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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by pamprdguy

  1. I am looking to talk to any AB/DL in the Northwestern part of Ontario (or even in Eastern Manitoba). All I am looking for is a friendship and someone to talk to about our love of diapers and other baby gear. I would love to hear from both girls and guys. I am any easy going type of guy and willing to talk about anything anyone wishes to talk about. Anyone interested in contacting me can PM me anytime. Hope to hear from some of you soon.
  2. Diapers are not my most favorite thing. However it is definitely up there on my list of favorite things. There are times that I do love wearing diapers over anything else I love. Diapers will always be in the top 3 things I love!!!
  3. pamprdguy


    If I had the choice and I could fit into them, I would definitely go with the Pampers. Especially the old classic Pampers from the late 80's, early 90's with the plastic cover on them. There is nothing like the feel of a plastic baby diaper on your bottom. I have always been jealous of those people (guys and girls) that can still fit into baby diapers. What I wouldn't do to be able to fit into them again!!
  4. I tell you, if that is true, I would love to see pictures also. I have a hard time believing it, but I guess only she would know. She is one who's diaper I would love to change.
  5. I guess my interest in diapers actually started a little earlier than I voted on. I remember a time when I was 5 and my brother was 1, a female friend of mine and I snuck into my brother's room and took a couple of his Pampers diapers. We then went back to my room and put the diapers on over our pants. I don't know how I remember that time, but I do. Then I had a few bedwetting accidents. My parents threatened to put my brother and I back into diapers if we didn't stop wetting the bed. I stopped almost immediately. I wish I had kept it going though because at that time there were no such things as Pull-ups or Goodnights. It was just plain old baby diapers. I wish I would have been put back into Pampers. I look back now and I probably would have enjoyed being in diapers again. That really got my interest in diapers going and as they say, the rest is history. I have been wearing diapers ever since whenever I get the chance.
  6. From time to time I will use a size six Pampers diaper in my adult diaper to absorb some of the wetting I do. That is one of the only ways that I will ever be able to wear a baby diaper again.
  7. Alicia Silverstone, there is another one I would love to see in diapers. Has anyone else sat and watched a tv show or movie and wonder what the actress (or actor) would look like in a diaper? My list is endless, but includes Hillary Duff, Sarah Michelle Gellar (one of my all time favorites), Britney Spears, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jennifer Aniston, and the list goes on.
  8. I wear diapers for just that purpose most of the time. Whenever I feel that I have to escape the real world for some time, I will put a diaper on, and pull out either one of my baby bottles or pacifiers and go to town. I have convinced myself to wet my diapers more often when I do wear them. There is nothing like the feeling of being a baby, even if it is for just a short period of time every now and then.
  9. I have heard rumors (and read somewhere, but forget where) that Britney Spears actually does wear diapers. I would actually love to see that, even though I have a hard time believing it.
  10. Actually I know which episode you are referring to. It is actually their son Sammy that they are trying to potty train. The episode showed him in later years and what he would look like in a diaper if he didn't get potty trained. Greg (the father) wants Sammy to potty train and get out of diapers because his friend's son was potty trained before his son was. Kim tries to convince him that there is no hurry to get him potty trained and out of diapers.
  11. Rumor is (and I can't remember where I read it), that Britney Spears actually wears diapers. I have a hard time believing that, but if it is true, I don't think she would want a whole lot of people to know about her in diapers.
  12. It is disposable diapers the whole way for me. I have always been a big (huge actually) fan of Pampers diapers and always will be even though they don't fit me anymore. There is nothing like the fresh baby powder scent of a disposable diaper.
  13. I agree BuzzCat. I wish I could just grab all of the diapers off of the shelves and buy them all. Then I would have diapers for all of us. One big diaper party.
  14. I have to agree with everything being said here. I love walking down the diaper aisles in different stores. There is nothing like taking in the scent of baby powder and baby diapers while you stand there in amazement of the assortment of diapers out there. When I am alone at work for a couple of minutes I will purposely go to the Infants section and check out what is new in diapers. I then imagine what it would be like to be able to wear Pampers again. I have always believed that the scent of baby powder is absolutely heaven. There is nothing like it.
  15. I really have to agree. The smell of baby powder is heaven to me. That is why I like the Pampers and Luvs diapers. I love to pick up a package of diapers in a store, and when no one is watching I will sniff it. I also put it into my diapers and rub it on my skin. There is nothing like the first time you open baby powder!!
  16. I have to agree. The companies that make baby diapers (Pampers, Luvs, Huggies) should get into the market. They would be surprised at the volume of diapers that they would sell. I know that it is a pipe dream and more than likely will never happen. However, as a diaper lover, I guess we can always dream, right?
  17. I just wanted to introduce myself and tell you a little about myself. I have been a diaper lover for many years now. I know that my story will probably sound very typical of most diaper lovers. At one point in my life (when I was around 11 years old), I had a little bedwetting problem. I wet my bed about 3-4 nights a week. After a while my parents threatened me with having to wear diapers if I didn't stop wetting the bed. Well, shortly after the threat I stopped wetting the bed. That threat however got my fascination with diapers to start. I didn't act on the fascination for a few years, but then I would run to a store around the corner from where I used to live and started to buy diapers. Well, here I am now a few more years later and still in diapers. I am loving every minute of it. I have shared my story with other diaper lovers on line, but no one I know around here or back in my home town know about my love of diapers. Not even my closest friends and family know. I wish I could tell someone I love and be accepted for it. Until then, I would love to talk to any other diaper lover out there that wishes to talk about diapers or anything else. I would also love to hear from any diaper loving female as it is always interesting to hear how they started in diapers. Hope to hear from alot of you soon.
  18. I would love it if they made adult diapers just like the baby diapers. I dream of adult diapers looking like baby diapers with the fun prints on the diapers. I would also love to have adult diapers with the baby powder scent just like Pampers and Luvs have. I am in pure heaven when I get a whiff of those baby diapers.
  19. That was a tough decision to make as there were a couple of choices I would Luv to have made. I do love the feeling of a new diaper with baby powder in it. But, I also love the rustling of a plastic diaper on my butt. That way I know that I am wearing a diaper.
  20. I prefer to just pee in my diapers. I have yet to try to poop in my diapers and I'm not sure that I ever would want to try. I wouldn't want to have to change a poopy diaper.
  21. I was trying to register for these forums last night. I provided all of the required information asked for, but I kept getting the message that one of the fields has more information than required. However, it won't tell me which field it is. I want to be able to post on the forums, but I can't get registered. Can you please let me know what I am supposed to do. How long of a username do I need and what are the limits for the password (how many characters are needed for the password)? Please let me know so that I can get onto the forums and start posting.
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