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  1. I very recently told my non-DL partner about my kink. I'm now at a place where I'm finally comfortable and able to indulge in diapers without shame or secrecy. However, there is so much information out there. It's extremely overwhelming. I know there are probably threads with the answers in looking for, but I'm hoping that I can get streamlined information here. With all of that said: 1.) Where do you buy cloth adult diapers? Do any of the big AB/DL stores sell them? 2.) How do you clean cloth diapers? If you just wet them , then I'd guess you just throw them in the wash. But what if you mess them? 3.) I've heard that there are disposable linings you use for cloth diapers that you can flush after using. Do these actually exist and do they come in adult sizes? 4.) If you use disposable diapers, how do you conceal the smell after throwing them away? 5.) How do you deal with guilty feelings about contributing to the filling of landfills with even more disposable diapers? As well as with your own bio waste? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Any abdl’s from Wisconsin willing to talk?
  3. Im new to this fourm and would love to chat with some Scottish Diaper Lovers as im looking to find friends with an interest in Pullups
  4. Looking to meet other ABDL males in Ithaca New York. Can’t wait to meet you guys !
  5. Julie was running as fast as she can from the party that her friend hosted that got busted by cops. She found a window open in a quiet house that looked like nobody was home. After landing in it. Julie decides she will spend the night here. She was a little buzzed still from the drinks she had. Julie sat down then layed her head against some what she thought were pillows. She then picked one up and said "Wait a second these arnt pillows they are diapers! Just what I need! What is this place?" Julie puts on the thick diaper which perfectly. She then stands up and looks at the childish design room, crib, and closet full of clothes. Julie surprised "Oh a daycare! Makes sense and look here we have some cute clothes! They look like they will fit perfectly on me!" Julie then puts on a pink flower skirt overalls that barely covered her diaper. Then looked in the mirror and said "oh yea looking good. Fifty flavors of cute right here". Julie then feels her bladder needing released then let's it all out in her diaper "oh I'm totally filling my diaper up. Is this what freedom feels like!" Julie then grabs her wet soggy diaper and starts rubbing it "oh what's this! Oh my this feels so good. So squishy and warm. I might...uh...hmmm.. oh my I'm such a naughty girl" Julie then gets super tired and falls asleep. Julie then wakes up but finds her diaper clean. Confused who had changed it. The window has been locked. "Whoever changed me must have locked the window. How do I get out of here!" She then looks at a tall window typed door. Julie sees a lock and chain on the other side. She starts to get on her tipy toes to try and unlock it but shes way to short to reach it! She trys to yell out for help but no use. Julie sees a mommy like women enter the door way then yells out "Hey there must be some mistake I'm not really a child. I know how it looks but someone changed me already. I don't belong here and..." Julie then pauses and see a officer come in with the women. The women says "sorry I can't be anymore help officier". The officer then says "well if you do see her let me know". The women picks up Julie then says "What do you need darling?". As Julie is picked up. She wets herself from the officier standing right by holding his radio. Julie trys to play along till officier leaves. She then says in babyish tone "I need diapie changed!" The officer then looks at Julie and says to women "she looks a little big for diapers don't you think?". As the women lays down Julie on the changing table and opens her wet diaper "yea but don't let that fool you she deffinatly does need them. This is her third diaper change today! Isn't that right little stinker. Ran right through her little tummy didn't it? Do you need fed some more sweetie?". As Julie gets up from her diaper change she is super hungry. Julie then says "yes oh my god I'm starving. I mean... baby very hungwy." The officier still a little confused then says "you sure she's not to old. To me she looks to big to be in daycare much less nurse on a boob." Then Julie confused and in her head said to herself "Wait did he say.... nurse on a boob" then Julie sees the women put her huge boob right in Julie's face. Then the women says "your meals already cupcake" The women picks up Julie then the officier says "well your the expert but gosh.. kids these days" the women then pushes her boob closer to Julie's mouth with Julie having a super shocked look on her face and can't believe what she's about to have her do. Then the women smiles and says "they look so mature don't they?" Julie then having to play along starts sucking on the women's boob and starting to feel the milk enter her mouth then start to drip off her face. The women then says "it's all that fast food chemicals and formula they grow up on. Little girls need the real thing" As Julie kept drinking she felt her bowls release. A huge amount of poo entered her diaper. From all the drinks she drank it was super slushie and mushy. The diaper sagged super low in her humiliating situation. The officier then smells the horrible present she made in her diaper then says "that's my cue to leave". The women smiles and says "that's right sweetie get it all out" After Julie's humilating situation. The women then starts changing her diaper. "Peeyeew looks like my girl left me a big present in her diaper. We got to cut back on that big girl food and get you back on baby food" After Julie's diaper change she sees the clip board to sign out of nursery and tells the women "Hey so thank you for the diaper change and all. It looks like it's closing time so il just sign myself out". The women then snatches the clip board "oh I don't think so. Your coming home with me. Il take good care of you before somebody comes to claim you". Julie shocked "oh that's really not necessary" as Julie said that the women swooped up Julie and carried her in her arms and said "but you need a mommy to change your diapers and I got every size diaper imaginable. You can stay in my nursery. It was getting lonely with just me and my cats. The nursery is built for someone my size but your big for your age anyway" As the women walked outside with Julie to her car. Julie confused "big for my age? But I'm not a baby". The women waved to officers "evening officers. Ever find that college girl?". The officier said "no but don't worry ma'am. As per your request we will be stationed here till she shows up" The women smiled then said to Julie "did you hear that? Were going to have a fun time together... for a long time!" After arriving at the woman's home. Julie was carried into the home then up into the nursery room. To Julie's surprise it was a full adult size nursery just fit for her age. The woman then pulled down the crib bars and placed Julie inside then pulled the bars up trapping her inside. It was impossible to escape. Julie wasn't able to hop over or anything. Then the woman quickly shot her with a needle that weaken Julie. Julie's legs failed and she landed on her diaper butt. Only able to crawl around on her hands and knees. "Please let me out. I'm not a baby! I demand to be let go" Julie yelled out. The woman smiled then plopped a pacifier in Julie's mouth. "Now now cupcake your to young to make decisions. Also if I recall the cops are still looking for you. So you can either spend your time in a dirty old prison or stay here as my baby girl. Now which sounds better?" Said the woman. Julie then thought twice. She knew prison would be horrible. So if she had to pick anything I guess it's being this mommy's baby girl. Julie then says in babyish tone "stay with mommy". The woman then smiled. "Good girl. Now lets go over the rules. You will use your diaper for poopie and pee pee. No exceptions. You will call me mommy and mommy will decide when to change your diaper. You will also be breastfed and given a nice baby food diet. If you complain or act bad I will be giving you a good spanking over my knee or even a warm enema to fill your diaper. Since you tried yelling at mommy it's time for a spanking" Julie's new mommy grabbed her from the crib then put Julie over her knee. Then pulled her diaper down and spanked away. "Ow ow ow" SPANK SPANK SPANK. Julie's butt started turning red and she started crying. Mommy then pulled up her diaper and hugged her. "Sorry mommy had to do that but sometimes naughty girls need to be taught a lesson" The woman then slid her hand down the back of Julie's diaper and pushed her finger up Julie's butthole. Julie felt something go up. "Mommy what did you put up my butt" Julie asked. Julie's mommy put her back in the crib "don't worry about it sweetie you'll find out in the morning" Julie then fell fast asleep from the long day. She then woke up and smelled something really bad. "Ewww gross what's that smell? Did I just fart without knowing?" Julie then layed up on her butt and felt something yucky and mushy spread and smear against her buttcheeks and privates. "Noo noo noo I couldn't have! I just pooped my diaper in my sleep! This isn't happening! I'm not some dumb baby" Julie's mommy walks in the room "well good morning sweetie. Uh oh I think I smell someone made a big stinky poopy in her diaper. It's ok sweetie your just a baby you can't control yourself. I think someone also needs some feeding little stinker" The mommy then grabs Julie and heads to the rocking chair. Then places Julie's dirty diaper butt on her knee squishing all the poop again against Julie's butt. The mommy unbuttons her bra. And then grabs Julie's dirty diaper butt with her hand and then pushes her forward. Making Julie suck on her boob. Julie disgusted couldn't do much. All she could do is just suck and hope that her new mommy will change her diaper. The mommy just rocked her back and forth smushing Julie's dirty diaper butt.
  6. Hi everyone my name is B or Brittany or britt or whatever. I am a gender fluid male that really like diapers and being taken cared of. I am not that super new to abdl but the abdl scened here in Hawaii is pretty much nonexistent so I need a place to express this side of me. I like to draw and sometimes I wanna draw abdl stuff so I might just post it here. Cant wait to start talking to some more people in the community =D
  7. dlonly4you


    Just wanted to say "Hi" I'm a DL only and would be interested in getting to know other DLs. I have not found a lot of people to share and would appreciate good conversation. Feel free to reach out I will always be respectful to others and expect the same.
  8. Hey there fellow diaper dwellers! Im an open Adult Baby that recently moved to the Peninsula area (near San Francisco). Considering that Im relatively new to this side of the bay, I wanted to establish some new friendships with other ABs, DLs, Furries, and Bronies who share my interest in Infantalism and Age Play Regression. A little about me. Im 32 years young, slender, straight, 5'9, caucasian and Ive been involved in the AB/DL community for over a decade. Just to note, Im not seeking anything sexual. This is a friendly get together for those who wanna engage in harmless escapism. My apartment was recently converted into a nursery, which really captures that nostalgic feel of being young. I have a room full toys, games, cartoons, plushies and baby necessities to accommodate your needs. If you wanna bring your own stuff, its actually encouraged since everyone has that special something to make them feel comfortable. One thing I ask before you contact me, is that you must be over 18. Otherwise, people of all genders and sexual preferences all welcome. In respect to everyones agenda, I feel that it would be convenient to hold these meet ups on the weekends including friday nights. Perhaps we can have sleep overs in the future if things really pan out. Cost: FREE!!! Its about making friends, not money. When: Every Sunday from 12pm - 6pm Feel free to post your questions below! Address will be revealed privately to serious attendees.
  9. New to scene , Tryin to find my mumma or daddy ! im in N.D. USA, about 45 minutes south of fargo and i really wanna find a dominant mumma whos into ABDL with a baby boy, im single no kds no exes no baggage! im 36y.o. but look mid twenties,im told. red hair green eyes, women typicaly tell me my best features are my chest, and piercing green eyes. im a bigger boy , muscular and curvy 6'3'' *240-250******lbs. im bi or pansexual, but if i had a woman who was into anal for me id NEVER cheat. im a non smoker (i vape) and drug free for the most part, except for marijuana and club drugs on certain special occasions like concerts and venues, the pot helps with night terrors which is one of the 2 reasons i wet, the other is my medication i take for schizophrenia, it knocks me the F out. i was wearing depends since i only wet at night, but they wouldnt hold and would leak on my mem. foam mattress, after getting sick of washing bedding i started shopping for other brands and came accross an abdl website where women were changing thier boyfriends and teasing them about it, i thought it was hillarious, had to be embarasing, and hott for some strange reason too! i wanted a mumm all of a sudden, i havnt had a girlfriend pretty much ever because my mother was a feminist and beat it into me that women are to be respected. i think its both cute and sad what these girls into ABDL go through, cute cause thier taking care of thier baby littles, with no judgement, and also because they go into mamma bear mode , and start nesting for thier littles,some even set up whole nurserys in thier house, WTF?! how cool !!! where do i find one of these women? any woman that is willing to change me at age 36 is obviously judgement free, as well as nurturing (hello wifey, need those feet rubbed, and toes sucked? just give your baby the command and watch him execute or risk punishment) but it was also sad to later learn alot of these women were infertile and couldnt have childeren, this was so sad to me but also cool to see these mommies resilience ! but i only wear at night and never have messys (not my future wifes job but im honered youd deal with that shit, literaly!) what was even cooler was to learn alot of these women also sold abdl stuff on the side of thier regular work as a really good hustle! BOSS bitches ahead! lol. since im disabled i can pay my own bills but nobody elses, and when everythings said and done i only have like 100$ left for fun and that usualy goes towards pot. but the good news is i dont have to work, so i could help a mumma sell her stock while shes at work, and where do i sign to become the house slave? that means on days she has off i have all day to rub her back and suck her toes amongst other tasks and punishments she has for me... HOTT!!! i enjoy watching my partner getting off and this is crucial so that i do as well, im into cunninlingus, curious about getting pegged, and my biggest fetish is getting my ass rimmed when im clean and fresh out the shower, i trim myself with a manscape and shave my testes bald as well as my butt its a hygeine thing for me as i never wanna stink for anyone. im usualy clean shaven and dont grow much hair on my butt back or chest, any hair i do have is usualy blonde/strawberry blonde, and just not that visible. as long as we have a 50/50 understanding of dominance in public, butt when we get home im more than happy for you to be the boss 90% of the time cause i love a partner that leads with intimacy so i know what to do next... the other 10% is every now and then when i need to release some T and i go primal on your ass (not literaly, unless you want that ,and still prob no.i like to recieve anal not give) like lift you up and fuck you all around the house while i beat your walls up, eat you out, lick you from tits to taint, untill you squirm, then fuck you some more till you cum puddles for us. hott! also if were doing the ABDL roleplay i would like my mumm to be at least 5 if not 10 years older than me. and as far as the diapers go i love a fresh one put on then fill it with just enough warm water to get it to swell to capacity, then pick a fight with mumm untill she pushes me over with two fingers cause i could barely waddle in it and (to think of walking or running would be impossible,)then she laughs when i fall on my ass with an audible SQUISH! then i fake cry, turn into a brat just for fun to frustrate mumm and earn spankings and discipline from her, (for laughing at you you gave me six weeks in diapers, doubled up sometimes if necessary due to my behavior , and no boy cummies for 3 days, i still however must tend to mumms pussy if she requests it, if she asks twice, im in trouble probobly time out, if she has to ask a third time i might as well waddle away from home since shell probably give me 6 months in diapers, doubled up, and time out is now done in an adult crib (no escape) or restraints to the bed somehow, FUCK, looks like i might be using them during the day for #1 at least if not messys, and mom will be pissed if im covered in pooh!, this (defication) just bought me another 6 months in diapers with no pull-ups for public but instead of my daily jockstraps under my clothes at the mall im now wearing (mumms demands) you guessed it, a bulky loud crinkly diaper, one things for certain i might as well stick my ass with mumm and the diaper BS since talking to other females at the mall would be to embarrasing as they stare at my bulging slightly wet pants ! what makes it even worse is when were in public at JC pennys and mumm requests a diaper check...am i wet ? or is it worse, if im wet its spankings on my bum when she changes me, if its worse then my punishment is once again, another 6 weeks in bulky hot diapers. well att this point one things for certain mumm your baby boi aint goin knowhere without you and at this point his feeble male brain figures out that mumm is the best thing for me , which is what she had been telling me since day one when she first introduced me too you guessed it her DIAPERS ! lol life can be so hard for a little when they dont listen to mumma butt eventualy they learn or at least theyre (mine) cherry red ass does, which is basicaly what mumm told me on day one! i look at mumm with tears in my eyes as i realize im not going anywhere shes in complete control of my life! are you about to cry she asks ,... no i reply , she says if i dont tell her the truth its another 6 weeks in you guessed it DIAPERS! yes mumm i concede, im just so happy to be with you ! you take such good care of your baby boys needs and wants your the best mumm ever! maybe if we cut your bottles off at 8pm ill give you one night of sleeping in a cool pull up instead of doubling your cute butt up in 2 bulky diapers to sleep in when you go to bed at 11 . that is of course if you do what i ask of you the first time i ask it when we get home. understand? yes maam i say, she corrects me maam? am i your mistress or am i your mumm? your my mumm mumm. thats what i thought , because you called me maam no movies or legos when we get home, i need you to wash my back, and rub mumms feet cause mumm has cramps, something youll never know about ... yes mumm. (the conversation continues as mumma does a quick diaper check in the mall entrance as she grabs my ass, three teenage girls behind us point and snicker, i turn beat red in the face as mumma notices and chuckles...) ahh the life of a little aint easy butt niether is toilet training a 36 y.o. man who already knows how to use the bathroom in the first place. if this obsurdity sounds fun to you as a female , then your probobly very close to what im looking for, but you must relize, #1. money is tighter than my butt so dont ask for any even gas, and no i aint selling drugs again. #2 i aint paying for sex, i never have and never will, besides its against my christian religion, (im very old fashioned) and #3 i will not register in a database of ABDLs for you , im probabaly in enough databases as it is from being a federal felon (non-violent/sexual) it was a weopons charge. #4 if your selling designer diapers that go for as much as 25$ a piece, thats what my ass better be in and that pamper should be suede with gold leaf on the fucking carebares faces and butts, and espescially if im helping you distribute, you need to be cash apping me 50$ every so often cause im the one whos schizo remember? not the other way around. if you understand these things and you still wanna be intimate with my pasty ass , now i must ask you are you of age? like not just 18, but within 10 years of mine? and if your doing all this stuff please explain why? before i wonder if your bi-polar yourself...(which is also fine) just be honest and im sure we can vibe like a tickle stick at 54000 RPM. which if you use on me in my diaper, ill use on your vagina and panties if you like. see its all about compromises and settlements, if you do all of this and your still interested in me and you can deal withthe fact i like stuff in my butt sometimes (i have a prostate,women dont ask ******* it) then i will treat you like a true queen and if you can just make me your prince , not a lazy king, ill eventually treat you like the goddess you always have been... anything else anything at all , just ask me, i promise im an open book, i promise i wont waste your time, and i promise im worth it... i just need a woman to motivate me and occasionaly beat the brat outa my ass. i cant think about anything else so for now im signing off. sincerly queens, your loyal boy slave for life, lil boi blue
  10. New to scene , Tryin to find my mumma or daddy ! im in N.D. USA, about 45 minutes south of fargo and i really wanna find a dominant mumma whos into ABDL with a baby boy, im single no kds no exes no baggage! im 36y.o. but look mid twenties,im told. red hair green eyes, women typicaly tell me my best features are my chest, and piercing green eyes. im a bigger boy , muscular and curvy 6'3'' *240-250******lbs. im bi or pansexual, but if i had a woman who was into anal for me id NEVER cheat. im a non smoker (i vape) and drug free for the most part, except for marijuana and club drugs on certain special occasions like concerts and venues, the pot helps with night terrors which is one of the 2 reasons i wet, the other is my medication i take for schizophrenia, it knocks me the F out. i was wearing depends since i only wet at night, but they wouldnt hold and would leak on my mem. foam mattress, after getting sick of washing bedding i started shopping for other brands and came accross an abdl website where women were changing thier boyfriends and teasing them about it, i thought it was hillarious, had to be embarasing, and hott for some strange reason too! i wanted a mumm all of a sudden, i havnt had a girlfriend pretty much ever because my mother was a feminist and beat it into me that women are to be respected. i think its both cute and sad what these girls into ABDL go through, cute cause thier taking care of thier baby littles, with no judgement, and also because they go into mamma bear mode , and start nesting for thier littles,some even set up whole nurserys in thier house, WTF?! how cool !!! where do i find one of these women? any woman that is willing to change me at age 36 is obviously judgement free, as well as nurturing (hello wifey, need those feet rubbed, and toes sucked? just give your baby the command and watch him execute or risk punishment) but it was also sad to later learn alot of these women were infertile and couldnt have childeren, this was so sad to me but also cool to see these mommies resilience ! but i only wear at night and never have messys (not my future wifes job but im honered youd deal with that shit, literaly!) what was even cooler was to learn alot of these women also sold abdl stuff on the side of thier regular work as a really good hustle! BOSS bitches ahead! lol. since im disabled i can pay my own bills but nobody elses, and when everythings said and done i only have like 100$ left for fun and that usualy goes towards pot. but the good news is i dont have to work, so i could help a mumma sell her stock while shes at work, and where do i sign to become the house slave? that means on days she has off i have all day to rub her back and suck her toes amongst other tasks and punishments she has for me... HOTT!!! i enjoy watching my partner getting off and this is crucial so that i do as well, im into cunninlingus, curious about getting pegged, and my biggest fetish is getting my ass rimmed when im clean and fresh out the shower, i trim myself with a manscape and shave my testes bald as well as my butt its a hygeine thing for me as i never wanna stink for anyone. im usualy clean shaven and dont grow much hair on my butt back or chest, any hair i do have is usualy blonde/strawberry blonde, and just not that visible. as long as we have a 50/50 understanding of dominance in public, butt when we get home im more than happy for you to be the boss 90% of the time cause i love a partner that leads with intimacy so i know what to do next... the other 10% is every now and then when i need to release some T and i go primal on your ass (not literaly, unless you want that ,and still prob no.i like to recieve anal not give) like lift you up and fuck you all around the house while i beat your walls up, eat you out, lick you from tits to taint, untill you squirm, then fuck you some more till you cum puddles for us. hott! also if were doing the ABDL roleplay i would like my mumm to be at least 5 if not 10 years older than me. and as far as the diapers go i love a fresh one put on then fill it with just enough warm water to get it to swell to capacity, then pick a fight with mumm untill she pushes me over with two fingers cause i could barely waddle in it and (to think of walking or running would be impossible,)then she laughs when i fall on my ass with an audible SQUISH! then i fake cry, turn into a brat just for fun to frustrate mumm and earn spankings and discipline from her, (for laughing at you you gave me six weeks in diapers, doubled up sometimes if necessary due to my behavior , and no boy cummies for 3 days, i still however must tend to mumms pussy if she requests it, if she asks twice, im in trouble probobly time out, if she has to ask a third time i might as well waddle away from home since shell probably give me 6 months in diapers, doubled up, and time out is now done in an adult crib (no escape) or restraints to the bed somehow, FUCK, looks like i might be using them during the day for #1 at least if not messys, and mom will be pissed if im covered in pooh!, this (defication) just bought me another 6 months in diapers with no pull-ups for public but instead of my daily jockstraps under my clothes at the mall im now wearing (mumms demands) you guessed it, a bulky loud crinkly diaper, one things for certain i might as well stick my ass with mumm and the diaper BS since talking to other females at the mall would be to embarrasing as they stare at my bulging slightly wet pants ! what makes it even worse is when were in public at JC pennys and mumm requests a diaper check...am i wet ? or is it worse, if im wet its spankings on my bum when she changes me, if its worse then my punishment is once again, another 6 weeks in bulky hot diapers. well att this point one things for certain mumm your baby boi aint goin knowhere without you and at this point his feeble male brain figures out that mumm is the best thing for me , which is what she had been telling me since day one when she first introduced me too you guessed it her DIAPERS ! lol life can be so hard for a little when they dont listen to mumma butt eventualy they learn or at least theyre (mine) cherry red ass does, which is basicaly what mumm told me on day one! i look at mumm with tears in my eyes as i realize im not going anywhere shes in complete control of my life! are you about to cry she asks ,... no i reply , she says if i dont tell her the truth its another 6 weeks in you guessed it DIAPERS! yes mumm i concede, im just so happy to be with you ! you take such good care of your baby boys needs and wants your the best mumm ever! maybe if we cut your bottles off at 8pm ill give you one night of sleeping in a cool pull up instead of doubling your cute butt up in 2 bulky diapers to sleep in when you go to bed at 11 . that is of course if you do what i ask of you the first time i ask it when we get home. understand? yes maam i say, she corrects me maam? am i your mistress or am i your mumm? your my mumm mumm. thats what i thought , because you called me maam no movies or legos when we get home, i need you to wash my back, and rub mumms feet cause mumm has cramps, something youll never know about ... yes mumm. (the conversation continues as mumma does a quick diaper check in the mall entrance as she grabs my ass, three teenage girls behind us point and snicker, i turn beat red in the face as mumma notices and chuckles...) ahh the life of a little aint easy butt niether is toilet training a 36 y.o. man who already knows how to use the bathroom in the first place. if this obsurdity sounds fun to you as a female , then your probobly very close to what im looking for, but you must relize, #1. money is tighter than my butt so dont ask for any even gas, and no i aint selling drugs again. #2 i aint paying for sex, i never have and never will, besides its against my christian religion, (im very old fashioned) and #3 i will not register in a database of ABDLs for you , im probabaly in enough databases as it is from being a federal felon (non-violent/sexual) it was a weopons charge. #4 if your selling designer diapers that go for as much as 25$ a piece, thats what my ass better be in and that pamper should be suede with gold leaf on the fucking carebares faces and butts, and espescially if im helping you distribute, you need to be cash apping me 50$ every so often cause im the one whos schizo remember? not the other way around. if you understand these things and you still wanna be intimate with my pasty ass , now i must ask you are you of age? like not just 18, but within 10 years of mine? and if your doing all this stuff please explain why? before i wonder if your bi-polar yourself...(which is also fine) just be honest and im sure we can vibe like a tickle stick at 54000 RPM. which if you use on me in my diaper, ill use on your vagina and panties if you like. see its all about compromises and settlements, if you do all of this and your still interested in me and you can deal withthe fact i like stuff in my butt sometimes (i have a prostate,women dont ask ******* it) then i will treat you like a true queen and if you can just make me your prince , not a lazy king, ill eventually treat you like the goddess you always have been... anything else anything at all , just ask me, i promise im an open book, i promise i wont waste your time, and i promise im worth it... i just need a woman to motivate me and occasionaly beat the brat outa my ass. i cant think about anything else so for now im signing off. sincerly queens, your loyal boy slave for life, lil boi blue
  11. Any individuals residing around the Houston area ? I reside in League City, which is right near Kemah. I've been wanting to meet up with some of my own kind, part of the reason I joined these forums so I could interact with fellow diaper lovers and adult babies.
  12. In a year or so, me and my husband are looking to buy a house. I plan on using one bedroom as my gaming room/office. Being a diaper lover (and a little bit on the adult baby side) I kinda wanna make it my space where I can wear diapers, onesies, have a changing area but also have it function for work (I work from home a lot) and playing video games. Any ideas for making a room where I can be me as an abdl guy who loves to game but also function well as an office?
  13. My little one and I have developed an interactive, 24/7 diaper-dependent training program using the Virtual Master program. This interactive, virtual diaper-dependent training script of over 1600 pages leads you through the latest natural systematic conditioning and behavior modification techniques to facilitate diaper dependency and incontinence. It's a lifestyle script that takes you on a journey toward your goal of diaper dependency and a well-balanced lifestyle through daily interactions. YES! You can be diaper dependent! YES! You can wear and use diapers in any and every situation. Millions of others do it every day, and you can be one of them IF you decide this is truly who you want to be. You CAN create the life you want. It takes effort. It takes time. And it takes the guidance you need when you need it. Our program uses a reward and punishment system that is customized to you to ensure you are compliant. You can fully customize the script to meet your needs and desires. Customized options include the type of incontinence desired (bowel, bladder, or both), adult baby or diaper lover, gender, gender preference, your current bladder capacity, your level of privacy, sexual or non-sexual content, adapts to your personal work schedule, home tasks, marital status, the availability of a helper to keep you accountable, diet restrictions you have, weight loss goals if you wish, the level of exposure risk level you're willing to take and much, much more. This is truly a one-of-a-kind program. There is no other comprehensive, interactive program like this available. So let Mommy give you the 24/7 guidance you need to meet your goals. For version 2.0, we created a voice for Mommy using 900+ audio files. We immerse you in your training even more while you hear Mommy leading you through your diaper-dependent training. We also created an innovative KeyVault feature involving using your webcam and a combination lockbox you purchase to enforce chastity and compliance. For the first time, there are actual consequences to training, further ensuring compliance. The program requires Microsoft Windows; however, instructions are available for its use using Linux Mint 20.1 Mate if needed. Key Vault requires the download and installation of Python 3.11.7 (free) to your computer. You will receive an encrypted version of the script/program that can not be viewed or altered. The Virtual Master program and scripts are beta programs and will contain errors. Every effort to eliminate the mistakes is made. Assistance is always welcome to identify errors and inconsistencies or aid future script development. Visit https://mistresssebrina1.gumroad.com/l/ihzzbj for details. Let me help make your dreams come true... Mistress Sebrina
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