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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by toon

  1. to me i dont have those dreams unless i havent worn in awhile. its like an addict dream. people who are addicts usually have dreams of what they are addicted to.
  2. I just got done mowing and edging my yard. I just sat down in my chair and put on some music *philip glass* I feel accomplished! Theres nothing like working hard all day....and coming home to the house you own and taking care of the yard. Then having your wife bring you your dinner and a drink while you listen to your choice of music and all the while sitting in your amazingly comfy chair. this is what life is all about!
  3. .....instead of trying to trick her into something....why dont you just be honest and talk to her about who you are. they do appreciate you opening up to them.
  4. I had already dropped out of school by then. My mother woke me up screaming "we're under attack we're under attack"!! I kinda look up at her and laughed. I got up all drowsy and groggy and slowly made it to the tv where I begin watching the footage. I lived in Indiana at the time. It was wrong of me but at the time I thought...."oh well". It was a catastrophe. I wont comment on the cause of the event because I cannot prove or disprove any of the ten thousand theories as to what really happened on that day but I can say we lost a great amount of good people. I knew that day would be the day that most of our liberties would be out the door. I was still dealing with myself back then....I was a walking time bomb. I dont really miss it but if I could go back and change it I would have so much to say to me then what I know now. First I would have hugged myself and told me that I deserved it.
  5. whether he is a dl or ab I think it was smart for him to project himself in the light that he did. It shows regular readers that we're not all those whackjobs you read about in the paper or you see walking down the street in a pink frilly sundress. He's obviously an educated intelligent person whom has chosen to wear diapers as his default undergarment and explains why in an educated and sophisticated fashion! Good for him! I for one wish there was a place for comments so that I could gauge the feedback from readers, but theres not so....oh well lol. thanks for sharing!
  6. toon


    ohh man I'm sorry you have to go through all that. I wish I could send you some diaps. ....maybe its payback for rooting for the sox?! lol just kiddin.
  7. toon

    Flat Broke

    yeah man I hear ya.....but its not so bad. I like to grab my Jeffrey and paci and pop a movie in on days like that and usually pass out before the thing is over. home time is good time:) Enjoy:) or perhaps.*i dont know where your at* but you could do unexpensive fun things. Get out and go for a walk! Go for a drive? Do you own a bike? go to the library and pick out a book and sit down and read for awhile!
  8. .....shouldnt this be in the meeting places section?
  9. toon


    lol my wife keeps a standing cardboard cutout of him in her classroom. I think she's going to get another of Nick Swisher #33 (right fielder and sometimes DH) he's her new favorite!
  10. call it your "thing" your "schtick" or "how you roll" like "bitch you know how I roll!" haha dude..... the best thing to call it is what it is. its an interest. its a lifestyle. its a fetish. maybe you just need to work on saying what it really is so that you wont be so ashamed of it. Cause its nothing to be ashamed of. This is just apart of the many unique qualities you hold. I personally think you should be proud of it. Other people like your style in music, other people have the same hairdo other people hold some of the same interests you do but THEY dont wear your style of underwear.....and so that makes you special. stop calling it a deep dark secret and guess what?! It wont be one anymore! I wish you luck!
  11. toon


    hello and welcome! how many other fetishes do you think you have? fetlife is the best place to really find that out. Why havent you had the chance to wear? hell when I was 9yrs old I would mow lawns for diaper money lol Have fun on the forums and theres alot of great people here! ENJOY!!
  12. could be anything. just be careful when your messing with craigslist.
  13. best simplistic toy? Your imagination. Anything can be my toy *im easily amused* lol My stuffy Jeffry is not only my best friend and companion but he is also my toy.
  14. i dont mind changing.....cause you are getting out of one and into another but when I wake early in the morning for work and I have to undiaper for work.....its like the starting point for the stress for the day. I have since started wearing cloth trainers at night to bed instead of a disposable because trainers are easier to take off lol not take off as in physically, but mentally or emotionally. ps. I dont like staying in a wet or *sometimes* messy diap. Y? you ask? cause I dont like rashes. They SUCK!
  15. sure this should go in the "meeting places" section?
  16. wow dude that was me.....you were sitting at the table as we went upstairs? you were downstairs as we went up before the dj started. haha dude I wish you should have said ANYTHING u had a hat on?
  17. dude....honestly thats a bit of a douche bag comment. your saying there is something wrong with being a diaper connoisseur? DD does stuff on the weekend.....he buys lady gaga albums. me? I go to ballgames and parties. Others do their own thing. stop being a douche dude!
  18. gotta ask yourself man.....do the diapers make the kid? or does the kid make the diapers? lol
  19. study her. know what she wants when she wants it how she wants it be there for her play with her nurture love understand. can you tell within a glance what she's thinking? you have to have that connection. I foresee your problem to be resentment later on. You've struggled with it even before your decision. you have a little inside you that wants attention too ya know....and you cant just shut that up because it will cause more problems. thats also something you really need to get out of the way.
  20. hello and welcome! good luck finding your feet! Mine always seem to elude me:P
  21. i kinda wanted to be but i wasnt. *diapered that is* giggity!
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