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Everything posted by BabyBoi91

  1. Except even in adults, not all muscles are controlled by the human brain. The small and large intestinal muscles are directly controlled but the nerves in the gut and the nerves directly respond to feedback from the intestines (stretching, chemical releases locally, etc). skeletal muscular reflexes are also not controlled by the brain but directly mediated by the spinal column. The nerve impulses never even travel to the brain. The reason being that those reflexes are protective — I need to jerk my hand away from a hot stove so fast that I don’t have to think, if I have to wait for the heat sensor to reach my brain, the burn will be much worse (reflex nerves are actually among the fastest nerves in the body, whereas pain nerves are the slowest). The sympathetic (autonomic) and parasympathetic nervous systemic are also not directly controlled by the brain. They are a massive feedback loop that include lots of different glands, hormones , cytokines, intercellular signals, and they are both “always on” in a state of fluctuating balance. While the brain may play an important part in the neurological regulation, there is so much more that happens . So to say that the brain controls smooth muscle (e.g., internal sphincter, blood vessels, intestines, even the muscles in our hair follicles) is just a lie. they are involuntary muscles that increase and decrease tone in response to specific stimuli (sometimes having nothing to do with the brain, like when our blood vessels constrict or we get goosebumps because it’s cold outside). Please stop accepting medical advice from this guy. He’s a fraud.
  2. This isn’t true. Elimination control is not regulated by the brain at birth . It’s done by the sacral plexus until the brain develops enough to override . It seems more like you’re trying to redefine a word . I’m kindof hesitant to trust claims that the “entire global medical community” doesn’t know what they are talking about, especially when it’s about the definition of a word, that is a medical word in nature.
  3. Some of this is correct, but not all. Infant elimination is actually all reflexive. It’s handled by the spinal cord/sacral plexus and is a complex reflex that doesn’t even involve the brain (similar to how the “knee jerk” is mediated through the spinal cord and doesn’t require the brain). Part of growing up is that the brain is able to suppress “primitive” reflexes. And allow the prefrontal cortex to take control. And like you said, after a while things become basically automatic. what OP is describing is primarily trainingsrelaxation as a resting state, like you said. But it also does involve some disuse atrophy. It’s why you see elderly patients develop incontinence if put into diapers for incorrect, but they can be “retrained” over several months if helped. atrophy can happen very quickly . If you have the flu and stay in bed for 3 days, you will have some mild atrophy that would affect you if you tried to go the gym or run a few days later, even if you felt 100%. Atrophy is rarely permanent unless there is a neurolological cause or some other injury causing it. that said, the longer it exists the longer it can take a muscle to get back to normal. and to answer OP, I am def here. I drip most of the day/night. And it take A LOT of effort to close it, but even then it doesn’t stay closed. I found personal meditation / self-hypnosis to really helpful with this.
  4. So I agree with OP, it’s possible to train ourself to become “incontinent.” I think the term “diaper dependent” implies more psychological dependence, which may also be true. But I’m at a point after years of practicing muscle relaxation as well as self-hypnosis that my bladder just drips near constantly, diaper or not. I wet the bed almost every night in my sleep, and any attempts at not wearing diapers or even going short periods don’t work and lead to dripping on the floor or other accidenrs. The muscles are just too weak due to disuse and I’m ok with that. It’s a lot more comfortable that what I was dealing with before.
  5. So one thing that I learned was to not approach this so black and white: Yes, I always wanted to wear 24/7 but don’t equate NOT wearing 24/7 with failure. Be the best you in the moment. If you want to wear 24/7, that’s great! Set that as a goal. It’s totally achievable. The path to accepting yourself in diapers 24/7 starts with accepting where you are now—including what makes you comfortable or uncomfortable. if there are parts of diaper wearing that make you uneasy, that’s ok. It’s a process. Don’t shy away from those areas. Like others are saying though: learn too love yourself just how you are, even if you aren’t at your goal. And I’m the mean time, you can work towards your goal , including working through any residual shame of wearing .
  6. So your urologist actually was basically saying “prefers to manage incontinence with diapers”… the fact he also wrote “does not want their incontinence treated” means he diagnosed you as incontinent but that you declined medical treatment (aka meds or other interventions). remembers, he’s a doctor, he gets paid to write meds and do surgeries. Diapers are like the least “preferred” management from urology perspective (because it manages, it doesn’t treat), but urologists know some people just prefer to manage it that way. So, yeah, he could have been a little more formal and say “prefers to manage with diapers” instead of “likes to wear diapers” but… the more important thing is your doctor wrote “does not want their incontinence treated.” that validated your diagnosis and that you willingly refused urological treatment — which is totally fine. Side effects and risky surgeries, there’s prolly nonABDLs who decline it too .
  7. Question, are you trying to grow breasts with a doctor’s or just OTC herbals? Highly recommend the former. And usually I don’t think coffee interferes too much with HRT, not if you’re just drinking 1 or 2 cups a day, especially if you skin coffee some days .
  8. End of year update: hey everyone! Figured it’s been almost a year and wanted people to know: I’m still incontinent and the hypnosis definitely worked! the year has been interesting though. As I mentioned before, I noticed I lost bowel control instantly and it still remains gone. Stuff just moves through me passively, which feels great. (I had already been having issues with stress incontinence here and the hypnosis just helped my body fully accept all of it, because I really did want it). the bedwetting went though waves. It was very frequent at first after th hypnosis, then I would go through times where I would question what I wanted (and I would start waking up middle of the night with a full bladder). Needless to say, I realized my sleep quality was so much higher as a bed wetter (well…diaper) and the bedwetting resumed. daytime wetting was my biggest struggle, and I was my own biggest hurdle. I think I just kept telling myself how difficult it would be to lose control, let go, or pee in some position, etc. all of those things were just my own personal fears / expectations getting in the way. Eventually, I realized my body could learn to let go on signal just like it used to learn hold it on signal — basically reverse potty training. This was a huge breakthrough moment for me and one that happened just recently. I also got the nerve to tell my doctor about my incontinence issues—which have always been a issue, just much stronger thanks to hypnosis. And I was able to explain how long things had been going on and my preferred way of managing things , as well as talk with my doctor about where she wanted to at least check some things (which is fine… I do actually have incontinence, so I get it). I also let her know I don’t want any procedures or anything invasive, and she respects that. She didn’t make me feel stupid for managing this with diapers or even calling them diapers (though she called them briefs). Lastly, my family and a few friends have been super supportive through all this — both with my medical stuff and my decision to pursue hypnosis to become incontinent. And yeah, there’s def been moments of “am I sure I want this?” (Which is funny that I think I still have a choice, given I can’t keep my pants dry for longer than 5-10 minutes without a diaper on). But I’ve never gone back to underwear. I’ve just worked through it. and I think working through those questions (without purging) has been healthy.
  9. If it takes you extreme amount of time, condom catheters work … personally if I sit there with a cup in the bathroom and wait 10-20 minutes or so I can usually produce enough for a sample. They don’t need very much. It’s boring but doable.
  10. So a good therapist def won’t judge you. Therapy isn’t about judging you, it’s about a professional helping you explore who you are and gain insight into yourself, as well as supporting you in everyday life (depending on the type of therapy)… ive told my therapists and it’s been a non issue. At times they have asked more, others have just kindof said “hey whatever u do between u and your partner is consensually is fine.” their reaction may depend in part what and why you are telling them. If it’s causing you distress, I would def talk with them. That’s literally what they are there for. If there’s something about it bugging you or you are trying to understand something — also a pretty good reason. If you just want to and don’t even know why— even that may be worth exploring. the only thing I can think of is , is this your very first visit , and if so, is this the primary reason you are going to therapy… if not, and if it is the first visit, then maybe there are other pressing issues ?? but that said , talking about a personal topic and trying to understand yourself is totally allowable And in case I didn’t answer clearly : every therapist I have talked to about it has either been supportive, supportively inquisitive, or in one case slightly awkward about it (and let’s be honest, some people just have trouble talking about this stuff ).
  11. My boyfriend has been a bedwetter his entire life (he’s in his late 20s now). He told me up front . he’s also a Little so likes to wear diapers. Prior to our relationship , he didn’t wear diapers every night cuz he was embarrassed and in previous relationships would just deal with wet sheets a few times a month. With wearing every night , he wakes up wet about 3-5 nights a week. He personally likes it (again, he’s a little and he feels like someone finally just accepts him). It’s pretty cute imo.
  12. I can definitely say that wearing 24/7 (due to initial bladder problems) for a few years has now lead to complete bladder and bowel incontinence . I’m fine with it . Much more comfortable this way. the few times I tried to go a few days without diapers were disastrous. I didn’t even have to try too hard. I think the bigger thing was “not trying”. Just letting go and letting my body just do whatever on it’s time .
  13. I have definitely succeeded at becoming IC . I achieved fecal IC through working with an actual hypnotist who specialized in abdl hypnosis. We also worked on urinary and I definitely developed urinary incontinence, but my appreciation of it took a while. I can’t go without diapers anymore. For one, my bowels just empty reflexively at this point. I may feel fullness and within seconds it’s done. Personally, I found this a lot less stressful and less painful (but that’s another story). but even with urinary issues (which I’ve had for several years), if I try to “go commando” for a bit, my shorts end up very damp but I have no clue how. So I’m guessing I dribble or leak at a very slow rate without any feeling of it. I have started wetting while asleep, which I really enjoy. And I’ve even started wetting without even realizing it until after it’s happened. So yeah, I definitely am diaper dependent at this point. I would echo that becoming incontinent is definitely possible but you must really want it and work through any reservations first . Personally I wish I had figured this out years ago. that said, I have definitely experienced some of the more “negative” emotions about incontinence: being nervous about messing around a friend, figuring out where to change when I’m out, feeling like I don’t want to go out sometimes (or can’t cuz I need to shower rq), and more. So it’s not a walk in the park, but my family and close friends are def supportive. And overall, I def prefer my life this way than being continent .
  14. This is absolutely untrue and tbh a little stigmatizing. I know of a few incontinent adults on this forum and others that have talked about how they started as incotinent and were drawn to the ABDL side of things as away to cope. “Kiddy” printed diapers have no bearing on whether you “see yourself as incontient.” I happen to know someone who is incontinent IRL who sees “plain white adult diapers” as the “tighty-whiteys” of the diaper realm. They use them, but they also have a selection of printed/ colored diapers just to have variety (and theyre not ABDL, nor is their spouse, though they certainly don’t judge anyone who is).
  15. Been wearing 24/7 for over a year. And nearly 24/7 for several years. Both bladder and bowel IC are achievable if you really want it. just be willing to give up on any and all hang-ups and be patient with your body.
  16. I believe you experienced “stress incontinence” in the poop department . Basically just pooping when u coughed/sneezed/blew your nose, likely because you already needed to and then had extra pressure . Yes, weakening some of the urinary muscles can weaken the “taint” muscles which will in turn weaken part of the mechanism we use to keep the anus closed. But in general, you will likely keep most of your bowel control if u want to . that said, u can always talk with your doctor if it keeps happening or concerns you.
  17. Here’s my best recommendation: take your metric/goal of “oblivious to whether I’m wet or dry” and actually forget about it. I’m serious :). chances are it could already be happening, but your definition of “oblivious” and “wet or dry” are so exact that you don’t notice. For example, after a little over a year of zero underwear and all diapers , I hVe tried wearing shorts (commando style) for a few hours. Every time I do it? The shorts are damp by the time I’m done. I will swear I do not wet them , and I’m def not sweating . But they are damp (and need changing) and smell like pee. So clearly I’m leaking . On the same token, I occasionally wet the bed and even my diaper with zero warning . Sometimes my diaper is way wetter than I remember using . Sometimes it leaks and I def don’t remember using it that much . while we might rationalize it as “oh I was distracted” or “oh I still knew I was wet...”, that’s just the mind making up an excuse. In reality these are all parts of being incontinent and needing diapers. So enjoy it all :).
  18. I can definitely relate. For me, I began losing bowel control first through hypnosis , but bladder control was more fidgety. I kept telling myself I still had control — yet if I went any time without diapers my shorts were very damps and I somehow would rationalize it away. I think the mind just takes a while to accept things sometimes, and that’s ok. Even recently I was questioning whether I still had bladder control, but as I’m reading this post my bladder empties on its own. I do think my first “hurdle” was accepting that incontinence due to training was just as valid as any form. In fact, choosing to wear and use diapers is valid regardless of your level of control. figuring that out and also learning to accept that my incontinence doesn’t have to look like anything specific . Those two things really helped.
  19. So I think for me the biggest thing was simply understanding I was ready for this change, working through any last bits of doubt, and just accepting my body for what it wants to do. I think sometimes people want to say “this should happen this way,” when really our bodies are different. For me, I threw out all my underwear over 6 months ago and finally committed to zero “cheating” (I was already diapered 100% but my mentality needed to change). as far as hypnosis, I had found a few minor successes with hypnosis files but tbh, working with a hypnotist isn’t that much more expensive and they really work with you and help identify what you need (or at least this one did ). Tbh, I was surprised it happened so fast, though I have been practicing trance / meditation for a while and that may have helped some (it is a skill and it does get easier with time). But tbh, I still think the biggest thing was just feeling like I knew I wanted this—even to the point of being honest with myself of any remaining doubts , minor questions and talking about them with the hypnotist as opposed to ignoring them. Hope this helps. I think anyone can benefit from hypnosis, and I think working with someone you can trust 1 on 1 (at least for me) was definitely very helpful. Sorry to hear about your medical issues, but at least it sounds like you found a way to cope somewhat . and yeah , sometimes my own poops are not pleasant, but I kindof just accept that now and deal with it. you may be closer to your goals than you think. It sounds like your body already knows what it is like to lose control, if it’s something you really want. Ty! Yep getting rid of all underwear is absolutely step #1. I agree .
  20. I actually was able to work with a hypnotist recently on some goals of mine to become incontinent (bed wetting, daytime wetting, bowel control — the whole thing). It’s been a goal of mine for several years, and I’ve been pretty amazed at the results. in two sessions, I can definitely say I have lost my bladder and bowel control. It happened so much faster than I would have imagined, but tbh I was ready for it. in some ways it’s been a really big change. In other ways, my body had already started changing after years of near full-time wearing and then going 24/7 a year ago. I planned on sharing more today , but actually just wanted to pause and reflect on the title of my post: being incontinent has led to me feeling “like myself” more so than I can remember in a very long time. ? there’s this famous saying that I learned a while ago, (and I’m going to totally butcher it), that “when sincerity meets clarity in humility, real change happens and it happens faster than you can imagine.” I can attest that, for me, this was true. anyways, I will probably post more in the coming days to share what it’s like having become incontinent. But I just wanted to pause for now and say how thankful I am that I reached my goals.
  21. Working with an actual person was nothing like the files, tbh. I’d compare the files to more just like “self-help” or relaxation. I did have some very minor success with a file or two, but that was it. also, I had already been wearing 24/7 for long enough to see some subtle changes physically but felt that I still had a long way to get to my goals. as far as finding one, I started by just searching for “kink hypnotherapist” or “ABDL hypnotist” or similar terms. I actually found several, and eventually found one that I felt matched what I was looking for. It took a while, and I def didn’t rush it. but when I finally found someone who I felt could offer what I wanted and I felt ready, I contacted them. Very glad I did !
  22. Hi, all, im finally incontinent! Thanks to working with a professional hypnotist who helped me with my goals.? Very happy with where I am at and I suspect over time it will become only stronger. I’ve been pursuing this for a while (probably for a few years though more determinedly in the last year) and finally met with a hypnotist who worked with me on my goals to become a bedwetter and develop urinary /bowel incontinence. Here’swhere I am at now: Bed wetting: this was probably my #1 goal with the hypnotist. well, first I realized I had already been having small night-time accidents and jsut wasn’t realizing it. This was something my husband pointed out to me (probably cuz my diapers were too thick, or I just was in denial). After my first hypnosis session, I woke up the next morning while wetting myself and didn’t even clamp down, it just kept going. I was finally really happy. The next morning, I woke up already wet with only a partially full bladder. And I haven’t had a dry night since. Bladder control: I’ve had some minor issues for a few years, and now I’ve just stopped “struggling” so much with releasing my bladder. I’ve noticed a lot of muscle spasms ‘down there’ and they kindof tickle at time, def not painful. I notice I just dribble a lot while my bladder fils up (like a leaky sink filling up slowly only cuz the faucet is faster than the leak out the drain), but I’ve also had moments where I was changed and then 20 min later my diaper is soaked and I actually could swear I don’t remember when or where I wet that much. My bladder is still at times a little “uncomfortable” if it feels kindof full, but I’m not really good at pushing it out anymore. In fact, it just feels like way too much effort and it’s better for me to just let my body do what it wants to do when it wants to do it, when it’s ready. I’m hoping this will become less “uncomfortable” with time, and I kindof suspect that it will, that my muscles will realize there is no point in trying to hold back. I def am not intentionally holding back nor do I think I could ever go a day without diapers anymore, and the fact I actually soaked my diaper without any awareness of it tells me the full loss of bladder control is permanent and already happening. Even today, I was changed and five minutes later noticed I was wet. Tbh, I love it and would never go back. Bowel control: I was nervous about this at first and wasn’t sure what to expect. But I’m amazed that my body really did just take over. All my usual muscles involved with messing just relaxed and gave up, and instead, it just kindof moves out on its own. After several minutes of it just exiting on its own, I suddenly felt a lot of fullness back there and just got this signal of “ok I have to push now” and I did—and the rest came out easily without any discomfort or tons of force (kindof reminded me of a toddler pushing?). in the past I have had some issues with pain / constipation , and now I have none of that. it’s nice to really feel helpless and I’ve accepted that my body can do what it needs to do without me trying to control or fight it. *** anyways, I wanted to share and plan to update as I notice changes. This has been a dream of mine for a while, and eventually it went from a dream, to a goal, and then a plan, and now it’s a reality. I feel whole and like I’m finally myself. going forward, I hope to see the “uncomfortable” moments with my bladder get less and less as I’m already seeing the amount of wetting I do just snowball and snowball. There is no more “tug of war” with my bladder, and I think those moments are just years of habit finally breaking free—hence the little muscle spasms I get that are actually kind of pleasant. I also am excited to see how my bowel incontinence progresses as i know it’s only a matter of time before I don’t even feel a sense of “needing to push” anymore. And it won’t be long until I’m waking up completely soaked ?. but the one thing I know for sure, is I definitely can never go without diapers again for the rest of my life and I’m ok with that. That’s who I am. That’s me.
  23. Hi, I would really appreciate some feedback and also wanted to share where I am at on my journey toward complete incontinence . first about me : Currently in my 30s, male , been an ABDL as long as I can remember . I started wearing diapers on a daily basis maybe 5 years ago while in the military due to a urinary issue (a doc recommended it and I needed some kindof protection, and I always liked diapers so I chose that ). Once I got out, I kindof rebelled on anything to do with the military and refused to wear “padding” for a bit — resulting in damp underwear/pants for several months if not a year . It was less a “diaper purge cycle” and more just a difficult life transition. I still very much liked wearing for fun during that time , just couldn’t really accept wearing all the time as that reminded me of my time in uniform (proud to have served for 10+ years :). About 18 months ago, I finally realized that mental resistance was just dumb. I’ve always liked diapers. I feel way healthier in them/ using them . And even my family supported me wearing full time (my family and close friends know I’m ABDL). I realized I wanted to to try and start down the 100% path — and also start entertaining what “becoming fully incontinent” would be mean for me . Realizing it’s not something that happens overnight and it would affect my life, my family, and those around me. the more I explored , the more I found out people closest to me didn’t care . In fact, family and friends who knew me best supported me becoming fully incontinent (bowel and bladder control). Even my spouse seemed more ok with it than me (he isn’t ABDL, which to me was a sign that likely I was the one with hang-ups). Over the last 18 months I can def see my bowel control has absolutely weakened and my bladder control , which already had some issues , is also weaker. About 6 months ago , I finally just decided it was time to go 100% and stop using the potty altogether. I couldn’t be happier . Even family and friends can see a difference. that doesn’t mean I’m not working through things mentally. And that brings me to my “ethical thought experiment” I made up to try and toy out some thoughts I was bouncing around. And it has to do with my decision to become incontinent and what that means for me — basically having to deal with the potential for leaks, smells, etc in public (e.g., a restaurant) and semi-public (e.g., friend’s house around people who may or may not know I’m incontinent). I have seen a lot of (unfortunately at times) unfriendly debates about this. I do not want that here. I think anyone who is AB/DL or even just incontinent is fully aware of the amount of shame that often has to get processed out of daily life. im more curious what people think about this thought experiment and if people have feedback about the questions I’m asking . *** To do the exercise, answer each question in order before going to the next question . Basis A: Some people say it’s “acceptabl” if someone wets/mess/leaks in a diaper in public due to a medical condition . But ofc, they need to be responsible and change immediately. It’s not ideal. Some people may be offended but it happens. Do you agree? Basis B: Some people say it’s “unacceptable” for someone to intentionally wet/mess/leak in a diaper in public. this is “exposing” others, or at the very least “gross.” Do you agree? Thought experiment 1) if someone knowingly made a decision under the advice of a doctor to save their own life UNRELATED to any kink but also knew it would lead to a side effect that would permanently result in them wetting/messing/leaking.... Is it ethical for them to use their diapers publicly after the fact ? (Not asking about the decision itself, the thought experiment assumes the decision already happened). TE 2) if someone made a decision under the advice of a doctor RELATED to a kink that led to a side effect that would permanently result in them wetting/messing/leaking.... , is it ethical for them to use their diapers publicly after the fact ? (Again, not asking about the decision itself , the thought experiment assumes it already happened ). TE 3) if a person chooses to become incontinent through whatever means they pursue , and that permanently results in them wetting/messing/leaking... is it ethical for them to use their diapers publicly after the fact ? (Again assuming the decision already happened ). TE 4) finally , does a person need to become incontinent for them to be ethically allowed to use their diapers publicly, in a manner that results in them wetting/messing/leaking...? *** even if you are not comfortable sharing your answers, I would appreciate knowing if you found this helpful. I know I personally found this very useful for myself which is why I shared . I also want to add that this is very strictly a thought experiment . Please do not consider any portion of this advice or recommendation for treatment. I am very much a believer that each person should do what is best for them. thank you!
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