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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Reina Klauser

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  1. Hmm... If it were a collection of the girls' products, I'd pay money to see it.
  2. You know what? I wouldn't mind if a law passed making us wear diapers. Because honestly, a lot more women seem require being put in their place than men today. The TC might just be some perverted freak letting off steam or whatever, but I like the idea.
  3. I kind of want to try "rape-fantasy". Not like real rape at all though, more like something where we pretend that I go into some public girls' restroom alone, and some guy's in there and he diapers and drugs me, then just plays around with me and stimulates me as I just soil myself.
  4. Sometimes I wear panties over the diaper, but I've never tried wearing them under it. Wearing panties over a diaper makes it a bit tighter and more compact.
  5. Okay, look. Making a question "For Women" and having a bunch of guys come in and say "I'm male but I'm answering anyway" is just disrespectful. It's not good at all. It's almost like when you go to the Depend.com forums, if a woman goes to the female support forums and asks for another woman's input or tips on what so-and-so aspect of life for them as an incontinent woman is like, a bunch of guys will come in, state their name and sex, then go on to give vague comfort or support. [/vented] Then a women does come in and answer, and they're responded to with: can I watch? That is my kind of porn! Love that! From the sound of this woman's post, they in particular may not even mind, but... But for the question... Hard to say, I don't masturbate. But for that reasons, I'm not interested in dildos, so I guess diapers win automatically. I always feel distressed when I think about how few female DLs that make themselves publically known there are, but I can understand why :/...
  6. That was insightful and true. I agree mention of plastic or rubber covers seem somewhat common in stories and in communities and whatnot, but part of the reason they're not discussed much is because... I don't care for them, so I don't talk about them ^^" All those stories and pictures are ones I don't care to read or look at, so the fact that they have a presence in the "fandom" just happens to be entirely unrelated to me.
  7. My favorite RPG series is Final fantasy, but as much of a masterpiece as FF7 is, I wouldn't say that it's "what all RPGs should be". Final Fantasy's a wonderful game series, but it's not that great at being RPGs, especially not in recent games. A good "RPG" would be like Baldur's Gate or maybe Dragon Quest. I like Dragon Quest V a lot. I almost want to vote Legend of Dragoon out of pity...
  8. I've noticed quite a few diaper mods for the children and teens in the game for some reason Where? All I can find is a bedwetting mod.
  9. Oh wait, without protection? You mean in just panties without a diaper under them? Uh... Maybe for $20+ >.>...
  10. It warms me heart to think of a man wanting to diaper his wife <3 ... I'm not sure how she feels about it, but if she gives it a chance I'm sure she'd love it.
  11. Neverwinter Nights: RPG! How much like Baldur's Gate is it? I have to try it now >< Gr... Is it hard to mod/edit it for that?
  12. If you include everyone in the world and not just abdls, more females wear diapers than males. As for race, I'd imagine caucasians/europeans because of how many of them there are and how many first world countries are inhabited primarily by them. Less-developed places tend to have fewer non-infant "diaper" wearers.
  13. Well... I'm 100% DL, 0% AB, so it's possible.
  14. Uh... My day is fairly normal, I suppose. I wake up, breakfast, change, then play games and clean like normal until lunch, etc.
  15. I'm wearing; A Depends maximum fitted brief, a white bra, a pink sweater with a hood to it, a jacket, some pink sweatpants with an oversized denim skirt over it...
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