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Shotgun Diplomat

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Everything posted by Shotgun Diplomat

  1. Just a little old school humour to put a smile on peoples faces but...
  2. Excellent, I am glad to get to see Ella again. In a way Ella acts as a foil to Becky. She brings out the more articulate, more mature -and to my mind more fun to read- version of Jamie. The more "adult" version I suppose. I also appreciate how you can write such a deep undercurrent of emotion in a scene without straying into the realm of heavy handedness. I suppose the chapters that more prominently feature the Ella and Jamie scenes are my preferred. Thank-you for the chapter, as always it was a pleasure to read.
  3. This is an interesting take on the sudden bed and pants wetting trope. I am very interested where you take us with this. One phrase stood out to me in your latest chapter. Is this a precursor of Moms attitude to come?
  4. Lol (but in a quasi sarcastic/ resigned to the world way) that was clever. Well, seeing as I was referencing the interior structures of her breasts. I was not sure exactly what I could call them without coming off as creepy. The word "flesh" came to mind, but it seemed too Hannibal Lector-esque.
  5. I realise that it is unlikely, but, is Becky going to go all AMAZON on Jamie and forget all of the hard won lessons learned over the years. Or rather, if not forget, maybe just not totally remember? Or, is her behaviour linked to her over production and storage of milk, and the possible of re-absorption of what ever those chemicals are into her bloodstream through her mammary tissues?
  6. I am inclined to think that Jamie associates being on and using the potty/toilet as being a pre-adopted behaviour, and that in replicating said behaviour he is subconsciously holding his bladder until he is comfortable again. Obviously this is an imperfect solution as evidenced by his ability to release voluntarily after his morning nap, but I believe that it is a solid working theory. By attempting to recreate functional continence in Jamie both he and Manda are reengaging pre-adoption behaviours.
  7. I would contact your city/municipal garbage refuse disposal centre and ask if you are permitted to have more than one bin, even if it is an extra cost. It might alleviate your persistent anxiety regarding the "Bin Chicken". Having two bins would allow you the room to ensure that your lids are always properly secured.
  8. If I was seeking it then I would party hard. If it was a sudden occurrence, I would seek medical advise. Pretty simple if you ask me.
  9. Personally I love having a drink (or several) while wearing diapers. Plus not having to worry about "breaking the seal" is so reassuring that I almost only exclusively drink while diapered.
  10. No... No I have not. Sigh. Well shucks... it is almost like it is a world of your own creation, and not bound to this mortal plane in any tangible sense.
  11. Small quibble in an otherwise beautifully crafted chapter. In order to adhere to SOLAS regulations, all ships must be equipped with secondary power sufficient enough to run all emergency, navigation, and d.c. equipment. So, unless the "Captain" had pulled an Exxon Valdez type of maneuver, it is unlikely that they would be totally at the mercy of the sea.
  12. There has not been over much progress as of yet. The face is carved, and defined; but, the remainder of the monument remains a mountain. Not having Government funding does tend to put the brakes on large artistic ventures such as this.
  13. FUN FACT! That statue is being carved by mine own relations. It is a wholly non-profit enterprise relying solely on donations and revenue from the gift shop and visitation centre.
  14. Another wonderful chapter, thank-you. Well , I didn't think it could be done, but I think that you have managed to address all of the issues and angstthat have plagued Jamie in some form or another in a single chapter. Well done. I am not sure how you manage it, but I swear that I like Jamie, Amanda, Becky, and Ella more as time goes on. You have made them read like actual people, with peccadillos and quirks, and I love it. Once again I thank-you.
  15. I am curious what Becky is going to do to fill her days (besides work) when Jamie is absent. I like how you addressed the difficulty faced by the newly empty nested people. Maybe time to get back into the dating pool, or perhaps engage in some form of group activity? This story is really one of the highlights on this site, and although I am speaking for myself, I am sure there are a great multitude of people who will be sad when you eventually wind it down, and pack it up.
  16. Is it so wrong that I want to Jamie to stay in diapers? Not because he is incapable of retraining; but, rather because he is afraid how it would make Ella feel, and how it would impact their relationship. Adding on to that, maybe he is afraid to retrain because he fears that the compounding baggage from her families visit; and the baggage from being stuck in diapers might drive a wedge between them?
  17. Any of the short stories I have written, gave also been posted with minimal proofing. I have, a tendency to, overuse, he common, comma.
  18. Contests? "You could tell almost go to her"? I don't want to be the spelling and grammar guy, but I guy I will be today. Hmmmm. My foreshadow sense is tingling. I wonder what you mean or what you are possibly maybe implying?
  19. What an excellent chapter. I really appreciate the "slice of life" chapters, where the characters are just going about daily business. This one was especially nice, as it showcases both sides to a child leaving the house. Of course I mean in a purely practical sense, I am sure that the emotional shoe has yet to drop. For both Amanda, and Becky.
  20. Well, I am giving up the ghost on this one. I found myself with no end in sight, spiraling down into the chasm of never ending story-hood. Needless to say, I am disappointed in myself for abandoning this. But the drive has left me.
  21. I am pleased as punch to see this continued. It is a rather good story, and I would have been sorry to see it added to the Necropolis of abandoned tales. Thank-you for breathing new life into this.
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