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Everything posted by packrat

  1. Sorry for pause, out of town for a while. More to come. Thursday By Packrat I sat quietly on the sofa, sucking the cherry drink from the oversized bottle with the large nipple. But, I was deep in thought about my displeasure with the humiliation that I was subjected to during the day. I was mortified at being the visual entertainment during a shower and enema. I could not understand why this could ever be considered entertaining. Then, Dr. Quincy and the catheter; what the hell was that all about? I had resolved to escape from Carol’s grip at the earliest opportunity. I needed to find my car keys and my work clothing. Tomorrow I would leave. Mustering up some degree of mental fortitude and strength, I blurted out; “Carol, tell me why you humiliated me today?
  2. I use the LeakMaster heavy vinyl pants from American Cloth Diaper company (you can find them on line) to muffle the noise from the plastic disposable diapers I wear. They re not cheap but with good care, wear well. With tight underwear over the plastic pants, no noise is noticeable even in a quiet room.
  3. Another chapter in the sequence. Wednesday By Packrat I was fully awake. My legs were still feeling the effects of the injections and I could not put my full weight upon them. I did notice that some feeling was returning to the surface of my lower legs as I moved, crawling across the carpet. I was increasingly concerned about the day and how it would progress. Carol’s parting comments were replaying in my mind; what did she mean? Was she going to unleash another round of unpleasantness against me, or was she going to release me from this nightmare? Ah, the stairs, the light switch, and then her hand twisting the door knob to my room. Carol was returning. The door opened. She stood there and barked an order at me with an emphasis that caused my bones to chill; “Get out here and come to the table!
  4. Tuesday By Packrat The pain was excruciating. The room was totally dark and I was beginning to understand the context of torture. I quickly removed the plastic pants and diaper to expose the diabolical plastic device that ensconced my private parts. The burning and throbbing, was so intense that any other purpose or thought was blocked from my mind; I had to do anything to make the pain stop. I had to do anything to get this contraption off my penis. Within the darkness of the room, I could not see the device and attempted to evaluate its structure by feeling all surfaces and features. It would not pry apart and the several smooth shapes were not amenable to getting a grip for breaking. The liquid was slippery on the surface of the machine. A hacksaw would have been helpful. Then I remembered the pins in my diaper! “Brilliant,
  5. I get the look of exasperation from my wife. She doesn't undertand the fetish and thinks I'm wierd. Most ofthe time I try to keep covered up when I change for the night. More often I change just before coming to bed, where I am often first in the sack. Since my wife works in medicine, she also occasinally asks me if I having any urinary issues; To which I reply, "no, I just like wearing them." If offered one to her, but she declines. Occasionally she will make a humorous comment about my diaper likes. Since Christmas holiay, I've been wearing nearly 24/7, even at the office (which was technically closed, but offered a half dozen workers anyway) In the past week, I wore for the first time in the presence of my inlaws and my siblings. I don't think anyone was aware, (and I'm not sure if my wife was, either), and I've gotten so used to the comfort and convenience, it will be hard going back to the 'norm.' Peace! and Happy New Year Everyone.
  6. This first chapter was once in the stories section. The sequels were not. I'll put one up from time to time. Hope you find it worth the read. MONDAY Chapter One By Packrat My Monday morning started just like most Mondays had started for the past several years, and my day was expected to be just another day at the office. I could not have known how my life would change, and it is only now, weeks later that I am allowed to describe the events. I had finished my shower, finished my breakfast and gathered up my clean shirts, socks, suits and ties for the week of work that lie ahead. In the city I rented a small efficiency flat to avoid the punishing commute from my distant country home each day. Just before leaving for the two hour drive (on a good day with no traffic problems) I removed an adult diaper from my brief case, lowered my trousers and underwear, lay on the carpet and carefully completed the diapering of my middle aged bottom. Since my youth, I had always liked the feeling of a diaper. It wasn’t a particularly sexual attraction, but it did give me occasional pleasure and a heightened sense of arousal being properly ensconced. The long drive to my current job simply required the use of protection. Traffic would often stop completely for long periods of time along the urban expressway. Few exits were available, nor were there any rest areas. Most trips were uneventful, and the dry diaper was promptly removed when I arrived in my private office where I looked over an accounting department as a middle manager. I would time my trip to arrive slightly before the receptionist so she wouldn’t recognize the bulge in my slacks or hear the rustle of the plastic coating on the disposable diaper. For months, this was my Monday morning ritual. Occasionally I would be very late or my arrival would be met with an important meeting or the need to be in an impromptu discussion. Diapered and in need of relief, I would need to balance the length of the meeting with my bladder control. Sometimes the pressure became unbearable and the chance to escape did not present itself. I would quietly and carefully relieve myself into my diaper; hoping it would not leak onto my suit pants. After the building opened, the restroom was always busy and a diaper change was difficult to hide. I would try to retire to my office and lock the door, hoping to remain uninterrupted long enough to remove the diaper and clean up. This Monday would prove to be different, and my life would be forever changed. The traffic was light and I arrived at my office a few minutes before the office opened. One of my subordinates, Carol, had a smaller office just next to mine. Carol was twenty years younger than I, and was unmarried. She had, just one year before, adopted an infant son from Guatemala. Carol was attractive and shapely, but our relationship was purely business. This morning, Carol met me as I arrived at my office door, carrying a small shopping bag. She had an unusual facial expression and walked into my office immediately behind me, closing the door and pushing the lock button in the door handle. It was not unusual for her to enter my office and close the door, but locking it seemed odd at that moment. Before I could get myself situated, she sternly instructed me to come beside her at the front of my large desk. I complied. She reached into her shopping bag and removed a small envelope of photographs. I expected pictures of her son, but was horrified to see a number of photographs of me in my office alone, removing my diaper. And worse, she had several photographs of me at my computer visiting what was clearly a pornographic website. The images were clear and undeniable. Since viewing pornography at our company was a dischargeable event, with zero tolerance, I immediately felt weakness in my knees, became pale and nervous and wondered what her motive was. My uncertainty about the purpose of showing me these pictures became immediately clear. I asked her where she got the photographs, and she replied; “It doesn’t matter where I got them, it matters what happens next as to what I do with them. And, in case you get any ideas, I have already copied them into an email addressed to your boss, the division VP, and co-workers. The message is set up with a delayed sending command. If I don’t revise the date every few days, the email message goes out automatically.
  7. Ouch! daoakman2007: Why not go to medicalsupplydepot.com and just order a proper catheter. You might find that they are much easier on the plumbing. Also, get a tube of 'surgilube', a very gooey and slippery sterile lubricant to assist in insertion. I've tried a foley cath for a couple of days and will be ordering several more for some cath play in the weeks ahead. You can find U-tube videos of how to properly insert. Careful, Careful.
  8. Abrera: Your reply gave me a great laugh. 'Anal beads from a parent'. Thanks for the end of day smile. More endorphins please.
  9. I've been trying to night wet for many months. It is very hard to "untrain" the trained mind. I've been trying some of the advice I've read in the forum. Sometimes when I'm alert, I can relax enough to wet. During the night and in the early morning I cannot without standing. I'm still open for suggestions. (But please hold the hypnotism ideas,...)
  10. Repaid: Nice perspective on the human side of this life. Thanks for the details. It is clear from the writing that the memory is still strong and well regarded. Rat
  11. packrat


    Shaved and smooth. I use a regular mens triple blade razor. Tried my wife's but it doesn't get as close. Just use caution and keep the skin stretched when working. I do it in the shower using ivory soap for the lather. Not problems to date, and I really like the feel. Only started this late spring. Wish I'd started doing it years ago.
  12. Frogboy: Welcome. I'm just catching up on your new-founded-ness to DL. I'm a lot older but have had the desire since my early youth. I was similarly pleased when I stumbled on this site. My wife is only recently aware of my fetish, but does not share an interest. I can only imagine the additional enjoyment if she did. You are a luck man, indeed. It is also good to hear that you are at peace with yourself and the diaper desires. That was a huge problem for me for many, many years. I am still very discrete about wearing, but perfectly OK with it. And, I get to experiment more. Rat
  13. My experience is similar to diaperpt. I've only been to a couple of showers. Neither of them included any games, but I understand the 'girls only' showers my wife has attended, often held in a home, did include some contests. My youngest daughter is pregnant now, and she will provide our first grandchild. I know that my wife is planning a shower and I will report on any strange 'contests' or games should they happen. I don't know if the shower will be co-ed or not.
  14. Bowled be over. Glad to hear from everyone. Clearly was imagination..... Thanks for the overwhelming replies to my simple musing. Humble Rat
  15. I was just wondering if others have had the same reaction, but I have sensed that there is less 'traffic' on the forums since the redesign of the website. Has any one else felt similarly? Rat
  16. It's the bacteria that reside on your skin that is the problem. A serious scrub with anit-bacterial soap, while not perfect, is better than ignoring the matter. Sterile gloves would be preferred, but they are only available at a medical supply in our area.
  17. Hey, If you have a well, get a full chemical analysis from your county or state govt. It's not expensive and you'll find out if the water contains the carcinogens or other harmful stuff.....like bacteria or dissolved radon gas. Iron in the well water may taste bad, but will not hurt. Big problems in our neck of the woods is arsenic and nitrites. Like one of the postings, not knowing the quality of your well COULD kill you!
  18. Babybat: Caths available by mailorder from themedicaldepot.com See my post #18 in this thread. I last purchased a year or so ago. Use Surgi-lube to lube the cath for insertion and querry you-tube for a male cath insertion instruction. There are a couple of good video shorts on the process. There is very little pain involved if you do it properly. The foley cath has a baloon that is inflated within the bladder to prevent the cath from pulling out. After insertion, there will be about 6" of the tubing outside of your penis. To inflate the balloon of the catheter, you will need 10 cc (10 ml) of sterile water in a prepackaged syringe that should also be available from the vendor. To release the catheter you will simply cut off the end near the "y" fitting and the balloon water will leak out and the cath can be slid out. There may be some sensitivity here, as the lubricant will be gone; depending upon how long you have left the catheter inserted. This process must be done in a very clean environment with very clean technique. I don't have sterile gloves, so I use rubbing alcohol to clean the opening of the penis before insertion, followed by a very lengthy soap scrub of my hands. I don't use a towel to dry and handle the catheter very carefully as it will come sterilized in a paper/plastic packaging. Applying the surgi-lube liberally to the catheter will make the process easy. Remember, that immediately after the insertion passes the bladder sphincter, you will get urine flow from the catheter end. If you don't take precautions or clamp of the discharge end before insertion, you'll be leaking on the floor. Following removal, there is a burning sensation in the penis when urinating for the next few hours. If you ever see a bloody discharge, remove the catheter immediately. Even with all of these precautions, there is a small chance of developing a urinary infection. So far, with my due care plan I've had no problems.
  19. I bought a bib for my wife to use several years ago because she is forever getting food on an expensive blouse at our dinner table. She was offended at first, but now uses it when the dinner is capable of killing off a nice shirt or blouse. (It has the crumb pocket too, but lacks the decorations...just plain white.) I doubt if they will even comment.
  20. Final update on cath use: Spent a second night with the foley cath in place. Slept very well, but awoke about 3:00 with a soaked diaper. (The beer in the evening before couldn't have been the reason....) Changed and back to sleep until 5:30 alarm. By now my body had acclimated to the inserted cath and it was hardly noticeable. At work on Wednesday, I had a long meeting that nearly resulted in a leak, even with plastic pants. I was forced to stand up and 'hover' to avoid squeezing the wettness out while seated. I didn't know that a disposable and stuffer could possibly absorb so much! Chickened out for a second day and removed the cath before showering. I was pretty self conscious about the diaper changes during the day. I can tell you that I have a lot more appreciation for those who are incontinent and what they must deal with on a daily basis. I'll probably repeat this experience again sometime.
  21. Welcome Babymaggie. Nice folks here. Enjoy the lifestyle!
  22. packrat


    Welcome to the boards. Good folks of all ages.
  23. Good morning. Update I decided to leave the cath in for the work day. Last night went well, slept well, and was soaked when the alarm went off. Used a depends overnight with a stuffer and pull on cloth diaper and plastic pants. No leaks, and the cloth pull on was dry; which is good. It is about 8:30 a.m. now and I am approaching the need for a change, which will be interesting since we have no private toilet rooms at work. The discomfort of the cath is minor and barely noticeable, now. I'll probably remove it tomorrow morning before work. This is the longest I've tried a cath, and the experience of incontinence is educational. For those with a real medical incontinence problem, it gives one a perspective not understood until experienced. I am certainly more sensitive to the hassles now than I have been before.
  24. I'm empty nesting tonight. I inserted a foley cath a couple of hours ago and will evaluate removal in the morning, or wearing to work. This would be a first for work, and I'm a bit nervous about leakage and getting away to change. I'll update in a day or two with the experience. For those that have not done this, use extreme caution and make sure that you manage to work in as near a sterile environment as you can. Right now, I have a little burning in my urethra from the insertion, even with surgi-lube there is a small amount of irritation. As I become acclimated, I expect it will go away. A tylenol helps, too. I'm using a Depends with a booster, cloth pull ups and plastic pants. I rarely get a chance to do this, but it is nice when I can. I've not used one more than 24 hours, though. I buy my caths on line from themedicalsupplydepot.com in, South Bend, IN (I think) Just be careful if you do this. There are some good video training items on you tube. Check them out first.
  25. I've got to go with the being discrete advice here. Society is simply not ready to recognize this fetish as legitimate. Perhaps, in your lifetime things may change; in mine, it is unlikely. Proceed very discretely and you may well be OK. But don't forget to be true to yourself. Best wishes on the internship. Packrat.
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