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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Sarah_Hillcrest

  1. USA. I know I can order them but I don't want my wife to know, so I'll have to order to a pickup somewhere. Everytime I think about ordering some I get confused and chicken out. I had a silicon reusable one that I think was too small, too short, and would get kinked up. It caused alot of pain when my urine bypassed it, which also washed out any lube so it would hurt coming out. Inserted it many times and was very careful to keep my hands as sterile as possible, no UTI, but lots of pain.
  2. I'm really wanting to try a catheter, I know how to insert them, I just don't know how to get one. I called a few Home health care places but they only sold them in boxes.
  3. After a few attempts at 24/7 I have two thoughts. urinary IC could happen in 2 different ways. 1. Accidents: I've only had this happen once, and I was diapered. I was walking and I knew I needed to go but couldn't start while walking. At the end of my walk I stopped to open my front door and just went without any thought. I was really surprised. After a couple weeks of wearing all day, I started taking a few breaks and a couple times I caught myself trying to pee and then realized I wasn't diapered. I would imagine that after a year you might forget. 2. Urge IC. Basically what OZNL said. FOr me after a long stent in diapers the first day without is hell. I probably made 12 trips to the rest room that day, and 3 or 4 that night. Next day it was better.
  4. I don't post photos here, but on a few places. 1. Sort of, sometimes I like to think that baby's get their pictures taken alot so I will too, but really I get special feelings. 2. Yes! 3.Yes! Love to get comments that make me feel appreciated and little. 4. Not really. 5. Yes, I love to post wet pics for the naughty humiliation aspect. I maybe posted messy ones a few times long ago, but rarely mess. 6. Yes, It is a major rush to go out with a bit of diaper poking above the waistband, or a slightly noticeable diaper butt. Posting is similar. 7. I took pics long before i started posting so I could see myself, especially at different angles. I also take pictures just to preserve memories. 8. OK this is a big one. Taking photos or videos helps me feel less alone as ABDL. It helps me get into littlespace because I feel like I have to perform for the camera a bit.
  5. Wow 500 nights, I think I'm approaching 15 or 16. I've found that the best diapers I've tried usually Max out around 1600-1800 mL. I started a overnight diaper log this morning, but I can't only remember the last 3 nights. My current money saving strategy is toddler stuffer, generic diaper, thin prefold, plastic pants. This goes on around 9:30 or 10:00 right before bed. Biggest issue, it takes about 10 minutes to get it all on. I currently have 2 thin home made prefolds, which are as of now, all in the diaper bucket. I have three pocket diapers as well but they offer no side protection. I also have a thicker prefold which with a baby prefold booster held up fine with no disposable product. I just made an order from Babykins, pull on cloth diaper 20700, Terry Pull on Pant, Terry lined Poly Pant, and Taffeta pants. I think the pull on diaper with a cloth booster will be fine, and the Terry pant with a disposable combination will be fine So I should be close to a weeks worth of protection now.
  6. Being changed by a person who was very good at it was surreal. It was the most littlespace inducing experience I've had. I felt completely out of control, and had no idea what was even going on. It was like truly being helpless while someone else did the most intimate job imaginable. It was the most snug and secure my diaper has ever fit.
  7. Thank you so much. I needed those last night. I have a few plastic pants, and a few pocket diapers. The best thing I've found from what I have is either prefold and soakers with plastic pants, or disposable with thin prefold and plastic pants. The pocket diapers are fine but have no side absorption for night time. The Terry pant would be much easier then folding and pinning a prefold every night and I only have 3 anyway. I think sepaerate plastic pants makes sense since they will wear out first anyway. You are so right about logistics, My life feels so much simpler now. Since this is basically my blog now I'll tell a short story about buying diapers on craigslist. I wanted to get more pull up style diapers for discreet wear and just happened to find a huge stash on craigslist mostly of Abena. I drove to the seller today, my wife was worried I would end up knowing them which was highly unlikely, but she worries alot. It was actually a sad encounter. The man had recently lost his Father and he cared deeply for him. He was clouded in melancholy. He helped me load them up and they completely filled my trunk. My excitement of having a trunk full of diapers was short lived as the man wanted to exchange sad tales about caring for loved ones who need diapers. He told me about his father's suffering and how much it devastated him to need incontinence protection. He said, "I hope the person you're buying these for won't have to stay in them for long," "No, I'd say they are are going to be stuck in them forever," I said. I've mostly got over the shame and guilt of wanting or maybe even needing this, but this didn't feel right. Probably stick to online from now on.
  8. Can't decide between the babykins terry pull on pants, or the combo pants with vinyl. In other news my has progressed past tolerating diapers to feeding me babyfood, reading me stories, and getting me ready for bed. I slept beside her last night night in a cute outfit from Little Kink Botique, a Bunnyhop, and my pacy. I'm still not sure if I'm dreaming. Well I know I'm not because the Bunnyhop left a wet spot on the bed. I'm pretty much 100% open with her now. I just found a big lot of Abena Pull ups and other assorted diapers on cragislist very cheap and let her know I'm buying them.
  9. I'm finding the bulky diapers and plastic pants a bit uncomfortable, but I am getting used to them. Last night I used a fairly thick cloth diaper with a toddler disposable stuffed inside. The stuffer backfired I think. At three AM I woke up and flooded. I felt it running across my side and around my hip. Once the disposable was full I think it redirected the flow around the side. I expected to wake up with a wet bed, but luckily the plastic pants kept it all in, but my diaper was soaked in odd places. I need to find good pull on Terry pants or Waterproof Terry pants to pull on over an adult disposable. Any suggestions?
  10. Things have taken a drastic change in the last week. I got interested in diapers again and started wearing near the end of July then took a week long camping trip with a friend which was a zero diaper experience. I've been completely 24/7 except for some exercise activies since I got home a week ago. That means 7 night in diapers. My company has totally phased out working from home now and I'm back in the office for the last 3 days. I've worn a pull up or thin diaper every day, but been very careful to avoid wetting it as much as possible. An even bigger change is that I opened up more to my wife, both about my emotional need for diapers and how it effects my sexuality. I've been surprised how well she's taken it. Wearing at night was a huge struggle, I barely slept the first night, and only a little more the second, but now I"m sleeping regularly. In fact I'm apprehensive about not wearing diapers to bed, though I'm sure I won't have an accident. Every night waking to pee seems to be less intrusive to my sleep. My biggest fear is leaks, I'm curretnly using a cheap disposable with stuffer, then a thin prefold or pocket diaper, and finally plastic pants. It's almost perfect but I'm still having leaks, but very tiny ones mainly caused by the stuffer I think. I really need a good overnight solution that isn't so bulky. I'm pretty sure that my ABDL diapers would not leak but I recently got about 200 cheap disposables for free. @rosalie.bentI purchased the book, "The Adult Baby on the Dissociation Spectrum," I'm finding it fascinating. I'm openly discussing being an Adult Baby with my wife and framing it as a mental illness. SHe's finding it very interesting because I've always been critical of nearly anyone who claims mental illness. I think that was part of my repression. I explained to her that I knew it was possible to be really messed up and keep it completely to one's self so why did they need to go on about it. I'm at this very weird place now where I'm contemplating not wearing diapers instead of wearing. One problem is that I'm having huge dribble issues after using the urinal at work. I've been have post dribbles for some time but it's way worse now.
  11. I've never ridden more than a few miles in a diaper, but on a bike with a big saddle and upright position it seems fine though. When wet they add a great deal of cushion to the ride, but I don't think it would be comfortable for very long. I walk a couple miles most mornings in cloth backed diapers and it's fine. The shaping panty basically takes care of any discomfort or chafing. I've got one old pair of bibs I need to throw away with a loose chamois that is causing friction, but the sores I've been struggling with are no so much caused by friction but by pressure. I actually don't get them so often on the longer endurance rides, but instead the 1 hour or less all out efforts when I'm as low as possible in the saddle and putting too much weight on just a small area. The problem with these sores is that they are deep under the surface, and take days to work their way out. The pain is very sharp.
  12. Yeap, that's old school. My first internet access was my friend's America Online account. His parents had no idea he was racking up hours of long distance calls on his modem. They had an 800 dollar phone bill. I would say that appificaiton has created far more consumption, but also many more content creators. It tends to just lower barriers of access for everyone. It has also changed the type of content to ultra short form things that can be processed by the viewer in seconds, you know if not people will scroll right past it. I do think that specialized discussion boards aren't going anywhere as long as someone is willing to maintain them, there are always going to be young and old people looking for more in depth discussion and they are also a great way to filter out less dedicated people.
  13. Sorry if this is TMI. I'm an avid cyclist and every summer I end up with saddle sore boils right between my legs. For years I thought it was tied to diaper wearing, I went weeks without diapers and still got them though, still I thought, well the damn diapers can't be helping. Thanks to Covid I wore more frequently than I ever had this spring and summer and also was able to accumulate more riding time then I have in years. My skin was doing great right up until July when a three hour ride means 3 hours riding on sweaty wet padded bike shorts. Still I was finding my boils were clearing up quickly. About 3 weeks ago I completely lost interest in diapers. I only wore twice in 2 weeks and only for short periods of time. I've had sores this entire time that weren't clearning up and growing more painful whether I ride or not. I rode 4 hours Saturday and was in alot of pain at the end. The ABDL spirit must have entered me that evening because even though I thought it would be a terrible idea I couldn't help it and diapered up Saturday night with a good coating of zinc based cream. I spent all day yesterday in diapers including several outdoor activities in the heat while wet. This morning the sores are nearly cleared up and far less painful than they have been for weeks. Of course I'ved tried treating the sores with all manner of balms nad diaper rash creams but it doesn't seem to help. The recommended treatment is a hot bath or hot compress. So since Covid I've been wearing around my wife, whose asked me to keep it as a discreet as possible, my diapering strategy has been a toddler disposable with holes inside a cloth backed adult diaper. I wear a tight support panty over that to smooth it out and keep it quiet. So why is it helping my skin? The support panty keeps the diaper firmly compressed against me. As it gets wet and warm my skin is protected by a layer of zinc that isn't getting rubbed off because none of the folds of my skin are rubbing either themselves, underwear, or a the diaper. It's essentially like wearing a big bandaid. The warm and wet diaper seems to also act like a nonstop hot compress. Yea!
  14. I'm sure most of you have noticed a trend away from websites like DD in all aspects of life. For those of us who grew up in the 90s and early 2000s (GenX and Millennials) the internet was small websites and forums. For those that grew up after 2005 the internet is services and apps.
  15. Hey SparkezBear, interesting thread. I was in the same place a few months ago trying to figure out how I could go full time including work. When my normal work was disrupted by COVID I wore to a few work meetings, but never did a change at work. Now I don't even want to wear at home most of the time. I met a ABDL friend a month ago and he explained how he did 24x7 even when he worked before he started working from home. He used pull ups and just tried to make it the bathroom as much as possible but always either intentionally or accidentally wet them. For most of my "full time" diaper wearing I was using Molicare Ultra Plus that were really thin and silent, though I would have been much happier wearing a plastic backed and thicker diaper, the molicares were acceptable to my wife. I was always worried about the cost, waste and the inconvenience of changing so I tried to make them last longer by using the toilet most of the time. Eventually I got so used to them that I would forget I was wearing them and be surprised when I pulled down my pants and saw them. Good luck on the bedwetting, it seems impossible for most.
  16. Yeah I struggled with these same questions leading up to this. Last year I crossed a line when I went to a munch and later a fetish picnic party outing. Both times all I did was talk to people, and see alot of people in diapers. That would have infuriated my wife I'm sure. I doubt I could have defended myself in that instance. My biggest fear was that this guy was actually lying about his total lack of interest in anything sex related. I actually considered if I could hold my own physically in a confrontation LOL. "Yeap, I think I could stop this dude from raping me, but what if he has a gun back at his house?" These questions went through my mind when we met at the parking lot. After an hour talking to him I felt really at ease about it. Best way to describe how I was thinking during the change was the way I have felt during an invasive medical procedure. After it was over though the feeling was much different, I felt like a helpless child, right after he lifted me off the bed I remember just standing here with goofy haze staring off into space and thinking, I need someone to tell me what to do now. After a few seconds of that I offered to change him, and that kind of took me out of the "littlespace" that the kids are always talking about LOL.
  17. I was gathering up our trash yesterday for pickup and found my diaper pail empty and realized I hadn't worn in a week. Last week I think I might have had two or three diapers to dispose of. I realized I hadn't really been thinking of diapers much and wearing them for the last two weeks. What happened? In late June I went on a camping trip with a friend about 6 hours away, but we drove separately. I diapered up for the drive, but didn't wear around my friend for the next couple days. On the way home I stopped by a ABDL guy's house. I had been talking to this guy for a couple weeks on fetlife. We were both looking for a non-sexual ABDL meet up. I struggled with this for awhile, because this felt like a big deal to me and it seemed like it could go very wrong. He was happy to have me over at his house and it was barely out of my way home so we met up at a nearby parking lot to check each other out. He was wearing a looney tunes onesie and shorts and I was wearing regular clothes over my onesie. After 30 seconds he said "You don't look like a murderer" so I followed him to his place. Which was very nice. I had put on a Bunnyhops diaper that morning and went out of my way to hydrate on the drive. I needed to change bad. We could hear each other crinkle while he showed me around his house and yard. We spent about an hour with this and it was mostly not ABDL. The guy was really friendly and I was feeling pretty good about it. He lived alone but kept his ABDL stuff mostly put away because of occasional visitors. Finally he showed me the master bedroom where he did have a changing area set up on his bed. He was showing me his diaper collection so I showed him what I brought in my diaper bag and then took off my street clothes to show him my Bunnyhops which was swollen up. He remarked it was well past changing time and wanted me to wear one of his Doty the Pony diapers that he had bought for a Sissy friend that he occasionally met. Before I knew it I was one the changing mat and getting my first diaper change by another person. It was a very strange experience but I could tell this guy relished it. When he was done he stretched out both hands and pulled me off the bed which created the most intense sensation of being little I'd ever felt. Then I changed him and tried to be as thorough as he was. I kept thinking about how weird this was but also how so many people around the world need this kind of care for various reasons. Now that we were both down to diapers and onesies and I was feeling the elusive "littlespace" I thought we might start acting more babyish, roleplaying, or something. But we ended up talking like adults for awhile about various things, but soon he said he was thirsty and wanted to do bottle feeding. We're both bigger guys but he wanted me to sit on his lap. We both had oversizied baby bottles and filled them with apple juice. About halfway through my bottle I was just not feeling it. I was too worried I was crushing him but also it just didn't feel right to me. We switched and he layed in such a way that he wasn't putting that much weight on me and I found I much preferred this role. I rubbed his belly and said cute little things while he suckled the bottle. Afterward he wanted to watch cartoons, and I personally have never been able to watch children's cartoons as an adult. We watched Rescue Rangers and he was so into it. After a few minutes I went over to my bag and put on a very cute and short baby dress then went to lay on the floor and play with his cat and finish my bottle. Now I was feeling exceptionally cute and girly. I found myself crawling around and playing peakaboo with the cat and giggling and just having the time of my life. I was also soaking my diaper. Eventually he came over and joined me in playing with the cat but he didn't really play like I was. I was really surprised because I had made the assumption that two ABDLs would get together and act and play like toddlers. I was thinking we'd get out some toys, or something. But he was more into these ABDL rituals and less into just acting like a baby I guess. At this point we started telling stories of ABDL things we'd done. He was far more daring then I having been out in public several times in ABDL clothes and living mostly 24/7 diapered for years. He showed me photos from some of his past meetups with ABDLs and Daddys. I started talking about Cross dressing and he wanted to know why I wasn't shaved like he was head to toe. I explained my wife would prefer me not to, and that I spent to much time in shorts in the summer. He invited me to come over again, get shaved and go full girl, as either a Mommy, sissy or whatever. Eventually I realized I needed to be going, I'd been there about 4 hours and he offered to change me, which I happily agreed to since the Doty was starting leak. He put me into a Betterdy for the drive home and gave me three nice ABDL diapers and wouldn't take any of mine in trade. When I got home we exchanged messages on fetlife but haven't spoken since. For the next few days I kept thinking about our play date. It was almost exactly what I'd thought it would be. I felt a mix between fulfillment and disappointment. I'd wanted an experience where I could feel completely at ease and uninhibited, and I think I mostly got it, but I think ABDL play would be so much better with a small group. Either way I found myself less interested in diapers and more interested in Cross Dressing. A few days later when the opportunity presented itself I shaved my beard and got all glammed up in a beautiful pink lacy dress that I'd just got and had a great photo session. I was wearing a diaper but mostly just for convenience and a little extra padding. I don't know if it was ABDL overload, or what, but I'm sure it will come back.
  18. Here's mine, I recently replaced the metal ring with plastic one, looks much more authentic.
  19. Wife and I were talking yesterday about a person we knew who just traveled across country to Florida to go to the beach during this pandemic and how we both thought it was selfish. She was saying even if we were willing to travel, where would you even use the bathroom, they're all closed. I said, "Well I'd just go in my diapers," with a laugh. "Well that's fine for you, but I'm not wearing diapers. Then we moved on completely to another topic without awkwardness. In retrospect this is huge, I've never been able to utter the word diapers around my wife, let alone admit to wearing and using them. And in the past even the hint of it would set her off. Don't get me wrong, she no fan, but she seems to have grown to accept it without anger. The biggest difference was eventually just breaking down and trying my best to explain it, especially what it was like to have try to deal with this growing up. Hiding it only made things worse for years and years.
  20. I just finished my newest diaper and I'm super happy with it. I've sewed a few PUL covers in the past, but this is an AIO with snaps on the back for inserts. In the past I simply took a Abena L4 and laid it out on fabric, cut around it and left some seam room to make my pattern. This time I measured out a size 7 diaper and tried to interpolate the design to my size. The result is much more efficient use of fabric and a much trimmer fitting diaper. In the center panel there are two layers of birdseye and a layer of Zorb, so absorbency isn't too good by itself, but lots of ways to make it more absorbent.
  21. Chastity devices are fun, but they don't really work. THey are usually pretty easy to get out of and with enough vibration you will orgasm. An orgasm with one on can feel really intense and last a long time though or sometimes feel about like slightly wetting yourself.
  22. Actually that's one of the coolest things about being in a global discuussion, where else am I going to laugh about a baby named Chalmydia. Here in the US, goofy names and spellings are all the rage, how about Karsyn instead of Carson, or Meahgan instead of Megan. I seem to have settled into a rhythm that incorporates diapers into my life very regularly. I'm not too worried about trying to wear 24x7, but still trying to wear as much as I find myself wanting to. Couple new things to report. 1. For a couple days I found myself wearing but using the potty when it was convenient, I wore two diapers in about a 30 hour period because I would only wet them when I was busy and didn't want to go to the toilet. I wore overnight without the tiniest problem falling asleep. 2. I think because I've been wearing so frequently, but not constantly it's creating a mental change in my potty habits. In the past when I was wearing that was defiantly the forefront of my mind, now not so much. Definitely got to pee more often, yesterday I was working at the computer and started to go, then remembered I wasn't diapered. It was just a tiny accident, but still kind of surprised me. I read an article once that said putting a person in a care facility in diapers would make them incontinent very quickly. I can sort of see the change happening very slowly in my mind, how not being able to just go whenever I feel like becomes an annoyance.
  23. @kasarberang I don't know. I have a theory on what was happening, this catheter is not big enough. Further research I've figured out that a typical male catheter should be 400mm and this is only 300. They should also be 6-7mm wide. Essentially I bought a youth sized catheter. I think when it slipped into the bladder the tip was just barely inside, the tube would compress a bit and it slipped out, but it was close enough to aggravate my bladder and make it need to pee but the hole was so small that it went around the tube creating alot of pressure in the urethra. The ripples were fine when the tube was lubed up but after the pee had washed all the lube out removing it meant the ridges were extra painful. My guess is that a self lubricating catheter wouldn't be near as troublesome, but fi it it was inserted properly and draining you wouldn't' feel anything which wouldn't be all that fun. I forgot to mention that after removing it, I had massive urge incontinence for several hours, I'd get massive urges to pee and still couldn't hold it. Luckily this time all the pain went away in about a couple of days.
  24. So I bought this device on ebay for 7 bucks about 4 weeksb ago and Tuesday this week used some scissors to cut it into little pieces.I bought the smallest one I could find 5mm x 300mm It's advertised a sound, catheter, stretching penis plug. So that's like alot. After a careful cleaning and generous lube I was amazed at how easily it slipped in and kept going. I could feel it hit my prostate and sphincter and it felt so weird. Then a bit farther and pee started flowing with zero feeling. That would last a few seconds then stop. I suddenly felt a strong urge to pee, so when I relaxed to pee it came out around the sides of the catheter causing very intense pain. I slowly pulled it out and for the next three days had intense burning sensations with every pee, centered on the end of my penis. A week later I tried it again, exact same thing happened, this time it lasted about 4 days and I was getting really worried. I was going to destroy the stupid thing but put it up. I wore my steel cage with penis plug for a few days and two weeks later I tried it again. Exact same thing EXCEPT that when the pee flowed out around the catheter this time it didn't hurt. It comes with an silicone ring that goes around the penis and the end of the tube has an attachment for the ring. I attached it and put my diaper back on which was a bit wet already. For the next ten minutes I couldn't decide if I was peeing or not. It sort of felt like I needed to and occasionally did, but the diaper didn't seem to be getting wetter. It was only a tiny bit uncomfortable. I removed the diaper and walked around to see what was going on. I was dripping slightly from the end of the nozzle, I drank some soda and then a few minutes later got a strong urge to go. Just like before it came out around the catheter for a second then started flowing and I realized I couldn't stop. Wow, this is incontinence. Diaper back on and started doing chores around the house. For more fun I put in a butt plug. Movements felt amazing, it was hard to get anything done as I would just stand up and sit down over and over again and squirm in pleasure. Had plenty more to drink and experienced strong urges to pee. I could hold it but it felt like holding back a flood, and the momement I moved or stopped concentrating it would start and I couldn't stop no matter what. Peeing felt almost like an orgasm and it seemed to get more intense so I drank more water. The last time it happened I ended up on the ground my knees weak from the pleasure. I put a vibrator in my diaper and tried to do more chores but that didn't work out and soon I was coming which was a feeling of intense pleasure and pain. I decided I was getting carried away and began to remove the catheter. I went slow and steady and it hurt. More pain this time but more inside and less on the end of the penis. Decided this device was too dangerous for mankind to possess and cut it to pieces. Now I want to try a foley, or something that won't leave me so sore.
  25. LOL, I have no delusions of making diapers for the market, my sewing skills are not that good. I do want to try rubber pants. I don't know where my memories of this material come from, I think it was probably white vinyl maybe.
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