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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by toon

  1. george........if your going into a psychiatric hospital then you should probably tell them you want to wear them because they make you feel comfortable. If your not being honest with whats going on in your head then how do you expect them to help?! Are you going in involuntarily? I have been there....my first time around I wouldnt say nothing about anything...but I learned quickly that it gets you nowhere. If you have issues and you want to get past them...if you want to deal with your proverbial demons then you need to talk about it. If you dont want to talk about it in a group setting I doubt they will force it on you. You said they are an "emotional" need. In a psychiatric hospital they deal with "emotional needs". you are an adult you make your own decisions I'm just saying being straight forward and honest is going to get you more than walling up and lying. you choose.
  2. dude...... i dont know of any lap kneck body suit. its used for dancers....etc. body suits are bare, ugly, and bland. IMO that is.
  3. cosyndry babykins privatina I buy from babykins the most. very nice onesies. A wide variety of styles, patterns, and colors as well. cosyndry has only 2 boyish onesies I own one with giraffes. privatina has a wide variety as well and I have yet to order from them. cosyndry and privatina are European. Babykins is located in Canada. all three accept american dollars. also.......are bodysuits considered onesies? I thought there was a difference.
  4. Everclear - when it all goes wrong again When It All Goes Wrong Again lyrics----------- Yes, I think it's safe to say I feel good about the place That I've been made in the world today I get all sticky inside When I close my eyes And I open up wide I see pictures in the clouds So obscene I gotta laugh out loud I look back to find my way Reminisce and laugh about the good old days Yeah, when I saw my brother above me I remember the words he said When you dream you hit bottom Chances are good you're gonna wake up dead I'll be up on top when the sky falls down And it all goes wrong again Yeah, I will be sitting on top When It All Goes Wrong Again Yeah, I will be sitting on top When It all goes wrong. Yes I think it's safe to say I feel good about the sins That I inflict on my own skin I pay money to cut and burn Pictures like the lessons that I need to learn I see faces on the ceiling I see them move, I hear them singing I lay back in here by myself I think about the time that I've spent in hell When I saw my brother below me I remember the words he said When you leave you wake up happy Then you'll sleep right in your own warm bed I'll be singing in the rain when the bad dreams com And It All Goes Wrong Again Woh, I will be singing in the rain When It All Goes Wrong Again Woh, Woh I will be singing in the rain When It All Goes Wrong Where are you gonna be When it all comes down What are you gonna do When it all comes down Where are you gonna be When It all comes down What are you gonna do When it all comes down on you I'll be sitting on top of the world When It All Goes Wrong Again I'll be sitting on top of the world When It All Goes Wrong Again I'll be sitting on top when the sky falls down And It All Goes Wrong Again Woh I will be sitting on top when it all goes wrong again Woh, Woh I will be sitting on top when it all goes wrong again Again and again I will be sitting on top when it all goes wrong Yeah, when it all goes wrong again Aw, when it all goes wrong again Oh, When it all goes wrong again When it all goes wrong again When it all goes wrong again When it all goes wrong again When it all goes wrong again When it all goes wrong again When it all goes wrong
  5. ....that is a really hard question really. Coming from nothing...I've found the one person I want to live the rest of my life with. We were married. We now own a home. We both have careers. We both have amazing friends.....real true friends. We want to have children. I want to raise children before I die. I want to make sure our children are secure and happy before I die. When I had my heart attack last xmas I really felt my mortality. It put alot of things into perspective about life to me. All these things we own and what we *want*...they arent important. I am just happy with how far I've come as a person. I'm ecstatic as to who we've become as a couple. Before I die I want to know my wife is going to be taken care of. I want to be sure she'll be okay. I also pray everyday that I die before her...cause I dont think I could survive without her. I hope that answers the question.
  6. Nightmare on Elm St.! Freddy Cruger is HYSTERICAL!! The new one sucks though I like Steven King flicks that arent effed up. "tommy knockers, the stand, IT, etc. anything by clive barker. none of those movies scare me. the only ones that bother me are demonic movies such as "the exorcism of emily rose" and "paranormal activity". the only "monster" that ever really got to me was michael myers.*Halloween* I've never liked the cheesy horror flicks but Bruce Cambell is an exception. gory horror like "saw" or Hostel...The Hills Have Eyes....dont really catch my interest.
  7. LMAO thats sooo wrong.....but sooo funny! I would have definately said something back lol
  8. By closing the thread it would be readable, but just not able to be posted on correct? So imagine you are new to this site and you read a thread and you have questions about it. Would you want these new people posting new threads about this thread over and over again? Also each of the new threads have to have links to the old threads so people know what they are talking about and........wow it just seems like so much of a hassle. Its an inconvenient annoyance to you and for that I apologize but, I am also sorry that you categorize other members opinions or insight as "drivel". As for Project Emergence I havent been there so I do not know what the topics consist of therefore I will not comment on that issue.
  9. p.s. walmart diaps are terrible. They are too thin and leak easily. Sams club used to have decent quality but they turned to cloth and now sell the same type as walgreens. Walgreens diaps suck too. if your going to buy diaps. buy them online. dont have a credit or debit card? you can go to a cvs or rite aid and buy a giftcard put a sum of money on it and use that. also.....money order.
  10. i understand your point. There is an "adult kids" section. That could be used for littles.....as I thought was the case.
  11. metnmessy if you did say that.......which I doubt but if you did.....wtf! Really?! Really dude? Like we dont get bad press as it is you gotta go and be a douche tart like that?! your bordering on extremely unhealthy man. Your starting to seem like the type of weirdo that can only talk about diapers and your condition. You are obsessed! Its not good. take your signature for instance. your bucket list? Your goal is to take a dump at a funeral?! just places you want to take a dump..... there is something wrong with that. I know I believe in being yourself but..... this is unhealthy. You need to really think about this.
  12. he put it out there as a joke....I doubt he'll have problems from any directors or producers. He might get some wisecracks, but its all in fun. Someone should send him a real diaper....not depends. lol
  13. this story was already posted in the "our lifestyle discussion" area under the topic "wow"
  14. I have heart problems. I'm 25 and last xmas I had a heart attack....last time I went to the care station for a rash *on my arm* (im sure the rash was due to a side effect in some of the meds I'm on) The doc asked me 5 or 6 times if I was on drugs or had been taking drugs. I smoke occasionally and drink socially other than that I've not done any type of drugs since I was a teenager. I'm telling you this because this doctor was much like the hack your talking about. They are out there man! Usually when I start to get a rash I shower, air out, then put desitin on it followed by a diaper that I try not to wet or anything for awhile. You have to clean your junk dude! lol hope it gets better!
  15. depends on how open you are and if your willing to just casually say you have a weak bladder so you gotta do what you gotta do. Can you lock your dorm room door when your roomate is gone? Can you ask your roomate to take a hike for a few minutes? Personally I would probably put a few in a backpack or something....and walk to somewhere that was more discreet. There has to be a building somewhere with a private restroom. whats your major?
  16. toon


    did you see that kid?! He got to talk to her....I hate her music though.
  17. i go there alot. I have pics on there. I used to talk to matt.....he's a really cool dude. the stories are okay too. My pics are under the name William. His are some of the first pics i ever seen of a boy in diapers when I first found ab/dl on the internet.
  18. just remember communication is key. you should also be aware of the fact changing an adult diaper is much different than changing a baby diaper. It takes getting used to and repetition. Have you asked her how she felt about everything? I've introduced a few people to this....the best way I thought to go about it was to just wing it. Do what you would normally do.... I'm sorry if this isnt sufficient advice. I introduced a friend to diapers who then wore with me a few times. I introduced a girlfriend *plutonic* and her boyfriend who then wanted to be like my "mommy and daddy" I was 17 or so and still having it out with some inner demons when she and I started talking and I spilled it to her and she thought it was "cute". She would buy me diapers and let me stay there at their place. My best friend at the time knew but she wouldnt pat my butt when she laid with me.....she secretly had a crush on me. the best advice i can really think of right now is just be yourself. Let her get used to you being padded around her before you use....and wayy before you roleplay. People need time to wrap their heads around this kind of thing and at some point she may need some space.
  19. my name is for my animated nature and also my very known skill.....i am an artist. its also short for my street nickname Kartoon.
  20. toon


    " I dont believe child actors are made to wear diapers to save costs. Give me proof. Even if there is proof, it is limited to the peverts in America." perverts in America?! Thats a pretty bold of you to single out an entire country. Why are the undergarments worn by child actors so important to you?! Why would you need proof?! I'm pretty sure Singapore has its share of perversion. Last but not least...after reviewing your blogs, and also your recent posts. I've concluded you are probably suffering from ADD. You are very vague which alludes to your inability to stay focused on a single topic. Also you make ignorant general statements that cannot be backed by any intelligent argument for a real debate. I think you should think about this. Do some research. Educate yourself on the facts and then learn how to appropriately communicate them before you post.
  21. toon

    Activity Songs

    never had any of that type of thing when I was a kid. part of my problem now. I'm making up for it though:)
  22. I always thought that fat guy was [That site].
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