, she always sat in the front row, center seat – dressed head to toe as the schoolgirl dream she hoped that passed through his mind at night. In reality, practically every female student wanted him in a way that she only whispered to her pillow at night. Katie was one of many admirers, but at present, she was the only one standing in his office. And before she tucked her tail between her legs from rejection, she would have her turn to woo the sexy writing teacher with her prose. The advanced composition class he taught met three times a week – Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 1:10 – 2:30 pm. And it was her final class each of those days. She was called to his office on this particular Friday afternoon for a simple infraction of repeated tardiness – or so he said. Oh my, how she enjoyed being late. Her tardiness was deliberate, in order to get his attention. She would average being ten minutes late, so her entrance would stop him from teaching and make him watch her as she took graceful steps to her seat. Each day, she would add a new little touch to her schoolgirl look. From that perfect make-up to those braided pigtails to the right color of checkered skirt (yanked just a bit higher each try) to the earrings to the partially unbutton dress shirt, her schoolgirl outfit was primed to take her straight to head of his class. Today’s touches included white stocking and a pink checkered skirt, a last minute purchase that morning. Standing in his office, Katie folded her hands behind her back, perusing the books on the shelves and trying not to think of him too much before he got there. The weekly assignment was always to submit a paper to him after each Friday’s class, demonstrating some of the writing techniques they had discussed in class that week. In this particular week, she had submitted her paper to him after the Wednesday calls, hoping it would produce the meet she wanted. She took the opportunity to use what she learned in writing him a letter – straight from the heart. And she held nothing back. This was her first semester in college and as a new freshman, she was becoming engrossed in the freedoms she had never known before now. Dorm life was eye-opening and so were the weekend parties. But Katie always walked a straight line when it came to class work. She took everything seriously and pursued what she wanted with a passion. That’s why the day she first walked into his class, she fell seriously in love with him. And that’s why she did all that she needed to in order to wind up in his office today. She sat down in the cushioned chair behind his desk, taking a moment to sit crossed-legged before parting her thighs and stretching her legs out to rest her ankles on the edge of the desk. This meeting wasn’t about academics, but rather the completion of an urge she simply couldn’t control anymore and didn’t want to. And if the lust in her heart was anything like what he could feel for her, then all the competition she went through to get here would’ve been well worth the effort. All she needed to do was invest in the wiles which fueled her passion to begin with. She unbuttoned the top two buttons of her shirt, leaving just enough of a glimpse of her cleavage and the lacey edges of her white bra to make him want to see more. Feeling the backside of her legs, she checked to make certain she hadn’t missed any hairs. In her purse, she had every possible thing needed for every possible direction her time with him may have gone. She pealed her pink skirt up, pulling out the waistband of her white cotton panties, to make certain of her smoothness all over. Her tiny fingertips reached inside her panties and crossed over a peach she had taken quite some time. Heaving her chest and arching her lower back, she traced the outer lips of her labia, teasing her waking arousal before concentrating on her hood. She leaned her head back against the cushion chair as she closed her eyes and let out the first many small whimpers of enjoyment. Yeah, it was a lot of work being a girl, but it was worth it all. She was a girl and he was a guy she liked. Her imagination ran wild. And she saw herself as his lover, his soul mate, his wife … even his BabyGirl (but that would be a revelation of the future, not of the moment.) And they way that she saw it, there was only one thing that stood between the present and the life to follow … she simply needed to tell him how she felt. Recognizing that she could be crushed in a single instant with a single breath of air, she knew that the first impression needed to be lasting. And as the office door opened, she leaped up onto his desk, sitting up and stretching her legs out. It was the fantasy she dreamed and the fantasy she had merely to begin making the rest of her life. The power needed was in her hands and in her heart. Every little advancement in life or good fortune Katie had found came from a bit of hard work and determination –made harder, from time to time, by the natural competition she often encountered from other girls. She accepted that life would always make her work harder than others to get those things which many rarely had to lift a finger to acquire. But she had long since gotten over the hurt of that. Instead, she channeled that hurt into determination. That’s why she basked in the victory she had all ready won by being in her professor’s office. And sitting on the top of his desk as he entered the room, she was ready to let her wiles do the talking. She would not feel guilty for having won the competitions of life nor would she feel bad for what she had to do to get where she was now. Her professor shut the door behind him and stopped dead in his tracks, seeing her sprawled out on his desk with crossed legs, a heaving chest and a twinkle in her eye which showed the lust in her thoughts. “We need to talk, Katie,
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