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Everything posted by BabyBat

  1. I did not get it, but I did get two PMs from you. Interestingly enough, i can not reply to them now.
  2. Do you mean a Leper, as in a leper colony? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leper_colony I don't mean to be a dick, I was just confused for a while.
  3. Jessy I have only found the ones for toddlers, which I CAN squeeze into, but they don't seal well so it kinda defeats the point.
  4. I hate the freakin' high heals. I don't understand why they think that every woman must be in high heals. Even in real life this will turn me off something awful. But I am also weird, put them in a pair of knee socks and mary janes and I am good to go! (Gee I wonder if that could be related to another one of my fetishes?) has anyone seen any baby berlin videos (from babydoll)? She is fantastic!
  5. You should tell me how they compare with pull-ups. I can squeeze into pull ups, they leak like a mo-fo though, but sometimes that is part of the fun
  6. I had the same problem with PMs, I can PM some people, but not others. I think the person I PMed (that worked) may have joined AFTER the conversion.
  7. I had offered to do this, however I have been swamped
  8. I live in WY and if you are ordering a full case (they don't have to break them) then they ship crazy fast, assuming no hollidays or anything crazy like that. I would be interested in the UPS box route, I have often thought of that so I don't end up fighting witht he wife.
  9. I guess now that I voted no I should clarify: to talk about my fantasies I think would violate my wifes trust; however I wouldn't mind helping others through issues, so maybe.
  10. BabyBat


    Most definitive if you plan on being in it for a period of time. I usually jsut use baby oil, but I don't usually stay in it for long either.
  11. +1 on that front, I had no idea
  12. I hate to be 'this guy' Creepymouse but this is flat out not true, or poorly stated. Nobody, I don't care how good they are, can get you to do something that violates your core beliefs. What are your core beliefs? Well, for lack of a better description at the moment, they are what your sub-conscious sees as 'the truth'. There are people who say one thing (for whatever reason, sometimes they are even lying to themselves), but believe differently. I good example of this would be religion. A lot of people say that religion doesn't matter to them (even though to their sub-conscious it does) so they will go through life without it being a major issue, when they get close to 'the end' then they will suddenly get all religious. I am sure that there is a better example out there, but in my tired stupor this is the best I can come of with . The critical factor that you mentioned is something different entirely. The critical factor is the process in your conscious mind that helps determine how you interpret new information. You are correct in saying that the critical factor is bypassed during hypnosis, that is one of the things that make hypnosis so valuable. Going back to the hypnosis can't make you do something you wouldn't normally do argument: A reason why this is so confusing is that people have had amazing results in changing their behavior with hypnosis so an apparent conflict exists. Take a smoker (or drinker) as an example. The person has tried quitting before and has had no success, goes to a [good] hypnotist for a couple of sessions, and bam never touches a cigarette again. They KNOW that they want to quit but it appears that nothing can make them quit, then comes in this 'magic' (it isn't magic) and they person never smokes, thereby giving the appearance to some that the hypnotist made the person do something that they thought they could/would never do. There is no hypnotist on the face of the earth that can make you do something that violates your subconscious, it is never going to happen, ever [using hypnosis anyway, I guess he could hold a gun to your head ]. You eluded to 're-programming' people so that they would accept the suggestion, and this is possible, to a point. Again (starting to get winded here) it has to be something that the subconscious wants. Good hypnotists will always do a pre-talk with their clients, part of that talk is to find out what the client believes about the problem. Take a client that wants to quit smoking as an example: The hypnotist would ask the client: "Why do you want to quit?" and gauge the persons response. If they fidget and can't come up with a solid reason, or say something along the lines of "My wife wants me to so she made this appointment for me" a good hypnotist will end the session there. They will tell the client thank you for coming in but there is nothing they can do to help that at this stage. If the person is not ready to give up the habit (or accept the habit, as in study habits) then the hypnotist will be fighting an almost impossible battle. Could the hypnotist breakdown that resistance and make them want to quit? Maybe, but it would depend on the relationship of the hypnotist to the client. Most relationships are 'cold' or there is no pre-existing relationship, which means that the hypnotist will most likely be seen as an enemy (trying to convince them to take away something that they like). That was much longer than I had intended, and again I do not mean to sound all holier than tho, but I have studied hypnosis a lot (given that hypnotism is not a regulated field, I would wager I have studied it more than a lot of people that are charging for the service, but that is another topic). There are a lot of misconceptions around it and I attempt to clear them up because I think that everyone could benefit from this powerful tool and misconceptions hurt that goal. To summarize: "All hypnosis is self hypnosis." --Charles Tebbetts A hypnotist is just a guide, if you are not willing to follow instructions then nothing will happen.
  13. Welcome to DD Chris. I am glad you are starting to discover what makes you happy! I am from a small town also, just not in Texas, so I know what you mean
  14. I agree. I also have come to believe that it isn't about democrat and republican, they are the same. Look at bush, he spent like there was no tomorrow, and let the banks get into the position that they are now (behind us where that Trojan and vaseline should be). Obama said he would stop it and then passed a bill so they could give themselfs bonouses and there is nothing we can do. Too bad Ron Paul's campaign didn't go better.
  15. well currently my wife is in the 'it kinda creeps me out but I still love you' phase. We actually kinda got into a fight when I bought the bambinos (almost two years ago). I don't want to force it on her, and more than anything I want to have the words to explain it to her where she truly understands.
  16. Another option is to say that OMFG made you do it as 'punishment' or some such. Makes you look good, but I guess it could make OMFG look bad so mYbe not the beat option. You could vid steph pigging out and post it on YouTube I saw one up her.
  17. I think it depends on your target audience. For examle I were to type ABDL almost certainly the vast majority of people here know what I mean and it saves alot of typing
  18. Just to be fair Bush and Clinton did alot of that stuff too (Rendition, Mass Spying on the Public anyone?). It is the politicians that are the problem? But how do you fix a system that places a broken game and advances the worst players?
  19. That was a welcome humor (given our other 'serious' conversion) that actually made me laugh out loud, thanks Pete! As for as the direction i put my little guy: i usually point it down for leak reasons, but if I am going to be naughty I like it to be up. When I do put it up I usually use some sort of a stuffer and fold that over the tip. Another thing I do is get erect, then put a condom on. When you wet the condom will contain a lot of it (more than you would think), then suddenly give way which feels great!
  20. Out of curiosity do you ever play sexually or just in a parent/child role?
  21. Plus if they did notice and it wasn't super obvious then they knew what to look for and are probably just one of us
  22. I think this is spot on, I like this idea Bee.
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