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Everything posted by Vic

  1. Hi, like the others say, welcome to being YOU for who YOU are. It brings to mind the serenity prayer that we've all heard so often: God grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. Diapers (the desire for being in them) are something that I cannot change about myself, they were hardwired into me from a very early age. They are an integral part of my make up, so when I learned to be accepting of this part of me I found that my life became so much better than I'd ever known before. I've also come to use this prayer in other parts of my life as well. The serenity to accept the things I cannot change refers to everything that has happened in my past, the present world and all the people in it, and any fears I might have for the future. The courage to change the things I can refers directly to me, where I should accept people (places and things, such as past events) as they are, and where I should change my actions or my attitudes. And of course we all need the wisdom to know the difference. This prayer has got me through a lot of hard times, and has helped me to better understand myself. It has also helped me to listen to others and to better relate to what it is they are saying. I am glad that you have come to the point of accepting yourself for who you are, I hope this brings with it peace and contentment. Peace, Vic P.S. COLTS RULE!!!
  2. I WAS CURED!! In a pottery kiln overnight, maybe that's why I'm cracked! Peace, Vic
  3. There are pro and con arguements to be made either way you look at this issue, all I know is that I'm seeing a great deal of cameras being set up everywhere in my area. Personally I don't like it, remember, "as restrictions grow, freedoms die". Just how far are we from living in a police state? Are you aware of how many of your personal freedoms you gave up by allowing "the patriot act" to be passed? Peace, for now, Vic
  4. But it does make us safer while they're in there, especially if they're put there for the rest of their lives. Peace, Vic
  5. If a girl in a thong robbed a bank I would definately read that story! Peace, Vic
  6. Me? With the absolute power to say who stays and who goes? Now that would be fun. We'd start with the rapists and molesters, then work our way to religious fanatics, not just them radical Islamists but the Fundamentalists as well. Nothing screws up the world more than YOU trying to ram YOUR religion down OTHERS throats. Then I'd have to say all the corporate lobbyists and any politician who's served more than two terms, once they've been there that long they're corrupt (you don't say "crooked as a politician" for nothing). Of course terrorists would be right in there too, they're always trying to force their religious or political beliefs off on you and I. Illegal aliens would have to go next, and we'd actually put up a fence along our border too, not some mamby pamby little thing that anyone can climb, but an electrified one, with a mine field in front and behind it. We'd check everything coming into our country at border crossings and those found carrying contraband would be executed on the spot. Those caught selling drugs would get a mandatory 20 years for anything stronger than pot, with pot being 10 years for the first offense. Anyone caught selling drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or firearms to minors would be executed. Gang membership would be 5 years, and all cases of murder would be handed the death penalty with only one chance at appeal, so they get a fair chance at trial. Drunk drivers would have to drive in cars that only run if the tube you have to blow into registers absolutely no alcohol in their system, if they find a way around this and drive drunk again, death sentance carried out immediately. What fun, to be able to say who lives and dies. The torture I'd save for all those idiots who come to my door and want to talk to me about their church, or who want to sell me something. I would make it law that everyone who saw an old or middle aged man driving a hot car would laugh at them. If you're caught talking on your cell phone while driving or texting while behind the wheel your license would be pulled for a year. Lots of little fun laws like if you're too busy to be involved in your kids life they be taken from you and given to people who actually care, stuff like that. I could go on, but thankfully I don't have this power, because it might be a better world for me, but I'm not sure everyone else would share my views on what is right and wrong with this world, so I guess that I'll just have to muddle through it as best as I can, much like the rest of you. Stupid question. Peace, Vic
  7. Lol I loved that commercial, now if they come up with that one for bitch my pup would love it too. Peace, Vic
  8. Problem with that is the liberal bleeding hearts would never allow it, at least the island gives them a fighting chance. You keep it even, they all get the same kind of knife, and once they're lowered to the ground you cut the rope. Giving them only enough supplies for half the population keeps a nice balance as well. Even if you get caught setting up a date with an under age girl, off you go to gladiator school, never to be heard from again. Problem solved. Peace, Vic
  9. A rapist in this area served his time and was let out, not two months later he raped and killed a fourteen year old girl. My philosophy is a simple one, we should find a God forsaken island somewhere and send all rapists and child molesters to it. Each of them should be given a hunting knife when lowered down by helicopter. Then once a week a cargo plane fly's over and drops enough food and water and medical supplies for half of the population, let them figure survival out for themselves. Peace, Vic
  10. Thanx, now I'll never catch up!! Naw congrats to you my friend, may there be many posts to come. Peace, Vic
  11. The problem with our government is that it's a corporate government and has been forever. Now they're trying to turn the government into the number one employer in the country. You can bet your last dollar that somebody is going to be making a mint being the governments number one health care provider. It takes an awful lot of money and influence just to get your foot in the door, let alone to get elected, so in the end you'll have to be backed by lobbyists and the rich and powerfull. It takes millions just to get elected into congress. In short they are gonna do what they want to do, no matter what you say, or how you vote. The media is owned and run by the rich and powerfull, you see what they want you to see. The public has no say, and all of this is a power play by people you've never even heard of and never will see. There is a big payoff for somebody in the end, and yes government run systems are corrupt and wasteful. Medicare and medicade get bilked out of billions every year, just like all the billions we sent over to Iraq to help rebuild that country, whiff, presto! All the money was gone, and nobody knows where it went, but I'd bet my soul that the rich got a big piece of that pie. You can bet your ass people are making a fortune whichever way they choose to go, universal healthcare or not. Somebody stands to profit or it wouldn't have made it this far, and you can bet that the money is going to crooks, because the people who get elected are crooks themselves, and are merely serving somebodies big interest, not ours. Socialist? Have you read the "patriot act"?? We will soon be in a totalitarian system and God help us then. More and more cameras are going up everyday, we are being monitored more and more everyday. You are on their grid every single day of your life, just at different percentages of the time. In the end you won't be able to tell the difference between the corporation and the government, but don't worry, you'll still be able to vote. It'll be just the same kind of choice you get to make now, a choice between a joker or a clown. They all dangle at the end of someones string. Peace, Vic
  12. Change for a hundred? Peace, Vic ....Stop me before I jest again!
  13. There are proffesional dominatrixes out there, and no it isn't prostitution as long as sex is not included. Many of them advertise in the BDSM community, and to many of them diaper play is just an offshoot from the BDSM community. You might want to look there. Expect to pay handsomly for this service though, as they don't come cheap. Peace, Vic
  14. I don't care what the Limeys say, soccer is not FOOTBALL!! GO COLTS!!! Peace, Vic
  15. I escaped from home when I was 18, moved back in a couple of times when I'd left the current girlfriend. Only stayed about three months (long enough to get deposit and first months rent saved). Parents got divorced when I was in my 20's, then I was divorced when I was 23, moved in with Mom for a couple of months in order to get another place to live, moved out, bought a beater to get back and forth to work. At 24 joined the army, served a couple of years, during that time got married, wife said she'd divorce me if I re-enlisted. Got out and went to school full time, and worked full time. Wife ran up credit cards, so I cut them up, then she wrote bad checks, so I closed the bank accounts, then she took to stealing money from me when I was asleep. Divorced her and moved in with my Dad for three months, and re-enlisted in the army (which I never should have left). When I got out I got my own place, because I'd set aside money for a decent place to live when I got out. Can't understand why anyone would live with their parents, my Dad wants me to come live with him and his girlfriend, he even has a apartment over the barn with it's own bathroom and laundry, but I could never live with him again. It was okay for a couple of months, but even that brought up too many memories. Wouldn't live with my mother either. Hell if I had to I'd rather live on the street. Be somebody, not a leech, if it's temporary because of school, cool, but as soon as you can GO GET THAT JOB! Move out already. Peace, Vic
  16. I don't want people to think that I'm opposed to spanking, as I never said that, what I did say is that it's not the only way to discipline a child. Toddlers push the limits all the time as they are gaining a sense of independence, yet they want to know that there are boundaries too, this shows them that even though they ARE becoming more independent that you are still looking after them. I have spanked kids, more so when they were babes and just removing them from the situation with a firm "NO" didn't work, but always with my hand and with an age appropriate strength to the actual swats on the hand or behind that they got. As they grew older though I found methods of disciplining a child that were better than corporal punishment, and so far I've had success with these other methods. I do speak out against abuse, (having suffered through it myself), but I'm equally pissed with parents who can't be bothered with raising their children correctly, or those idiots who think that if they discipline their kids that the kids won't like them. in essence, the mamby-pambies, and the slothful (like the alcoholics and drug addicts, or the ones who leave it to the schools, TV, and video games to be their kids role models) they should never be allowed to breed in the first place. Abusive parents should go to prison, no doubt in my mind, but those who refuse to raise their children to the best of their ability should as well. There is no "one size fits all" to parenting, and the only guarantee that you'll get is that you will make mistakes, it's inevetible. However, if you really try and be a good parent, your kids will come through it and be okay. Nobody can fully prepare their kids for what is out there, it's a rough old world, but we can give them the tools they need to make their own future if we are the best parents that we can be. Peace, Vic
  17. Bill W. started that great organisation that is A.A. which my brother is a member of. He has over 17 years of sobriety, and still attends meetings. I think it's great that you are working on your recovery, and wish you a long and happy one. Keep going to meetings, (you get free coffee there anyway). I'm sure that there are others on this site who are in various stages of recovery, but as it's A.A. I think that they may not wish to out themselves. There is nothing wrong with admitting that you have a problem and that you are working on it, it's just that some people just choose to keep it to themselves. Peace, Vic
  18. WTF????? What, exactly did any of that mean? If you're trying to say that parents don't explain to their children just what it is that are being punished for I don't agree. At our dinner table, if you forgot to say "please" and "thank you" you were picking your ass up off the floor (my Dad was quick), and you knew exactly why you were getting up off of the floor for too. If you screwed up in front of him you got nailed instantly, and then he'd yell at you for it, so you knew what it was, if he was going to beat you for something my Mom told him about he would give you a speach about just how much of a low life disappointment you were, long ones, hurtfull ones, the kind where you just wished he'd just go ahead and beat the shit out of you for, (you knew he was gonna do that in the end anyway). My Mom was different, she screamed about what it was she was beating you for as she beat the living shit out of you. So I think most parents tell their kids just what it is that they did wrong when they punish them. When I discipline my kid I do, it is ridiculous to discipline a kid without explaining what it is they are being punished for. Not knowing the difference between acceptable and unacceptable? What kind of baloney is that? The only people who fit into that catagory are the truly insane. Everybody knows the difference between right and wrong, it's just that criminals choose to ignore it, and obnoxious people are just clueless about how offensive they are. I still don't understand what your post was about, but I hope I covered enough bases for me to have covered it. Peace, Vic
  19. I'd like to know too, I've never bought bambino's but I plan to this month. I usually get abri-forms, but this month I plan to splurge and try out a case of bambino's, so if there is a discount code I'd like to know. Also I'd like to know how other's (who have tried bambinos) like them, and how they compare to abri-forms. Thanks. Peace, Vic
  20. "Go get a switch!!" I heard that many times, and I would have to go out to the tree and find a suitable one, if I got one that didn't measure up to their standard I was knocked to the floor and had to go back out and get a better one. All of us did. The last time my sister had to she was sixteen. We were so physically abused and emotionally/mentally abused us boys even brutalized each other. My younger brother almost sliced my youngest brothers thumb off once, and the payback he got for that was that my youngest brother later broke his leg. Home was a place I dreaded, it was a constant war zone with no safe port available, I lived on the street as much as possible, this was in southern California, but I found the street to be a safer place than home. "discipline" was meted out without ryhme or reason, a lot of times you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. That was life, threatening, and terrifying, it's no wonder that I still fight in my dreams every night. Through all of this I still loved my parents, I mean, they're your parents, you have to love them, so instead I came to hate ME. I just knew that there was something wrong with ME and that was why I couldn't be loved, or why I deserved to be treated that way. But one thing I did know, even back then, and that was that you don't treat kids that way. I vowed to myself that if I ever raised a kid it would NOT be like that. We have lost my big brother and my youngest brother to drug related deaths, so, in a way, my parents have been punished for the way that they raised us. But for myself, my brother, and my sister life continues to be a struggle. There are still things that I have to overcome, but I am getting there. My brother is doing well, and has two wonderful boys, whom he has never had to beat into submission, and my sister, like me is still truggling, but has been able to raise two wonderful kids herself, and again, she didn't have to beat them in the process. In part of the process that I have been going through I had to sit down (well we actually stood) and have a sober talk with my Dad about what it was like growing up around him. He had a hard time with it, and part way through he told me "you have a tendency to raise your kids the way that you were raised". I pointed out to him that even as a kid that I knew that what he was doing was wrong, and that I haven't raised my boy this way. I told him "if I could see that, and understand that, then I know that you could too, the difference between us is that I gave a shit". He had nothing to say to that, because he knew that there was no justification for the things that he had done. It was very hard to have this discussion with him, because inside of me was so much rage, hurt, betrayal, and pain that had been festering in there for so many, many years, and still through all of that I loved this man. I loved him more than life itself, and would never, ever wish to hurt him, but this was something that had to come out if we were ever going to have any kind of decent relationship. Now it's out, (we had "the talk" many years ago), and we understand each other. I love him, just as much as I ever have, but I don't have all that pain tied to my love for him. I call him every day, just to let him know that I love him, and that I'm glad he's my Dad. I have yet to have this talk with my Mom, but it's gotten to the point that I need to, and it's not something I look forward to. You have to do this face to face, and you have to be able to speak coherantly of things that have such rage and hurt connected to them it's like openning a wound that has never healed right, and has festered and rotted inside of you. It is a very painful process, but a neccsary one if you are to ever get all of that poison out of your soul. I don't really want to do this, I love my Mom, but if I'm to ever really love her the way I should I must do this and get past it. When parents do these things to their kids, and present those kinds of role models to their children, they are concentrating pure evil. when you cause that kind of rage and pain in a child it percolates down through them, into their very soul, where they pass it on to their children, and as I've said, this evil becomes even more concentrated. It is up to the children, as they grow older, to see the folly of this and to break the cycle. If not society as a whole suffers. We see this every day in the mothers that kill their own children, or the kids who grow up to become rapists, murderers, and drug addicts. It is up to the victims of abuse to break this cycle. I know that that hardly seems fair, but that is the way that it is. We live in a messed up world, we didn't mess it up, but it is up to us to fix it. Peace, Vic
  21. Actually curiousity, it's not the social workers who are to blame, but the parents of the children who are at fault. A lot of parents allow their kids to be raised by the schools, TV, and video games, simply because they just can't be bothered to be a real parent. Discipline does not have to mean corporal punishment, although it can be used as a tool, it is not neccesary if the parent is active in their childs life. I have spanked Buzz once, but the punishment was over in just a minute, and didn't leave a lasting impression. Doing extra chores however, is something he hates, and has to think about for all the time he is doing them. We've found this approach to be much more effective. Being a real parent means you need to be active in your child's life. You need to know how they're doing in school, what they are reading on the internet, how much TV (and what type of TV) they are watching. You need to know who their friends are, and what it is that they do when they are together. In essence you must be involved, you have to care, you have to know what influences they are listening to, and lead them in the path that you think is the best for them. Too many people these days don't put forth the effort it takes to raise a kid, then when things go south on them they wonder what the kids problem is, not what it is that they themselves have done or haven't done. It's the kid's or societies fault. Kids these days are over medicated, becuse the parents can't be bothered with controlling their own kids, and when the kid does poorly in school, they say he has a learning disability or the school is at fault. I can't tell you how many times I've sat down and done homework with Buzz. Being a parent is WORK, it's not easy work either, but if you put in the effort it is all worth it. So don't give me that line about what the kids these days need, or what social workers or liberals have done. Talk about the parents taking responsibility for the children they bring into this world. If you abuse a kid it's very poor parenting (I know from first hand experience) and the kids will go bad. If you don't discipline your kids you get bad kids, that's from lazy or no parenting. You don't need to beat a child to discipline them, what you need to do is ACTUALLY BE A PARENT. But I guess that that is just a concept that is far to complex and difficult for some people to learn (yes I'm talking to you, you opinionated, religion spouting right wing nut job). Peace, Vic
  22. Why not have a little fun with him and the next time he comes in that drunk and goes to bed put his hand in a pan of warm water?? That'll teach him the evils of drink, or at least not to drink around YOU!! Peace, Vic
  23. I'll get the oven going!! Peace, Vic
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