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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by lilme`

  1. Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.

  2. Well, after a lot of swearing, patience, and determination, her computer is almost ready lol. I've worked on many computers in my time but hers... just wow.
  3. Interesting factoid... these catalogs were often used as toilet paper in outhouses
  4. the game looked pretty sharp from watching him play, there were plenty of cut scenes
  5. Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else get your way.

  6. So, a pirate walks into a bar. Looks like the quintessential pirate -- peg leg, hook on one hand, eye patch, the whole nine yards. In addition to all this, he's got a steering wheel hanging from the fly of his pants.
  7. The place I'm working at is considering getting a jammer. Before anyone argues the legality of these devices or "what if I have an emergency, what right do you have?" if it were my place I'd feel I have every right to jam cell phones. If you have an emergency, you can use my land line. You're not going to be in my store for more than a few minutes so I wouldn't worry about missing some world ending phone call. My store is also my property, so if I want to jam cells, that's my prerogative.
  8. So the hubby is playing Ducktales Remastered for the PS3. I'm listening to Scrooge Mcduck constantly berating Launchpad McQuack over his sub-par flying abilities and it just occurred to me... Being a billionaire, don't you think he could have afforded the best pilot in the world?
  9. This might beat you, might not. Either way it was the most daring things
  10. I'm not from the UK, but I know someone from the UK *points to Lanthey*
  11. Abu Cushies and Bambino Bellissimo, although at this very second, a very wet cushie
  12. Corduroy pillows: They're making headlines!

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