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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by diaperpt

  1. "Vinyl is plastic." I thought so too! To me the plastic pants are more 'real' although I have no recollection of what I might have been put in as a baby...many, many, many years ago... I have a pair of rubber pants which are fun once in a while, but I prefer the plastic. I like snap-ons once in a while as well as pull-on. They are pretty much a necessity when wearing cloth, but I like them over my disposables as well when I'm out and around. I've tried several brands and sources...several on ebay... Now an extra question...do you like hard, loud and crinkly or soft and quiet? If I'm by myself, loud is fine and it reminds me of my 'condition' but when I'm in public, quiet is what I'm looking for...
  2. "she called me kinky etc" I'd say, "Thank you for my new name! So you like my new clothes??"
  3. This isn't coming from the same point of view as the other responses at all, but............... let's put our President and all of Congress into diapers! They are ALL (regardless of party) FULL OF..........!!!!!!
  4. What do they say? "You're a big kid now!" yeah, that's right. It is your decision. It's up to you to balance your feelings toward your family, friends, neighbors and the general public to the extent they are 'exposed' to your diaper wearing. You also have to weigh how you put yourself out there - whether you want to be 'in your face' or less public - whether you go for purposeful shock value in certain situations or whether you want to be more considerate of others feelings and reactions (not saying this is the 'better' choice in any particular situation). It is your decision to make and as you go along, you obviously know that whatever decisions you make will create your life. You are a 'big kid' and understand that if people react badly to you for whatever reason - what you say, what you wear, how you treat them, etc, etc - it is on YOU and not them. Even if you want to blame someone for having a bad reaction, when it is based on your actions to begin with, you wear it and live with it (and I'm not talking about your diaper!). You can't ever force anyone to act in a particular way - you can only adjust how they might act based on your own behavior. I guess I'm saying all this not to you, but to so many others I've read on this and other forums who whine because people don't react to their diaper wearing, their communications, their actions - in the way THEY want people to react! Go for diapers or whatever else you really want/need in life - just be ready to accept the consequences of your actions - and from what you've written, it seems you certain are! So, CONGRATULATIONS ON GROWING UP AND WEARING YOUR DIAPERS PROUDLY!!! I don't really understand why you would wear them but not use them, but that's my problem and not yours. Many others here might not understand either, but I don't think any one should be judgmental about that.
  5. diaperpt

    A > Z

    Dare him to make something edible
  6. I pretty much agree with Eric. I go to a small med supply outlet for Attends as well. I've been in often enough now so I am positive the staff recognizes me. The woman apologized profusely one day when I showed up and they were out of stock. They've always been very professional - as were the people where you shopped - let it calm your fears! I'm beginning to wonder if one of those clerks in the store I use knows me in my 'real' non-diapered life...ooops....too late now! But then, this store deals with people with all sorts of medical needs - why should she bother worrying about one person who happens to buy diapers? Why would she bother telling anyone? Its all routine to her. Relax and enjoy a good steady source of diapers!
  7. I can't even imagine how horrible that must have made you feel. I imagine the humiliation and shame you describe could have pushed you away from diapers as much as closer to them. It seems pretty obvious it's kept you in diapers. Other than the shame and humiliation, how did this shape your decisions and feelings about diapers? Did you try to get away from them for a while or did this just push you deeper into wanting/needing to wear them? Was this just a 'game' gone wrong in that incident or do you feel you were already hooked for life before this? How has this shaped your life with diapers? I don't mean to pry and you obviously shouldn't feel pressure to answer any of this. I'm asking, though, because you've brought it up after so many years - do you want to talk about it more or is there some other reason you've chosen to relate this incident now? Again, there is no reason to answer any of this publicly. I'm not a psychologist, so do the introspection YOU think you need! Very brave to share this openly here.
  8. ^hopefully happily retired - doing a little travel but when not, still keeping busy <Drinking a cup of chamomile tea trying to settle my stomach and get back to sleep! yawwwwwwn V what is one of your main goals for yourself for this coming year?
  9. ^has several layers of filled diapers - and it's no secret!
  10. peanuts and crackerjacks
  11. ream (and good for you, Ricky!! You did get it! - though, what is 'dity'??? back to your alphabet blocks!!!!!!!!!!! )
  12. diaperpt

    A > Z

    Untie his Umbilical cord...
  13. Dreadlocks? ^ haha...no hair on the top of THIS head!! don't mind them on others...each to his/her own that time of year...corned beef and cabbage?
  14. no, no Ricky, just one letter, leaving all the other letters in place...oh, get your diaper changed and play with your blocks!! from 'ride' rite
  15. sissysusie, I don't know if this will be of interest, but I'm going to start posting the 'prequel' to Sweet Captivity... Sweet Captivity – How it came to be… You may have read about the little boy’s Sweet Captivity. This is the prequel. He doesn’t remember much of this himself, but it all really happened. Some parts of the story will be inconsistent, but I changed them to make the story more interesting (at least to me!). The first part is semi-autobiographical – though I haven’t been caught (yet…) by my wife. And I doubt severely she’d react even as well as ‘Mistress!’ Chapter One: Beginnings It all started when he was in seventh grade. He was a shy kid. While he had a lot of friends who were girls, he didn’t have a girl friend and probably wouldn’t have known what to do if he did – few seventh graders did back then. At any rate, he used to look forward to gym class or any chance he had to pass along outside the gym and look in at the girls’ gym classes. It wasn’t the girls so much, but their cute blue gym suits. Yeah, that may sound strange, but he loved to see their gym suits. They were a skirted suit – the top with little short sleeves and a little collar with snaps down the front and an attached skirt. It was tied at the waist with a belt. Some of the skirts hung down almost to the girl’s knees but others were pretty short. Underneath there were little bloomer panties – elastic at the legs and three buttons part way down one side holding together the elasticized waist. He used to love to watch the girls when one might do a cartwheel or when they’d be made to do handstands. At times like those, he could get a great view of their bloomers! Basketball games were fun too, since the cheerleaders had to use their gym bloomers under their little skirts. Of course the girls hated the gym suits, but they just fascinated him. On the last day of school that year, he was asked to empty the trash can in his homeroom. The trip took him all the way down toward the custodian’s office. Imagine his thrill, when he noticed that someone had tossed a pair of bloomers in the trash! Of course, he snuck them into his locker and then home. How lucky he was that they fit him perfectly! The elastic around the legs felt delicious and he loved doing up the buttons on the side to lock him in. He’d slip on a pair of pants over them then sneak to the bathroom to masturbate. How he loved his bloomers! Guilt eventually caused him to toss them, but he couldn’t rid himself of his desire. Later as an adult, he managed to find ads for gym suits and eventually bought one through the mail – they didn’t have the same skirted suit, but it still excited him to slip it on. Soon he realized his outfit wasn’t complete without girl panties, so he got up my nerve and bought his first pair. They were pretty much ‘granny-pants’ and not very exciting but it got him started. As time went on, he found that the Salvation Army thrift stores were a good place to shop for old used gym suits. He bought several – of many different styles, finally getting one just like he’d drooled over in junior high and high school. Of course, he needed more panties and gradually got up his courage to buy nice silky pairs at fancy department stores and even Victoria’s Secret. You just know that he’d have to graduate to bras as well, and so he did. He’d developed quite a stash of gym suits and underwear. He’d wear every time his wife went out and he took to taking sick days as well, just to be able to dress up in his silky, slinky bra and panties and then slide on one of his gym suits. In time, he finally added a set of breast enhancers to his wardrobe to fill his bra and while he never looked overly endowed, it completed the picture in his own imagination. He loved it! He’d dress up every chance he got. Whenever he got his special clothes out, he’d immediately get a hard-on. He’d stretch things out as long as he could and then give himself a delicious treat – he’d stroke his ‘breasts’ with one hand while his other hand would raise the skirt of his gym suit and slip into the elastic waist of the bloomers to caress the sweet silk of his panties. He’d carefully avoid dirtying them but even so, often ended up having to wash and iron his cute little gym suits because of the explosive orgasms he would enjoy. There were times when he was afraid he’d been found out. His wife would come home unexpectedly and he’d have to dash to change out of his special outfits. A few times he was almost positive she’d seen him, but she never said a thing, so he figured his secret was safe. He’d hidden his stash pretty well, but still there were times when he wondered if his wife could tell. Finally guilt got the better of him and he rid himself of all his gym suits – he told himself he’d outgrown them and would have a better marriage without them. Hah! As we all know, people like him suffer these binge and purge cycles. The problem was that years had passed and these old style gym suits just weren’t around anywhere. He’d scope out ebay only to be outbid on the very few he found. Finally he settled for a cute little mini skirt. He’d scoffed up an old bra his wife had thrown out – the elastic was a little shot but worked for him. His breast forms had been tossed with the gym suits, so he’d stuff the cups with socks. He’d found some really nice panties on ebay and had stocked up on those. He’d even wear those to work now and then. He had quite a collection of colors and styles; he just loved the feeling of soft, silky panties. Chapter Two: A Surprise! Things all came to a head when he found himself at home alone one day dressed in his cute little mini-skirt with smooth creamy satin panties on. He had one of his own tee-shirts on but with his bra underneath. He was wondering around the house, when all of a sudden, the door to the garage opened and his wife walked in! He hadn’t heard her car or the door on the garage. It didn’t matter! There he stood, frozen in his best outfit! She looked at him with a surprised look (to say the least) and said, “So, you’ve finally decided to come out of the closet and wear in front of me, huh?” “What? I…I…umm…well…” he stammered. His face was a blur of red. He was so embarrassed. He loved his wife and never wanted to hurt her. This urge to dress was stronger than he could handle, though. He’d thrown out his gym suits partly because he’d been afraid something would happen to him and his stash would be found in his absence. He didn’t want his wife to have to go through that. Now here he was standing in front of her dressed in miniskirt, panties and bra. “Well,” she said with a smirk, “I’ve got to admit you’re kind of cute like that!” “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry,” was all he could say. “Oh don’t give me that. You’re only sorry I caught you. You had to know it was inevitable. I’ve done my best to ignore your little games – now it’s too bad you’ve thrown out all your nice gym suits. I’d love to see how they looked on you.” “Wha… Huh…” “Are you kidding me? You thought I didn’t know about you? You’re as clueless as you thought I was! Actually, I’ve been kind of anxious for you to slip up and get caught. Now you won’t have to sneak around.” “I won’t wear this stuff again. I promise. I’ll throw it all out. We can start all over…” She interrupted him, “No, you won’t throw it out. I said I think you’re cute dressed like that. Remember when I said I’d walk out on you if I ever caught you in my bra and panties? Well, I just didn’t want you stretching out my underwear! I like the way you look and so from now on, you’ve got my permission to dress like that.” He was so confused he didn’t know what to say. He was still terrified and worried about her reaction, but as he listened to her he just didn’t know what to think. “Y..You mean you want me to wear this stuff? Really? You don’t mind?” “Mind? No. It’s who you are inside that counts. Not what you wear on the outside. Really. Now why don’t you get us each a glass of wine and let’s sit down and have some girl talk.” He was in too much shock to pick up on the idea that she wanted him to get her some wine; let alone the part about ‘girl talk.’ Even though the thought of being able to wear in front of her excited him, something bothered him. “No, I can’t. I’ve got to take this stuff off. I’m so sorry. I can’t do this in front of you,” he stammered. “No. You’ll get the wine and you’ll sit down with me. Now. I mean it,” she said sternly. “I’m so embarrassed. This is crazy. I know I shouldn’t be doing this. I’ll make it up to you. I’m so sorry. Let me go change and I’ll get your wine. Really. We need to talk.” “Oh, we’ll talk alright. NOW! Get the wine NOW. Sit down NOW. You are in no position to argue with me unless you want your little tricks to get out to your boss and your friends. I’m NOT mad now, but if you don’t stop being a baby about this, I’ll be plenty mad and you’ll be plenty sorry. I’ve got pictures of all your stuff. Do you want me showing them around?” she said sharply. Then she lightened up and smiled, “Let’s let this be our little secret. Now relax and get the wine.” As uncomfortable as he was, he got two glasses and poured some Chardonnay – her favorite – and brought it to her in the family room. “There, was that so bad? That skirt is cute. You look sexy in a nice short skirt like that, but we can shop for some other things for you as well. Don’t worry. I won’t ask you to go out of the house dressed – well, except for your panties. We’ll throw away all your silly man undies. Tomorrow is Saturday and we can go shopping together. I could use some new lingerie too. Won’t that be fun?” He was still in shock. “Uhhh…I don’t know. I’m not sure I can do this. Are…are you sure about this? You really want me to wear panties?” “All the time. And while you’re home, a bra and either a blouse and skirt or a dress. Yes. That little skirt is cute for some times and we’ll get some other little kilts and other miniskirts. I won’t make you wear heels, but we’ll get you some nice girly flats at least. We’ll work up to it. Are you OK with that?” she asked. “I’m not sure if I can get used to wearing women’s clothes in front of you. It has always been something ‘naughty’ I’ve done – exciting because it’s taboo. But I’m kind of excited by the idea as well,” he said, sipping on his wine. She came over and sat next to him. She sipped her wine and put her hand on his knee. It electrified him. She looked into his eyes and he felt her hand slide up his leg – up under his skirt. He shivered as he felt her hand touch his panties. She moved her head to his and they kissed. “Come on, Sweetie, let’s go do something about this lump in your panties,” she said. After they got up from having the wildest sex in months, she looked at him and said, “Wow! That was great! If I’d known it would be like this I would have put you in a bra and panties on our honeymoon! But, if you’re going to be wearing a skirt, even just around here, you’d better shave those legs.” He looked at her and said, “Are you kidding? I don’t know. Someone is going to notice.” Secretly he was excited. He had wanted to shave all his body hair, but knew it could never happen. “Oh, absolutely. And under your arms as well – all us girls shave under our arms. Come to think of it, you should just shave it all. Lots of guys do that now anyway. No one will think a thing about it. Come on. Let’s shower together and I’ll help you right now.” They got half way through shaving and they were having sex in the shower again. He was hornier than he could imagine. Finally, sated sexually and completely shaved, he got out of the shower. Without thinking he went to my drawers and got out a pair of boxers. “Silly, not those! Where are your panties?” she said. She walked over, took the boxers out of his hand and tossed them into the trash can. “Oh, yeah,” he said as he went to his closet where his stash of panties sat. “Oh put on the little pink ones. Those are so cute!” she said. He slid them on and tingled as he felt the sensation of his silk panties on his shaved body. He reached over and put on his little sports skirt – he was almost exploding with the sensation of the skirt on his shaved legs. He was in heaven. “Now your bra. Maybe we can get you some breast forms later, but for now I guess those socks will have to do. And I guess your tee shirts will have to do for this evening. Tomorrow we go shopping!” She helped him adjust the bra and stuff the socks so it gave a more realistic impression of breasts as he slid his tee-shirt on.
  16. this seems like a rather harsh and arbitrary comment...why not let the poll play out? And in terms of the question, I will say that I can't really answer for myself - I'm married but working hard not to find out if my wife would accept me in diapers or not...as I am pretty certain of what the answer would be. I'm of the firm mind that if you are afraid of what the answer to a particular question might be, then just don't ask! My relationship is more important to me than diapers and I'm not in a mood to test the relationship... Why don't we all sit back and answer the questions? Why slam the question or the person who asked?
  17. Ummm...you started this back in December...its now March...any updates? I'd love to hear how things have developed.
  18. ^doubt it would ever happen, but I'd set up my retirement a little better, spend a little to fix my home nicer, take care of some debt, give some to charity, travel more as I got a chance, set aside some to finish paying for college for my two daughters, set aside some for their weddings (God forbid!!)...what??? what do you mean I ran out of money long ago??? <pure avoidance...really need to be preparing a 'presentation' but I'm really dry... v how do you get yourself out of 'ruts'? - or do you not feel you ever fall into one??
  19. religious people? hmmm, not sure how you mean this. - I am a religious person and I hope a 'faithful' person...but maybe not the kind you're asking about...you'd have to be more specific. I don't hold it over anyone and I don't like anyone who thinks they are better than the next person for whatever reason...(dangerous question, but I certainly don't mind you putting it out there!) chinese takeout?
  20. GTKG, very interesting comments and a wonderful thread to read through and think about! So many good comments from so many. I suspect there are as many reasons for us liking diapers as there are of us - you've been careful to address what you feel are reasons for your interest without trying to impose those reasons as universal in any sense. It's always interesting to read why one or another of us is motivated to wear. I've given this thought myself and I wish I could really know. I do know my father was gone a lot when I was young and my mother was fairly strict. Later on, I found I felt more in common with girls than with guys - and easier to be friends with girls. While I'm not gay myself, I've found myself around gays...as a freshman in college, I ended up attracted to a group of guys who became friends - and only later did I realize they were gay. In junior high, I found myself attracted to girl's gym suits. this attraction has continued more or less throughout my life. As my first marriage headed south, I was more and more attracted to them and began accumulating several gym suits of my own - then panties, bras, etc. On the one hand, it was a replacement for something missing - on the other hand, it became something on it's own. Diapers have taken over from gym suits for the most part, but I still have many pair of 'sissy panties' and love to wear a bra while in diapers. Part of the feeling I like is the 'tightness' - gym suits I like had elastic legs, bloomers, etc. Panties have the different feel also. I also think I like gym suits, panties, diapers, etc partly for the simple reason it is something 'dangerous' - something I'm not supposed to be doing - goes against the grain - if I were caught, it would be devastating and while I lead a very vanilla life, this is one of the few things I do to be 'out there' - does that make any sense to anyone else? At any rate, it does seem to me that there is some reason why each one of us likes diapers. That doesn't mean it's all some deep psychological childhood thing, but I'm sure for many many of us it is. Many of us can't/won't/don't want to go there and that's fine too. Others may just like wearing for no particular reason at all... For those who don't care for the introspection, fine. I would encourage and support anyone who wants to, to give some thought to why you like diapers. Whether you decide you need to continue, want to continue or on the other hand need or want to stop - it doesn't matter...I just think it can be helpful to think about it. And I also think it wouldn't be harmful, unless possibly you are in serious need of professional help and dwell on negatives...and in that case...do get some help! At any rate, thanks again to all who have posted! diaperpt
  21. let's see...ummm....black cords and a blue dress shirt...oh yeah, an Attends covered by blue plastic panties... Aleia, whatcha wearin' today?? nice outfits...
  22. hmmm...ya got me thinking...I hadn't noticed and I do drink a lot of coffee...what kind do you drink??...maybe mine doesn't stink???
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