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Everything posted by Jackiewope

  1. So I know everyone here has fond memories of the toys they used to play with as a child. We all do! And tonight I found one of my favorite childhood toys: a CD-ROM! Of course the disc itself isn't the toy, it's what's on the disc, sillies! I know that a fair amount of the users here are much older than me, and didn't grow up with pcs as children, so you guys probably don't have the same experience. But one of my favorite childhood memories was getting on our slow-ass Millenium Edition (boo) Compaq PC and playing Jump Start 1st Grade. Even though it had been years since I'd played it my memories of it have always been pretty clear. I fired up the disc tonight, surprised that it still worked with all the scratches, and had a lot of fun! It was kind of funny how small the game screen was (screen resolution changes), and the graphics look like they were drawn in MS Paint. Old game is old, haha. Of course, the games and puzzles come to me much easier than they do back then, but there are a whole mess of prizes to win. I don't think I ever beat the game 100%, so it'll be fun to try it this time around! Now, if I can just get my hands on a copy of both Reader Rabbit 1st Grade and Mission T.H.I.N.K I'll be set. ;] Is anyone else here young enough to remember playing educational computer games as a child?
  2. Jackiewope

    Near Me

    I'm from Philly! I don't live there anymore, though.
  3. If we're talking about baby stuff, a t-shirt and a diaper with a pair of sleep pants nearby in case I need to leave the room (no one else in my family knows about this). If we're not talking baby stuff, just a shirt and sleep pants. No underwear, it's kind of unnecessary. I also have these really cute footed pjs with polar bears on them! My friend got them for me as sort of a joke last Christmas, long before I started the whole AB thing. I've worn them twice since I started being a baby, but I'm going to wait until late fall to wear them again, as they're a bit warm at night.
  4. You really should be able to answer that question yourself. Seriously.
  5. Right before bed! I diaper up, clip my paci to my shirt, snuggle up with my stuffed cow and watch a little bit of Nick Jr. before my eyes get heavy and I drift off to sleep. So cozy <3
  6. All furries are nerds, that's for true. Furry = nerd. No denying it. Hm, I dunno. I haven't been a member of the AB/DL community long enough to pass judgement on it's nerdiness. =]
  7. The only thing I remember about being a baby was being bit in the face by our toy poodle. But then again, I was growling at him so it was my fault. >__>;
  8. Oh! I know! Most of us probably can't ride those coin-op horsies and trains and cars and things that you see in malls and movie theaters! I mean, some of them are big enough for an adult, but most have a 100 lb weight limit. Phooey on that!
  9. I'm 19 >__> I don't see myself being a drinker when I turn 21, though. I hate the smell of beer and I've tasted wine before and it's gross. If I were to drink anything, it'd probably have to be something fruity where I couldn't taste the alcohol. But then I'd just be drinking some punch to get drunk. Might as well get a smoothie or something...
  10. I think if you're AB/DL going into a relationship, you shouldn't expect to find someone who'll also be into it. But that goes for anything. You can't be super in love with retro gaming and expect the other person to be into it, too. If they do then wonderful! If not, respect their wishes. You can't go shoving your interests/fetishes in their face if it makes them uncomfortable. If they ditch you because of your interests, then they obviously didn't respect your wishes either. Sort of like my being a furry, if you don't present it as a super-big lifestyle thing, they other people might not take is as a big deal. But if it is a super-big lifestyle thing to you, then you'll have to find someone who feels the same way about it. That's what I think, anyway.
  11. Yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about. I've got pretty much every Nintendo console ever made, including the retro ones. And I have to have a lot of free time and even more patience to even attempt to play those headache-inducers. =D
  12. I like it 'cause I'm a lazy bum who doesn't feel like getting out of bed in the middle of the night. Haha, I'm just kidding. =] I think I kind of like it 'cause I know I'm not supposed to be doing it. And pretending to be a baby, for me, relieves a lot of stress I have at night. Historically, my mind is riddled with all sorts of thoughts that I cant stop thinking, and I end up not being able to get to sleep at night. But babies don't have to think about anything, really, so that helps clear my mind. The whole wetting a diaper things sort of completes the illusion, as it were.
  13. I don't have a facebook 'cause I don't want one, but even if I did I'd keep my AB stuff off of it. In fact, this is the only place on the whole 'net that I discuss my AB side, and I plan on keeping it that way. This kid of thing is on a need-to-know basis, and as far as I'm concerned no one else needs to know.
  14. Cyanide + Happiness is easily one of my favorite webcomics/Flash toon series. So wrong, but so funny. =D
  15. I'm a tailor of sorts! If Jimmy cracked corn and no one cared, why do you think they wrote a song about it?
  16. I've been to Furry Weekend Atlanta, which is held at the same Hilton Hotel, but I won't be doing to Dragon*Con this year. Maybe next year, though! If my Comic-Con budget permits, that is.
  17. I just got out of a relationship, but because of something not related to ABness at all (got into this after the relationship ended). Shame, too, he probably would have liked it. Gonna give myself time before I find someone else. Anyway, I'm not super deep into ABness as of yet, and I doubt I ever will be. For me personally, it's a thing I like to do, and not really a lifestyle. Even still, I'd like to find a guy who'd be willing to play along every now and then. =]
  18. Step 1: Click this link http://www.adamatomic.com/canabalt/ Step 2: Play the game Step 3: Several hours will have passed by before you know it. ;] I usually fire up a video game. I find the N64 ones are best at giving me a headache and making me want to go to sleep. They coined the term "Nintendo hard" for a reason.
  19. Not really sure how to introduce myself. I'm only posting an introduction because my previous experience in forum etiquette told me it's kind of rude to show up and post without properly introducing yourself first. =] My username is Jackiewope (as in, the antlered rabbit of the southwest), but you can call me Wope if you like that better. I'm 19, a girl, and act like a kid as part of my normal life, haha! I have a large collection of Chuck E. Cheese stuff, lots of stuffed animals from childhood, and watch Nick and Nick Jr. and Cartoon Network a lot. And I also draw. A LOT. I also go to college for stuff. Graphic design stuff. Yup. So hi! I'm new to the whole AB thing, please be nice. It's a pleasure to make your guys' acquaintances! ^__^
  20. Tah-dah! The wallpaper was drawn by the amazing cartoonist over at http://www.titash.net/blog/. Website mostly in French. =]
  21. Mine always falls out an ends up underneath me somehow. One day I'll find some fun in recording myself sleeping so I can see all the weird ways I probably toss and turn, haha.
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