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Shotgun Diplomat

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Posts posted by Shotgun Diplomat

  1. 7 hours ago, oznl said:

    That’s because he’s got stiff-upper-lipped British endorphins: brought up on cold showers, dismal weather and a “Dolce et decorum est” fatalist ethic brewed in a land that considers “Not too bad” as a desirable state of affairs.

    I love that phrasing so much. Some Brits are taciturn to an almost unbelievable degree. As an example, I slaved away for hours making Osso Bucco for a visiting cousin. Having talked up my dish for years of visits to them, on their infrequent hopping across the pond and a continent I decided to go for broke and make it. So I did, it was absolutely delicious, tender not spongy veal; the sauce was beautiful. Their response... "Not too bad." Needless to say I was unimpressed and needed some wine.  

    • Haha 4
  2. Yeah, this is a very sensitive topic that needs to be handled with care and tact. Personally I feel that you should tell her, but be very very gentle about it. I am not exactly sure that you should say, that is entirely situationally dependant. All I can say is that I know that if I had a lingering odour after changing, I would want to know. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. Interesting addition.

    It is nice to get a solid new point of view with regards to the why of the baby treatment, especially in the case of Jackie. In all of your previous stories Jackie has been the main focus- if not the narrator, you sympathize. And, from her point of view she didn't deserve the babying (arguably no one deserves such a long lasting punishment ((treatment?)(torture?)). But, from the perspective of the (and I hesitate to apply this word to her jailors) family she most certainly did deserve it for being manipulative towards friends and loved ones. Very much looking forward to whenever you have more to post. Thanks a bunch, have a gooder! 

    • Like 1
  4. I am glad to see that the possibility of Johnathan being bitten hard by the green monster were nipped in the bud; by judicious application of reason and common sense. It was a lovely chapter, and a pleasure to read. Thank-you. 

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  5. 15 hours ago, LessThanSavory said:

    Not only are you not wearing a lab coat or goggles

    Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. One must always wear the proper PPE when working around any sort chemicals. Especially acids! Good golly Ms. Molly that is some serious disregard for personal safety. Even as an undergrad one would think that he would know better. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, mamabug said:

    I feel like it's realistic for a young waitress at a diner (in a small town), to perhaps to be forgiving

    I feel you are right. I am from a town like that. People there are forgiving because everybody of a certain age group knows almost everything about everyone else. It is hard to not be forgiving when the person you are trying to forgive probably shared the kinds of secrets only children have with you when they were younger. It tends to breed a quasi-blind spot regarding behaviours.  

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Bluebird67 said:

    Shame on you for skim-reading

    Well shit, you caught me. I am suitably repentant for my misdeed(s). I have forgotten the face of my father. 


  8. Well I am really liking the start you have made here. I especially like the diner sequence as @kerry said the fact that some rando has the gall to not only hit on "every beautiful girl" but needs to be told twice to bugger off is a little disconcerting. That being said, you wrote the interaction well, I appreciate how you had Laura be both forceful and polite in her declination of his advances. Thank-you for the story, I am eager for the next installment. 

  9. I am loving this! The fact that your hitherto unnamed protagonist is identifying and actively avoiding the common tropes found in "magic" ABDL stories is amusing to the nth. I also really appreciate the how much actual tinkering needs to take place in order to properly modify any object to a suitable level of preference (the diaper). It is excellent. Thank-you. 

    I am curious if they are going to spill the beans and enlist the help of another figure, the professor seems likely to me, and have hi-jinks galore with attempting to explain it.

    Thanks for the new installment, I am very much looking forward to more.  

  10. Well, you have me hooked. I am always a fan of a good sci-fi romp that includes:

    A) Diapers

    B ) Powers (acquired)

    C) Seemingly plausible explanations , with legit sounding supporting science

    Thank-you for this first little taste, I am very much excited for more. 

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