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Everything posted by oznl

  1. In my fortnight-old venture into 24x7 it's looking like between 3 - 4 high quality diapers per day. If I can wear cloth overnight, it will invariably be a 3 diaper day - evening/night, followed by morning, followed by afternoon. If I am in disposables, I may need morning, afternoon, evening and then night. Disposables are molicare maxi and Tena maxi slip. All of this is for WET diapers, I have refrained from dirty diapers out of courtesy for my non-participating partner. I imagine that if I was dirtying diapers, this would elevate as a variety of factors would constrain me from remaining messy whereas I can remain wet until the threat of leaks.
  2. Usual pattern on my current 24x7 holiday is going to bed damp, arising in the morning thoroughly wet. As I am consciously avoiding any kind of pee retention, it is almost inevitable that I will dribble at least a little between changing from my evening diaper to night diaper and getting into bed. Only after 10 days, this is nearly automatic! If I am treating myself to a cloth diaper night, I will generally be wetter upon retiring. This is because my cloth diapers have far superior absorbancy and so my evening diaper is also my night diaper when in those. I can get 12 - 13 hours out of them. As I think I've pushed things far enough right now with the 24x7 thing, out of consideration for my long suffering partner, I'm not pooping in my diapers at the moment - at least whilst she is around.
  3. So, 1 “24x7” is down. I’ve spent an entire week urinating at all times in my diapers (with the possible exception of a dribble or two whilst showering) and for waking times at least, I have never allowed any quantity of pee to accumulate in my bladder, instead releasing in dribbles and spurts every few minutes. The closest thing to substantial urination occurs at night as I will pee when I stir – perhaps 2 -3 times across the night but of course that is enough to ensure that more than a few tablespoons is produced. For an entire week I have NEVER felt any discernible need to urinate as my bladder has been at all times close to empty. I have been taking the opportunity to practice reverse kegels at all times – trying hard to avoid the “clench” response at the end of micturition and have noticed that after only 7 days, I am better at this. Even after little more than 1 week, I’ve noticed that despite thinking I’m “empty” when I change, I will almost invariably pee a tiny amount more upon standing after changing. I’ve used around 3 (high quality) diapers per day: overnight is generally a Molicare Maxi large. Shortly after arising, I will change into a Tena Slip maxi. At some time in the afternoon, it’s back into another Molicare and changing into a night timer Molicare just before bed. Tonight as a “treat” night, I am in cloth. For 24x7 use, the practical advantages for disposable nappies are just overwhelming but I still vastly prefer the feel of cloth. I’m not sure for how much longer this experiment will continue but it is already clear to me that it is practicality rather than inclination that will be its downfall. If I were to dial out the dual factors of my job and my spouse, continuing 24x7 maybe for a month or three would be a no-brainer. My partner has at least given up walking around the house looking like her cat had died but we are some way off beatific happiness.. I think I can get at least another week but then work (and also the need to reacquaint myself with my gym) makes things tricky.
  4. I used a very similar strategy myself a few weeks back. It went along the lines of "There is NO rational explanation I can identify for this and so there's little point in me trying to explain it to you, it just IS, I need to deal with it and YOU need to let me deal with it". This position is a work in progress but does sidestep the argumentative suicide mission of trying to logically advocate voluntary diaper use.
  5. Thank you! Any suggestions from anybody on "which disposable diaper, available for retail sale in Queensland, Australia is least likely to leak when you're sitting in it" can be posted to "It must have been the cat that did it" in Brisbane, Australia :-) And a nappy new year to all of you. Here in the AEST time zone, it' will have just clocked 2019 by the time I click "submit reply" (I will wait a minute or so)!
  6. So it’s day #5 of full-time wearing and so far, I’ve dodged nappy rash although I’ve 80% been wearing disposables. I have been using sudocreme. It’s also day #5 with me never having come anywhere close to having any urge to pee whatsoever and almost never being completely dry. As a life-long DL, I’d long since eroded any inhibition on peeing and could do so pretty much anywhere/anytime and during waking hours at least, I will be dribbling a little in my nappy every few minutes or so as I go about whatever I am doing, never building up any quantity. I’m already forgetting what a full bladder feels like. The closest thing to a normal pee happens in bed at night whenever I stir and release whatever is there. Even then, it’s not much. I’m nowhere near sleep wetting after a week but I can’t recall too much detail about how often I wet during the night. I’m on holidays and I’ve discovered I can sleep through until 7:30am as I’m undisturbed by any need to pee. I have zero interest in going back to adult underwear right now. There are lots of sighs, mournful silences and sour looks at my pants from my partner that I am completely and utterly over. It sounds harsh but there is a lot that is demanded of me and it seems sometimes that apart from empty words, very little is conceded in return. I continue to go out of my way to make sure that there is zero practical effort or inconvenience imposed upon her. On the practicality front, I find that when I’m out at least, my nappies need to be covered by some kind of waterproof pant or a leak will be inevitable. The problem seems to be that I’m often peeing whilst sitting somewhere and a compressed nappy seat might be just as likely to simply funnel wee as absorb it. I’ve had a series of events where I’ve gotten out of a chair to discover that the back of one of my thighs is damp. I’m also being reminded near constantly that a wet nappy is a saggy nappy and that’s an inhibition on mobility. Here in the height of summer in my sub-tropical climate, a Onesie is NOT an attractive proposition. I’m wondering if I should invest in some Molicare fixing pants.
  7. So for now at least, I wear nappies 24x7… Last night, Christmas and Boxing day having been dealt with and a little after 6pm, I put on my usual “Thursday night” underwear: a pair of Babykins dual-terry pull-on pants beneath a Babykins pull-on cotton diaper under plastic pants. The differences this time are that firstly, I have no specific time for coming back OUT of nappies. It might be tomorrow, in a week, in two weeks, a month. I don’t know but when and if I come back out of them, it will be of MY choosing. I’m only aiming for a week to see what happens. Secondly, I have made zero effort to hide them from my partner. I went about pre-bed rituals just in my nappy and a t-shirt. As if to celebrate, it then leaked in bed and I woke up in a wet patch around 2am. It seems that the cut of my new Gary PUL pants isn’t ideal for a thick cloth nappy and that wet terry towelling can make cameo appearances through the leggings allowing wee to wick back along the PUL pants outer surface an on to bed sheets. I ended up pulling on a pair of enclosed plastic pants over the top making a warm night even hotter but at least with the ceiling fan, the bed dried out before my wife noticed. This morning, I got up and made us both coffee in full view of her, just in my nappies and t-shirt. Afterwards, I dumped my night nappies on to soak, went #2 in the toilet and had a quick rinse before putting on a Tena slip maxi under Gary PUL pants. I decided to relegate my Molicare back to evening and night use given their predilection to disintegration under movement and try Tena. The mood from my wife is cool and there has been no nappy-related commentary. Annoyingly, 2.5 hours later, my Tena is leaking at the back of my right thigh (have been sitting at my desk and did pee a little whilst seated). This is something I’d need to get sorted before taking this on the road… I can’t afford to be tossing out Tena slip maxi 4 times across the working day and I can’t afford to smell of wee!
  8. 1. I think you’ve answered your own questions. When I was younger and had something resembling a sex drive, I could look forward to a lousy night sleep if in a nappy. Now, absolutely NOT the case and I will sleep deeply and soundly when wet. I will generally get a BETTER night sleep because without a diaper, I will usually wake up around 4am and try to ignore the fact that I need to pee meaning that I at best doze. If I get up, that’s it, I’m awake. If I’m diapered, I will just pee upon stirring and fall back asleep. 2. Not sleeping well will make you pee more at night. When sleeping, your body releases vasopressin, an anti-diuretic hormone which inhibits urine production. You can google it. I originally thought this was driven by circadian rhythm but I recall seeing some evidence that it is triggered by REM sleep. This is pretty convenient if you’re not interested in bedwetting. 3. I don’t know sorry but I can report that with creeping middle age, my attraction to diapers has (as it was in my early childhood), largely de-coupled from sex. One notable exception is that the physical sensual stimulation of a warm wet diaper down there can trigger interesting dreams sometimes. I don’t mind at all. What’s the worst that can happen right? A slightly wetter diaper?
  9. CPAP veteran here. I had to kind of crash through a mental barrier. The first couple of weeks were no fun at all (and my sleep was worse than ever) but a tail wind for me was that my wife was wildly enthusiastic about me using it (killed snoring 100%). You DO get to the place whereby you really don't notice it but it takes a little time. Now, 3 years down the track I have the reverse problem. On a couple of occasions I've had to try to sleep without it: a power outage after a major storm and United deciding to send my luggage to a different city than the rest of me. I just couldn't sleep. About a month ago I had to have some minor surgery. It was day surgery and so the hospital instructions were NOT to bring the CPAP machine. I was in recovery 2 after the general anesthetic and all I wanted to do was sleep but I could not. I was acutely aware of and awoken by the choking sensation within minutes of nodding off - something that I was previously habituated to. Got back home, went to bed, put on the mask, lights out... Sleep apnoea is an insidious disorder. You don't realise how much it sucks until you've managed to get on top of a therapy that controls it. Keep going.
  10. Well this week’s update is basically “no update”. I’m now in nappies from Thursday to Saturday and that’s the new normal. For now... Even with this and only for a few weeks, it has become stunningly easy to keep things relaxed down there and dribble more or less constantly instead of pee. About the only time I actually pee any respectable quantity is when I wake up during the night. Not laying in bed at 5am trying to pretend I don't need to get up and go to the toilet is fabulous. It’s late Saturday morning. I’m sitting here typing this in my wet night nappies and as I’m now just a little bit messy (more a convenience thing than a planning thing – I needed to go, am away in my study and will be showering shortly anyway), keeping my distance. I don’t think she has noticed at all. I’ve discovered a direct correlation between my choice of underwear and her default facial expression but I’m on a crash or crash through trajectory here. I did get a smile when I told her that I would shortly change out of my nappies and go shopping with her but I’ve also made it clear that next Saturday morning, I plan on simply changing my nappies instead of removing them. The reaction was one of studied neutrality.
  11. Apparently, my mother toilet trained me aggressively and very, very early (20 months) because my sister had just been born and she didn’t want the work of having two infants in nappies simultaneously. This meant that I lost both nappies and maternal attention very early in life. I suspect that this *might* have something to do with it. I have always been attracted to diapers. I was interested in them more than a decade before puberty and my interest in them long survived the decline in my sex drive. I can clearly remember deliberately wetting my pants at age 2 because I wanted to. It’s wired in deep.
  12. So as of Saturday, late morning, I’m back out of nappies: so it was five days that she knew about, three of them away travelling for work. I changed out partly because I’m not quite ready for a longer 24x7 experiment (a busy week at work toward year end and I'm not sure I'm well enough sorted with a nappy routine yet) and partly to stop the low-level-but-unrelenting sulk I’d been enduring since returning home wet on Thursday night. I was somewhat firm that her sulking isn’t going to change things and I want some tolerance. Verbally, she agrees to this but her actions don’t yet align with her words. She has also told me that she thinks I am mentally ill and need help so we may yet be crashing instead of crashing through on this one. I will probably stay out of them until next Thursday (my “authorised” nappy night) whereupon I will go back but for a couple of days. Then, the Thursday after Christmas I plan to go back to nappies again but this time, for an indefinite period – just to see what happens. In another exciting logistical discovery, I’ve decided that I must pee some form of liquid lead since my rubbish bag of wet disposable adult diapers weighs 8000 tons and has its own gravitational pull. I’m not sure if our wheelie bin is even up to a whole week’s worth of them! This is something else I didn’t really think about.
  13. Update: So we are stumbling along. I haven’t gone 24x7 but around 24x3 as I experiment – more like 24x5 this week I suspect. I have enough nappies for a couple of weeks 24x7 and I will probably try that after Christmas. This week I tried a short (3 day) business trip in nappies. This would be a scenario I'd commonly have to deal with. I don’t think people realise how much logistics is involved in being able to get away with peeing in your pants instead of a toilet! My trundle bag was 50% filled with nappies for a start. Who needs clothes anyway? I only had one spare pare of pants so at the first leak it would have been game over. I also had only just enough nappies. I forgot to pack sudocreme and had to go buy some. When you're wet for days at a time, nappy rash is a thing. Plastic bags to wrap used nappies have to be bought since the greenies had them banned at shops and public rubbish bins are now rare in case terrorists use them to conceal bombs. What a world we live in. For insurance, at nights (protect hotel beds) and on aircraft I wore a Babykins dual-layer terry lined waterproofs over the top of my Molicare Maxi. This was hot and did unfortunately bulk things up a bit but proved a lifesaver on my return flight. I was flying in the mid-afternoon and so I’d figured I could just stay in the Molicare that I’d put on after breakfast until I got home about 9 hours later. To help see me through, I did cheat and tried for a tactical pee in a toilet but of course this had to be done in a cubicle because I needed to pull down the front of my plastic pants and nappy. The angle was awkward and my urethra was kinked so I think most of my pee ended up draining into my pants anyway as I tucked myself back in and unkinked things. At least in Australia, we do not have the dreaded body scanners on domestic flights (yet...). There is no problem going through airport security slightly soggy. The weather here in Eastern Australia has been horrendous with a tropical cyclone throwing out massive amounts of rain and storms right down the coast. First the flight was delayed 45m and second, when it took off, the turbulence was so bad that there could be no cabin service and the seatbelt light remained on for practically the entire flight – it was an awful flight. In trying to track around the severe turbulence that the flight crew had warned us about, the 2 hour flight became closer to a 3 hour flight. I don’t know what the passengers who were NOT in nappies did but I know what I did: I just tried as far as possible to keep the taps open and slowly dribble near constantly into my pants to avoid flooding. At some point, some trickles from my nether regions gave clue that I might be wetting my terries as well as the Molicare but cautious probing of my pants and the seat reassured me that they had remained dry and I didn’t really have a choice anyway. Eventually I made it home. I was soaked but not leaking and I think I smelled faintly of pee. I’d been in the same Molicare Maxi for 11 hours and the padding had disintegrated and slumped down meaning that I’d been being peeing directly into the plastic backing - no wonder I felt trickles. My dual-layer terry pants were indeed wet at the leggings seat and had thus saved the day. My partner gazed disapprovingly at my slightly puffy crotch but said nothing. It was a relief to have a long shower and change into some dry Babykins cloth diapers: not that they remained dry for long. I suspect I won't stay 24x7 for too long but that's ok, it's just an experiment. I could see night nappies being more viable as a permanent escape whilst I am still working.
  14. There's also the question of cost. It might be different in your jurisdiction but here in Australia, a high quality pull-up seems to be around 25% - 30% more expensive per garment than an adult diaper (which holds more). I've considered these for gym usage (as I'm planning some 24x7 time) but they are VERY expensive :-(
  15. An epic question! It's true. I had a partner who was once an enthusiastic participant. I think at the back of my mind I always knew that this was my thing, not hers, but it seemed to me that we could find enough common ground to have fun and I think we did. The nappy thing was always more than sex to me however. My interested pre-dated puberty and only strengthened as interest in sex faded with middle age. Her participation survived the birth of our children and I think its “glory days” were when they were very young but as they grew, my partner’s engagement with my offbeat practices faded and had, like the color spectrum of some grey rainbow of decomposition, drifted back through to mere tolerance, then endurance and onwards to discouragement before reaching darker hues of disapproval and remonstrance. I challenged her recently on this: “why is this only now such a problem – you knew and participated before we were married” but I could not draw an explanation. As I can’t explain to her why I am drawn to nappies in the first place, her inability to articulate a coherent reason for rejecting them isn’t something I can really take any moral authority from. I wonder if it was a dependency thing. When she absolutely needed me as a provider, she could overlook her misgivings and play along. As her need for me dwindled, her previously sublimated inclinations re-emerged and she slowly re-asserted herself. This is entirely speculative and if true, I don’t think it was a consciously considered plan but more bleak insight into biological imperatives that underpin our relationships. I did quiz her about what was her objection to me in nappies insofar as it would neither involve her nor inconvenience her. I did get an answer to that. Seeing me in a nappy undermines the “provider and protector” image of me that she finds important. I guess hetero-normative gender stereotypes DO cut both ways.
  16. There is a lot of technology gone into modern disposable diapers to make sure you do NOT feel soaked. Have you thought of trying cloth? Environmentally friendly and when you're wet, you're wet.
  17. Not technically incontinent but as one who has filled his share of cloth diapers I can provide a tip: buy a low cost packet of flat square baby cloth diapers and use them as liners. They will protect your expensive adult cloth diapers from the hit, they feel like cloth (because they are) and you can nuke them with whatever and just toss them or recycle them as shop rags when they suffer. They WILL stain but your adult cloth diapers will be ok and easier to launder.
  18. Yes. I've been quite interested in your blog. I'm not very AB really but there are a couple of striking similarities between your situation and mine. You've made the decision to bring nappies into the realms of "normal" for you and you're dealing with a reluctant spouse, and you are around 10 weeks down the road in front of me. You're also retired however which is an advantage over me. I'm scratching my head at how I could possibly integrate this with work wearing (my work is well paid but high stress) and my wife is horrified that I might somehow jeopordise my job (she works too but I do the fiscal heavy lifting). Retirement is several years away I suspect and even then, I'm not sure if I will be relaxed or tormented by boredom! The first thing I've noticed is that this isn't going to be cheap. I've just spent A$106 on just one case of nappies that I suspect would 2 - 2.5 weeks, maybe 3 if I augment it with tactical cloth use some nights (when I am not working and could do laundry the next day). I suspect at some point I'm going to have to deal with pressure about me spending that money on that.
  19. Present circumstances seem to suggest that for me at least, it may not be possible. I can't switch it off and suppressing it just causes a misery build-up.
  20. I'm with Little Christine on this one: I thought the profiles were there *exactly* to be clicked on. If I see somebody who has made an interesting or intelligent comment on something, it's quite likely that I will click on their profile to see if they've had other things to say that I might find interesting. I hope they take it as a compliment, not that I'm stalking them! Having said that, I don't look at DD using the touch devices in the house. I can see that might be an issue. God knows what I'd end up doing...
  21. Thanks. I am sure she is hurting and that was never my wish. This thing is welded in deep however and a combination of other family stress factors along with her progressive attempts to suppress something that is a powerful de-stress tool for me have pushed me toward being a little bit not in my right mind. I think at the back of my mind is the thought that I might be able to satiate this thing and bring mental affairs back under my control. I think I am half-hoping that I will spend a week or two diapered, get bored with it and move on with life with this aspect of myself more in proportion with the rest of me.
  22. To keep things calm, I've stayed out of nappies since Saturday (until last night anyway) but we have discussed this a few times. Most of her concerns (well all of them really) are about how this could inconvenience or embarrass her. Last night was my "tolerated" nappy night and today on my work-from-home day, as usual, I just changed out of my night nappy into a fresh cloth diaper. I suspect this is a habit that she just chooses not to know about. What will be different is that this afternoon, I will not frantically try to launder everything, shower and hide evidence. I will shower (I will most likely be messy and she should not have to deal with that) and then change into a Molicare, allowing her to figure that out for herself when she gets home. I will stand my ground in case of trouble. I am done being managed this way. I plan to change into a fresh Molicare worn under Babykins terry-lined waterproofs before bed (I'm a side sleeper and expect leaks). I will probably go back out of nappies after Saturday morning. I've told her that I intend to experiment with a very brief 24x7 (perhaps literally, one single 24x7) just after Christmas whilst still on leave. Good point and one I've thought about. I plan to limit that. Any 24x7 would be predominately for wetting although I "reserve the right" subject to being away from others.
  23. Discussions continue: a slightly desolate insight into the fundamentally egocentric nature of a relationship. I ordered a case of disposables today. I think that's pretty much where we are right now but I cannot keep going on like this.
  24. Last Saturday after a multi-year descent into desperation, I rolled the dice on my 30-year marriage. I told her that with my headspace today, I can no longer keep my nappy thing inside the ever-narrowing swim lanes she is painting for them and that henceforth, I will be wearing a lot more and at my discretion. Furthermore, I have told her that this wearing will include at least some period of experimental 24x7 usage. She has opted to continue our partnership. I feel bad and good all at the same time in a kind of cold, clear air of shared truth.
  25. Sometimes I will have diaper dreams on nights when I am sleeping diapered. These are more likely and more vivid on the (very rare) nights when I am sleeping in a dirty diaper and in that scenario, the state of my diapers features in the dream. I would invariably be in a wet diaper when I fall asleep as I will be wet before I get into bed any so wet diaper dreams are default. The dreams themselves often feature me being out and about in some situation where my diaper is exposed or at least somehow obvious. This isn’t an attractive scenario for me so I don’t know why I would dream that. I slept in wet diapers last night and I can vaguely remember dreams about walking around somewhere dressed normally but instead of pants, I was just in my pinned terry nappies and plastic waterproof pants. I’d given up trying to hide myself and was just going about on the (most likely incorrect) assumption that nobody would notice me. On very rare occasions, I will be dreaming that I am out and about well-diapered and that it is therefore ok for me to pee myself – usually accompanied by incredibly realistic wetting-myself sensations and a curious lack of visual evidence as to what I’m doing. I suspect that this is when I wet myself whilst either asleep or at best only half awake.
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