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Is My Brother A Dl?!?!

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Ok here's the deal my brother has started to exhibit some behavior lately that I find highly suspect. He wears diapers for bedwetting problems, so that's no surprise but lately it looks like he's wearing during the day. I caight him twice now taking some of the baby diapers I use as stuffers and putting them in his underwear when he thought I wasn't looking.(if he was just taking them wouldn't it be easier to hide them somewhere else?). I keep hearing crinkling noises when he's near me and I know it's not me that's doign that. On top of that I seem to be going through a lot more diapers as of late. way more than I'm wearing(or at least it seems that way, I haven't exactly been keeping track). ALl of this is sort of circumstantial and I have a defintie bias, I want to have something in common with him other than a blood relation and diapers wouldn't be such a bad thing. I want to get an outside opinion here before I ask him about it.

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Guest YkDave

I would start keeping inventory of your diapers, then take it from there...

If he is taking them, stand back for a while and let it happen, make some observations. then one day, you could convieniently sneak up behind him and ask him what hes doing!

(then feel free to beat his azz! :P)

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If hes stealing yours, then doesn't he already know you wear? It seems like you both already wear diapers, so you already have something in common. Id just ask him if hes ever heard of abdl, or if he enjoys wearing the diapers. I wouldn't do it right away, like someone else suggested. Id observe more, and see if you can catch him wearing one. I really wouldn't be surprised, they are REALLY comfortable/enjoyable to wear.

The only person ive ever told that wasn't already an abdl, was my brother. Unfortunately he said he wasn't interested in trying them and that it can be "my thing" haha. So, be happy that your brother does like diapers. Maybe you can go on some fun adventures with him sometime. I won't go too into detail. But one time I went to a secluded park at like 2am on a weekday. Once the coast was clear, I went on the swings and down the slide and on the monkey bars and everything, wearing nothing more than a diaper. Ya not even shoes. It was really, really fun. I haven't done anything crazy like that since, but it would have been more fun with someone else. Anyway, im happy to hear you and your brother both wear diapers, because thats really cool. Share it with him, after you observe him a little more.

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i guess i'm confused why u want to hang out and engage in a fetish with a sibling?

i mean i dont go asking my siblings what their kinks are and then enjoying that we share the same kinks...

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i guess i'm confused why u want to hang out and engage in a fetish with a sibling?

i mean i dont go asking my siblings what their kinks are and then enjoying that we share the same kinks...

There often tends to be a rift when it comes to brothers, often caused by a lack of common ground. Most of the time, my brother and I get along about as well as potassium and water... The only real common ground we have is our enjoyment of target shooting. We get along great when we're at the shooting range or the folks' backyard, but that's about the only time.

ALl of this is sort of circumstantial and I have a defintie bias, I want to have something in common with him other than a blood relation and diapers wouldn't be such a bad thing.

Maybe babyfur has a similar problem: not enough common ground with the brother. This may be a chance to form more of a sibling bond. I doubt it has as much to do with enjoying the fact that they share a similar kink, than it does with the potential "we can see eye-to-eye on something" factor.

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for me diapers are NOT a fetish they're a more of a relaxation agent, my version of booze or pills or whatever else people use. And my brother knows because I don't hide my diapers, I'm incon so why hide them? they're just normal clothing for me now. and Yvhuce is right we share bloodlines, looks and a last name and little else. We constantly squabble and having something to bring us together would be really nice.

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i guess i'm confused why u want to hang out and engage in a fetish with a sibling?

i mean i dont go asking my siblings what their kinks are and then enjoying that we share the same kinks...

Imagine you meet your sibling in a swinger club or a domina studio .... :P

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*sigh* Does someone else wanna pull up the stupid threads made by babyfur regarding his brother situation? it's highly irregular, and slightly sick, in my (and other's) humble opinion. . .

Babyfur, you were doing so well, being a reasonable participant of this forum -- why back to this BS?

EDIT: Do a quick search for 'babyfur' as the topic starter and you'll see what I mean. This dude is mad wack, yo.

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for me diapers are NOT a fetish they're a more of a relaxation agent, my version of booze or pills or whatever else people use. And my brother knows because I don't hide my diapers, I'm incon so why hide them? they're just normal clothing for me now. and Yvhuce is right we share bloodlines, looks and a last name and little else. We constantly squabble and having something to bring us together would be really nice.

and if they are a fetish for your brother? hey yo bro, you hang out ina diaper and get a raging hard on and i'll hang out in a diaper and feel relaxed, and this is a normal bonding experience for two brothers...

perhaps you two just will never be that close?

just because you are family doesn't mean you have to like each other or be best friends.. tis a common misconception.

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Count. Simple as that. Then you can be certain when some go missing. If he wears to bed you could (discreetly) check while he is asleep.

Only accuse him when you are certain. Keep it a secret, of course, but it will give you hopefully some better understanding. Best of luck with it.

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*sigh* Does someone else wanna pull up the stupid threads made by babyfur regarding his brother situation? it's highly irregular, and slightly sick, in my (and other's) humble opinion. . .

Babyfur, you were doing so well, being a reasonable participant of this forum -- why back to this BS?

EDIT: Do a quick search for 'babyfur' as the topic starter and you'll see what I mean. This dude is mad wack, yo.

Hmm... That does seem to be the case... babyfur's other recent topic doesn't jive with this one. Plus, there's the "incontinent, but diapers are 'my drug'" conflict. Dude... Stop messing with us. It's not cool.

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Hey, I try to tell y'all, but no one listens to Tris. . . I can read between the lines, the lions, and the lies!

I'd put babyfur on ignore, but he's entertaining enough that I'd like to read his bullshit so I can pick it apart. . . It's like a fun game.

So, babyfur -- Keep up the good work! :)

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i guess i'm confused why u want to hang out and engage in a fetish with a sibling?

i mean i dont go asking my siblings what their kinks are and then enjoying that we share the same kinks...

I know my use of diapers isn't a fetish. I also don't carry around my stuffed wolf to get off on it.

I can't POSSIBLY be the only one who's far more like a kid than like some adult getting off.

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from the american heritage dictionary via dictionary.com


1. An object that is believed to have magical or spiritual powers, especially such an object associated with animistic or shamanistic religious practices.

2. An object of unreasonably excessive attention or reverence: made a fetish of punctuality.

3. Something, such as a material object or a nonsexual part of the body, that arouses sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification.

4. An abnormally obsessive preoccupation or attachment; a fixation.

i'm pretty sure people who wear diapers, think about diapers, post on a BB about diapers often have an abnormally obsessive preoccupation or attachment to diapers

also pretty sure the way you talk about your wolf stuffed animal it is an object of excessive attention of reverence.

you can make a lifestyle out of a fetish, but its still a fetish.

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Yeah... For most people, the term "fetish" has purely sexual connotations. I'm sure that there's a means of using the older definitions to apply to my many wolf statues, but I'd really pity the fool who mistakes that for the sexual definition... These older definitions have fallen into disuse and may be candidates for the "archaic" tag. For all intents and purposes, "fetish" means "sexual fetish" unless otherwise stated by the individuals using the term.

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I guess by that definition, particularly the magickal and spiritual powers part, you could toss Floppy in....

But say fetish to the avarage idiot american, and they're going to think I hump Floppy on a regular basis. In reality, if ANYONE ever did that to Floppy, I'd feel raped. He is by NO streatch of the imagination a sexual object or being. He is innocent.

Your stuffed wolf is named "Floppy"?


I have a stuffed alligator with big teeth named "Fluffy". :D


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