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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by smarti

  1. smarti


    My sister had one of those! I was so jealous!
  2. She has been known to soil her panties on occasion, although I doubt that's related to this. Britney both courts the paps and is a victim of them. it is sad I agree.
  3. smarti


    Yeah! I had one too! I loved making that heath robinson machine!
  4. smarti


    Lego is the biz. but i also enjoyed "Bayko" which you slot bricks into rods to make houses, not so versatile but more realistic. how could i not love my trainset. I liked my sister's Sindy too (secretly) and her dolls house, which even had a garden!
  5. Found it, found it! I believe Ann Landers passed on a while back. Great answer she gave, mostly.
  6. It was hard before computers. In the 70s and 80s, on the edge of London's red light district in Soho was a little shop catering mostly to the BDSM crowd, who had a few booklets about being babied - ABDL scene. This was for me the first intimation I was not completely alone. But as to the awareness that women liked being babies too.. would have to wait until I got the computer (Internet - '94-ish) and one of the first things I discovered was a letter from an AB lady to Ann Landers. Wonder where that lady is today, getting on a bit I guess (like me lol). And in that early Internet scene, Tommy was a great inspiration with his activism and willingness to "go public" - and Angela and heidi, guess you were pretty important too in the "Dark Ages".
  7. Freud's fortunes have gone up and down with thinkers over the decades, but there is a currently a tentative rehabilitation occurring on the points of contact he has with modern neuroscience. What's proven are some of his "big" conjectures, such as: We have an Unconscious mind the Ego is located in the prefrontal cortex, the seat of ordinary consciousness and willpower the Id (unconscious) is the rest of the brain/nervous system and particularly the limbic system and deeper structures found in other animals, and governs our most basic instincts and desires Dreams express our deep desires or avoidance of that undesired, and as such are windows to the unconscious mind. These could include in some cases the desire to return to the womb, defined as a feeling of safety and warmth. That we really do know ourselves under all the conscious masks we contrive is doubtful. The Superego is the mechanism of cortical inhibition which underlies our sense of morality Our most basic instincts are focussed on sex as reproduction over mere survival (this being a consequence of sociobiology and "selfish genes") Concerning sexuality, our formative impulses come from early childhood, and many have suffered physical and mental traumas, leading to memories and their ownership being hidden, repressed or revisited. Other people have had more idyllic childhoods, and the strength of feeling to trigger a desire varies. Psychotherapy is still a useful tool for people to confront their issues frankly, and the couch is a relaxing item of furniture. Just the guidelines have become updated from the strict Freudian, in line with our best modern Psychiatry for various flavours of mental illness, most of whose physical pathways in the brain have now been tracked down, or are a work in progess, and for the most part best addressed by pharmaceuticals. I'd say, Freud got carried away with his immense classical education, standard humanities baggage, which took him along some strange pathways. While the story of Oedipus may ring true for some, I find my situation better parallelled by that of the transvestite Achilles. Did the Ancient Greeks have nappies?
  8. HANG IN THERE THERA!! We're all lookin forward to seeing you in here again. I want that chess rematch! lots of love Smarti xxx
  9. open minded or what? great intro for straight people!
  10. smarti


    I too have limits as I'm required to be the breadwinner. OTOH, I just have too much fun in my nappy to ever give it up. And as Angela says, it doesn't hurt anyone really. As Mr Sea Otter says, nobody really cares, we can get too paranoid. *HAPPINESS IS A WARM NAPPY*
  11. me too - shopped around for a bigger one though if its going to be a serious sucker. and prefer the ribbon and clip to hanging around the neck. seconded - I do in fact find the best implement to do this is a diaper pin. next step - toys, stuffies, cartoons? further step (needs big cash) - giant sized crib, highchair, playpen. i've had the pleasure to try somone elses, but just for a day.
  12. in this thread are strange fantasies and terrible realities. on a somewhat heavier scale than the similar yearning for incontinence contra living with it, unasked, for real - addressed at length in other threads. Walking, like language, is for me just too useful to unlearn. For me, this don't go beyond adding to the list of commonly seen adult-sized baby furniture items - I'd love to see - and try - a baby walker* in my size.
  13. QUOTE @ Jan 4 2008, 07:45 PM) "beautifullest" instead of "most beautiful." Kids learn a regular rule (in this case "add -est to get a superlative") and over-apply it. Most commonly on irregular verbs and irregular plurals. So, "mouses", "foots" (the default -s plural), "setted", "hitted", "cutted", "hurted", "bursted" (default -ed past tense, in this case on the biggest class of irregular verbs, which dont take -ed or any inflection at all). Thing is, adults do it all the time, only they get to say whether it's right or wrong; a word like "broadcasted" has crept into a lot of adult speech and has become de-facto correct, when it is strictly, "broadcast"
  14. terry nappies and plastic pants until age 4. pampers arrived in the 70s but were too small for me by then even though the TV ads were great. nowadays I use both cloth and disp. cloth and pp feel nice, I suppose harking back to childhood, and hold more. Disps are better hidden and more convenient.
  15. http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/web/...EN&wb_dis=2 Here are some pretty omutsu covers with the cute little ribbon ties and everything For your eyes rather than wallet - some interested person helping bridge this gap could make some money maybe..
  16. Me neither - perhaps you could add "shopping" to the list.
  17. Thanks Army, it could be expanded with sufficient interest.
  18. Were there toddler diapers at all? Maybe not... Lawyers statement in June http://wjz.com/topstories/Lisa.Nowak.2.428238.html Police evidence photos http://www.wftv.com/slideshow/news/11605063/detail.html can't see the toddler diapers?? pic40 looks like used NASA diapers to me. Is the attorney telling a pork pie? All the other legenarily weird stuff - the BB gun, the hose, and a lot else besides.. like, what was she going to do with 41 pounds sterling? Also the floppy disk had bondage pictures on it. Parent URL for above link. http://www.wftv.com/news/15062204/detail.h...lc&psp=news Some links here to raw video of "Didee" in her holding cell just after arrest. Call me old-fashioned, but I felt uncomfortable gawking at that. By the grace of God go I. Other interesting naughty astronaut links the lowdown on space diapers http://www.latimes.com/news/science/la-me-...,0,246322.story a fun, if cruel game http://www.nasawatch.com/archives/2007/02/...onaut_nasa.html amusing, if cruel video cheers, smarti
  19. It's all true.. this is the difference with people you don't know. There's me being confident about other people. My workplace is hell. I work for a retailer and our store has great diapers and some cute fashion, but the store at the office is all but impassable. There I am looking at the diaper or paci aisle and some colleague, an accountant or a secretary, or the store manager appears out of nowhere to say hello, ask what I'm doing or talk about work. Luckily we are a huge chain and every store sells more or less the same stuff. Yesterday the temptation got too much and I went to a store where I was confident nobody knows me and hid my company badge. Oh the delight mingled with fear and trepidation of picking up the first item, a package of 10 disposable diapers, my fave brand that can take a good wetting when I'm lying on my side with no hint of a leak. No basket or cart, I'm just walking around with the package of diapers in my hand. Looking around and seeing that nobody cares, I'm emboldened to walk into ladieswear and kidswear, and seek out babyish-looking puff sleeve tops, pick up about 1/2 a dozen including a pink nightie. An unusual choice of garments for a 43yo male - still nobody cares, so I pick up some more. By now I need a shopping cart and claim an abandoned one. There I am with nothing in the cart except diapers and frilly tops. I check out the pacis and they have a Baby Minnie Mouse paci. Finally I get a bit of food. Then I head for the checkout. Neither the cashier nor customer behind me says anything. Both of them are more concerned with pumping my stuff past the till than what it is. There are hiccups as some items have no barcode, but this is a good cashier and she won't persuade me to leave stuff behind, she just hunts down the barcodes as we wait. Finally it's all done, an improbably round number of 2,600, I give the cash and I'm free. Then get home and try everything on. I'm in a diaper and nightie a 3yo would be proud of. In my house, upstairs is the playzone. Anyway, after all this expense and carrying stuff around, I think it was completely worth it. For me, it is not just the feeling of the diaper around my hips or having on a short little pink nightdress, great as those feelings are. No, it is the pleasure and relief of being ME. This is the true ME, the real ME. It's a bliss unutterable, if only I could be like this ALL THE TIME! I know tomorrow I'll be in my shirt and tie, the I even play up the male power style. But when I look at the aisles at work, I'll smile, because I've got a secret.
  20. For J->E put this URL in your address bar and replace the full URL of the Japanese site you want to read from the part in red. http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/web/?wb_url=http://www.sanwa-pub.com/webshop/v-shop/shop.cgi?class=12/0&wb_lp=JAEN&wb_dis=2 Heres the live link to start you off. It's then translate-as-you-surf, like Babelfish, you might have to toggle the combo box in the excite pane at the top if you get a page not displayed screen. http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/web/...EN&wb_dis=2 Omutsu and Pants site: http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/web/...EN&wb_dis=2 Always have this bit after your URL &wb_lp=JAEN&wb_dis=2 Here's my fave Nihongo site http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/web/...EN&wb_dis=2 click on purple writing in LH frame, here is URL out of frame http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/web/...EN&wb_dis=2 Some nice pants/rompers/dresses used in their photo shoots, here's just one of them http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/web/...EN&wb_dis=2 I just love Japanese style... the meticulous attention to detail, the clean lines, when cute, supercute. Their omutsu covers live up to that cheers, smarti http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/web/...EN&wb_dis=2
  21. There are people and people.. There are colleagues, friends and associates, and there is the great general public. The public are the least of your worries. I often ask myself when I'll ever see that shopkeeper, etc., ever again, and the answer is always probably never. For those close to you, know you, see you regularly, it's different. I've let this out to a few of my very closest friends and relations, and none were fazed or hostile about it. Ultimately diapers are not illegal or harmful, except for diaper rash. OTOH, my work is a very conformist atmosphere with some people hostile to me anyway. I don't need the extra hassle of colleagues knowing. So in conclusion, your fears are real, and I certainly share them, but they are maybe exaggerated or unrealistic in certain aspects. There's a third group of people too, the 10,000 plus members of DD, and at least 100,000 abies in the wild. A huge number of us have faced your dilemmas and dealt with them in different ways. Moreover, the vast majority of us are guaranteed to accept you for who you are. This is a nice place where social norms are reversed and it's normal to want to wear didees. cheers smarti
  22. That account had me laughing my socks off. Right to the nub of the matter! I must say you make the "stranger in the car" defence vis a vis denied "didee wettings" sound pretty flimsy. It does appear clear, however, that she (and NASA) have avoided a humiliating and degrading trial (exhibit A didees) for serious felonies. Booo!!! Good for Florida to appeal! What does the aggrieved party have to say? For the mainstream media, the main comedic draw after the didees was the exceedingly odd assortment of objects (as in the hold of Apollo 13) she took on the fateful trip. Hey! what's with the kiddie diaper stash?? Maybe she was using them as soakers.. or just liked the pretty patterns? (gets out Sherlock magnifying glass) laughs again
  23. My pleasure Angela, it's an interesting topic for sure, made my weekend. I'll also declare an interest, having written a couple of screenplays, which forced me to learn the strict formatting. I was able to get past the censors by use of a proxy to see the comments (including Alya's) on VEOH if not actually the video itself. (as an aside, it's the whole VEOH domain that's banned, not "Redemption") Glad to see the debate was on film technique rather than the story. I've often wondered about tropes that make AB themes accessible to the mainstream, and the short movie succeeds here (abuse) perhaps where the feature (mental hospital) might not. At any rate, I was thinking that he should insert your scenes of the mother's suicide, which would work really well as a cutaway later in the film as a great twist to increase sympathy for the lead character. I've been a bit of a naughty boy and taken some grabs so that people without access to the movie can see what they are missing... taken wildly out of context... cheers, smarti
  24. Also on MySpace Michael's loaded an interesting treatment of "Temptation" as a feature-length film. http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...logID=348473530 Looks like it could be interesting viewing... Thursday, January 17, 2008 Redemption - The Feature Film Treatment REDEMPTION A TREATMENT FOR A FEATURE FILM SCREENPLAY by Michael Bryson August 2007 This Drama begins in the MASTER BEDROOM of the SCOTT House: It is dark but for a single light shining out from the bathroom. Twelve-year-old AMBER SCOTT walks in and towards the END TABLE at the left of the bed: from head-to-foot she is inexplicably dressed like a toddler; braided hair, a pacifier in her mouth, wearing a very childish-looking t-shirt and a DISPOSABLE DIAPER, lacey socks and white and pink tennis shoes. She opens the end table drawer and retrieves a small, nickel-plated .38 CALIBER PISTOL and turns back to the main door, stopping to examine the gun -- to question herself. LIVING ROOM: Amber passes through to the adjoining KITCHEN where her mother, JUDITH, stands at the pass-over-counter washing dishes. Amber stops in front, looking across at her mother -- staring coldly. Judith stops washing and stares back. Amber removes the pacifier from her mouth and places it gently on the counter, never breaking eye-contact. Judith looks at the pacifier then back to Amber. Seconds later Amber raises the gun, pointing it at her mother's head. Judith is unaffected, giving short notice of the gun before locking eyes again. Amber cocks the gun. Judith slow-blinks, almost nodding her approval. Amber's lower lip quivers as she resolves to fire… BAM! FLASH CUT TO: SIREN LIGHTS atop an AMBULANCE, parked in the driveway of the Scott House. Several official vehicles spread about. A GREY SEDAN rushes up, stopping at the rear of the ambulance. CATHERINE FELTZER, steps out of the passenger side and hurries inside. The back of her jacket reads "CPS". FRONT ENTRANCE: Catherine passes through the masses of OFFICIAL PERSONNEL and into the kitchen where two photographers snap photos of Judith's body; laid out on the floor - with a big chunk of her skull blown out. LIEUTENANT DAN COKER, a long time associate, waits for her at the opposite end. He signals to her and she makes her way past the body, trying not to stare, but does anyway. Dan greets her as she approaches: "We always get the pretty ones, don't we?". She stops an upheaval in her throat before responding: "Where is she?". Dan smiles, nodding over his shoulder. Catherine sees the young girl sitting in a dark corner of the living room, holding a toy bunny. She turns to Dan: "Why hasn't anyone covered her, or something?". Dan: "She won't let us near her". Catherine expresses her grief and heads over to Amber. As she nears the girl she notices the diaper. She tries to hide her shock, slowing her steps. She takes inventory of the environment, spotting a large PINK DIAPER BAG on a divan, in the foyer – everything else seems normal. She kneels in front of Amber, still a couple of feet away, trying to communicate. Amber retreats, gripping her bunny harder. Catherine concedes, signaling the young girl to take ease. Amber settles, staring at Catherine; and sizing her up. Catherine examines Amber, eyes slightly welling. Amber feels embarrassed, she tries to cover the diaper with her t-shirt. Catherine conveys her sympathy, but it doesn't help. She moves to the sofa and grabs a BLANKET; offering it to Amber. Amber doesn't react. Catherine gently spreads the blanket over her. Amber watches, unsure how to react. LATER: Catherine walks Amber out. Amber drops the BUNNY as they pass the DIVAN. She stops, pulling away from Catherine, reaching back. Catherine notes her action and reaches down for the bunny but Amber ignores her and instead grabs the DIAPER BAG. Catherine is stunned. Amber clutches the bag, turning her eyes down in shame. Catherine strokes her hair for assurance. Amber looks up. Catherine smiles and invites Amber to follow her out. MONTAGE: --- Outside: Catherine exits the house, with Amber --- Inside House: Police are gathering and photographing --- Outside: Catherine and Amber get in back seat of Grey Sedan. They leave --- Hospital: Police are asking questions --- Examination Room: Catherine sits with Amber, A Nurse tries to remove the diaper but Amber fights her off --- Court: Catherine (with Diaper Bag) sits behind Amber. A Lawyer presents her case. Amber's Aunt and Uncle are recognized by the court --- Laurel Ridge Treatment Center: Amber is escorted in, Catherine follows --- Center's Main Offices: Amber meets NURSE HALEY. Haley takes the diaper bag from Catherine. Amber watches it closely --- AMBER is squatted on the floor, at the foot of the bed, in her NEW ROOM. She stares into the abyss, peeing her diaper beyond its capacity -- the excess spills to the floor. She is unaffected. A disturbance in the hall. Amber looks towards the door, straining to see in the dark. A GHOSLTY IMAGE of MOM rushes at her, taunting her about wetting herself, raising a hand to strike. Amber freaks and rushes into the corner, trying to escape. The image is gone. Amber cannot calm herself. MORNING: Nurse Haley enters to find the mess on the floor and Amber crouched in the corner; sleeping (recalling her mother's scolding for wetting the bed… again). Haley approaches with caution, placing the diaper bag on the bed as she passes. She kneels beside Amber and carefully wakes her. Amber breaks into hysteria. Nurse Haley finally calms her and suggests that they get her diaper changed. Amber sees the PINK BAG on the bed and follows obediently. THE CAFETERIA: Amber follows Haley through the FOOD LINE, her diaper covered by a long night-shirt. Several kids take notice of her oddness. Later: Amber sits alone, at the opposite end of a half-filled table, staring at her food. All the other children stare, giggling and quietly teasing. Haley watches with concern. Amber, feeling the stares of the others, decides to leave. THE DOCTOR'S OFFICE: Amber sits on the leather couch as DOCTOR ALAN HABREY enters and sits across from her, on his high-back chair. He greets her but gets no response. He smiles and grabs his CLIP BOARD from the coffee table, positioned between them. He sits back and prepares his notes. Several questions are followed by agitating silence. Dr. Habrey smirks… this is going to be a long session. COMMON AREA 3, AGES 9-12: A large room divided into four main areas; video games, television, crafts and the play place. Each section is filled with spirited kids, desperately at play --- in direct contrast to Amber, alone in the only shady corner of the room. She lies on her side, on the floor, watching a young boy at play with two TOY SOLDIERS, in a mock duel. Amber drifts into a daze, recounting the severe beating she got just before her mother diapered her. A YOUNG GIRL walks up to Amber, from behind, spotting Amber's now exposed diaper. She laughs and runs towards the others, calling out her ridicules about Amber. A crowd gathers, thinking to investigate, but they are stopped by Nurse Haley and others. Amber turns over, further exposing herself but ignoring the cat calls and teasing. She sucks on her thumb. Haley retrieves Amber and escorts her out as the jeering elevates. AMBER'S ROOM: Lights out. Haley comes in to check on Amber… but she is gone. Haley checks the room. There are crayons and shredded paper all over the floor. Her pajama pants hang over the bed rails. KITCHEN: Amber pushes open the swinging DOUBLE DOORS, poking her head inside --- a pacifier in her mouth. She spots the gigantic refrigerator and rushes over, carrying a hand-torn cut-out colored picture of her BUNNY. The light from the opened fridge shows that she is wearing just a diaper and her pajama top. A sound from the hall sends her flying into the dark, slamming the fridge door shut. She hides under the PREP TABLE until the coast is clear. She peeks over the top and immediately notices that a LARGE KNIFE has been left, on the table. Amber startles at a sound from behind her, she grabs the knife in defense. Her mother's GHOST attacks her. Amber raises the knife… IN THE HALL: Haley searches diligently. A SCREAM echoes. Haley runs towards it. Bending the corner she spots young Amber at the other end of the long hall. She calls out but gets no response. Haley starts towards her, calling repeatedly for her to wait. Amber struggles, swaying from side-to-side, mumbling. Haley notices her odd behavior and quickens her pace. As she nears she sees sporadic drops of BLOOD on the floor. "Oh Dear God". Haley rushes Amber and is nearly slashed by the huge BLADE --- as Amber reacts. Amber postures defensively. Haley is forced to assault her, taking the knife away. Amber collapses to the cold linoleum floor, revealing several lacerations on her arms and one leg. Haley grabs her up and charges down the hall, dropping the knife in a nearby trash can... INTENSIVE CARE UNIT: Haley sits at Amber's side; who has been sedated and safety-strapped to her bed. Just outside the room, the Chief-of-Staff, DOCTOR CHARLES HOWARD, screams at the KITCHEN MANAGER --- firing him for incompetence. Haley cries, gripping Amber's hand. DR. HABREY'S OFFICE: Nurse Haley tries to convince him that it was not a suicide attempt. He attacks: "Is that your professional opinion… Doctor?". Haley is stunted by his sarcasm; which he now regrets. IN-FACILITY SCHOOL ROOM: Amber sits in isolation, apart from the other students --- she is clearly drugged. Her books are unopened. She draws a picture of her bunny. Haley enters through the back door with the DIAPER BAG. All heads turn as Amber follows Haley out, carrying her books. Giggling turns to laughter as the door closes. AMBER'S ROOM: Her school books are torn apart and spread about the floor. Several WORDS on many of the ripped-out pages have been circled. Amber sits in one corner, in just a t-shirt and a diaper, working on the fourth copy of her BUNNY drawings. Her school dress lies amongst the thrashed literature. Haley enters and is shocked by the unsightly litter. She lightly scolds Amber as she cleans up but stops when she notices the circled words. Reaching Amber, she catches sight of the several drawings. Haley leaves… RECEPTION AREA: Haley greets Catherine Feltzer, who brings the BUNNY for Amber. They talk about her condition. Catherine asks to see her. AMBER'S ROOM: Haley enters, shocked again -- that the room has been cleaned. All the torn pages and covers have been stacked neatly on the END TABLE. Amber sits by the window, staring out at the kids playing in an open field. Catherine approaches her, holding the BUNNY out front. A brief hint of delight escapes Amber's eyes as she sees her friend, the bunny. Catherine squats near Amber, holding out the rabbit, but Amber will not take it. Catherine lowers it to the floor and slides it towards Amber. Amber snatches it up and hugs it tightly. Haley examines the torn pages. She takes one over to Amber and kneels beside her. Amber looks outside. Haley reads the circled word aloud: "dissipated… it means used up… or exhausted". She looks at Amber, hoping for a response. Nothing. Haley looks to Catherine; who gives a nod of encouragement. Amber strokes her bunny. …FIVE YEARS LATER… SHOCK THERAPY ROOM: A tattered and worn BUNNY sits on an empty chair. An older AMBER, strapped to a PADDED TABLE, convulses as electricity charges her body. Dr. Habrey watches; with obvious disappointment in his patient. AMBER'S ROOM: Haley sits on the floor, near the window, reading the torn pages from a THESAURUS. She glimpses the word "emasculate" and smiles as tears trickle down her face. MAIN ENTRANCE LOBBY: A small group of third year medical students, here for a SUMMER INTERNSHIP, all in their twenties, stand in formation, being inspected by Dr. Howard: "As you are all still medical students… you will be under the charge of all staff here, including the senior nursing staff". Some students smirk, one is particularly noticeable, a pretentious twenty-one year old named JORDAN LOCKE, who looks way too young to be in this group. Dr. Howard approaches him: "You look like you don't even need to shave yet… my guess is you're the young prodigy that everyone is talking about". Jordan knows not to smile at that. Dr. Howard locks eyes with Jordan, but addressing them all: "These particular nurses know more than you ever will… and you will respect them". Jordan doesn't flinch. Dr. Howard continues… WARD B, ADOLESCENTS "AT RISK", BOYS BATHROOM: Jordan escorts his new young charge, a seventeen year old boy, to the toilet. He waits outside the stall, disgusted: "Third year medical student, first year butt-wiping nurse's aide". A gurgled giggle emanates from behind the plastic curtain of a nearby SHOWER STALL. Jordan is taken aback, he steps smartly to the shower and draws back the curtain. He shocks, almost disgusted, at the sight of AMBER, lying in a fetal position, writing out the word "emasculate" on the wall; with her own feces. Amber looks up at him, she is somewhat taken by his good looks - staring hard. He too is caught up; she is quite beautiful – even if she is crazy. OUTSIDE THE BOYS BATHROOM: Jordan waits by the door, too curious to leave, just yet. Dr. Howard arrives just as Nurse Haley and TWO ORDERLIES exit the bathroom with Amber -- strapped to a gurney and covered with a sheet. Other spectators gather. Amber's eyes are glued to Jordan as she exits. Jordan feels compelled to speak: "Well, that's certainly one way to get attention". Amber shocks at his words; her eyes wide open. As she is wheeled past him she utters: "What did you say?". The GURNEY freezes in its tracks. Everyone is stunned silent, staring at Amber in disbelief. SHE SPOKE… her first words ever… since her arrival here. Not knowing any better, Jordan steps up to her with an apology. She is quiet again. Dr. Howard stammers: "Take her to her room… I need to…" He trails off, still discomposed. Haley issues instructions to go on, still in shock herself. She stares into Amber's eyes. Amber looks away, back to her usual self. Dr. Howard tells Jordan to meet him in his office, then leaves. Jordan's concern is aggravated by the endless questioning of remaining staff… HOW DID YOU DO IT? CONFERENCE ROOM: The entire SENIOR STAFF is present and they are all in an uproar about Amber. Jordan sits to the side of the MAIN TABLE, listening in. Dr. Howard gets them all settled and initiates an ordered discussion. Several suggestions fly around on how best to proceed, now. Jordan is, once again, bombarded with questions. Jordan impostures a quiet confidence. Nurse Haley boldly suggests that Jordan should be involved from this point on. Dr. Habrey objects, followed by others -- all scoffing the boys lack of experience and training. "A lot of good that's been to her" shouts Haley. A sudden quiet is followed by tension. She is rescued by Dr. Howard: "Let the boy do it". Jordan is stupefied, as are the others. Dr. Habrey storms out. COUNSELING ROOM: Amber waits inside, holding her bunny. Jordan stands just outside, seeking help from Nurse Haley. Not much to tell. Jordan asks her to get him the entire file. She agrees and leaves. INSIDE: Both sit quiet, each studying the other, intermittently locking eyes. He fumbles with his jacket. Amber is amused with him, and a bit enchanted. Jordan reaches for the CLIP BOARD on the coffee table. Amber's expression turns dark; turning away from the all too familiar cold and sterile clip board. Jordan smirks. Amber hugs her bunny, almost tearing up. MONTAGE: --- Office: Jordan has his dinner while studying Amber's files --- Counseling Room: Amber is unchanged. Jordan frustrates, at another failure --- Cafeteria: Jordan studies the files. He sees Amber, eating alone. Habrey walks by, giving his disdainful disapproval --- Courtyard: Jordan shows PHOTOS to Amber. No response. Jordan frets --- Jordan's Quarters: He sits on his bed studying the files. He has no clue --- Amber's Room: She fights her mother's GHOST; peeing herself --- Counseling Room: Amber and Jordan stare quietly at each other. A counter-transference is beginning --- Outside Dr. Howard's Office: Jordan prepares himself to enter, with his tail in hand… INSIDE DR. HOWARD'S OFFICE: Dr. Habrey argues that Jordan is wasting valuable time. Dr. Howard defends the boy. Jordan overhears from outside. The ALARM sounds. The two doctors exit quickly, passing Jordan. Dr. Howard turns back: "What are you doing here?". Dr. Habrey hustles off, showing his contempt for both. Jordan is asked to follow. COURTYARD: Dr. Howard and Jordan arrive to see Amber being pulled down - off the FENCE. Nurse Haley is pushed aside as Dr. Habrey injects Amber with a sedative. She is strapped to a GURNEY and wheeled away, staring at Jordan as she passes by. Dr. Habrey is furious: "I think I've made my point". Jordan concedes, apologizing to Dr. Howard - who responds with kindness: "That girl has connected with only two people since she's been here… Nurse Haley… and you,… but it's different with you… Forget about the exploits… and think about her health… We are only valuable to the ones we save". He pats his shoulder and walks off. OFFICE: Late Night. Jordan sits at his desk, rubbing his eyes, tired from all the studying. Nurse Haley enters. They talk about other possibilities. She tells him of an Aunt and Uncle that were at the trial. Jordan perks up. GIBSON HOME: Jordan meets DANA GIBSON, formerly Dana Scott. He introduces himself and explains his visit. She invites him in. LATER… IN THE GUEST BEDROOM: Jordan sits on the bed looking at photos. Dana brings over some videos: "No one ever asked me for these things". He asks to borrow them. CONFERENCE ROOM: Hours pass as Jordan watches countless videos; growing tired. Nurse Haley bursts in to tell of Dr. Howard's HEART ATTACK. Jordan rushes to follow as he hears from the video: "Well, that's certainly one way to get attention". He freezes, turning slowly to watch. He rewinds it to listen again. Haley returns; beckoning. He leaves. INTENSIVE CARE UNIT: Jordan and Haley watch through the window as Dr. Habrey works on Dr. Howard. Jordan receives a look of contempt from Dr. Habrey; telling of the coming storm. CONFERENCE ROOM: Jordan returns to find Amber, seated at the head of the table, watching a video. She turns to Jordan, tears streaming. Silence. Jordan confesses: "My arrogance told me that I was brilliant… but I simply reminded you of your father". Amber cries harder. Jordan regrets. Through the tears, she forces out: "I killed him". Jordan exhorts: "No. I've seen the reports… it was an accident". Amber turns to the video, her mother appears. Amber points to her mother: "She said…". Jordan cuts in: "She was wrong". More crying. Amber turns to Jordan, desperate: "Help me". Jordan moves towards her. Amber rises and charges, embracing him - tightly. Jordan carefully hugs back. Dr. Habrey walks in: "What the hell is this?". Both shock, moving away from each other. Dr. Habrey engages the INTERCOM, calling for back-up. Jordan explains, but to no avail. Dr. Habrey fires him. Amber screams as the orderlies rush in and grab her. Jordan yells out his innocence as SECURITY drags him away. Dr. Habrey revels. EXAM ROOM ONE: Amber fights the orderlies as they STRAP her down to the BED. She repeatedly curses Dr. Habrey and cries out for Jordan. He is flabbergasted: "For five years I couldn't get a word out of her,… and now I can't get her to shut up". Nurse Haley shows her disgust in him. He responds in kind and prepares a needle. Haley calms her as best she can. Amber reacts to the injection and quickly fades out. Dr. Habrey scans the room for reactions. Not good. He huffs and walks out. Haley agonizes over Amber's condition. MAIN ENTRANCE: Security escorts Jordan to the EXIT as Haley approaches. Dr. Habrey warns her to stay away. She ignores him, hugging Jordan good-bye and slipping something into his pocket. Jordan thanks her for the help and leaves. Nurse Haley apprises Dr. Habrey of the report she will be making, as she walks off with SECURITY. His idle threats fall on deaf ears. Haley colludes with the Guards. Dr. Habrey boils, calling more threats to them all. They ignore him. He stamps off. A REAR ENTRANCE: Nurse Haley opens the door, letting Jordan in. He thanks her and they sneak down the darkened hallway. EXAM ROOM ONE: Jordan is face-to-face with Amber as she wakes. When her vision clears, she smiles. Jordan smiles and greets her. She kisses him. He shocks. She regrets; slightly embarrassed. He cracks a crooked smile. She sighs relief then breaks the awkward silence: "What are you doing here?". He smiles: "Something crazy". She accords: "Well, you're certainly in the right place then". He laughs along with her as he releases the restraints. Haley rushes over, sharing her excitement. Amber smiles her gratitude to her. A SOUND from the hallway startles the three. THE DOOR swings open. Dr. Habrey shocks at the empty bed. He dispatches the ALARM. As Dr. Habrey hurries away, Jordan pokes his head out from behind the LARGE WINDOW CURTAINS. DARKENED HALLWAY: Jordan, Amber and Nurse Haley make short work of the long corridor, en route to the EAST WING. The LIGHTS come on, breaking their stride. Nurse Haley pass-keys a nearby LAB DOOR and they duck inside -- just as TWO GUARDS pass, outside. INSIDE THE LAB: Haley instructs them to go on as she creates a diversion. She hands Jordan the DIAPER BAG. Jordan shocks: "What do I do with this?". The LAB DOOR on the opposite end swings open. In a panic, they rush out. BACK IN THE HALL: The three scurry down the passage to the EAST WING CORRIDOR. TWO DIFFERENT GUARDS are hot on their trail, catching the DOUBLE DOORS as they close. They tear down the East Wing Halls in pursuit of the ESCAPEE. But… the three emerge from the shadows, still in the HALLWAY, and make their way up the proximate STAIRWELL. IN THE STAIRWELL: Reaching the third floor, Nurse Haley says that she will find help and implores Jordan to take Amber to the Small Conference Room. He agrees, reluctantly taking the diaper bag. Haley exits onto the third floor. Jordan and Amber continue up. SMALL CONFERENCE ROOM: Dark, but for the HALL LIGHTS. Amber takes a seat at the table. Jordan checks the hall before closing the door. He walks to Amber - the diaper bag on his shoulder. The light hits him distinctly and Amber sees her Mother's ghost. She jumps from the chair, hysterical. Jordan follows her to the corner where she cows down in submission. Jordan tosses the bag aside and calms her. Amber settles; seeing Jordan's face up close. THIRD FLOOR HALL: Nurse Haley runs into a fellow NURSE and is informed that Dr. Howard is awake and recovering. Haley smiles big, kissing the nurse and running off towards the STAIRS. SMALL CONFERENCE ROOM: Jordan and Amber sit along the wall, facing each other. She tells of her father's death and how her mother had blamed her for it. Jordan's eyes well up as she continues, recalling the several bedwetting beatings. Jordan reaches out to touch her face and the LIGHT comes on. Dr. Habrey spots Amber and hastens towards her. He stops cold when Jordan comes into view. Jordan rises to face him; unflinching. Dr. Habrey is almost excited: "You must be an idiot… I promise you, this is the end of your career". He reaches for the phone, on the table, as Haley enters and turns out the light. The sound of scuffling is followed by several loud SMACKS and a heavy THUD. Jordan flips the light switch on. Haley shocks to see Amber standing over Dr. Habrey's unconscious heap, but it is Jordan who has the BLOODIED HAND. INTENSIVE CARE UNIT: A room filled with laughter is suddenly quieted by Dr. Habrey's arrival. He sees Jordan and Amber, sitting together, next to Dr. Howard's bed - where Nurse Haley is checking his vitals. Dr. Habrey trembles with anger, explaining the situation to Dr. Howard. Jordan and Dr. Habrey lock eyes. Dr. Howard interrupts: "I would suggest that you remember, Dr. Habrey, that every story has different interpretations… depending on the number of witnesses". Dr. Habrey turns to Dr. Howard, his eyes full of contempt. Dr. Howard maintains a civil composure which further infuriates Dr. Habrey; who leaves in a huff. Laughter erupts again; more distilled. DR. HABREY'S OFFICE: The room has been emptied of all signs of Dr. Habrey's presence. Jordan sits next to Amber on the couch, listening as she talks about what happened; the tone…now… more at ease. Their connection grows, sharing moments of laughter and hints of stronger attraction. She excuses herself: "Sorry,… I need to go to the bathroom". Jordan rises, as a gentlemen. She smiles her approval. He points across the room to the office-facility. She heads over, passing the DIAPER BAG - sealed in plastic - on a desk. She stops at the door. They stare quietly at each other, smiling. THE END
  25. Yes sad indeed. saturday matinee weepy AB aspects: good to have a narrator so no one uses the "d word" Theme rings true in a lot of anecdotes I've read. Psychologically speaking, diapers are part of a complex of conflicting emotions to parent, bone of contention. Angela's interpretation of the events is quite rational. Btw Veoh has been K-Lined by my local censors. I eventually found it on http://www.myspace.com/proboventures (Michael Bryson's Myspace) If anyone else has a problem accessing Veoh Cheers smarti
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