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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by ArtemisEnterri

  1. If only the people who bitch and moan about how people waste so much water would think about the fact that flushing a toilet wastes at least 2 gallons of water PER FLUSH... So in a way diapers are BETTER for the environment...
  2. Some rumors say that even Nascar drivers wear them... It boggles my mind trying to understand why "normal vanillas" have such a hard time with the subject of adult diapers...
  3. AMEN! O needs to be impeached because he has NO CLUE AT ALL how to be president. At least GWB was a state governor before being elected. Obama was a nobody NOTHING before the elections.
  4. Yeah, I've played around with SL a few times. There's also a lot of AB/DL content on the 3D animated instant messenger called IMVU...
  5. Dang, with all the construction crews in my area lately, that woulda been a great job to have... And I coulda worn my diapers all day and not had to worry about it.
  6. I kinda wish movie theaters (and malls) would add a machine in the restrooms for toddler/child and adult diapers, so people can put one on before their movie starts... They usually have the machines with the headache pills, breath mints, and even disposable tooth brushes...
  7. If it's so boring, why do you keep opening your mouth to continue it? Drew, you just don't get it. The US Government already controls TWO healthcare plans (Medicare and Medicaid) and BOTH are TOTALLY SCREWED UP! This bill DOES NOT FIX ANYTHING! I just makes things WORSE! For years my taxes (and yours, and the taxes paid by every other American) have been used for programs to give OTHER PEOPLE "assistance" options that we (those of us PAYING the taxes) cannot touch (because we "make too much", even when I only made 28k a year and was considered barely over the poverty line), and I think that is complete and utter bullshit - particularly since a LARGE PORTION of the people receiving the benefits HAVE NEVER PAID INTO THE SYSTEM THEIR ENTIRE LIVES (families living for generation after generation using welfare checks, people PHYSICALLY ABLE TO WORK but NEVER working, ILLEGALS getting benefits WITHOUT EVER PAYING TAXES)! And by the way, car insurance is a DIFFERENT subject from health insurance. Why not let each state (or even each separate county in each state) decide for themselves how to handle healthcare? Since WHEN did a small group of politicians in DC have the right to SHOVE THINGS DOWN OUR THROATS? The Federal government answers to US, the PEOPLE. We DO NOT answer to them! Look up the wording of the Constitution in Article 1, Sections 8 and 9. Section 8 specifically states the powers Congress DOES have, while section 9 specifically states powers Congress DOES NOT HAVE! Also, read the wording of the Tenth Amendment which says "The powers not delegated to the United States" (meaning the Federal government) "by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Therefore Congress does NOT have the power to create a "federally mandated" healthcare plan.
  8. No, Fox News reports TRUTH while ALL OTHER "news" channels report the party line (only what Obama and the Democrats want reported). And THAT is the TRUTH! The "Change" Obama wants is just like what Karl Marx did in Russia. If you can't see that, then you are BLIND (or else never paid attention to world history before the USSR - Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics - collapsed). Gee, think about this: There are 545 people in Washington with POWER (ignoring all lobbyists, aides, secretaries, etc): The President, 9 Justices on the Supreme Court, 435 members in the House of Representatives, and 100 Senators. And THEY make the rules for over 300 MILLION citizens! That is a serious case of a minority trying to rule a majority, when it's supposed to be MAJORITY RULE. WE elected THEM, THEY WORK FOR US, so why do they not listen to US about what WE want? Simple: they lie to us with their promises, they care more about the money given to them by lobbyists and special interest groups than they do about our votes which put them in those seats. It is time to vote out the corrupted politicians who only care about money, and vote in NEW people who have never been in a position of power. People who KNOW what it's like in the REAL WORLD of America (since the DC politicians live in a FANTASY). We need more Doctors, Teachers, Accountants, every possible profession in America, EXCEPT LAWYERS! Over 90% of ALL the politicians in office right now have histories as lawyers/attorneys or judges, so they have NO IDEA AT ALL how it feels to live under the laws they pass, since they ALWAYS act like they are IMMUNE to the laws they pass for US to live under.
  9. What about people who DON'T WANT a healthcare plan? Believe it or not, but there are MANY: either really rich people who can afford to pay as they go, or fresh-from-college kids who think they are so healthy they don't need to worry about coverage. And then there's f'ing ILLEGALS who would get coverage under OBAMA'S plan, even though they have NO RIGHTS WHATSOEVER! I'm so sick of seeing illegals around the country getting BETTER access to things than I (a NATURALLY BORN CITIZEN) can get! They are called ILLEGAL for a reason: THE BROKE THE IMMIGRATION LAWS BY SNEAKING INTO AMERICA! My wife is an elementary school kindergarten teacher, and some of her students have MEXICAN birth certificates (and the parents of those kids also have MEXICAN bc's), which means THEY ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS, AND DO NOT BELONG IN AMERICAN SCHOOLS!
  10. Go to xtube.com and search for diaper.
  11. Believe it or not, but the FREE porn site xtube.com has diaper vids...
  12. Gee, I AGREE with just about everything you just said... So why the wise-ass ending? O.o Not every child responds the same way to methods of punishment or reward, nor does the same child respond to them the same way at different ages. You are VERY RIGHT that the biggest problem is the parents. Parents who don't spend enough time with their kids aren't helping their kids (but at the same time spending TOO MUCH time doesn't help either). It's almost impossible to find that perfectly fine line between too little and too much...
  13. Which is exactly why I say that government needs to stay out of things that should be run by the private sector (meaning ANY form of business: utilities, retail sales, health care, etc)... Politicians do NOT know how to make things work correctly, cuz 99% of all politicians were lawyers, judges, or had other law-related employment. Very few in office were actual business people (accountants, CEO's, etc) who would KNOW how to make things really work...
  14. Freta, there's a difference between the Unemployment and Welfare programs. In order to receive Unemployment, you have to have PAID INTO IT before hand, so I AM using that program because I paid for it previously. And it has a DEFINED end date. However, the Welfare program pays to many (too many) people who have NEVER worked a single day in their lives, in many cases, to people who never have any plan to work ever. Welfare does NOT have an end date, so some people live on Welfare month after month, year after year, and many families have done it generation after generation.
  15. Yes, "majority rules", yet the government keeps trying to pass laws based on what MINORITY (philosophical) groups want. That is the EXACT OPPOSITE of the "majority rules" concept! Gee, look at what you just said "when it works". Do you consider it "working" when a family lives off welfare for 2, 3, even 4 generations, teaching their kids "there's no reason to go out and work, cuz the government gives us money for doing nothing"??? As far as the drug prices, do you have any clue how much money it costs to RESEARCH, then PRODUCE those drugs in the first place? Then look at the number of people who use those drugs compared to the number of people using something like simple Aspirin (a MASSIVE DIFFERENCE). If the company can't make enough money on sales to at least "break even", they wouldn't be able to afford additional RESEARCH and PRODUCTION costs to make more drugs. Wrong, you are twisting my words. American people spend more for health care because the HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATORS are corrupt, NOT because of the insurance companies. The problem is that the hospital administrators have realized over the years that since the patients are using prepaid insurance plans, they can increase their fees for services because the insurance companies (in the beginning) didn't review the bills very closely and didn't realize the hospitals were overcharging. Plus administrators would suggest unneeded tests or procedures just to get additional money from the insurance companies. So don't blame it on the insurance companies, they were LOSING money because of excessive payouts. Loopy, apparently you haven't paid attention to the number of times I have mentioned across the boards that I have been UNEMPLOYED since January. I have NEVER said anything the way you put it. I have NEVER had the money for a good car, house, etc. I don't own any stocks, bonds, or investments of any kind. My last salary before I was laid-off was only $36.5k per year, which had me just a hair over the POVERTY level. But I'm not EVER gonna use the welfare system because I don't want to be lumped in with the people who choose not to work even if they are perfectly capable (like the mother of a friend of ours who receives welfare, lives in subsidized housing, and kept trying to tell our friend and her brother "there's nothing wrong with living off the system, there's no reason to go to work"). And when there are so many countries that already HAVE the socialized systems that certain people want, why can't THEY move out of America to one of those countries and leave America to the people who WANT CAPITALISM? Why does America have to become a clone of other countries when America was created to be INDEPENDENT and DIFFERENT from ALL other countries?
  16. Apparently you know NOTHING about how the American political system works. What is RIGHT is PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS and DOING THINGS FOR YOURSELF INSTEAD OF EXPECTING OTHERS (LIKE THE GOVERNMENT) TO DO THEM FOR YOU! People who expect their government to do things for them (like healthcare, welfare, etc) are LAZY people (particularly those families who spend GENERATIONS on those programs without EVER trying to EARN, by working at a job, the things they want)! If you want something PAY FOR IT YOUR DAMN SELF, DON'T DEMAND THAT OTHERS PAY FOR IT FOR YOU (which is what happens when you receive government benefits if you have never worked to pay into the system)! I do not agree with the government giving my tax money to lazy scum who don't do jack sh!t except sit on their asses, pop out new babies, etc... Letting the government have too much control MAKES EVERYONE POOR EXCEPT THE POLITICIANS! Are you people BLIND to the history of Communist Russia before it collapsed????? The worst levels of poverty in ANY country, store shelves were ALMOST ALWAYS EMPTY because the businesses had NO INCENTIVE TO PRODUCE GOODS because the businesses never got to keep any profits and employees got almost NO PAY for their work! That's the kind of sh!t that the "left" in America wants to cause. The ONLY way to have EVERYONE (except the politicians) at an "equal" standing is for EVERYONE (except the politicians) TO BE POOR! The politicians make the "rich" people (who CREATED the businesses that provided jobs) into the enemies to be stopped... Without "rich" people owning businesses and employing people, NO ONE WOULD HAVE JOBS AND EVERYONE WOULD BE ON WELFARE (which is what the "left" WANT TO HAPPEN)!!! Anyone who doesn't believe in Capitalism needs to GET THE HELL OUT OF AMERICA, AND NEEDS TO KEEP THEIR DAMN OPINIONS TO THEMSELVES! AMERICA WAS CREATED BY CAPITALISTS, AND SUCCEEDED FOR 200 YEARS THROUGH CAPITALISM! Capitalism and profit ARE NOT EVIL. Communism and Marxism ARE NOT ABOUT "EQUALITY", THEY ARE ABOUT GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF THE PEOPLE! THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT WAS DEFINED AS "OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, AND FOR THE PEOPLE", but the politicians over the last 30+ years have TWISTED it around... They keep trying to redefine the words of the Constitution by saying "it's a 'living document' open to reinterpretation", but that is absolute F'ING BULLSH!T, those words mean THE EXACT SAME THING today as they did the day they were written. THOSE WORDS SHOULD BE TREATED AS IF THEY WERE SET IN STONE!!! Will, are you (or were you ever previously) a Senator or Congressman in DC? If not, where do you get your information? Senators and Congressmen (plus the Justices of the Supreme Court and the President himself) PAY NO INCOME TAXES. The aides, secretaries, etc who are BELOW the Senators and Congressmen DO PAY income taxes. The funny thing of it: their salaries are paid by OUR TAX MONEY! They vote pay increases for themselves, and we don't get any say in it (although we SHOULD because their pay rates are around FIVE TIMES what the AVERAGE WORKING citizen gets paid - hell, the Prez made FOUR F*CKING MILLION FROM HIS BOOKS EACH YEAR BEFORE HE WAS VOTED IN!). If anything is "unfair", THAT is the most unfair of anything. Last year my salary was only $36.5K for the year, the average for Senators is $175K a year... Just look at the Duggar family, Jim Bob Duggar was a state-level Congressman for one term in Arkansas, then "retired". He sure as heck can't support a family with 19 kids on the income from a used car dealership which has very few sales per day (and which he signed over to his oldest son as a wedding present, so he no longer even owns it)... So he's got some kind of sweet income from his state as his "retirement"... Everyone knows Michelle doesn't work, she stays at home with the kids and home-schools them. When they go shopping, they buy ONLY WITH STRAIGHT CASH, THE DON'T USE CREDIT CARDS! They bought a MINI BUS with CASH! So where are they getting that kind of cash? FROM HIS FREAKING STATE PENSION!
  17. Yeah, they are a good company, and the reps are very well informed about the products they carry. As long as you don't mind the constant catalogs and letters they send by snail mail clogging up your mailbox... They are not good for closet DL's trying to hide it from friends or family members...
  18. I dabble with html now and then, and also do some coding in C/C++, Java/JavaScript, and VB/VBScript...
  19. Why do you people keep trying to treat children like they are miniature adults? Children have VERY DIFFERENT mental capacities and levels of understanding than adults do. Just because you can have a discussion with a teenager or 20-something DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU CAN DO THE SAME THING WITH AN INFANT, A TODDLER, OR A 4-6 YEAR OLD! Spanking is NOT about violence. Do you not understand human history? It was considered as THE ONE AND ONLY WAY TO STOP BAD BEHAVIORS AND WAS ACCEPTED SOCIALLY AND LEGALLY FOR CENTURIES!!!! The Bible even says (and I don't give a rat's ass what any anti-Christian moron is gonna reply to me on this) in plain words "spare the rod, spoil the child", and in those days a rod was the typical instrument for simple corporal punishment (spankings). Why do people keep trying to change what has been PROVEN TO WORK just because a few MORONS in the world can't/couldn't control themselves????? Like many other people have said in this thread, the parents of their friends had direct permission to spank them if they got out of line while at the friend's house, and they typically would get a second spanking when they got home because the friend's parents would have informed their parents of the event. Heck, even SCHOOL TEACHERS AND PRINCIPALS had the authority to apply CORPORAL PUNISHMENT to habitually out-of-line students (until the wishy-washy, namby-pamby whiners complained too damn much)! As far as what happened to you duck, that WAS abuse, because your parents were OUT OF CONTROL and did not use spanking in the RIGHT way. A CONTROLLED SINGLE-SWAT (or group of 3 or 4 swats in the case of a child who won't stand still for the first one - given with a statement of "If you had held still there would only have been ONE swat.") can be a VERY EFFECTIVE deterrent. But as I just said, it has to be done the RIGHT way, with LOVE and explanation, such as "I am/we are only doing this because you did something wrong and need to understand that I/we love you, and want you to never do that again". There's one question I would REALLY LOVE to have a straight answer to: If America was founded on the concept of MAJORITY RULE (like when a vote is held, the winner is the person with the MOST votes, or if the vote is to enact a law or rule, it has to have MORE Yea's than Nay's to pass), why the hell do MINORITY (not meaning racial, but meaning philosophical) groups suddenly have so much power????? (Like the atheists who want to remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance and "In God We Trust" from our money... A recent MSNBC online poll showed a whopping 84% of Americans who responded - with MILLIONS of clicks recorded - wanted to KEEP those words while only 16% wanted them removed... So why is it still being discussed at high levels of government?????)
  20. Which is why I keep trying to get people to open their eyes to the fact that the American government is too damn big and keeps trying to get bigger, using OUR money... I wouldn't have a problem if THEY (the politicians) were required to use the same programs they expect us to use (because they would make sure the programs were properly funded and run), but as I said, they have their own ultra-platinum level retirement and healthcare plans that are better than anything we would ever receive from them, and it is ALL paid by US, not a penny out of their own pockets EVER!
  21. There's a BIG DIFFERENCE between being REGULATED and being CONTROLLED... That is a LOCAL program, NOT A FEDERAL ONE. Gee, all things done at the EXPENSE of the taxpayer, but where is any PROFIT back from those programs? Do either the USDA or FDA PRODUCE anything ON THEIR OWN? NO, they just review what OTHER PEOPLE have worked to create. And again you use the words "regulated" and "approved"... And haven't you noticed but the price of postage stamps keeps going UP, because FEWER people are using the USPS, they either use the PRIVATELY OWNED services of UPS, FedEx, or DHL, or else they rely on EMAIL and phone calls for their contacts with other people... More talk of "regulations", where is the actual PRODUCTIVE WORK by the government program? There is NONE! All the PRODUCTIVE WORK is done by the businesses that are required to follow those regulations. And here again you refer to "state and local" programs, when my entire previous post was discussing FEDERAL programs. And the internet may have been "developed by" DARPA, but it was the PRIVATE SECTOR which made it into the global system that it is today. I ask you again: When has the American government EVER done ANYTHING which GAINED A PROFIT AND ACTUALLY SAVED MONEY, INSTEAD OF SPENDING TAXPAYER MONEY ON LOSS AFTER LOSS?????
  22. What planet were you born on? Until they reach the age of 7 or 8, they are TOO YOUNG to DISCUSS and REASON with. And even after that point, you get the strong-willed children who want to do things their own way and don't WANT to listen to adults. Are you a parent? Have YOU ever had to deal with a toddler who doesn't understand the meaning of "No"??? If you have not been a parent, then you have no understanding of the situation at all. How can you reason with a 1 or 2 year old toddler who barely knows how to talk, let alone have any form of coherent conversation????? Sorry, I was quite annoyed with certain other statements by other posters and went a little crazy because I missed the sarcasm. I apologize for my reaction. And I agree with you, abuse is a SUBJECTIVE term. One person may think a single-swat spanking is too much, others think it is not enough. It all depends on the situation and the background of the people involved. But I personally get angry by all the namby-pamby, wishy-washy, touchy-feely bullsh!t being spread around these days in the name of "protecting the children". Back in the 40s, 50s, 60s, etc (even WAY BACK in the FRONTIER DAYS), it was ACCEPTED to use a paddle, belt, or even a leather strap to deal with bad behaviors.
  23. With your attitude, I hope you never have kids, cuz you'd ruin their lives with your attitude. You should go get sterilized to make sure you don't infect the rest of the world with your twisted attitude. Mental/Emotional Abuse is a really sick way to treat your kids. Parents are supposed to LOVE their kids, but what I've seen so many times over the years is that some people are viewing their kids as a mistake in their lives, and resent the fact that the children exist. And whenever something goes wrong during their day (at work, at the store, in traffic, etc) even if the child(ren) had nothing to do with that problem, the parent vents their anger on the children, which results in abuse. I know this because my father did it to me. He kept a good image at the office, but let all his tensions out when he got home, and if I got in the way... Hell, my dad had such a bad temper that the slightest mistake I made would send him in a rage some times... (Some of my mom's friends have even asked over the years "Are they his kids? Because he sure doesn't act like it.") The people who say "spanking = hitting, and hitting = abuse" are being stupid. Think about this: when kids are playing around, they tend to hit each other (particularly if they are playing boxing or wrestling), are you gonna call THAT abuse? Abuse is hitting that doesn't stop until the child is bruised, bloody, has broken bones, or in some cases has died. DO NOT PUT A SIMPLE 2 SWAT SPANKING INTO THAT CATEGORY BECAUSE IT DOES NOT, NOR HAS IT EVER, FIT THAT DEFINITION!!!!! Events like Columbine happened because parents did not pay enough attention to their children, and did not PROPERLY DISCIPLINE their children when bad behaviors happened.
  24. Anon, I'm also unemployed with no healthcare (have been since the first week of January) and would rather have the government STAY THE HELL OUTTA MY LIFE. What car I choose to drive IS MY CHOICE! Whether or not I purchase a healthcare plan IS MY CHOICE! At least the "profit motivated bureaucrats" of a business know the difference between a WORKING program and a FAILING program. Without profit, companies fail. But the government NEVER runs with a profit, it is ALWAYS A LOSS!!!!! So WHY does the government keep paying for programs that a CORPORATION would have TERMINATED quickly after realizing how much of a loss it was for the owners/shareholders?!?!?!?!? The government is getting too F'ING BIG AND NEEDS TO STOP GROWING, AND ALSO NEEDS TO STAY OUT OF THE MARKETPLACE. If a company is failing, LET IT FAIL! And let a competitor pick up the pieces. America survived for TWO HUNDRED YEARS BEING CAPITALIST! The idiots in government now are trying to DESTROY EVERYTHING America stood for and represented in the world: Freedom of CHOICE, freedom to live how you wanted to live, buy what you wanted to buy, live where you wanted to live, OWN what you WANTED to own... For the last twenty years, the government has been getting involved in things that should have been left alone in the FREE MARKET where they belonged. I'm not arguing against healthcare, what I'm arguing against is GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED healthcare. When, at any point in the last 50 or 100 years, has the American government done ANYTHING that was in any way SUCCESSFUL as compared to an equivalent program run by a PRIVATE BUSINESS??? The idiots in government seem to think that you can solve a problem simply by throwing more money into a failing program, even if that program has been active (and failing the whole time) for 10+ years. But when a business has a program that they know is failing (whether it is losing a million dollars a year or a thousand dollars a day) they TERMINATE that program in order to SAVE the company (and the SHAREHOLDERS/OWNERS) from losing MONEY. Doesn't anyone else see that what the government is doing with OUR money is WRONG?!?!?!?!?! And don't forget the fact that the money for ALL (American) government programs comes from US, the individuals... The actual politicians (at the Federal level, not sure about state level...) PAY NO TAXES on their salaries (which are paid from the money received from OUR TAXES). And every politician who retires (whether after only ONE year or FORTY years in office) receives their FULL PAY RATE for the rest of their lives! They don't have to use the healthcare plan they are trying to force on us cuz they have their own ultra-platinum coverage, they don't have to use the Social Security system for their retirement cuz they have their own super plan... And those plans are not paid for by them at all, EVERY PENNY spent by those plans for the politicians comes from OUR taxes, never from their own pocket!!!!! I don't consider that fair at all. Maybe if the politicians had to use the same programs they expect us to use (Welfare, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, Income Tax, etc), they would have SOLVED the problems in each program instead of IGNORING THEM YEAR AFTER YEAR!!!!!
  25. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I had read that the general taxes (sales tax, VAT, income tax, etc) are HIGHER in the UK than they are in the USA... And that for more than half of low-end job categories (fast-food, chain-store cashiers, etc) the UK pay rate is LOWER than the USA rate... (The only major exception to that is waitstaff at restaurants, since in America they get paid less than 1/3 of the standard "minimum wage" because they rely on tips, but in Europe they are paid a full working wage and in most cases tips are discouraged... In Japan it's even considered rude to leave a tip...)
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