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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by CDLover

  1. Malarky, I think you just nailed in right on the head, "I am paralyzed by fear."
  2. Since we are now at the end, I sneak by for the victory!!
  3. I wear cloth diapers every night to bed and sometimes during the day.
  4. In my deep attempt at exhaustive research I went to Wikipedia and typed Arcturan Tree Frog.
  5. Finally some sanity to all this drivel.. Thank you for putting an end to all of it..
  6. My brother has been away too!
  7. Ahhh... but I don't think diapers were used during the Renaissance
  8. If not mentioned above, my issue with the prefolds has been the drying time.
  9. Since I don't want to deal with crooks, I find that my vaulables have been more safely and securely stored under my mattress... Now I may not have the "millions" that some of you are claming to have,, but then that is probably as much "truth" as the "fact" that you think you are winning...
  10. Thanks for taking care of my trophy, while I was gone for a few days.
  11. My football team won yesterday and I win today.
  12. A foot fetish... hmmmm...
  13. And you drank too much...
  14. Obviously CLOTH are the only *real* diapers.
  15. Unfortunately you were still in the area... and it was the wind you got not the win..
  16. You see WS, you need to be quick around here... You really didn't win at all.
  17. See and that is exactly why you can't win.
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