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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Gennie

  1. I knew it wasn't cheap, but I had no idea it was that expensive. I knew that advertising covered some of it, but that's a lot of money. I don't see any reason why I can't send a monthly help, even though it won't be much. If People who used this board simply sent $5 a month via a PayPal account then we could easily cover the differences, I'm sure. If 10 people sent $5 per month, that's $600 towards the costs. If 100 people sent it, we would be well over the stated requirements, and hopefully would see some cool additions to the site. DD, I'll be trying to remember to send you $5 a month. I hope everyone else will, too. Gary
  2. I couldn't find the stuff to order from XP Medical, because you need to do it from THIS site, and if you don't, then it doesn't matter to DailyDi. Gary
  3. Gennie

    A > Z

    Pee pee and poo poo...in your diapees. Gary
  4. <<gives Moogies a BIG Hugs and a Moogle button.....hey, WHO STOLE THE MOOGLE BUTTON? Sowwy, Moogies, you'll just have to have the hugs! Gary
  5. Okay, I give up. Happy 2,000th Post everyone! Also, the What Song Are You Listening To appears to be in second place, at least in 'The Rest of your Life Forum. <<hands Dolly a black and white Betty Boop button instead. Boop boop de boop!! Gary
  6. Gennie

    A > Z

    Napoleons (a pastry...what's a Marmite, Dolly?) Gary
  7. Quite often, if there is a question about pricing, I will ask for someone to go check it. Sometimes I've found that the wrong product has been placed over the 'Sale' price, and that a look of the tag confirms it. Other times, I've been right, and have had my price adjusted accordingly. I've found that the best way to handle this is to be polite in all respects and with everyone. Even if I have to ask for a supervisor, or manager, I'll ask in such a way to 'help' the cashier, like 'Maybe you're new here, but the management is here to help....' Just because they have a '5 Year' sticker on their name tag, which I convienently overlook, I find it helps. Gary
  8. Sunshine, I'm sorry. Since I do so much in the Word Associate thread, 2,000 is hardly a drop in the bucket, it seems. Yes, it's a lot, over 100 pages, which probably makes it the second longest thread here, and I thank you all for making it what it is, but I guess I'm not as impressed. <<Gives Sunshine a big hug and a Happy Button. lol Gary
  9. <<wets and poos in my diapers, and runs out of milk in my baba all at once as I ogle the 'Help!' Eeerrrk! Whaaaaa???? (thanks Bayb!) Jenny
  10. I don't know how much it costs Di to keep this site running, between usage fees, and costs, and everything else. He's asked for financial help. If each of us could contribute $10 per person, then I'm sure that it would help to keep this site here, and running. I'm afraid that Di won't tell us, but I'd be willing to bet that it's costing him possibly over $100 a month out of his own pocket, or more, to keep this here for us. I've sent him money in the past, and I've done it again this time, because I want to be able to come here and share my life with others. If you like that same ability, please contribute some finances to this site, because there aren't too many other places left to go. Gary
  11. Lance, you said the following: A 'big and puffy' butt might indicate that she is wearing a diaper, which COULD be a medical condition, so she could be wearing one. IF she was, she might make comments that, to an AB like yourself, MIGHT make you think she was one. Since I don't know the comments, or the context of the comments, I can't offer you anything more. However, I wasn't trying to be combative, I was trying to offer another possible scenario. As to 'figment of your imagination', I wasn't trying to be insulting, it was more humorous than anything. However, it also holds a bit of truth to it, if we want to meet another AB, whom better than someone we already know that we think MIGHT be one. Our imagination can do wonderful things, and show us things we want to see, even if we aren't sure. Take no offense from my post, as there was none intended. I was only offering you another explaination. Gary
  12. It is also possible that she's having a medical issue, and *is* wearing diapers, and is trying to find a way to get comfortable with them, or comfortable with the idea of having to wear them. That may include self-deprecating humor, or some sort of diaper humor. It might also be a way for her to reach out to others. You might also see if she's made comments like that to others, and maybe someone knows something. Odds are, though, that she isn't, that it may be an overgrown figment of your imagination, and pursuing it may get you into a lot of trouble. Gary
  13. Bayb, I hope they get the decorating all done up just like you'd like to see it. Gary
  14. Bayb, I just spent $120 and bought four four-CD collections of the Gold Edition of Looney Toon cartoons. Bugs, Daffy, Wile. E., etc. It may take me forever to watch them, but they are still funny after all these years. Gotta love Bugs....aaay, What's Up Doc? Gary
  15. In no particular order, and no number The Andromeda Strain Fantastic Voyage Band of Brothers Saving Private Ryan Most of the Sean Connery Bond Movies The Matrix (but the sequels weren't nearly as good) Apollo 13 Fitzwilly Robin Hood: Men In Tights! tied with Blazing Saddles...actually, just about anything Mel Brooks did...I love the fight scene in Blazing Saddles! made for TV 'The Hit Man' and 'Brotherhood of the Rose' (the espionage thriller) Gary
  16. If there is a warning, where does it come from, and how is it implemented? Last time I checked, I think mine is still at 0% (I try to be nice to others), but if I were to see it increase, how would I know WHY it happened? Does someone, or can just anyone, do something to 'warn' me, or is it from Moderators? If it is, do a I get a PM from them saying 'You were bad, you now have a x% warning.' If I don't repeat the offense, does the warning level go back down? Gary
  17. Tankies Moogies, deys pwetty. ((((((((((((((( MOOGIES ))))))))))))))) Jenny (and Gary)
  18. Uh Uh, Moogies is habbin' a pawties, and mees is no feelin' wells. Oh wells, hopes dat Moogies enjoys hew pawty! Jenny
  19. Why does SHE get the raise? Just because she has a diaper on! Gary
  20. And *only* $24 a year, which really isn't that bad, considering they have to pay for the servers and stuff. Are you going to use 'MommiesBabyGirl.com', BayB? Gary
  21. Well, where are the matching plastic panties? If I leak, it's YOUR fault. Gary (not a very good one, I'm sorry to say)
  22. (whispering out of view) See honey, *SHE* wears a diaper like a good baby girl. YOU need to wear one too, so Mommy can turn you into a big baby sissy boy. I already have her bra for you, and she's going to get a diapee for you. Gary
  23. I wish you had chained my baba to my shirt, I can't find it ANYWHERE! Gary
  24. Nooooo, I don't care if I can't fall out, this is not as comfortable as my crib!! Gary
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