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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by TheGrimmRetails

  1. I was curious about them as early as nine or ten. I really got into them when I was fifteen and I had regular money coming in from babysitting and the like.
  2. He's a toddler now, so don't sweat it. You don't need to discuss anything with him, period. Just distract him with something else and find a new place to discreetly hide your items and maybe constantly reinforce the concept of privacy with your child as the years progress.
  3. Not that I've ever been super picky when it comes to coffee but there was this stuff that the Hawthorne Hotel used to put out for guests and it wasn't too bad.
  4. If you're incontinent, there's only so much you can plan for. And when the doctor, nurse, or technician examines your genitals or rectum for any reason, there's always a chance you can have an episode you didn't prepare for. Has it happened to you yet?
  5. I legit thought you were asking for advice about time travel. I would have been like, don't step on a butterfly, it never ends well.
  6. https://www.instagram.com/thegrimmretails/

    I'm on Instagram now. It's all non-ABDL stuff. 

  7. The diapers wasn't the main goal. The goal was having someone officially tell me I needed them which is tantamount to being "put back in diapers". I don't want to go into a lot of detail because it's something I'm not exactly proud of.
  8. The closest I ever came to it was deliberately messing myself in high school and telling the nurse I had an accident. Then I brought diapers in the next day and she showed me how to put them on (over my pants) before sending me into the bathroom to do it myself. Then she had me lower my pants just enough to make sure I put them on right. This was some time after my 18th birthday when I knew she couldn't tell my parents and it was on a day when the store had closed early due to weather. I know now how much trouble I could have gotten into but 18 is still immature, even if you are legally an adult.
  9. A cautionary tale about being naïve in business. Two similar styles of shop opened up in my town. One is still here today and the other couldn't remain open because of their sugar coated assumptions about the place they moved to. 


  10. After only two hours? Wow.
  11. Don't you just love it when people are not only confidently incorrect but willing to gaslight you when the evidence is stacked against them, as opposed to admitting they were wrong. 

  12. I used to as a kid and when I lived alone. I don't anymore. I did it once recently in the home I share with my husband but then I noticed how strongly the smell lingered and it just wasn't worth it.
  13. It stands for The Recreational UAS Safety Test. I think they the just added the T to keep it from being called the RUST test. I'm new to all this so when I googled it, they said I had to pass it in order to legally fly a drone. This is the site I had to go through: https://trust.pilotinstitute.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA5aWOBhDMARIsAIXLlke_GzU8kGAjEuM4L-XxDCbtNuwMWDA0dFH0txSTEt-Nvh_MnVLNCaoaAosMEALw_wcB
  14. I got a drone for Christmas. I passed my TRUST test and I'm licensed as a recreational Drone user. I'll register it in the spring when I'm ready to take it out. Amazingly, the rules for being a diaper lover apply to drones. We're not suppose to bother other people with our interest, so that much is obvious. Are there any other drone users here?
  15. This one is short but sweet. I'm sure I'm not the only one with inconsiderate coworkers who use offensive body sprays in the break room and employee areas. 

  16. In the spirit of giving, I wanted to direct your attention to a Youtuber who has suffered with incontinence all of his life. He manages it with diapers and his channel is dedicated to real life, practical advice to help others manage their condition. Diaper Dynamo
  17. I'm probably going to diaper up tomorrow when I go for my booster.
  18. It sounds like you get backed up more often than not. Is part of your condition IBS-C?
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