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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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  1. omg this is every dream i have from childhood
  2. i love all the pictures
  3. i also live in akron area im just in stow
  4. omg!!!! this is how I've always dreamed of being treated!!!!! I was just out of high school when my at the time gf my Introduce me to abdl and first time I'm even hearing the term or learning of the community since then I've had countless dreams about being treated just like this I keep open someday I will have her partner that will be this loving! thank you for letting me relive my old dreams
  5. I'm in a very similar situation with my family so I can relate 100% unfortunately I have a massive supply of diapers and I have no clue if they know or not but it is a huge fear that I have and I'm waiting for the day that it gets brought up
  6. I personally like FetLife and have used it a small amount but I've met 2 people in 3 years so its hit or miss for people bmoney316 is my account if you would like someone to talk to on there
  7. it depends on the device and the size of it. i have 2 that will not allow me to get hard no matter what i want lol I also have two cheap ones that I can get hard wearing and its a pain to deal with them
  8. im sorry its not more but I would like to start to help out where I can! I love our community and feel that we all need to try our best :)
  9. your story is amazing!!!!! i just read it for the first time today and i love it ❤️ i very much wish i was emma
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