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Everything posted by runaway

  1. runaway

    A > Z

    Why buy Bargain Bags that are so wimpy? Wimpy Wimpy Wimpy! While you should use Hefty Cinch Sak Garbage Bags (macho guy says) Hefty Hefty Cinch Sak!
  2. runaway

    A > Z

    (fanks ) Extra flavor for that extra long ride (people in a farris wheel), extra flavor for that extra long glide (people hang gliding), when your chewing Extra, the extra fresh flavor lasts an extra extra extra long time! I Love jingles!! lol Imagine the room I would have for smarter stuff if I didn't waste that space remembering things like this
  3. runaway

    A > Z

    (welc me) I made up a commercial jingle for Daily Diapers (to the tune of Oscar Mayer) My diaper has a first name; it's D-A-I-L-Y. My diaper has a second name; it's N-A-P-P-Y. Oh, I love to wear it every day, and if you ask me why, I'll saaaay, cause Daily Diapers has a way ... with F-R-I-E-N-D-S. **keep in mind the 'little' me typed this lol**
  4. I’m not in chat very often so no, didn’t know he claims to be 15 …. But YES I did realize that his “dimensions” make it impossible for him to fit into baby diapers … but what is the harm in playing along? Besides, I did state, in a rather sarcastic tone, that he should wear the baby diapers titled 'adult large'. Now if he is a minor, that is a whole other story… and matters should be investigated further if he said from his own fingers that he is a minor. If he says it again, I suggest you take a screen capture of his words and send them to DD. In a moment of feeling “what the hell”, I gave the thread readers a little show; not just him, since I’ve been feeling a bit miffed for a while at so many, for so long, saying no one could ever wear size 6, lol. I don’t think they were indecent. It is too late to do anything about the downloads, but thought it best to delete my reply in case he turns out to be a minor. In the future, I'll be a bit more careful and only post to people that have the 'Verified 18+' stamp.
  5. runaway

    A > Z

    ...oh sorry! I thought everyone knew (sings commercial jingle "what would you do fora klondike bar?") Does that help? Here isa pic: Maybe I should modify that ... let's just do commercial jingles We can start over since we still at the beginning A is for apple, J is for Jacks. Cinnamon toasty Apple Jacks!
  6. runaway

    A > Z

    those Damn Yankees dang it belinda lol Well, I guess ZZ Top had to be put here no matter who was posting NEXT! ummmm, thinks of a hard one... (I thought of a naughty one but changed my mind) What would you do for a Klondike Bar? Attend a Ballet
  7. XM-radio 80's station Reo Speedwagon - In My Dreams
  8. (sorry my mistake) Diapers are more absorbant, but only if you 'tinkle' a little at a time If you wait till your bladder is full, both diaper and pull-ups will leak. Goodnights and size 6 baby diapers have about the same capacity I think.
  9. runaway

    A > Z

    The Doodlebops **likes the get-on-the-bus song**
  10. Okay, this is a very new path for me ... like a couple weeks I guess. I met someone (no, don't go and get any dirty ideas) a few weeks ago that needed a little help. I was in a position that I was able to stop and lend a hand. The entire time, even though she might have been a couple years older than me, I was really the one in the dominant role. Not in a sexual way ... I just met her ... but, you know how when you are exchanging with someone, and most times there is one who is in control of the conversation (the one with more knowledge and experience of the particular topic). I'm knowledgable, but have a hard time expressing myself usually; which makes me seem like I don't really know much at all. Well, with her it was easy ... I talked and she listened. Sure it is a simple concept for normal people, but I've had a horrible problem with shyness for a really long time. Now, after my exchange with her, I began feeling a bit ... well, taller, lol. I rather liked having the dominant role for a little while. It makes me feel like when I'm working with the charities I volunteer with (not that she was a charity case... far from it). Am I making any sense? or are my rambles still out in the stratosphere like usual? Well, my point was this ... being in the 'mommy' role is a bit like having the most knowledge and experience over their 'little one'. When I feel little away from home, it usually is broguht on when I'm unable to do something ... like when my shyness gets in the way of articulating a point I wanted to share, or in the presence of someone that is extremely extroverted and knows how to talk about everything even if that person knows nothing of the subject (which really irritates me, lol). I'm little at home because of all the stuff that reminds me of the child inside me (diapers, toys, blanket etc ...). I've had a lot of practice with 'runaway', but my few moments of "Bigness" got my mind to look at a new possible role to play in the future. I am getting older after all; even though I most likely would remain mostly a sub, but it is cool to think that I could be capable of learning the ways of a Mommy. OH! curious george is on!! YAY, gotta go ...
  11. Oh I love CafePress (as noted in one of my stories). I've shopped there a few times. Never been disappointed with their stuff. I love making my own sloagans on stuff!
  12. Not sure if this is a subfetish of my abdl fetish, but blankets are a huge turn on for me. My 'special' blanket isn't usually a turn on ... just a comfort; but, when another girl touches my blanket I'm trembling! Then there is this thing with reading or reciting something on the upper college level text material. I don't know why, but hearing her say things like... "Despite the complexity inherent in the neurobiology of personality, there is good reason to start with one neurotransmitter, explore the details of its relation to personality traits, and gradually build complexity by adding additional factors one at a time. This is particularly true when biogenic amines (dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine) are involved..." ...really makes my heart pump harder and makes my mouth want to explore her private personality factors in depth. Not sure what label you'd pin to that fetish, but it definitely IS some kind of fetish for me.
  13. runaway

    A > Z

    (the) Velocity of Gary yeah that'sa real movie; I lookedit up!
  14. Bless You CJ... **hands himz a tissue with aloe ana cup of hot tea**
  15. runaway

    A > Z

    (the) Incredibles **giggles herself silly at jenniebear’s comments** Good advice! **now wonders who’s brave enuf to remove Ugh … duzn’t know anyones ** SINCE I was out and didn't get to postage my double eww plushie for Gary... I'll juss gibs it to himz here
  16. Awww I’m sorry about your loss! I remember when the Goodnights changed from plain white to girl & boy designs and I was very upset about that. I did like the designs but they were different and not as padded. Then the Huggies Pull-ups changed from Mickey & Minnie to other characters; plus their tear away sides turned into velcroed sides … I didn’t like that either. I’ve got used to them and still wear them both, but I know how ya feel. Change isn’t always good when you liked the old one a lot. (remembers her first blanket and tears up)
  17. runaway

    A > Z

    Ugh is a monster plushie that lives at the bottom of my toy box. I have wanted to get rid of him for years, but I think he has magical powers and twinkles me into feeling guilty. I go to get him out and either throw away or put in my giving away bags, but I just can’t do it; cuz, he is mine. He was given to me one year that shall not be named. He curses me into thinking that if I throw him away or give him away I will be blackening the edges of my soul. Ugh scares me, but he is still mine.
  18. runaway

    A > Z

    I gots an elyfant too jenniebear! her name is Sniffy I gots one for you Gary when we get to the double ewww's.
  19. runaway

    A > Z

    Quin & Quan (my Thing 1 & Thing 2 ... um ... things ... from Dr. Seus)
  20. runaway

    A > Z

    wow! i didnt think peoples were gonna do toy aminal names but you is! Naughty Nightingale (named my birdie that cuz himz likes to chirp when i'm sleeping) Since i'm here i thought you'd like this pic Tigger; made it long time ago, but just came upon it again by accident when i was lookin for sumthin. So here thought you'd like it ...
  21. I received this email, and thought it would be good to share… date Apr 19, 2007 10:53 AM subject Virginia Tech You may experience some of the symptoms below, this is normal! * Shock: Often the initial reaction to events like this. Shock is the person's emotional protection from being too overwhelmed by the event. You may feel stunned, numb, or in disbelief concerning the event. * Suffering: This is the long period of grief during which the person gradually comes to terms with the reality of the event/loss. Feelings that life is overwhelming, chaotic and disorganized are common. * Sadness: The most common feeling found following traumatic events like this. It may become quite intense and be experienced as emptiness or despair. * Anger: Can be one of the most confusing feelings for the grieving person. Anger is a response to feeling powerless, frustrated, or even abandoned. * Anxiety: Can range from mild insecurity to strong panic attacks. Often grievers become anxious about their ability to take care of themselves, or fear an event like this will happen to them or a loved one. "Where do I go From Here? What do I do?" 1. Keep busy! Focus on your projects and classroom assignments! Research indicates keeping focused on day to day required tasks or routines helps mitigate the effects of stress. 2. Seek out persons who care for and support you. Share your reactions, thoughts and how the experience impacted you. 3. Know that the reactions to trauma described are normal responses to a very abnormal experience. They occur in varying degrees of severity and type for each person. 4. Limit the amount of time that you watch details about the tragedy on TV. 5. "Baby yourself" - eat well, get your sleep, and do nurturing things. 6. Express your feelings! Drawings, poetry etc. are all healthy ways to manage the feelings related to trauma. 7. Consider writing a journal of your experience or feelings. 8. Seek to gain perspective on the experience. This is often helped by participation in counseling. Other aids may include meditation, reading, spiritual reflection or involvement in support groups. 9. Consider sending cards, emails of support to VA Tech. Helping others often is the healthiest way to manage our own feelings of powerlessness. It's good to talk about it! We are here for YOU...give us a call! The ___(omitted)____ Counseling Center Call or make an appointment if you need to talk. XXX-XXX-XXXX Pretty cool things in VA; not just crazy shooters… - Jack Hanna's Wild Reserve - Children's Museum of Richmond (voted 11th Best Children's Museum in America by Child magazine) - The Toy Museum at Natural Bridge (largest collection of childhood memorabilia on display in the world) Amazing people born and raised in VA… George Washington (1732-1799), 1st President of the United States, commander-in-chief of Continental Army in the Revolutionary War Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), 3rd President of the United States, author of the Declaration of Independence, founder of the University of Virginia James Madison (1751-1836), 4th President of the United States, co-author of Federalist Papers, "father of the United States Constitution" James Monroe (1758-1831), 5th President of the United States, namesake of Monroe Doctrine William Henry Harrison (1773-1841), 9th President of the United States John Tyler (1790-1862), 10th President of the United States Zachary Taylor (1784-1850), 12th President of the United States William Clark (1770-1838), explorer (Lewis and Clark Expedition) Meriwether Lewis (1774-1809), explorer (Lewis and Clark Expedition) Matthew Fontaine Maury (1806–1873), USN national observatory, naval observatory, astronomer, astrophysicist, historian, oceanographer, meteorologist, cartographer, author, geologist, educator. Pocahontas (1595-1617) Indian princess of Powhattan tribe Chief Powhatan (1547-1618), ruler of Eastern Virginia at the time of the founding of Jamestown. William Taptico (-1719), King of Wicomicco Indians Booker T. Washington (1856-1915), Educator, Activist, founder of Tuskegee Institute. Nat Turner (1800-1831) leader of famous slave rebellion Willard Scott (1934-), former weather reporter on The Today Show; earlier, was the original Ronald McDonald Patsy Cline (1932-1963), singer Shirley MacLaine (1934-), actress and author Warren Beatty (1937-), actor Katie Couric (1957-), news anchor/journalist Sandra Bullock (1964-), actress Missy Elliott (1971-), music artist Let’s not forget that one person shouldn’t ruin it for the rest. A tragic event has been recorded and will be grieved about. A million and one other horrific things are happening right this very second around the entire world. I hope there are two million and fifty really great things happening along side them. What is this world coming to you ask? It is coming to the exact same thing as last month and the year before that and the century before that … good things and bad things funny things and sad things things that make you go huh? things that make you go duh! things that make you cry things that make you lie a few that can create cavities many that can defy gravity sure, be sad for them and you but don’t let this blind your view of all the opposite stuff that don’t create tears all the other bits of life that don’t build fears sadness and anger can overwhelm; I know! but don’t forget to let your happiness show don’t feel guilty for living you are entitled to receive some giving hugz to the sad and mourning wrap love’s warmth around adorning in a cozy fashion, like a blanket simple as a cabriolet yet effective to lend new perspective ~runaway~
  22. runaway

    A > Z

    Awww, poor poor Y ... nobuddy can find a Y gemstone? Please please whoever pics the next one do names for stuffed animals ... please please please!
  23. runaway

    A > Z

    Yearling... it begins Once upon a time, but doesn't have a happily ever after
  24. runaway

    A > Z

    One Two Red Blue (giggles herself silly! cuz she loves Dr. Seus ... himz has the best medicines)
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