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Everything posted by nitrous

  1. The girl had every right to bolt. The guy was serious about this and creeped her out. I would be creaped out too if I were in her shoes and a girl did that to me. There's explaining to a person once you get into a relationship and there is forcing your beliefs on someone else which is wrong and creapey.
  2. nitrous

    Would You?

    hmm... I think I would be tempted to do it, regress and be taken care of like a baby. However, I would be only in tranced into a fantasy world. I would be depressed deep inside because I wouldn't be able to go out with friends, see movies in the theatre, and all those things. But if I was to be physicaly regressed to an infant then I wouldn't care.
  3. I don't get what the big deal is? Seemed like another stupid video. Just someone singing and flushed the toilet
  4. I think you should get her an adult size sippie cup, footy pajamas, or something like that for christmas.
  5. If I were you, I would buy this girl some footsy pajamas with a charector from her favorite show on it and a princess sippie cup in adult size for her oh and a doll of a charector of one of her favorite tv shows. You could give it to her on christmas.
  6. nitrous

    Nursery Time

    I might go to one. Its tempting but not sure.
  7. weirdest thing I've ever heard of. Might have to buy my sis a tazer for christmas.
  8. I have a level 32 gnome warlock and a 16 human priest on manor kodi and modi
  9. guy above me bought a 3 dollar hooker for 60 bucks on ebay.
  10. I have to say that this video is awesome. it shows a real ab living her life. this isn't some stupid bs pay site crap. I think you guys should make more like these. I'm down for an interview about myself. I love the pricing on this video because I'm guying something affordable and realistic. I was also wondering if you guys could make a sequal on how to "come out of the closet" and how a person can come forward with this life style to others.
  11. Ladies thank you both for helping out. Hopefully you'll join us next time. I'd say the meeting went well we just have to work on location spacifics. I was sitting at the table near the bathrooms for a half an hourlol. not because i was scared but because i thought that was whwere we were all meeting up. if i didn't write bald on my sign i would've beeen screwed. a guy from the meeting showed me where they were all meeting. Over all it was good yet weird. We all got a long realy well. Just we were all so different from each other and had some things in common. Thick and I kept talking about things we had in common. There was a huge differents in age between the four of us. All we did was sit around and talk. We talked about a lot of things. We talked about how some of us had some small mistameeners as teens and politics, philosephy, what makes the best kind of drink..etc. Maybe next month we can have some fun throwing snow balls at each other or build a snowman in the park. I watched "Mozart and the Whale" it was shot in Spokane and it inspired me to possibly have the next meeting place where they had theirs. They had theirs on the steps near the river by the statue of the astronaught. it was right on Senteniel trail. If you guys have any more suggestions pass them though. I am exited for the next one. I am also hoping no one else gets a parking ticket the next time. We welcome everyone and any one who can make it. we got people from canada show up. So if you're in the area please stop by and meet up and help us make it more fun. HOpe all is well Chris.
  12. P.S. I'll have baloons from Red Robin, if they let me have them, or I'll steal them with my ninja stealth lol.
  13. the bald sign idea can be compromised on. I'll be sitting at the L shaped table near the bathrooms. I've got red hair and I'm just down to hang out and kick it. I think everyones chill except the guy who's freaking out about the dam sing lol. so don't make a big deal sit back it some food and kick it.
  14. lol yeah probably would. Just think 3 more days to go I'm pumped
  15. remember folks its at the third floor of the downtown mall. Also What is the name of the guild that DD created? If I'm the first one there I might just make a sign for that. Say we're a guild meeting up off the net.
  16. yes a date and time. lol love the sesemie street signature. Do the letters stand for anyhting or was it just random, Sarah?
  17. That is an awesome idea. I'm definately down to meet at the mall downtown. Lets figure out a date and do it. Maybe Halloween? or sometime in October? If not down town then some where fun.
  18. Last night I went to go see Harry Potter at the local Cinebar. i was extatic to go see Harry Potter. Not because of the movie it self, I was dreading that because of the reviews and the director of the film. However, I was exited about the movie theatre in which we were seeing the film. This movie theatre was a cinebr a movie theatre and resteraunt in one. We arived that night high as kites ready to see a thrilling sight. We showed our IDs and walked through the doors to a bar replacing the consessions stand. We ordered Mac and Jacs and blue moon. took our glasses to our clean seatgs. ahead of me was a table with a menu with delishes dinners to order. I hadn't eaten dinner so i ordered a chease burger and fries and a pitcher of beer. the waitress came before the movie started to deliver the food and beverage. Amazing there I am sitting watching Harry Potter, eating a chease burger, and drinking beer in a clean theatre!! The staff was amazing performing their duties with haste and stealth. The only bad part was the fact that the theatre was way too cold. And the best part of all I was abel to go see a Harry Potter movie without any screaming or crying kids anoying it for me. This was the only time I wasn't ript off on food. The burgers and drinks cost just as much as it would at a Red Robin. And the fries tasted just as good as Dix fries (dix seattle fast food joint)I swear to god I will never go to another "movie Theatre" again, I will only go to a "Cinebar".
  19. I'm sorry I have not posted in a while. been visiting and traveling. I'm glad you found some hope. Did the fish diet help at all? How was your 4th of July? Hope you're doing well.
  20. that sounds awesome. I'm down for whatever. So just message me about what you want to do. I'll be back in Spokane next weekend.
  21. Glad to hear I made yo feel better. I also hate bee stings but if I were in your shoes I would be down for it (screems while mob of bees stings me) Also if you want someone to make your whole family to laugh just type in Jeff Dunham to youtube (you don't want your kids hearing this though if they're below 10 years old) guy swears a bit. My favorite is Sparks of insanity. Hope all is well. And Good luck with the bees.
  22. I'm thinking of things to say, but honestly I can't find a way to react to what you're going through. Its shocking and heart breaking even though I don't really know you. I've seen other posts you've writen. I wish you the strength to endour these dark times. May I recomend that you try all paths that are out there. I mean if their last resort is to give you a terrefying medicine that will potentially kill you then try other types of natural remidies. I don't believe that a doctors word is destiney. I believe we make our own fate. I was given a 90-1 chance of living after being born 1lb 8oz and having a staff infection that kept me in the hospital for 2 years. So don't give up trying to find a way to stay with your kids. Don't just take this medicine and believe it is it. There has to be better alternatives out htere. I wish you the best and keep fighting MS. Also you may think that by not being able to talk you can't convey enough love to your kids but by just writing a letter to them, so that they can read in the future can have a long impact on them and keep the memory of you close in their hearts. My grand mother wrote me a letter before she died and its helped me out a lot.
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